[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

CVS User sboukarev sboukarev at common-lisp.net
Sat Feb 2 09:48:51 UTC 2013

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv11653

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog swank-fuzzy.lisp 
Log Message:
* swank-fuzzy.lisp: Allow NIL to be completed, don't confuse with
it package:

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2013/02/01 20:43:13	1.567
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2013/02/02 09:48:51	1.568
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2013-02-02  Stas Boukarev  <stassats at gmail.com>
+	* swank-fuzzy.lisp: Allow NIL to be completed, don't confuse with
+	it package:
 2013-02-01  Stas Boukarev  <stassats at gmail.com>
 	* slime-asdf.el (slime-determine-asdf-system): Don't call
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-fuzzy.lisp	2011/12/01 16:48:22	1.13
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-fuzzy.lisp	2013/02/02 09:48:51	1.14
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 ;;; For nomenclature of the fuzzy completion section, please read
 ;;; through the following docstring.
-(defslimefun fuzzy-completions (string default-package-name &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
+(defslimefun fuzzy-completions (string default-package-name
+                                &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
 "Returns a list of two values:
   An (optionally limited to LIMIT best results) list of fuzzy
@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@
   ;; that purpose, to be able to distinguish between "no time limit
   ;; alltogether" and "current time limit already exhausted." So we've
   ;; got to canonicalize its value at first:
-  (let* ((no-time-limit-p (or (not time-limit-in-msec) (zerop time-limit-in-msec)))
+  (let* ((no-time-limit-p (or (not time-limit-in-msec)
+                              (zerop time-limit-in-msec)))
          (time-limit (if no-time-limit-p nil time-limit-in-msec)))
     (multiple-value-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
         (fuzzy-completion-set string default-package-name :limit limit
@@ -78,55 +80,63 @@
 ;;; object that will be sent back to Emacs, as described above.
 (defstruct (fuzzy-matching (:conc-name   fuzzy-matching.)
-			   (:predicate   fuzzy-matching-p)
-			   (:constructor %make-fuzzy-matching))
-  symbol	    ; The symbol that has been found to match.
-  package-name	    ; The name of the package where SYMBOL was found in.
+                           (:predicate   fuzzy-matching-p)
+                           (:constructor %make-fuzzy-matching))
+  symbol            ; The symbol that has been found to match.
+  symbol-p          ; To deffirentiate between completeing
+                    ; package: and package:nil
+  package-name      ; The name of the package where SYMBOL was found in.
                     ;  (This is not necessarily the same as the home-package
                     ;   of SYMBOL, because the SYMBOL can be internal to
                     ;   lots of packages; also think of package nicknames.)
-  score	            ; The higher the better SYMBOL is a match.
+  score             ; The higher the better SYMBOL is a match.
   package-chunks    ; Chunks pertaining to the package identifier of SYMBOL.
   symbol-chunks)    ; Chunks pertaining to SYMBOL's name.
-(defun make-fuzzy-matching (symbol package-name score package-chunks symbol-chunks)
+(defun make-fuzzy-matching (symbol package-name score package-chunks
+                            symbol-chunks &key (symbol-p t))
   (declare (inline %make-fuzzy-matching))
   (%make-fuzzy-matching :symbol symbol :package-name package-name :score score
-			:package-chunks package-chunks
-			:symbol-chunks symbol-chunks))
+                        :package-chunks package-chunks
+                        :symbol-chunks symbol-chunks
+                        :symbol-p symbol-p))
 (defun %fuzzy-extract-matching-info (fuzzy-matching user-input-string)
   (multiple-value-bind (_ user-package-name __ input-internal-p)
       (parse-completion-arguments user-input-string nil)
     (declare (ignore _ __))
-    (with-struct (fuzzy-matching. score symbol package-name package-chunks symbol-chunks)
-	fuzzy-matching
+    (with-struct (fuzzy-matching. score symbol package-name package-chunks
+                                  symbol-chunks symbol-p)
+        fuzzy-matching
       (let (symbol-name real-package-name internal-p)
-	(cond (symbol ; symbol fuzzy matching?
-	       (setf symbol-name (symbol-name symbol))
-	       (setf internal-p input-internal-p)
-	       (setf real-package-name (cond ((keywordp symbol)     "")
-					     ((not user-package-name) nil)
-					     (t package-name))))
-	      (t      ; package fuzzy matching?
-	       (setf symbol-name "")
-	       (setf real-package-name package-name)
-	       ;; If no explicit package name was given by the user
-	       ;; (e.g. input was "asdf"), we want to append only
-	       ;; one colon ":" to the package names.
-	       (setf internal-p (if user-package-name input-internal-p nil))))
-	(values symbol-name
-		real-package-name
-		(if user-package-name internal-p nil)
-		(completion-output-symbol-converter user-input-string)
-		(completion-output-package-converter user-input-string))))))
+        (cond (symbol-p ; symbol fuzzy matching?
+               (setf symbol-name (symbol-name symbol))
+               (setf internal-p input-internal-p)
+               (setf real-package-name (cond ((keywordp symbol)     "")
+                                             ((not user-package-name) nil)
+                                             (t package-name))))
+              (t      ; package fuzzy matching?
+               (setf symbol-name "")
+               (setf real-package-name package-name)
+               ;; If no explicit package name was given by the user
+               ;; (e.g. input was "asdf"), we want to append only
+               ;; one colon ":" to the package names.
+               (setf internal-p (if user-package-name input-internal-p nil))))
+        (values symbol-name
+                real-package-name
+                (if user-package-name internal-p nil)
+                (completion-output-symbol-converter user-input-string)
+                (completion-output-package-converter user-input-string))))))
 (defun fuzzy-format-matching (fuzzy-matching user-input-string)
   "Returns the completion (\"foo:bar\") that's represented by FUZZY-MATCHING."
-  (multiple-value-bind (symbol-name package-name internal-p symbol-converter package-converter)
+  (multiple-value-bind (symbol-name package-name internal-p
+                        symbol-converter package-converter)
       (%fuzzy-extract-matching-info fuzzy-matching user-input-string)
-    (setq symbol-name  (and symbol-name  (funcall symbol-converter symbol-name)))
-    (setq package-name (and package-name (funcall package-converter package-name)))
+    (setq symbol-name (and symbol-name
+                           (funcall symbol-converter symbol-name)))
+    (setq package-name (and package-name
+                            (funcall package-converter package-name)))
     (let ((result (untokenize-symbol package-name internal-p symbol-name)))
       ;; We return the length of the possibly added prefix as second value.
       (values result (search symbol-name result)))))
@@ -137,21 +147,27 @@
 issues, and adds information (as a string) describing if the symbol is
 bound, fbound, a class, a macro, a generic-function, a
 special-operator, or a package."
-  (with-struct (fuzzy-matching. symbol score package-chunks symbol-chunks) fuzzy-matching
+  (with-struct (fuzzy-matching. symbol score package-chunks symbol-chunks
+                                symbol-p)
+               fuzzy-matching
     (multiple-value-bind (name added-length)
-	(fuzzy-format-matching fuzzy-matching user-input-string)
+        (fuzzy-format-matching fuzzy-matching user-input-string)
       (list name
             (format nil "~,2f" score)
-	    (append package-chunks
-		    (mapcar #'(lambda (chunk)
-				;; Fix up chunk positions to account for possible
-				;; added package identifier.
-				(let ((offset (first chunk)) (string (second chunk)))
-				  (list (+ added-length offset) string))) 
-			    symbol-chunks))
-	    (symbol-classification-string symbol)))))
+            (append package-chunks
+                    (mapcar (lambda (chunk)
+                              ;; Fix up chunk positions to account for possible
+                              ;; added package identifier.
+                              (let ((offset (first chunk))
+                                    (string (second chunk)))
+                                (list (+ added-length offset) string)))
+                            symbol-chunks))
+            (if symbol-p
+                (symbol-classification-string symbol)
+                "-------p")))))
-(defun fuzzy-completion-set (string default-package-name &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
+(defun fuzzy-completion-set (string default-package-name
+                             &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
   "Returns two values: an array of completion objects, sorted by
 their score, that is how well they are a match for STRING
 according to the fuzzy completion algorithm.  If LIMIT is set,
@@ -159,7 +175,8 @@
 is returned that indicates whether or not TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC was
   (check-type limit (or null (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
-  (check-type time-limit-in-msec (or null (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
+  (check-type time-limit-in-msec
+              (or null (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
   (multiple-value-bind (matchings interrupted-p)
       (fuzzy-generate-matchings string default-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
     (when (and limit
@@ -169,92 +186,106 @@
           (setf (fill-pointer matchings) limit)
           (setf matchings (make-array limit :displaced-to matchings))))
     (map-into matchings #'(lambda (m)
-			    (fuzzy-convert-matching-for-emacs m string))
-	      matchings)
+                            (fuzzy-convert-matching-for-emacs m string))
+              matchings)
     (values matchings interrupted-p)))
-(defun fuzzy-generate-matchings (string default-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
+(defun fuzzy-generate-matchings (string default-package-name
+                                 time-limit-in-msec)
   "Does all the hard work for FUZZY-COMPLETION-SET. If
 TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC is NIL, an infinite time limit is assumed."
-  (multiple-value-bind (parsed-symbol-name parsed-package-name package internal-p)
+  (multiple-value-bind (parsed-symbol-name parsed-package-name
+                        package internal-p)
       (parse-completion-arguments string default-package-name)
     (flet ((fix-up (matchings parent-package-matching)
-	     ;; The components of each matching in MATCHINGS have been computed
-	     ;; relatively to PARENT-PACKAGE-MATCHING. Make them absolute.
-	     (let* ((p parent-package-matching)
-		    (p.name   (fuzzy-matching.package-name p))
-		    (p.score  (fuzzy-matching.score p))
-		    (p.chunks (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks p)))
-	       (map-into matchings
-			 #'(lambda (m)
-			     (let ((m.score (fuzzy-matching.score m)))
-			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.package-name m) p.name)
-			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks m) p.chunks)
-			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.score m)
-				     (if (equal parsed-symbol-name "")
-					 ;; (Make package matchings be sorted before all the
-					 ;; relative symbol matchings while preserving over
-					 ;; all orderness.)
-					 (/ p.score 100)        
-					 (+ p.score m.score)))
-			       m))
-			 matchings)))
-	   (find-symbols (designator package time-limit &optional filter)
-	     (fuzzy-find-matching-symbols designator package
-					  :time-limit-in-msec time-limit
-					  :external-only (not internal-p)
-					  :filter (or filter #'identity)))
-	   (find-packages (designator time-limit)
-	     (fuzzy-find-matching-packages designator :time-limit-in-msec time-limit)))
+             ;; The components of each matching in MATCHINGS have been computed
+             ;; relatively to PARENT-PACKAGE-MATCHING. Make them absolute.
+             (let* ((p parent-package-matching)
+                    (p.name   (fuzzy-matching.package-name p))
+                    (p.score  (fuzzy-matching.score p))
+                    (p.chunks (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks p)))
+               (map-into
+                matchings
+                (lambda (m)
+                  (let ((m.score (fuzzy-matching.score m)))
+                    (setf (fuzzy-matching.package-name m) p.name)
+                    (setf (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks m) p.chunks)
+                    (setf (fuzzy-matching.score m)
+                          (if (equal parsed-symbol-name "")
+                              ;; Make package matchings be sorted before all
+                              ;; the relative symbol matchings while preserving
+                              ;; over all orderness.
+                              (/ p.score 100)
+                              (+ p.score m.score)))
+                    m))
+                matchings)))
+           (find-symbols (designator package time-limit &optional filter)
+             (fuzzy-find-matching-symbols designator package
+                                          :time-limit-in-msec time-limit
+                                          :external-only (not internal-p)
+                                          :filter (or filter #'identity)))
+           (find-packages (designator time-limit)
+             (fuzzy-find-matching-packages designator
+                                           :time-limit-in-msec time-limit)))
       (let ((time-limit time-limit-in-msec) (symbols) (packages) (results))
-	(cond ((not parsed-package-name) ; E.g. STRING = "asd"
-	       ;; We don't know if user is searching for a package or a symbol
-	       ;; within his current package. So we try to find either.
-	       (setf (values packages time-limit) (find-packages parsed-symbol-name time-limit))
-	       (setf (values symbols  time-limit) (find-symbols parsed-symbol-name package time-limit)))
-	      ((string= parsed-package-name "") ; E.g. STRING = ":" or ":foo"
-	       (setf (values symbols time-limit) (find-symbols parsed-symbol-name package time-limit)))
-	      (t		   ; E.g. STRING = "asd:" or "asd:foo"
-	       ;; Find fuzzy matchings of the denoted package identifier part.
-	       ;; After that, find matchings for the denoted symbol identifier
-	       ;; relative to all the packages found.
-	       (multiple-value-bind (found-packages rest-time-limit)
-		   (find-packages parsed-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
-		 ;; We want to traverse the found packages in the order of their score,
-		 ;; since those with higher score presumably represent better choices.
-		 ;; (This is important because some packages may never be looked at if
-		 ;;  time limit exhausts during traversal.)
-		 (setf found-packages (sort found-packages #'fuzzy-matching-greaterp))
-		 (loop
-		       for package-matching across found-packages
-		       for package = (find-package (fuzzy-matching.package-name package-matching))
-		       while (or (not time-limit) (> rest-time-limit 0)) do
-		         (multiple-value-bind (matchings remaining-time)
-			     ;; The duplication filter removes all those symbols which are
-			     ;; present in more than one package match. Specifically if such a
-			     ;; package match represents the home package of the symbol, it's
-			     ;; the one kept because this one is deemed to be the best match.
-			     (find-symbols parsed-symbol-name package rest-time-limit
-					   (%make-duplicate-symbols-filter
-					    (remove package-matching found-packages)))
-			   (setf matchings (fix-up matchings package-matching))
-			   (setf symbols   (concatenate 'vector symbols matchings))
-			   (setf rest-time-limit remaining-time)
-			   (let ((guessed-sort-duration (%guess-sort-duration (length symbols))))
-			     (when (<= rest-time-limit guessed-sort-duration)
-			       (decf rest-time-limit guessed-sort-duration)
-			       (loop-finish))))
-		       finally
-		         (setf time-limit rest-time-limit)
-		         (when (equal parsed-symbol-name "") ; E.g. STRING = "asd:"
-			   (setf packages found-packages))))))
-	;; Sort by score; thing with equal score, sort alphabetically.
-	;; (Especially useful when PARSED-SYMBOL-NAME is empty, and all possible
-	;; completions are to be returned.)
-	(setf results (concatenate 'vector symbols packages))
-	(setf results (sort results #'fuzzy-matching-greaterp))
-	(values results (and time-limit (<= time-limit 0)))))))
+        (cond ((not parsed-package-name) ; E.g. STRING = "asd"
+               ;; We don't know if user is searching for a package or a symbol
+               ;; within his current package. So we try to find either.
+               (setf (values packages time-limit)
+                     (find-packages parsed-symbol-name time-limit))
+               (setf (values symbols  time-limit)
+                     (find-symbols parsed-symbol-name package time-limit)))
+              ((string= parsed-package-name "") ; E.g. STRING = ":" or ":foo"
+               (setf (values symbols time-limit)
+                     (find-symbols parsed-symbol-name package time-limit)))
+              (t                   ; E.g. STRING = "asd:" or "asd:foo"
+               ;; Find fuzzy matchings of the denoted package identifier part.
+               ;; After that, find matchings for the denoted symbol identifier
+               ;; relative to all the packages found.
+               (multiple-value-bind (symbol-packages rest-time-limit)
+                   (find-packages parsed-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
+                 ;; We want to traverse the found packages in the order of
+                 ;; their score, since those with higher score presumably
+                 ;; represent better choices.  (This is important because some
+                 ;; packages may never be looked at if time limit exhausts
+                 ;; during traversal.)
+                 (setf symbol-packages
+                       (sort symbol-packages #'fuzzy-matching-greaterp))
+                 (loop
+                   for package-matching across symbol-packages
+                   for package = (find-package (fuzzy-matching.package-name
+                                                package-matching))
+                   while (or (not time-limit) (> rest-time-limit 0)) do
+                   (multiple-value-bind (matchings remaining-time)
+                       ;; The duplication filter removes all those symbols
+                       ;; which are present in more than one package
+                       ;; match. Specifically if such a package match
+                       ;; represents the home package of the symbol, it's the
+                       ;; one kept because this one is deemed to be the best
+                       ;; match.
+                       (find-symbols parsed-symbol-name package rest-time-limit
+                                     (%make-duplicate-symbols-filter
+                                      (remove package-matching
+                                              symbol-packages)))
+                     (setf matchings (fix-up matchings package-matching))
+                     (setf symbols   (concatenate 'vector symbols matchings))
+                     (setf rest-time-limit remaining-time)
+                     (let ((guessed-sort-duration
+                             (%guess-sort-duration (length symbols))))
+                       (when (<= rest-time-limit guessed-sort-duration)
+                         (decf rest-time-limit guessed-sort-duration)
+                         (loop-finish))))
+                   finally
+                   (setf time-limit rest-time-limit)
+                   (when (equal parsed-symbol-name "") ; E.g. STRING = "asd:"
+                     (setf packages symbol-packages))))))
+        ;; Sort by score; thing with equal score, sort alphabetically.
+        ;; (Especially useful when PARSED-SYMBOL-NAME is empty, and all
+        ;; possible completions are to be returned.)
+        (setf results (concatenate 'vector symbols packages))
+        (setf results (sort results #'fuzzy-matching-greaterp))
+        (values results (and time-limit (<= time-limit 0)))))))
 (defun %guess-sort-duration (length)
   ;; These numbers are pretty much arbitrary, except that they're
@@ -264,17 +295,17 @@
   (if (zerop length)
       (let ((comparasions (* 3.8 (* length (log length 2)))))
-	(* 1000 (* comparasions (expt 10 -7)))))) ; msecs
+        (* 1000 (* comparasions (expt 10 -7)))))) ; msecs
 (defun %make-duplicate-symbols-filter (fuzzy-package-matchings)
   ;; Returns a filter function that takes a symbol, and which returns T
   ;; if and only if /no/ matching in FUZZY-PACKAGE-MATCHINGS represents
   ;; the home-package of the symbol passed.
   (let ((packages (mapcar #'(lambda (m)
-			      (find-package (fuzzy-matching.package-name m)))
-			  (coerce fuzzy-package-matchings 'list))))
+                              (find-package (fuzzy-matching.package-name m)))
+                          (coerce fuzzy-package-matchings 'list))))
     #'(lambda (symbol)
-	(not (member (symbol-package symbol) packages)))))
+        (not (member (symbol-package symbol) packages)))))
 (defun fuzzy-matching-greaterp (m1 m2)
   "Returns T if fuzzy-matching M1 should be sorted before M2.
@@ -283,18 +314,18 @@
 equal, the one which comes alphabetically first wins."
   (declare (type fuzzy-matching m1 m2))
   (let ((score1 (fuzzy-matching.score m1))
-	(score2 (fuzzy-matching.score m2)))
+        (score2 (fuzzy-matching.score m2)))
     (cond ((> score1 score2) t)
-	  ((< score1 score2) nil)	; total order
-	  (t
-	   (let ((name1 (symbol-name (fuzzy-matching.symbol m1)))
-		 (name2 (symbol-name (fuzzy-matching.symbol m2))))
-	     (string< name1 name2))))))
+          ((< score1 score2) nil)       ; total order
+          (t
+           (let ((name1 (symbol-name (fuzzy-matching.symbol m1)))
+                 (name2 (symbol-name (fuzzy-matching.symbol m2))))
+             (string< name1 name2))))))
 (declaim (ftype (function () (integer 0)) get-real-time-msecs))
 (defun get-real-time-in-msecs ()
   (let ((units-per-msec (max 1 (floor internal-time-units-per-second 1000))))
-    (values (floor (get-internal-real-time) units-per-msec)))) ; return just one value!
+    (values (floor (get-internal-real-time) units-per-msec))))
 (defun fuzzy-find-matching-symbols
     (string package &key (filter #'identity) external-only time-limit-in-msec)
@@ -310,7 +341,7 @@

[261 lines skipped]

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