[slime-devel] Quick tutorial (Was: Rape/Steal/Pillage)

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Wed Dec 10 15:37:01 UTC 2003

Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus at random-state.net> writes:

> It should, but it really doesn't. Or at least it gets easily confused.
> Backquotes and character-read-macros screw it up royally.
> Also, it could be made more dwimmish about indentation of some forms
> if it had an access to their arglists... ;)

James Bielman did a SLIME hack for this:

I have some reservations about Emacs indenting code differently
depending on whether it's connected to Lisp and what code Lisp has
loaded. But maybe it's the right thing for such an integrated system

> Ob hyperspec... How would you feel about moving that functionality to
> the CL side of things? Or ar least the symbol->url mapping part of it.

How about a cool demo to show the advantage? :-)

Here's a quick primer on SLIME hacking:

Our interface for calling Lisp from Emacs is pretty easy:

  (slime-eval COMMON-LISP-FORM &optional PACKAGE-NAME) => VALUE-SEXP

The COMMON-LISP-FORM gets PRIN1'd in Emacs, sent over a socket to
Lisp, and then READ in the minimal SWANK-IO-PACKAGE. That means all
symbols should be package-qualified. For example:

  (slime-eval '(cl:length cl:*features*) "CL-USER")
    => 27

.. but we don't write snippets like that in practice, instead we only
call external functions in the SWANK package and with literal
arguments. That avoids having a bunch of CL code snippets strewn about
the elisp sources.

In that example, the CL-USER package isn't used automatically, but the
Lisp side can find it in swank::*buffer-package*.

So: suppose you wrote a CL function (swank:hyperdoc SYMBOL-NAME) that
checks if the symbol is interned, and if so looks it up in hyperdoc
and returns the URL. Then you could use `slime-eval' in Emacs to call
it and pass the resulting url to `browse-url'. That'd be
Emacs-integrated hyperdoc I think.

We also have another interface, which we actually prefer:

  (slime-eval-async FORM PACKAGE CONTINUATION) => void

which returns immediately and does the evaluation asynchronously. When
the value comes back it is passed to CONTINUATION with funcall. The
basic advantage is that it won't lock up Emacs while waiting for Lisp.

When you use slime-eval-async, remember that Elisp has dynamic scope,
so by default your local bindings will have disappeared when
CONTINUATION gets called. For convenience we have a macro that will
lexical'ify the bindings you need:

  (with-lexical-bindings (var1 ... varN)

Hopefully slime.el and swank.lisp have plenty of examples of all of
this stuff.


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