[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

CVS User sboukarev sboukarev at common-lisp.net
Mon Sep 21 19:08:29 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv27356/contrib

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	slime-sprof.el swank-sprof.lisp 
Log Message:
* contrib/{slime-sprof.el, swank-sprof.lisp}: New contrib for
integration with SBCL's sb-sprof profiler,
adopted from Juho Snellman's code.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/09/17 14:56:22	1.246
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/09/21 19:08:28	1.247
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2009-09-21  Stas Boukarev  <stassats at gmail.com>
+	* slime-sprof.el, swank-sprof.lisp: New contrib for
+	integration with SBCL's sb-sprof profiler,
+	adopted from Juho Snellman's code.
 2009-09-17  Stas Boukarev  <stassats at gmail.com>
 	* slime-repl.el (slime-repl-clear-buffer): Don't change cursor

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-sprof.el	2009/09/21 19:08:29	NONE
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-sprof.el	2009/09/21 19:08:29	1.1
;;; slime-sprof.el --- Integration with SBCL's sb-sprof
;;; Authors: Juho Snellman
;;; License: MIT
;;; Installation
;; Add this to your .emacs: 
;;   (slime-setup '(... slime-sprof))

(slime-require :swank-sprof)

(define-derived-mode slime-sprof-browser-mode fundamental-mode
  "Mode for browsing profiler data\
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    (insert (format "%4s %-54s %6s %6s %6s\n"
    (dolist (data graph)
      (slime-sprof-browser-insert-line data 54)))
  (goto-line 2))

(slime-define-keys slime-sprof-browser-mode-map
  ("h" 'describe-mode)
  ("q" 'bury-buffer)
  ("d" 'slime-sprof-browser-disassemble-function)
  ("g" 'slime-sprof-browser-go-to)
  ("v" 'slime-sprof-browser-view-source)
  ((kbd "RET") 'slime-sprof-browser-toggle))

;; Start / stop profiling

(defun slime-sprof-start ()
  (slime-eval `(swank:swank-sprof-start)))

(defun slime-sprof-stop ()
  (slime-eval `(swank:swank-sprof-stop)))

;; Reporting

(defun slime-sprof-browser ()
  (lexical-let ((buffer (slime-sprof-browser-get-buffer)))
    (slime-eval-async `(swank:swank-sprof-get-call-graph)
                      (lambda (graph)
                        (with-current-buffer buffer
                          (switch-to-buffer buffer)

(defun slime-sprof-browser-get-buffer ()
  (get-buffer-create "*slime-sprof-browser*"))

(defun slime-sprof-browser-insert-line (data name-length)
  (destructuring-bind (index name self cumul total)
    (if index
        (insert (format "%-4d " index))
        (insert "     "))
     (format (format "%%-%ds " name-length)
             (abbreviate-name name name-length)))
    (insert (format "%6.2f " self))
    (when cumul
      (insert (format "%6.2f " cumul))
      (when total
        (insert (format "%6.2f" total))))
    (when index
       `(profile-index ,index expanded nil)))
    (insert "\n")))

(defun abbreviate-name (name max-length)
  (lexical-let ((length (min (length name) max-length)))
    (subseq name 0 length)))

;; Expanding / collapsing

(defun slime-sprof-browser-toggle ()
  (let ((index (get-text-property (point) 'profile-index)))
    (when index
        (if (slime-sprof-browser-line-expanded-p)

(defun slime-sprof-browser-collapse ()
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    (slime-sprof-browser-add-line-text-properties '(expanded nil))
    (loop until (or (eobp)
                    (get-text-property (point) 'profile-index))
          (delete-region (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))
          (unless (eobp)
            (delete-char 1)))))

(defun slime-sprof-browser-expand ()
  (lexical-let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
                 (point (point))
                 (index (get-text-property point 'profile-index)))
    (slime-eval-async `(swank:swank-sprof-expand-node ,index)
                      (lambda (data)
                        (with-current-buffer buffer
                            (destructuring-bind (&key callers calls)
                              (slime-sprof-browser-add-expansion callers
                              (slime-sprof-browser-add-expansion calls

(defun slime-sprof-browser-add-expansion (data type nesting)
  (when data
    (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
      (slime-sprof-browser-add-line-text-properties '(expanded t))
      (insert (format "\n     %s" type))
      (dolist (node data)
        (destructuring-bind (index name cumul) node
          (insert (format (format "\n%%%ds" (+ 7 (* 2 nesting))) ""))
           (let ((len (- 59 (* 2 nesting))))
             (format (format "%%-%ds " len)
                     (abbreviate-name name len))))
           `(profile-sub-index ,index))
          (insert (format "%6.2f" cumul)))))))

(defun slime-sprof-browser-line-expanded-p ()
  (get-text-property (point) 'expanded))

(defun slime-sprof-browser-add-line-text-properties (properties)
  (add-text-properties (point-at-bol)

(defun slime-sprof-browser-name-properties ()
  '(face sldb-restart-number-face))

;; "Go to function"

(defun slime-sprof-browser-go-to ()                                           
  (let ((sub-index (get-text-property (point) 'profile-sub-index)))
    (when sub-index
      (let ((pos (text-property-any
                  (point-min) (point-max) 'profile-index sub-index)))
        (when pos (goto-char pos))))))

;; Disassembly

(defun slime-sprof-browser-disassemble-function ()
  (let ((index (or (get-text-property (point) 'profile-index)
                   (get-text-property (point) 'profile-sub-index))))
    (when index
      (slime-eval-describe `(swank:swank-sprof-disassemble

;; View source

(defun slime-sprof-browser-view-source ()
  (let ((index (or (get-text-property (point) 'profile-index)
                   (get-text-property (point) 'profile-sub-index))))
    (when index
       `(swank:swank-sprof-source-location ,index)
       (lambda (source-location)
         (destructure-case source-location
           ((:error message)
            (message "%s" message)
            (slime-show-source-location source-location))))))))

(provide 'slime-sprof)
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-sprof.lisp	2009/09/21 19:08:29	NONE
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-sprof.lisp	2009/09/21 19:08:29	1.1
;;; swank-sprof.lisp
;; Authors: Juho Snellman
;; License: MIT

(in-package :swank)


#.(prog1 nil (require :sb-sprof))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (require :sb-sprof))

(defvar *call-graph* nil)
(defvar *node-numbers* nil)
(defvar *number-nodes* nil)

(defun pretty-name (name)
  (let ((*package* (find-package :common-lisp-user))
        (*print-right-margin* most-positive-fixnum))
    (format nil "~S" (if (consp name)
                         (let ((head (car name)))
                           (if (or (eq head 'sb-c::tl-xep)
                                   (eq head 'sb-c::hairy-arg-processor)
                                   (eq head 'sb-c::top-level-form)
                                   (eq head 'sb-c::xep))
                               (cadr name)

(defun samples-percent (count)
  (sb-sprof::samples-percent *call-graph* count))

(defun node-values (node)
  (values (pretty-name (sb-sprof::node-name node))
          (samples-percent (sb-sprof::node-count node))
          (samples-percent (sb-sprof::node-accrued-count node))))

(defun serialize-call-graph ()
  (let ((nodes (sort (copy-list
                      (sb-sprof::call-graph-flat-nodes *call-graph*))
;;                     :key #'sb-sprof::node-count)))
                     :key #'sb-sprof::node-accrued-count)))
    (setf *number-nodes* (make-hash-table))
    (setf *node-numbers* (make-hash-table))
    (loop for node in nodes
          for i from 1
          with total = 0
          collect (multiple-value-bind (name self cumulative)
                      (node-values node)
                    (setf (gethash node *node-numbers*) i
                          (gethash i *number-nodes*) node)
                    (incf total self)
                    (list i name self cumulative total)) into list
          finally (return
                    (let ((rest (- 100 total)))
                      (return (append list
                                      `((nil "Elsewhere" ,rest nil nil)))))))))

(defslimefun swank-sprof-get-call-graph ()
  (setf *call-graph* (sb-sprof:report :type nil))

(defslimefun swank-sprof-expand-node (index)
  (let* ((node (gethash index *number-nodes*)))
    (labels ((caller-count (v)
               (loop for e in (sb-sprof::vertex-edges v) do
                     (when (eq (sb-sprof::edge-vertex e) node)
                       (return-from caller-count (sb-sprof::call-count e))))
             (serialize-node (node count)
               (etypecase node
                  (list (sb-sprof::cycle-index node)
                        (sb-sprof::cycle-name node)
                        (samples-percent count)))
                  (let ((name (node-values node)))
                    (list (gethash node *node-numbers*)
                          (samples-percent count)))))))
      (list :callers (let ((edges (sort (copy-list (sb-sprof::node-callers node))
                                        :key #'caller-count)))
                       (loop for node in edges
                             collect (serialize-node node
                                                     (caller-count node))))
            :calls (let ((edges (sort (copy-list (sb-sprof::vertex-edges node))
                                      :key #'sb-sprof::call-count)))
                     (loop for edge in edges
                           (serialize-node (sb-sprof::edge-vertex edge)
                                           (sb-sprof::call-count edge))))))))

(defslimefun swank-sprof-disassemble (index)
  (let* ((node (gethash index *number-nodes*))
         (debug-info (sb-sprof::node-debug-info node)))
    (with-output-to-string (s)
      (typecase debug-info
         (sb-disassem::disassemble-memory (sb-vm::code-instructions debug-info)
                                          (sb-vm::%code-code-size debug-info)
                                          :stream s))
         (let ((component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component debug-info)))
           (sb-disassem::disassemble-code-component component :stream s)))
        (t `(:error "No disassembly available"))))))

(defslimefun swank-sprof-source-location (index)
  (let* ((node (gethash index *number-nodes*))
         (debug-info (sb-sprof::node-debug-info node)))
    (or (when (typep debug-info 'sb-di::compiled-debug-fun)
          (let* ((component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component debug-info))
                 (function (sb-kernel::%code-entry-points component)))
            (when function
              (find-source-location function))))
        `(:error "No source location available"))))

(defslimefun swank-sprof-start ()

(defslimefun swank-sprof-stop ()


(provide :swank-sprof)

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