[slime-devel] Needed patches for running slime in XEmacs?

Friedrich Dominicus frido at q-software-solutions.com
Sat Dec 6 09:30:22 UTC 2003

Don't know if this has been posted here before. I'm using XEmacs 21.4
and CMUCL  (lisp-implementation-version)
"CVS release-18e-branch + minimal debian patches"

I don't know if this things are fixed in other version but I had to
add the following line to easy-mmode.el
(defalias  'define-minor-mode 'easy-mmode-define-minor-mode)

and change this in swank-loader.lisp
(defun user-init-file ()
  "Return the name of the user init file or nil."
  (let ((filename (format nil "~A/.swank.lisp"
                          (namestring (truename (user-homedir-pathname))))))
    (cond ((probe-file filename) filename)
          (t nil))))

I tried more than once with CMUCL but it seems as if a dot in a
logical pathname is not allowed. Can anyone confirm that?


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