[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

CVS User trittweiler trittweiler at common-lisp.net
Fri May 15 18:37:10 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv23079/contrib

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime-fontifying-fu.el 
Log Message:
	Moved font-lock-magic from slime.el to slime-fontifying-fu.el.

	N.B. slime-fontifying-fu is automatically loaded by
	slime-fancy. I.e. if you use slime-fancy, font-lock-magic will be
	enabled for just like before.

	* slime-fontifying-fu.el (slime-highlight-suppressed-forms),
	(slime-activate-font-lock-magic): Moved here.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/05/14 18:13:21	1.206
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/05/15 18:37:10	1.207
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+2009-05-15  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
+	Moved font-lock-magic from slime.el to slime-fontifying-fu.el.
+	N.B. slime-fontifying-fu is automatically loaded by
+	slime-fancy. I.e. if you use slime-fancy, font-lock-magic will be
+	enabled for just like before.
+	* slime-fontifying-fu.el (slime-highlight-suppressed-forms),
+	(slime-reader-conditional-face),
+	(slime-search-suppressed-forms-internal),
+	(slime-search-suppressed-forms),
+	(slime-search-directly-preceding-reader-conditional),
+	(slime-extend-region-for-font-lock),
+	(slime-compute-region-for-font-lock),
+	(slime-activate-font-lock-magic): Moved here.
 2009-05-14  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
 	Optionally sort slots displayed for STANDARD-OBJECTS not
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el	2008/08/20 21:46:09	1.1
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el	2009/05/15 18:37:10	1.2
@@ -6,19 +6,189 @@
-;; Fontify WITH-FOO and DO-FOO like standard macros; fontify
+;;; Fontify WITH-FOO and DO-FOO like standard macros.
+;;; Fontify CHECK-FOO like CHECK-TYPE.
 (defvar slime-additional-font-lock-keywords
  '(("(\\(\\(\\s_\\|\\w\\)*:\\(define-\\|do-\\|with-\\)\\(\\s_\\|\\w\\)*\\)" 1 font-lock-keyword-face) 
    ("(\\(\\(define-\\|do-\\|with-\\)\\(\\s_\\|\\w\\)*\\)" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
    ("(\\(check-\\(\\s_\\|\\w\\)*\\)" 1 font-lock-warning-face)))
+;;;; Specially fontify forms suppressed by a reader conditional.
+(defcustom slime-highlight-suppressed-forms t
+  "Display forms disabled by reader conditionals as comments."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Enable" t) (const :tag "Disable" nil))
+  :group 'slime-mode)
+(defface slime-reader-conditional-face
+  (if (slime-face-inheritance-possible-p)
+    '((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+  '((((background light)) (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t))
+    (((background dark)) (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t))))
+  "Face for compiler notes while selected."
+  :group 'slime-mode-faces)
+(defun slime-search-suppressed-forms-internal (limit)
+  (when (re-search-forward "^\\([^;\n]*?[ \t(]\\)?#[-+]" limit t)
+    (if (let ((state (slime-current-parser-state)))
+          (or (nth 3 state)             ; inside string?
+              (nth 4 state)))           ; inside comment?
+        (slime-search-suppressed-forms-internal limit)
+      (let* ((start (- (point) 2))
+             (char (char-before))
+             (e (read (current-buffer)))
+             (val (slime-eval-feature-expression e)))
+        (when (<= (point) limit)
+          (if (or (and (eq char ?+) (not val))
+                  (and (eq char ?-) val))
+              (progn
+                (forward-sexp) (backward-sexp)
+                (slime-forward-sexp)
+                ;; There was an `ignore-errors' form around all this
+                ;; because the following assertion was triggered
+                ;; regularly (resulting in the "non-deterministic"
+                ;; behaviour mentioned in the comment further below.)
+                ;; With extending the region properly, this assertion
+                ;; would truly mean a bug now.
+                (assert (<= (point) limit))
+                (let ((md (match-data)))
+                  (fill md nil)
+                  (setf (first md) start)
+                  (setf (second md) (point))
+                  (set-match-data md)
+                  t))
+              (slime-search-suppressed-forms-internal limit)))))))
+(defun slime-search-suppressed-forms (limit)
+  "Find reader conditionalized forms where the test is false."
+  (when (and slime-highlight-suppressed-forms
+             (slime-connected-p)
+             (<= (point) limit))
+    (condition-case condition
+        (slime-search-suppressed-forms-internal limit)
+      (end-of-file                      ; e.g. #+(
+       nil) 
+      ;; We found a reader conditional we couldn't process for some
+      ;; reason; however, there may still be other reader conditionals
+      ;; before `limit'.
+      (invalid-read-syntax              ; e.g. #+#.foo
+       (slime-search-suppressed-forms limit))
+      (scan-error                       ; e.g. #| #+(or) #|
+       (slime-search-suppressed-forms limit)) 
+      (slime-unknown-feature-expression ; e.g. #+(foo)
+       (slime-search-suppressed-forms limit)) 
+      (error 
+       (slime-bug 
+        (concat "Caught error during fontification while searching for forms\n"
+                "that are suppressed by reader-conditionals. The error was: %S.")
+        condition)))))
+(defun slime-search-directly-preceding-reader-conditional ()
+  "Search for a directly preceding reader conditional. Return its
+position, or nil."
+  ;;; We search for a preceding reader conditional. Then we check that
+  ;;; between the reader conditional and the point where we started is
+  ;;; no other intervening sexp, and we check that the reader
+  ;;; conditional is at the same nesting level.
+  (let ((orig-pt (point)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (reader-conditional-pt parser-state)
+        (save-excursion
+          (when-let (pt (search-backward-regexp slime-reader-conditionals-regexp
+                                                ;; We restrict the search to the
+                                                ;; beginning of the /previous/ defun.
+                                                (save-match-data
+                                                  (save-excursion
+                                                    (beginning-of-defun) (point)))
+                                                t))
+            (values pt (parse-partial-sexp (progn (goto-char (+ pt 2))
+                                                  (forward-sexp) ; skip feature expr.
+                                                  (point))
+                                           orig-pt))))
+      (let ((paren-depth  (nth 0 parser-state))
+            (last-sexp-pt (nth 2 parser-state)))
+        (if (and paren-depth (not (plusp paren-depth)) ; no opening parenthesis in between?
+                 (not last-sexp-pt))                   ; no complete sexp in between?
+            reader-conditional-pt
+            nil)))))
+;;; We'll push this onto `font-lock-extend-region-functions'. In past,
+;;; we didn't do so which made our reader-conditional font-lock magic
+;;; pretty unreliable (it wouldn't highlight all suppressed forms, and
+;;; worked quite non-deterministic in general.)
+;;; Cf. _Elisp Manual_, 23.6.10 Multiline Font Lock Constructs.
+;;; We make sure that `font-lock-beg' and `font-lock-end' always point
+;;; to the beginning or end of a toplevel form. So we never miss a
+;;; reader-conditional, or point in mid of one.
+(defun slime-extend-region-for-font-lock ()
+  (when (and slime-highlight-suppressed-forms (slime-connected-p))
+    (condition-case c
+        (let (changedp)
+          (multiple-value-setq (changedp font-lock-beg font-lock-end)
+            (slime-compute-region-for-font-lock font-lock-beg font-lock-end))
+          changedp)
+      (error 
+       (slime-bug 
+        (concat "Caught error when trying to extend the region for fontification.\n"
+                "The error was: %S\n"
+                "Further: font-lock-beg=%d, font-lock-end=%d.")
+        c font-lock-beg font-lock-end)))))
+(defun slime-compute-region-for-font-lock (orig-beg orig-end)
+  (flet ((beginning-of-tlf ()
+           (while (when-let (upper-pt (nth 1 (slime-current-parser-state)))
+                    (goto-char upper-pt)))))
+    (let ((beg orig-beg)
+          (end orig-end))
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (beginning-of-tlf)
+      (assert (not (plusp (nth 0 (slime-current-parser-state)))))
+      (setq beg (or (slime-search-directly-preceding-reader-conditional)
+                    (point)))
+      (goto-char end)
+      (when (search-backward-regexp slime-reader-conditionals-regexp beg t)
+        ;; Nested reader conditionals, yuck!
+        (while (when-let (pt (slime-search-directly-preceding-reader-conditional))
+                 (goto-char pt)))
+        (ignore-errors (slime-forward-reader-conditional))
+        (setq end (max end (point))))
+      (values (or (/= beg orig-beg) (/= end orig-end)) beg end))))
+(defun slime-activate-font-lock-magic ()
+  (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+      (let ((pattern `((slime-search-suppressed-forms
+                        (0 slime-reader-conditional-face t)))))
+        (dolist (sym '(lisp-font-lock-keywords
+                       lisp-font-lock-keywords-1
+                       lisp-font-lock-keywords-2))
+          (set sym (append (symbol-value sym) pattern))))
+      (font-lock-add-keywords
+       'lisp-mode
+       `((slime-search-suppressed-forms 0 ,''slime-reader-conditional-face t)))
+      (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 
+                #'(lambda () 
+                    (add-hook 'font-lock-extend-region-functions
+                              'slime-extend-region-for-font-lock t t)))
+      ))
 (defun slime-fontifying-fu-init ()
-   'lisp-mode slime-additional-font-lock-keywords))
+   'lisp-mode slime-additional-font-lock-keywords)
+  (when slime-highlight-suppressed-forms
+    (slime-activate-font-lock-magic)))
 (defun slime-fontifying-fu-unload ()
-   'lisp-mode slime-additional-font-lock-keywords))
+   'lisp-mode slime-additional-font-lock-keywords)
+  ;;; FIXME: remove `slime-search-suppressed-forms', and remove the
+  ;;; extend-region hook.
+  )
 (provide 'slime-fontifying-fu)
\ No newline at end of file

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