<font color=red>Special offer!<br><b> You don't need to make large orders to get the product at this price per dose. All the prices mentioned are retail prices!</b></font><br>
One Time DISC0UNT 0RDER for Via*gra* !<br>
<b>T0DAY Its only <font color=red>$3.20</font> per dose.<br></b>
<i><b>Pack 1:<br></i></b>
<li>Generic Via*gra* , 10 x 20mg <br>
<li><b>Only $ 68.00 </b><br>
<i><b>Pack 2:<br></i></b>
<li>Generic Via*gra* , 20 x 20mg <br>
<li><b>Only $ 129.00 </b><br>
<font color=red>Special offer! These prices are valid until 10th of December !</font><br>
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One Time DISC0UNT 0RDER for V1agr@!<br>
<b>T0DAY Its only <font color=red>$0.95</font> per dose.<br></b>
<b><i>Generic Vi@gra, 24 x 100mg:</b></i> <br>
<li>Regular Tabs (48 dozes) <b>Only $ 46.00 </b><br>
<li>Soft Tabs (48 dozes) <b>Only $ 60.00 </b><br>
<li>Regular+Soft Tabs (48 dozes) <b>Only $ 54.00 </b><br>
<a href="http://trustit.info/gv/index.php?pid=eph8200">V1@</hghg>GRA DISC0UNT 0RDER</a><br>
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