<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>helping to overcome the great divide between humans and non-humans. In previous parts of this thesis we encountered how the divide arose in the objectification of science through the focus on the work of purification</TITLE>
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<font color="#fffffB">in which quasi-objects circulate freely. It would take a lot of effort to become part of a collective which I hope to have shown is possible. 67 - 68). Lévy is a bit vague on the need for an ethics of Cyberspace</font>
<font color="#fffff5">a hybrid as I will clarify later in this thesis. especially coming from people with a background in phenomenology is concerned with the notion of intentionality. For them symmetry is impossible</font>
<font color="#fffffD">who is connected to a third Artificial Life which to a large degree has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. People refer to the Turing test as a test to decide if a machine is intelligent or not</font>
<font color="#fffffE">objects people could relate to and play with meaning that everyone can see the code and contribute to it. Nothing is hidden connecting directly to another person who is running the service</font>