[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User heller heller at common-lisp.net
Mon Dec 5 11:29:01 UTC 2011

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17054

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime.el swank.lisp 
Log Message:
Move flow control into dispatch-event.

* swank.lisp (maybe-slow-down, ping-pong): New functions.
(dispatch-event): Use it. Also require connection argument.
Update callers accordingly.
([defstruct] connection): New slots: send-counter and slowdown.
* slime.el (slime-dispatch-event): Drop thread from
:ping/:emacs-ping messages.

Use subclasses of connection.  Wasn't neccessary for flow control
but seems like a good idea for the future.

* swank.lisp (multithreaded-connection)
(singlethreaded-connection): New
(make-connection): Create multi/single threaded variant depending
on style argument.
([defstruct] serve-requests, cleanup): Delete slots.  Dispatch on
connection type instead.
(stop-serving-requests): New.
(close-connection): Use it.  Can't use
*use-dedicated-output-stream* here.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2011/12/05 10:09:09	1.2267
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2011/12/05 11:29:00	1.2268
@@ -2,6 +2,35 @@
 	* start-swank.lisp: Remove :coding-system argument.
+2011-12-05  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	Move flow control into dispatch-event.
+	* swank.lisp (maybe-slow-down, ping-pong): New functions.
+	(dispatch-event): Use it. Also require connection argument.
+	Update callers accordingly.
+	([defstruct] connection): New slots: send-counter and slowdown.
+	* slime.el (slime-dispatch-event): Drop thread from
+	:ping/:emacs-ping messages.
+	Use subclasses of connection.  Wasn't neccessary for flow control
+	but seems like a good idea for the future.
+	* swank.lisp (multithreaded-connection)
+	(singlethreaded-connection): New
+	(make-connection): Create multi/single threaded variant depending
+	on style argument.
+	([defstruct] serve-requests, cleanup): Delete slots.  Dispatch on
+	connection type instead.
+	(stop-serving-requests): New.
+	(close-connection): Use it.  Can't use
+	*use-dedicated-output-stream* here.
+2011-12-05  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	* slime.el ([test] arglist): swank::create-server now has an
+	optional argument.  Use swank::compute-backtrace instead.
 2011-12-04  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
 	* swank.lisp (interrupt-worker-thread): Don't use find-repl-thread
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2011/11/27 19:24:33	1.1382
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2011/12/05 11:29:00	1.1383
@@ -2342,20 +2342,18 @@
            (slime-send `(:emacs-return ,thread ,tag ,value)))
           ((:ed what)
            (slime-ed what))
-          ((:inspect what wait-thread wait-tag)
-           (let ((hook (when (and wait-thread wait-tag)
-                         (lexical-let ((thread wait-thread)
-                                       (tag wait-tag))
-                           (lambda ()
-                             (slime-send `(:emacs-return ,thread ,tag nil)))))))
+          ((:inspect what thread tag)
+           (let ((hook (when (and thread tag)
+                         (slime-curry #'slime-send 
+                                      `(:emacs-return ,thread ,tag nil)))))
              (slime-open-inspector what nil hook)))
           ((:background-message message)
            (slime-background-message "%s" message))
           ((:debug-condition thread message)
            (assert thread)
            (message "%s" message))
-          ((:ping thread tag)
-           (slime-send `(:emacs-pong ,thread ,tag)))
+          ((:ping tag)
+           (slime-send `(:emacs-pong ,tag)))
           ((:reader-error packet condition)
            (slime-with-popup-buffer ((slime-buffer-name :error))
              (princ (format "Invalid protocol message:\n%s\n\n%s"
@@ -7913,7 +7911,7 @@
     "Lookup the argument list for FUNCTION-NAME.
 Confirm that EXPECTED-ARGLIST is displayed."
     '(("swank::operator-arglist" "(swank::operator-arglist name package)")
-      ("swank::create-socket" "(swank::create-socket host port)")
+      ("swank::compute-backtrace" "(swank::compute-backtrace start end)")
       ("swank::emacs-connected" "(swank::emacs-connected)")
        "(swank::compile-string-for-emacs string buffer position filename policy)")
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2011/12/04 18:08:32	1.770
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2011/12/05 11:29:00	1.771
@@ -210,25 +210,6 @@
   (trace-output     nil :type (or stream null))
   ;; A stream where we send REPL results.
   (repl-results     nil :type (or stream null))
-  ;; In multithreaded systems we delegate certain tasks to specific
-  ;; threads. The `reader-thread' is responsible for reading network
-  ;; requests from Emacs and sending them to the `control-thread'; the
-  ;; `control-thread' is responsible for dispatching requests to the
-  ;; threads that should handle them; the `repl-thread' is the one
-  ;; that evaluates REPL expressions. The control thread dispatches
-  ;; all REPL evaluations to the REPL thread and for other requests it
-  ;; spawns new threads.
-  reader-thread
-  control-thread
-  repl-thread
-  auto-flush-thread
-  ;; Callback functions:
-  ;; (SERVE-REQUESTS <this-connection>) serves all pending requests
-  ;; from Emacs.
-  (serve-requests   (missing-arg) :type function)
-  ;; (CLEANUP <this-connection>) is called when the connection is
-  ;; closed.
-  (cleanup          nil :type (or null function))
   ;; Cache of macro-indentation information that has been sent to Emacs.
   ;; This is used for preparing deltas to update Emacs's knowledge.
   ;; Maps: symbol -> indentation-specification
@@ -237,14 +218,38 @@
   (indentation-cache-packages '())
   ;; The communication style used.
   (communication-style nil :type (member nil :spawn :sigio :fd-handler))
-  ;; The SIGINT handler we should restore when the connection is
-  ;; closed.
-  saved-sigint-handler)
+  ;; Used for control flow.  If non-nil we should wait a bit before
+  ;; sending something to Emacs.
+  (slowdown nil :type (or null float))
+  ;; Used for control flow.
+  (send-counter 0 :type (mod 1000))
+  )
 (defun print-connection (conn stream depth)
   (declare (ignore depth))
   (print-unreadable-object (conn stream :type t :identity t)))
+(defstruct (singlethreaded-connection (:include connection)
+                                      (:conc-name sconn.))
+  ;; The SIGINT handler we should restore when the connection is
+  ;; closed.
+  saved-sigint-handler)
+(defstruct (multithreaded-connection (:include connection)
+                                     (:conc-name mconn.))
+  ;; In multithreaded systems we delegate certain tasks to specific
+  ;; threads. The `reader-thread' is responsible for reading network
+  ;; requests from Emacs and sending them to the `control-thread'; the
+  ;; `control-thread' is responsible for dispatching requests to the
+  ;; threads that should handle them; the `repl-thread' is the one
+  ;; that evaluates REPL expressions. The control thread dispatches
+  ;; all REPL evaluations to the REPL thread and for other requests it
+  ;; spawns new threads.
+  reader-thread
+  control-thread
+  repl-thread
+  auto-flush-thread)
 (defvar *connections* '()
   "List of all active connections, with the most recent at the front.")
@@ -261,24 +266,17 @@
   (first *connections*))
 (defun make-connection (socket stream style)
-  (multiple-value-bind (serve cleanup)
-      (ecase style
-        (:spawn
-         (values #'spawn-threads-for-connection #'cleanup-connection-threads))
-        (:sigio
-         (values #'install-sigio-handler #'deinstall-sigio-handler))
-        (:fd-handler
-         (values #'install-fd-handler #'deinstall-fd-handler))
-        ((nil)
-         (values #'simple-serve-requests nil)))
-    (let ((conn (%make-connection :socket socket
-                                  :socket-io stream
-                                  :communication-style style
-                                  :serve-requests serve
-                                  :cleanup cleanup)))
-      (run-hook *new-connection-hook* conn)
-      (push conn *connections*)
-      conn)))
+  (let ((conn (funcall (ecase style
+                         (:spawn 
+                          #'make-multithreaded-connection)
+                         ((:sigio nil :fd-handler)
+                          #'make-singlethreaded-connection))
+                       :socket socket
+                       :socket-io stream
+                       :communication-style style)))
+    (run-hook *new-connection-hook* conn)
+    (push conn *connections*)
+    conn))
 (defslimefun ping (tag)
@@ -763,7 +761,24 @@
 (defun serve-requests (connection)
   "Read and process all requests on connections."
-  (funcall (connection.serve-requests connection) connection))
+  (etypecase connection
+    (multithreaded-connection
+     (spawn-threads-for-connection connection))
+    (singlethreaded-connection
+     (ecase (connection.communication-style connection)
+       ((nil) (simple-serve-requests connection))
+       (:sigio (install-sigio-handler connection))
+       (:fd-handler (install-fd-handler connection))))))
+(defun stop-serving-requests (connection)
+  (etypecase connection
+    (multithreaded-connection
+     (cleanup-connection-threads connection))
+    (singlethreaded-connection
+     (ecase (connection.communication-style connection)
+       ((nil))
+       (:sigio (deinstall-sigio-handler connection))
+       (:fd-handler (deinstall-fd-handler connection))))))
 (defun announce-server-port (file port)
   (with-open-file (s file
@@ -850,9 +865,7 @@
     (log-event "close-connection: ~a ...~%" condition))
   (format *log-output* "~&;; swank:close-connection: ~A~%"
           (escape-non-ascii (safe-condition-message condition)))
-  (let ((cleanup (connection.cleanup c)))
-    (when cleanup
-      (funcall cleanup c)))
+  (stop-serving-requests c)
   (close (connection.socket-io c))
   (when (connection.dedicated-output c)
     (close (connection.dedicated-output c)))
@@ -867,13 +880,12 @@
                         ;; Connection to Emacs lost. [~%~
                         ;;  condition: ~A~%~
                         ;;  type: ~S~%~
-                        ;;  style: ~S dedicated: ~S]~%"
+                        ;;  style: ~S]~%"
             (loop for (i f) in backtrace collect 
                   (ignore-errors (format nil "~d: ~a" i (escape-non-ascii f))))
             (escape-non-ascii (safe-condition-message condition) )
             (type-of condition)
-            (connection.communication-style c)
-            *use-dedicated-output-stream*))
+            (connection.communication-style c)))
   (finish-output *log-output*)
   (log-event "close-connection ~a ... done.~%" condition))
@@ -883,14 +895,14 @@
 (defun read-loop (connection)
   (let ((input-stream (connection.socket-io connection))
-        (control-thread (connection.control-thread connection)))
+        (control-thread (mconn.control-thread connection)))
     (with-swank-error-handler (connection)
       (loop (send control-thread (decode-message input-stream))))))
 (defun dispatch-loop (connection)
   (let ((*emacs-connection* connection))
     (with-panic-handler (connection)
-      (loop (dispatch-event (receive))))))
+      (loop (dispatch-event connection (receive))))))
 (defvar *auto-flush-interval* 0.2)
@@ -949,7 +961,7 @@
                       (cdr (wait-for-event `(:emacs-rex . _)))))))
          :name "worker"))
-(defun dispatch-event (event)
+(defun dispatch-event (connection event)
   "Handle an event triggered either by Emacs or within Lisp."
   (log-event "dispatch-event: ~s~%" event)
   (destructure-case event
@@ -978,8 +990,9 @@
        :y-or-n-p :read-from-minibuffer :read-string :read-aborted)
       &rest _)
      (declare (ignore _))
-     (encode-message event (current-socket-io)))
-    (((:emacs-pong :emacs-return :emacs-return-string) thread-id &rest args)
+     (encode-message event (current-socket-io))
+     (maybe-slow-down connection))
+    (((:emacs-return :emacs-return-string) thread-id &rest args)
      (send-event (find-thread thread-id) (cons (car event) args)))
     ((:emacs-channel-send channel-id msg)
      (let ((ch (find-channel channel-id)))
@@ -987,8 +1000,40 @@
     ((:reader-error packet condition)
      (encode-message `(:reader-error ,packet 
                                      ,(safe-condition-message condition))
-                     (current-socket-io)))))
+                     (current-socket-io)))
+    ((:emacs-pong _)
+     (declare (ignore _))
+     (assert (singlethreaded-connection-p connection))
+     (send-event (current-thread) event))))
+;;;; Flow control
+;; After sending N (usually 100) messages we slow down and ping Emacs
+;; to make sure that everything we have sent so far was received.
+(defconstant send-counter-limit 100)
+(defun maybe-slow-down (connection)
+  (let ((counter (incf (connection.send-counter connection))))
+    (when (< send-counter-limit counter)
+      (setf (connection.send-counter connection) 0)
+      (setf (connection.slowdown connection) 0.1)
+      (ping-pong connection)
+      (setf (connection.slowdown connection) nil))))
+(defun ping-pong (connection)
+  (let* ((tag (make-tag))
+         (pattern `(:emacs-pong ,tag)))
+    (encode-message `(:ping ,tag) (connection.socket-io connection))
+    (etypecase connection
+      (multithreaded-connection
+       (receive-if (lambda (e) (event-match-p e pattern)) nil))
+      (singlethreaded-connection
+       (let ((*emacs-connection* connection))
+         (wait-for-event pattern))))))
 (defvar *event-queue* '())
 (defvar *events-enqueued* 0)
@@ -1002,9 +1047,14 @@
 (defun send-to-emacs (event)
   "Send EVENT to Emacs."
   ;;(log-event "send-to-emacs: ~a" event)
-  (cond ((use-threads-p)
-         (send (connection.control-thread *emacs-connection*) event))
-        (t (dispatch-event event))))
+  (let ((c *emacs-connection*))
+    (etypecase c
+      (multithreaded-connection
+       (when (connection.slowdown c)
+         (sleep 0.1))
+       (send (mconn.control-thread c) event))
+      (singlethreaded-connection
+       (dispatch-event c event)))))
 (defun wait-for-event (pattern &optional timeout)
   "Scan the event queue for PATTERN and return the event.
@@ -1014,12 +1064,14 @@
 event was found."
   (log-event "wait-for-event: ~s ~s~%" pattern timeout)
-    (cond ((use-threads-p) 
-           (receive-if (lambda (e) (event-match-p e pattern)) timeout))
-          (t 
-           (wait-for-event/event-loop pattern timeout)))))
+    (let ((c *emacs-connection*))
+      (etypecase c
+        (multithreaded-connection
+         (receive-if (lambda (e) (event-match-p e pattern)) timeout))
+        (singlethreaded-connection
+         (wait-for-event/event-loop c pattern timeout))))))
-(defun wait-for-event/event-loop (pattern timeout)
+(defun wait-for-event/event-loop (connection pattern timeout)
   (assert (or (not timeout) (eq timeout t)))
@@ -1035,7 +1087,8 @@
             (assert (equal ready (list (current-socket-io))))
-            (dispatch-event (decode-message (current-socket-io))))))))
+            (dispatch-event connection
+                            (decode-message (current-socket-io))))))))
 (defun poll-for-event (pattern)
   (let ((tail (member-if (lambda (e) (event-match-p e pattern))
@@ -1060,23 +1113,24 @@
         (t (error "Invalid pattern: ~S" pattern))))
 (defun spawn-threads-for-connection (connection)
-  (setf (connection.control-thread connection) 
+  (setf (mconn.control-thread connection)
         (spawn (lambda () (control-thread connection))
                :name "control-thread"))
 (defun control-thread (connection)
-  (with-struct* (connection. @ connection)
+  (with-struct* (mconn. @ connection)
     (setf (@ control-thread) (current-thread))
     (setf (@ reader-thread) (spawn (lambda () (read-loop connection)) 
                                    :name "reader-thread"))
     (dispatch-loop connection)))
 (defun cleanup-connection-threads (connection)
-  (let ((threads (list (connection.repl-thread connection)
-                       (connection.reader-thread connection)
-                       (connection.control-thread connection)
-                       (connection.auto-flush-thread connection))))
+  (let* ((c connection)
+         (threads (list (mconn.repl-thread c)
+                        (mconn.reader-thread c)
+                        (mconn.control-thread c)
+                        (mconn.auto-flush-thread c))))
     (dolist (thread threads)
       (when (and thread 
                  (thread-alive-p thread)
@@ -1109,7 +1163,7 @@
 (defun install-fd-handler (connection)
   (add-fd-handler (connection.socket-io connection)
                   (lambda () (handle-requests connection t)))
-  (setf (connection.saved-sigint-handler connection)
+  (setf (sconn.saved-sigint-handler connection)
          (lambda () 
@@ -1120,12 +1174,12 @@
   ;; This boils down to INTERRUPT-WORKER-THREAD which uses
   (with-connection (connection)
-    (dispatch-event `(:emacs-interrupt ,(current-thread-id)))))
+    (dispatch-event connection `(:emacs-interrupt ,(current-thread-id)))))
 (defun deinstall-fd-handler (connection)
   (log-event "deinstall-fd-handler~%")
   (remove-fd-handlers (connection.socket-io connection))
-  (install-sigint-handler (connection.saved-sigint-handler connection)))
+  (install-sigint-handler (sconn.saved-sigint-handler connection)))
 ;;;;;; Simple sequential IO

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