[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User trittweiler trittweiler at common-lisp.net
Sat Oct 31 22:13:55 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv6057

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime.el swank-loader.lisp swank.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
	* slime.el (slime-inside-string-p, slime-inside-comment-p)
	(slime-inside-string-or-comment-p): New.

	* swank-match.lisp: New file. Contains very simple pattern matcher
	from the CMU AI archive.

	* swank-loader.lisp: Compile swank-match.lisp.

	* swank.lisp: Make SWANK package use new SWANK-MATCH package.

	* slime-autodoc.el, swank-arglists.lisp: Large parts were
	rewritten. Autodoc is now able to highlight &key parameters, and
	parameters in nested arglists.

	* slime-parse.el, slime-c-p-c.el, slime-highlighting-edits.el:
	Adapted to changes.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2009/10/31 20:47:13	1.1901
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2009/10/31 22:13:54	1.1902
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
 2009-10-31  Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
+	* slime.el (slime-inside-string-p, slime-inside-comment-p)
+	(slime-inside-string-or-comment-p): New.
+	* swank-match.lisp: New file. Contains very simple pattern matcher
+	from the CMU AI archive.
+	* swank-loader.lisp: Compile swank-match.lisp.
+	* swank.lisp: Make SWANK package use new SWANK-MATCH package.
+2009-10-31  Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
 	* swank.lisp (find-symbol-with-status): New.
 	(parse-symbol): Use it to correctly parse symbols where only one
 	colon is given. Consequences: Autodoc won't display an arglist on
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2009/10/31 08:54:45	1.1243
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2009/10/31 22:13:54	1.1244
@@ -8218,6 +8218,18 @@
           until (= (point) (point-max))
           maximizing column)))
+(defun slime-inside-string-p ()
+  (nth 3 (slime-current-parser-state)))
+(defun slime-inside-comment-p ()
+  (nth 4 (slime-current-parser-state)))
+(defun slime-inside-string-or-comment-p ()
+  (let ((state (slime-current-parser-state)))
+    (or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state))))
 ;;;;; CL symbols vs. Elisp symbols.
 (defun slime-cl-symbol-name (symbol)
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-loader.lisp	2009/10/30 19:39:34	1.94
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-loader.lisp	2009/10/31 22:13:55	1.95
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
                            :defaults src-dir))
-(defvar *swank-files* `(swank-backend ,@*sysdep-files* swank))
+(defvar *swank-files* `(swank-backend ,@*sysdep-files* swank-match swank))
 (defvar *contribs* '(swank-c-p-c swank-arglists swank-fuzzy
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2009/10/31 20:47:13	1.668
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2009/10/31 22:13:55	1.669
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 ;;; available to us here via the `SWANK-BACKEND' package.
 (defpackage :swank
-  (:use :cl :swank-backend)
+  (:use :cl :swank-backend :swank-match)
   (:export #:startup-multiprocessing
@@ -478,11 +478,11 @@
 	    (,operands (cdr ,tmp)))
        (case ,operator
          ,@(loop for (pattern . body) in patterns collect 
-                   (if (eq pattern t)
-                       `(t , at body)
-                       (destructuring-bind (op &rest rands) pattern
-                         `(,op (destructuring-bind ,rands ,operands 
-                                 , at body)))))
+                 (if (eq pattern t)
+                     `(t , at body)
+                     (destructuring-bind (op &rest rands) pattern
+                       `(,op (destructuring-bind ,rands ,operands 
+                               , at body)))))
          ,@(if (eq (caar (last patterns)) t)
                `((t (error "destructure-case failed: ~S" ,tmp))))))))
@@ -1232,6 +1232,7 @@
                                  (cdr tail)))
+;;; FIXME: Make this use SWANK-MATCH.
 (defun event-match-p (event pattern)
   (cond ((or (keywordp pattern) (numberp pattern) (stringp pattern)
 	     (member pattern '(nil t)))

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-match.lisp	2009/10/31 22:13:55	NONE
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-match.lisp	2009/10/31 22:13:55	1.1
;;  SELECT-MATCH macro (and IN macro)
;; Copyright 1990   Stephen Adams
;; You are free to copy, distribute and make derivative works of this
;; source provided that this copyright notice is displayed near the
;; beginning of the file.  No liability is accepted for the
;; correctness or performance of the code.  If you modify the code
;; please indicate this fact both at the place of modification and in
;; this copyright message.
;;   Stephen Adams
;;   Department of Electronics and Computer Science
;;   University of Southampton
;;   SO9 5NH, UK
;; sra at ecs.soton.ac.uk

;;  Synopsis:
;;  (select-match expression
;;      (pattern  action+)*
;;  )
;;      --- or ---
;;  (select-match expression
;;      pattern => expression
;;      pattern => expression
;;      ...
;;  )
;;  pattern ->  constant		;egs  1, #\x, #c(1.0 1.1)
;;          |   symbol                  ;matches anything
;;          |   'anything               ;must be EQUAL
;;          |   (pattern = pattern)     ;both patterns must match
;;          |   (#'function pattern)    ;predicate test
;;          |   (pattern . pattern)	;cons cell

;;  Example
;;  (select-match item
;;      (('if e1 e2 e3) 'if-then-else)				;(1)
;;      ((#'oddp k)     'an-odd-integer)			;(2)
;;      (((#'treep tree) = (hd . tl))   'something-else)	;(3)
;;      (other          'anything-else))			;(4)
;;  Notes
;;  .   Each pattern is tested in turn.  The first match is taken.
;;  .   If no pattern matches, an error is signalled.
;;  .   Constant patterns (things X for which (CONSTANTP X) is true, i.e.
;;      numbers, strings, characters, etc.) match things which are EQUAL.
;;  .   Quoted patterns (which are CONSTANTP) are constants.
;;  .   Symbols match anything. The symbol is bound to the matched item
;;      for the execution of the actions.
;;      For example, (SELECT-MATCH '(1 2 3)
;;                      (1 . X) => X
;;                   )
;;      returns (2 3) because X is bound to the cdr of the candidate.
;;  .   The two pattern match (p1 = p2) can be used to name parts
;;      of the matched structure.  For example, (ALL = (HD . TL))
;;      matches a cons cell. ALL is bound to the cons cell, HD to its car
;;      and TL to its tail.
;;  .   A predicate test applies the predicate to the item being matched.
;;      If the predicate returns NIL then the match fails.
;;      If it returns truth, then the nested pattern is matched.  This is
;;      often just a symbol like K in the example.
;;  .   Care should be taken with the domain values for predicate matches.
;;      If, in the above eg, item is not an integer, an error would occur
;;      during the test.  A safer pattern would be
;;          (#'integerp (#'oddp k))
;;      This would only test for oddness of the item was an integer.
;;  .   A single symbol will match anything so it can be used as a default
;;      case, like OTHER above.

(defpackage :swank-match
  (:use :cl)
  (:export #:match))

(in-package :swank-match)

(defmacro match (expression &body patterns)
  `(select-match ,expression , at patterns))

(defmacro select-match (expression &rest patterns)
    (let* ( (do-let (not (atom expression)))
            (key    (if do-let (gensym) expression))
            (cbody  (expand-select-patterns key patterns))
            (cform  `(cond . ,cbody))

        (if do-let
            `(let ((,key ,expression)) ,cform)

(defun expand-select-patterns (key patterns)
    (if (eq (second patterns) '=>)
        (expand-select-patterns-style-2 key patterns)
        (expand-select-patterns-style-1 key patterns)))

(defun expand-select-patterns-style-1 (key patterns)

  (if (null patterns)
    `((t (error "Case select pattern match failure on ~S" ,key)))

    (let ((pattern  (caar patterns))
          (actions  (cdar patterns))
          (rest     (cdr patterns)) )

        (let  ( (test       (compile-select-test key pattern))
                (bindings   (compile-select-bindings key pattern actions)))

            `(  ,(if bindings  `(,test (let ,bindings . ,actions))
                               `(,test . ,actions))
              . ,(if (eq test t)
                    (expand-select-patterns-style-1 key rest)))

(defun expand-select-patterns-style-2 (key patterns)

  (if (null patterns)
    `((t (error "Case select pattern match failure on ~S" ,key)))

    (let ((pattern  (first patterns))
          (arrow    (if (or (< (length patterns) 3)
                            (not (eq (second patterns) '=>)))
                        (error "Illegal patterns: ~S" patterns)))
          (actions  (list (third patterns)))
          (rest     (cdddr patterns)) )

        (let  ( (test       (compile-select-test key pattern))
                (bindings   (compile-select-bindings key pattern actions)))

            `(  ,(if bindings  `(,test (let ,bindings . ,actions))
                               `(,test . ,actions))
              . ,(if (eq test t)
                    (expand-select-patterns-style-2 key rest)))

(defun compile-select-test (key pattern)
    (let  ((tests (remove-if
                        #'(lambda (item) (eq item t))
                        (compile-select-tests key pattern))))
            ;; note AND does this anyway, but this allows us to tell if
            ;; the pattern will always match.
            ((null tests)           t)
            ((= (length tests) 1)   (car tests))
            (t                      `(and . ,tests)))))

(defun compile-select-tests (key pattern)

  (cond   ((constantp pattern)   `((,(cond ((numberp pattern) 'eql)
                                           ((symbolp pattern) 'eq)
                                           (t                'equal))
                                     ,key ,pattern)))

        ((symbolp pattern)      '(t))

        ((select-double-match? pattern)
          (compile-select-tests key (first pattern))
          (compile-select-tests key (third pattern))))

        ((select-predicate? pattern)
          `((,(second (first pattern)) ,key))
          (compile-select-tests key (second pattern))))

        ((consp pattern)
          `((consp ,key))
          (compile-select-tests (!cs-car key) (car
          (compile-select-tests (!cs-cdr key) (cdr

        (t         (error "Illegal select pattern: ~S" pattern))

(defun compile-select-bindings (key pattern action)

  (cond   ((constantp pattern)    '())
        ((symbolp pattern)
         (if (select!-in-tree pattern action) `((,pattern ,key))

        ((select-double-match? pattern)
          (compile-select-bindings key (first pattern) action)
          (compile-select-bindings key (third pattern)

        ((select-predicate? pattern)
         (compile-select-bindings key (second pattern)

        ((consp pattern)
          (compile-select-bindings (!cs-car key) (car pattern)
          (compile-select-bindings (!cs-cdr key) (cdr pattern)

(defun select!-in-tree (atom tree)
    (or (eq atom tree)
        (if (consp tree)
            (or (select!-in-tree atom (car tree))
                (select!-in-tree atom (cdr tree))))))

(defun select-double-match? (pattern)
    ;;  (<pattern> = <pattern>)
    (and (consp pattern) (consp (cdr pattern)) (consp (cddr pattern))
         (null (cdddr pattern))
         (eq (second pattern) '=)))

(defun select-predicate? (pattern)
    ;; ((function <f>) <pattern>)
    (and    (consp pattern)
            (consp (cdr pattern))
            (null (cddr pattern))
            (consp (first pattern))
            (consp (cdr (first pattern)))
            (null (cddr (first pattern)))
            (eq (caar pattern) 'function)))

(defun !cs-car (exp)
    (!cs-car/cdr 'car exp '(
            (car . caar)    (cdr . cadr)    (caar . caaar)  (cadr . caadr)
            (cdar . cadar)  (cddr . caddr)
            (caaar . caaaar)    (caadr . caaadr)    (cadar . caadar)
            (caddr . caaddr)    (cdaar . cadaar)    (cdadr . cadadr)
            (cddar . caddar)    (cdddr . cadddr))))

(defun !cs-cdr (exp)
    (!cs-car/cdr 'cdr exp '(
            (car . cdar)    (cdr . cddr)    (caar . cdaar)  (cadr . cdadr)
            (cdar . cddar)  (cddr . cdddr)
            (caaar . cdaaar)    (caadr . cdaadr)    (cadar . cdadar)
            (caddr . cdaddr)    (cdaar . cddaar)    (cdadr . cddadr)
            (cddar . cdddar)    (cdddr . cddddr))))

(defun !cs-car/cdr (op exp table)
    (if (and (consp exp) (= (length exp) 2))
        (let ((replacement  (assoc (car exp) table)))
            (if replacement
                `(,(cdr replacement) ,(second exp))
                `(,op ,exp)))
        `(,op ,exp)))

;; (setf c1 '(select-match x (a 1) (b 2 3 4)))
;; (setf c2 '(select-match (car y)
;;             (1 (print 100) 101) (2 200) ("hello" 5) (:x 20) (else (1+
;;  else))))
;; (setf c3 '(select-match (caddr y)
;;             ((all = (x y)) (list x y all))
;;             ((a '= b)      (list 'assign a b))
;;             ((#'oddp k)     (1+ k)))))

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