[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

CVS User sboukarev sboukarev at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 21 13:26:36 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv12887/contrib

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime-asdf.el swank-asdf.lisp 
Log Message:
* contrib/slime-asdf.el (slime-browse-system): New command for browsing
	files in asdf using Dired.
* contrib/swank-asdf.lisp (asdf-system-loaded-p): New function.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/10/20 21:28:38	1.258
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/10/21 13:26:36	1.259
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2009-10-21  Stas Boukarev  <stassats at gmail.com>
+	* slime-asdf.el (slime-browse-system): New command for browsing
+	files in asdf using Dired.
+	* swank-asdf.lisp (asdf-system-loaded-p): New function.
 2009-10-20  Stas Boukarev  <stassats at gmail.com>
 	* slime-parse.el (slime-parse-sexp-at-point): Remove unused flet.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-asdf.el	2009/10/19 22:46:24	1.9
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-asdf.el	2009/10/21 13:26:36	1.10
@@ -69,14 +69,33 @@
 (defun slime-open-system (name &optional load)
-  (interactive (list (slime-read-system-name)
-                     (y-or-n-p "Load it? ")))
-  (when load
+  "Open all files in an ASDF system."
+  (interactive (list (slime-read-system-name)))
+  (when (or load
+            (and (called-interactively-p)
+                 (not (slime-eval `(swank:asdf-system-loaded-p ,name)))
+                 (y-or-n-p "Load it? ")))
     (slime-load-system name))
-  (slime-repl-shortcut-eval-async
+  (slime-eval-async
    `(swank:asdf-system-files ,name)
    (lambda (files) (mapc 'find-file files))))
+(defun slime-browse-system (name &optional load)
+  "Browse files in an ASDF system using Dired."
+  (interactive (list (slime-read-system-name)))
+  (when (or load
+            (and (called-interactively-p)
+                 (not (slime-eval `(swank:asdf-system-loaded-p ,name)))
+                 (y-or-n-p "Load it? ")))
+    (slime-load-system name))
+  (slime-eval-async
+   `(swank:asdf-system-files ,name)
+   (lexical-let ((name name))
+     (lambda (files)
+       (when files
+         (dired (cons (format "ASDF system %s" name)
+                      files)))))))
 (defslime-repl-shortcut slime-repl-load/force-system ("force-load-system")
   (:handler (lambda ()
@@ -114,6 +133,18 @@
               (slime-oos (slime-read-system-name) "COMPILE-OP" :force t)))
   (:one-liner "Recompile (but not load) an ASDF system."))
+(defslime-repl-shortcut slime-repl-open-system ("open-system")
+  (:handler (lambda ()
+              (interactive)
+              (call-interactively 'slime-open-system)))
+  (:one-liner "Open all files in an ASDF system."))
+(defslime-repl-shortcut slime-repl-browse-system ("browse-system")
+  (:handler (lambda ()
+              (interactive)
+              (call-interactively 'slime-browse-system)))
+  (:one-liner "Browse files in an ASDF system using Dired."))
 (defun slime-asdf-on-connect ()
   (slime-eval-async '(swank:swank-require :swank-asdf)))
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-asdf.lisp	2009/10/19 22:46:24	1.8
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-asdf.lisp	2009/10/21 13:26:36	1.9
@@ -77,4 +77,8 @@
   (mapcar #'namestring
           (asdf-module-files (asdf:find-system system))))
+(defslimefun asdf-system-loaded-p (system)
+  (gethash 'asdf:load-op
+           (asdf::component-operation-times (asdf:find-system system))))
 (provide :swank-asdf)

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