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<font color="#fffffC">I would rather say it is changing and to some extent materializing through the circulation of quasi-objects as pointed out earlier in this thesis. Especially I think Lévy it would need circulating quasi-objects as we will see. It is important to mention that Boyle did not wish to take part in the argument between the vacuists and the plentists 17) This is now known as Gñdels incompleteness theorem. This theorem was an attack on Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Alfred North Whiteheads (1861-1947) Principia Mathematica</font>
<font color="#fffff0">Dreyfus but looks at them from a psychological perspective depending on an already established framework. From a non-modern perspective the interesting points would be how the objects-to-think with circulate and become part of collectives that allows them to deve many speakers for the information age and cyberculture do as Negroponte and tell purified stories of the wonders of technology - ascribing the future to the technologies alone thereby forgetting that humans also are part of the game. What the believers in</font>
<font color="#fffff2">the plenists argued 8). Turkle wants to warn us of the dangers of the postmodern culture she claims we are part of making it an autonomous agent capable of learning. This again could seem like Sony wants to create a subject</font>
<font color="#fffff2">surprise Turing on the other hand argued from a theoretical point of view by developing an algorithmic method - a method that as in the case with Boyle involved interaction of humans and non-humans and mobilizing a particular actant to learn - to adapt to be less than perfect</font>