[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User trittweiler trittweiler at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 2 20:35:55 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv24989

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog hyperspec.el 
Log Message:
	* hyperspec.el (common-lisp-hyperspec-symbols): Add entries for
	reader macros even when `common-lisp-hyperspec-symbol-table' is
	bound to some value.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2009/02/27 22:00:25	1.1703
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2009/03/02 20:35:54	1.1704
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2009-03-02  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
+	* hyperspec.el (common-lisp-hyperspec-symbols): Add entries for
+	reader macros even when `common-lisp-hyperspec-symbol-table' is
+	bound to some value.
 2009-02-27  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
 	* slime.el ([test] macroexpand): New test case.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/hyperspec.el	2009/02/27 19:02:44	1.12
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/hyperspec.el	2009/03/02 20:35:55	1.13
@@ -120,6 +120,15 @@
 (eval-when (load eval)
   (defalias 'hyperspec-lookup 'common-lisp-hyperspec))
+;;; Refactored out from the below.
+;;; 20090302 Tobias C Rittweiler
+(defun intern-clhs-symbol (string relative-url)
+  (let ((symbol (intern string common-lisp-hyperspec-symbols)))
+    (if (boundp symbol)
+        (push relative-url (symbol-value symbol))
+        (set symbol (list relative-url)))))
 ;;; Added dynamic lookup of symbol in CLHS symbol table
@@ -140,1023 +149,1029 @@
           (set-buffer index-buffer)
           (goto-char (point-min))
           (while (< (point) (point-max))
-            (let* ((symbol (intern (downcase (get-one-line))
-                                   common-lisp-hyperspec-symbols))
+            (let* ((symbol-name (downcase (get-one-line)))
                    (relative-url (get-one-line)))
-              (set symbol (list (subseq relative-url
-                                        (1+ (position ?\/ relative-url :from-end t))))))))))
-  (mapcar (lambda (entry)
-            (let ((symbol (intern (car entry) common-lisp-hyperspec-symbols)))
-              (if (boundp symbol)
-                  (push (cadr entry) (symbol-value symbol))
-                (set symbol (cdr entry)))))
-          '(("&allow-other-keys" "03_da.htm")
-            ("&aux" "03_da.htm")
-            ("&body" "03_dd.htm")
-            ("&environment" "03_dd.htm")
-            ("&key" "03_da.htm")
-            ("&optional" "03_da.htm")
-            ("&rest" "03_da.htm")
-            ("&whole" "03_dd.htm")
-            ("*" "a_st.htm")
-            ("**" "v__stst_.htm")
-            ("***" "v__stst_.htm")
-            ("*break-on-signals*" "v_break_.htm")
-            ("*compile-file-pathname*" "v_cmp_fi.htm")
-            ("*compile-file-truename*" "v_cmp_fi.htm")
-            ("*compile-print*" "v_cmp_pr.htm")
-            ("*compile-verbose*" "v_cmp_pr.htm")
-            ("*debug-io*" "v_debug_.htm")
-            ("*debugger-hook*" "v_debugg.htm")
-            ("*default-pathname-defaults*" "v_defaul.htm")
-            ("*error-output*" "v_debug_.htm")
-            ("*features*" "v_featur.htm")
-            ("*gensym-counter*" "v_gensym.htm")
-            ("*load-pathname*" "v_ld_pns.htm")
-            ("*load-print*" "v_ld_prs.htm")
-            ("*load-truename*" "v_ld_pns.htm")
-            ("*load-verbose*" "v_ld_prs.htm")
-            ("*macroexpand-hook*" "v_mexp_h.htm")
-            ("*modules*" "v_module.htm")
-            ("*package*" "v_pkg.htm")
-            ("*print-array*" "v_pr_ar.htm")
-            ("*print-base*" "v_pr_bas.htm")
-            ("*print-case*" "v_pr_cas.htm")
-            ("*print-circle*" "v_pr_cir.htm")
-            ("*print-escape*" "v_pr_esc.htm")
-            ("*print-gensym*" "v_pr_gen.htm")
-            ("*print-length*" "v_pr_lev.htm")
-            ("*print-level*" "v_pr_lev.htm")
-            ("*print-lines*" "v_pr_lin.htm")
-            ("*print-miser-width*" "v_pr_mis.htm")
-            ("*print-pprint-dispatch*" "v_pr_ppr.htm")
-            ("*print-pretty*" "v_pr_pre.htm")
-            ("*print-radix*" "v_pr_bas.htm")
-            ("*print-readably*" "v_pr_rda.htm")
-            ("*print-right-margin*" "v_pr_rig.htm")
-            ("*query-io*" "v_debug_.htm")
-            ("*random-state*" "v_rnd_st.htm")
-            ("*read-base*" "v_rd_bas.htm")
-            ("*read-default-float-format*" "v_rd_def.htm")
-            ("*read-eval*" "v_rd_eva.htm")
-            ("*read-suppress*" "v_rd_sup.htm")
-            ("*readtable*" "v_rdtabl.htm")
-            ("*standard-input*" "v_debug_.htm")
-            ("*standard-output*" "v_debug_.htm")
-            ("*terminal-io*" "v_termin.htm")
-            ("*trace-output*" "v_debug_.htm")
-            ("+" "a_pl.htm")
-            ("++" "v_pl_plp.htm")
-            ("+++" "v_pl_plp.htm")
-            ("-" "a__.htm")
-            ("/" "a_sl.htm")
-            ("//" "v_sl_sls.htm")
-            ("///" "v_sl_sls.htm")
-            ("/=" "f_eq_sle.htm")
-            ("1+" "f_1pl_1_.htm")
-            ("1-" "f_1pl_1_.htm")
-            ("<" "f_eq_sle.htm")
-            ("<=" "f_eq_sle.htm")
-            ("=" "f_eq_sle.htm")
-            (">" "f_eq_sle.htm")
-            (">=" "f_eq_sle.htm")
-            ("abort" "a_abort.htm")
-            ("abs" "f_abs.htm")
-            ("acons" "f_acons.htm")
-            ("acos" "f_asin_.htm")
-            ("acosh" "f_sinh_.htm")
-            ("add-method" "f_add_me.htm")
-            ("adjoin" "f_adjoin.htm")
-            ("adjust-array" "f_adjust.htm")
-            ("adjustable-array-p" "f_adju_1.htm")
-            ("allocate-instance" "f_alloca.htm")
-            ("alpha-char-p" "f_alpha_.htm")
-            ("alphanumericp" "f_alphan.htm")
-            ("and" "a_and.htm")
-            ("append" "f_append.htm")
-            ("apply" "f_apply.htm")
-            ("apropos" "f_apropo.htm")
-            ("apropos-list" "f_apropo.htm")
-            ("aref" "f_aref.htm")
-            ("arithmetic-error" "e_arithm.htm")
-            ("arithmetic-error-operands" "f_arithm.htm")
-            ("arithmetic-error-operation" "f_arithm.htm")
-            ("array" "t_array.htm")
-            ("array-dimension" "f_ar_dim.htm")
-            ("array-dimension-limit" "v_ar_dim.htm")
-            ("array-dimensions" "f_ar_d_1.htm")
-            ("array-displacement" "f_ar_dis.htm")
-            ("array-element-type" "f_ar_ele.htm")
-            ("array-has-fill-pointer-p" "f_ar_has.htm")
-            ("array-in-bounds-p" "f_ar_in_.htm")
-            ("array-rank" "f_ar_ran.htm")
-            ("array-rank-limit" "v_ar_ran.htm")
-            ("array-row-major-index" "f_ar_row.htm")
-            ("array-total-size" "f_ar_tot.htm")
-            ("array-total-size-limit" "v_ar_tot.htm")
-            ("arrayp" "f_arrayp.htm")
-            ("ash" "f_ash.htm")
-            ("asin" "f_asin_.htm")
-            ("asinh" "f_sinh_.htm")
-            ("assert" "m_assert.htm")
-            ("assoc" "f_assocc.htm")
-            ("assoc-if" "f_assocc.htm")
-            ("assoc-if-not" "f_assocc.htm")
-            ("atan" "f_asin_.htm")
-            ("atanh" "f_sinh_.htm")
-            ("atom" "a_atom.htm")
-            ("base-char" "t_base_c.htm")
-            ("base-string" "t_base_s.htm")
-            ("bignum" "t_bignum.htm")
-            ("bit" "a_bit.htm")
-            ("bit-and" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-andc1" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-andc2" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-eqv" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-ior" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-nand" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-nor" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-not" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-orc1" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-orc2" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("bit-vector" "t_bt_vec.htm")
-            ("bit-vector-p" "f_bt_vec.htm")
-            ("bit-xor" "f_bt_and.htm")
-            ("block" "s_block.htm")
-            ("boole" "f_boole.htm")
-            ("boole-1" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-2" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-and" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-andc1" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-andc2" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-c1" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-c2" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-clr" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-eqv" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-ior" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-nand" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-nor" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-orc1" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-orc2" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-set" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boole-xor" "v_b_1_b.htm")
-            ("boolean" "t_ban.htm")
-            ("both-case-p" "f_upper_.htm")
-            ("boundp" "f_boundp.htm")
-            ("break" "f_break.htm")
-            ("broadcast-stream" "t_broadc.htm")
-            ("broadcast-stream-streams" "f_broadc.htm")
-            ("built-in-class" "t_built_.htm")
-            ("butlast" "f_butlas.htm")
-            ("byte" "f_by_by.htm")
-            ("byte-position" "f_by_by.htm")
-            ("byte-size" "f_by_by.htm")
-            ("caaaar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caaadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caaar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caadar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caaddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cadaar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cadadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cadar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caddar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cadddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("caddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("call-arguments-limit" "v_call_a.htm")
-            ("call-method" "m_call_m.htm")
-            ("call-next-method" "f_call_n.htm")
-            ("car" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("case" "m_case_.htm")
-            ("catch" "s_catch.htm")
-            ("ccase" "m_case_.htm")
-            ("cdaaar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdaadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdaar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdadar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdaddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cddaar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cddadr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cddar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdddar" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cddddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cddr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("cdr" "f_car_c.htm")
-            ("ceiling" "f_floorc.htm")
-            ("cell-error" "e_cell_e.htm")
-            ("cell-error-name" "f_cell_e.htm")
-            ("cerror" "f_cerror.htm")
-            ("change-class" "f_chg_cl.htm")
-            ("char" "f_char_.htm")
-            ("char-code" "f_char_c.htm")
-            ("char-code-limit" "v_char_c.htm")
-            ("char-downcase" "f_char_u.htm")
-            ("char-equal" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char-greaterp" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char-int" "f_char_i.htm")
-            ("char-lessp" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char-name" "f_char_n.htm")
-            ("char-not-equal" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char-not-greaterp" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char-not-lessp" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char-upcase" "f_char_u.htm")
-            ("char/=" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char<" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char<=" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char=" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char>" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("char>=" "f_chareq.htm")
-            ("character" "a_ch.htm")
-            ("characterp" "f_chp.htm")
-            ("check-type" "m_check_.htm")
-            ("cis" "f_cis.htm")
-            ("class" "t_class.htm")
-            ("class-name" "f_class_.htm")
-            ("class-of" "f_clas_1.htm")
-            ("clear-input" "f_clear_.htm")
-            ("clear-output" "f_finish.htm")
-            ("close" "f_close.htm")
-            ("clrhash" "f_clrhas.htm")
-            ("code-char" "f_code_c.htm")
-            ("coerce" "f_coerce.htm")
-            ("compilation-speed" "d_optimi.htm")
-            ("compile" "f_cmp.htm")
-            ("compile-file" "f_cmp_fi.htm")
-            ("compile-file-pathname" "f_cmp__1.htm")
-            ("compiled-function" "t_cmpd_f.htm")
-            ("compiled-function-p" "f_cmpd_f.htm")
-            ("compiler-macro" "f_docume.htm")
-            ("compiler-macro-function" "f_cmp_ma.htm")
-            ("complement" "f_comple.htm")
-            ("complex" "a_comple.htm")
-            ("complexp" "f_comp_3.htm")
-            ("compute-applicable-methods" "f_comput.htm")
-            ("compute-restarts" "f_comp_1.htm")
-            ("concatenate" "f_concat.htm")
-            ("concatenated-stream" "t_concat.htm")
-            ("concatenated-stream-streams" "f_conc_1.htm")
-            ("cond" "m_cond.htm")
-            ("condition" "e_cnd.htm")
-            ("conjugate" "f_conjug.htm")
-            ("cons" "a_cons.htm")
-            ("consp" "f_consp.htm")
-            ("constantly" "f_cons_1.htm")
-            ("constantp" "f_consta.htm")
-            ("continue" "a_contin.htm")
-            ("control-error" "e_contro.htm")
-            ("copy-alist" "f_cp_ali.htm")
-            ("copy-list" "f_cp_lis.htm")
-            ("copy-pprint-dispatch" "f_cp_ppr.htm")
-            ("copy-readtable" "f_cp_rdt.htm")
-            ("copy-seq" "f_cp_seq.htm")
-            ("copy-structure" "f_cp_stu.htm")
-            ("copy-symbol" "f_cp_sym.htm")
-            ("copy-tree" "f_cp_tre.htm")
-            ("cos" "f_sin_c.htm")
-            ("cosh" "f_sinh_.htm")
-            ("count" "f_countc.htm")
-            ("count-if" "f_countc.htm")
-            ("count-if-not" "f_countc.htm")
-            ("ctypecase" "m_tpcase.htm")
-            ("debug" "d_optimi.htm")
-            ("decf" "m_incf_.htm")
-            ("declaim" "m_declai.htm")
-            ("declaration" "d_declar.htm")
-            ("declare" "s_declar.htm")
-            ("decode-float" "f_dec_fl.htm")
-            ("decode-universal-time" "f_dec_un.htm")
-            ("defclass" "m_defcla.htm")
-            ("defconstant" "m_defcon.htm")
-            ("defgeneric" "m_defgen.htm")
-            ("define-compiler-macro" "m_define.htm")
-            ("define-condition" "m_defi_5.htm")
-            ("define-method-combination" "m_defi_4.htm")
-            ("define-modify-macro" "m_defi_2.htm")
-            ("define-setf-expander" "m_defi_3.htm")
-            ("define-symbol-macro" "m_defi_1.htm")
-            ("defmacro" "m_defmac.htm")
-            ("defmethod" "m_defmet.htm")
-            ("defpackage" "m_defpkg.htm")
-            ("defparameter" "m_defpar.htm")
-            ("defsetf" "m_defset.htm")
-            ("defstruct" "m_defstr.htm")
-            ("deftype" "m_deftp.htm")
-            ("defun" "m_defun.htm")
-            ("defvar" "m_defpar.htm")
-            ("delete" "f_rm_rm.htm")
-            ("delete-duplicates" "f_rm_dup.htm")
-            ("delete-file" "f_del_fi.htm")
-            ("delete-if" "f_rm_rm.htm")
-            ("delete-if-not" "f_rm_rm.htm")
-            ("delete-package" "f_del_pk.htm")
-            ("denominator" "f_numera.htm")
-            ("deposit-field" "f_deposi.htm")
-            ("describe" "f_descri.htm")
-            ("describe-object" "f_desc_1.htm")
-            ("destructuring-bind" "m_destru.htm")
-            ("digit-char" "f_digit_.htm")
-            ("digit-char-p" "f_digi_1.htm")
-            ("directory" "f_dir.htm")
-            ("directory-namestring" "f_namest.htm")
-            ("disassemble" "f_disass.htm")
-            ("division-by-zero" "e_divisi.htm")
-            ("do" "m_do_do.htm")
-            ("do*" "m_do_do.htm")
-            ("do-all-symbols" "m_do_sym.htm")
-            ("do-external-symbols" "m_do_sym.htm")
-            ("do-symbols" "m_do_sym.htm")
-            ("documentation" "f_docume.htm")
-            ("dolist" "m_dolist.htm")
-            ("dotimes" "m_dotime.htm")
-            ("double-float" "t_short_.htm")
-            ("double-float-epsilon" "v_short_.htm")
-            ("double-float-negative-epsilon" "v_short_.htm")
-            ("dpb" "f_dpb.htm")
-            ("dribble" "f_dribbl.htm")
-            ("dynamic-extent" "d_dynami.htm")
-            ("ecase" "m_case_.htm")
-            ("echo-stream" "t_echo_s.htm")
-            ("echo-stream-input-stream" "f_echo_s.htm")
-            ("echo-stream-output-stream" "f_echo_s.htm")
-            ("ed" "f_ed.htm")
-            ("eighth" "f_firstc.htm")
-            ("elt" "f_elt.htm")
-            ("encode-universal-time" "f_encode.htm")
-            ("end-of-file" "e_end_of.htm")
-            ("endp" "f_endp.htm")
-            ("enough-namestring" "f_namest.htm")
-            ("ensure-directories-exist" "f_ensu_1.htm")
-            ("ensure-generic-function" "f_ensure.htm")
-            ("eq" "f_eq.htm")
-            ("eql" "a_eql.htm")
-            ("equal" "f_equal.htm")
-            ("equalp" "f_equalp.htm")
-            ("error" "a_error.htm")
-            ("etypecase" "m_tpcase.htm")
-            ("eval" "f_eval.htm")
-            ("eval-when" "s_eval_w.htm")
-            ("evenp" "f_evenpc.htm")
-            ("every" "f_everyc.htm")
-            ("exp" "f_exp_e.htm")
-            ("export" "f_export.htm")
-            ("expt" "f_exp_e.htm")
-            ("extended-char" "t_extend.htm")
-            ("fboundp" "f_fbound.htm")
-            ("fceiling" "f_floorc.htm")
-            ("fdefinition" "f_fdefin.htm")
-            ("ffloor" "f_floorc.htm")
-            ("fifth" "f_firstc.htm")
-            ("file-author" "f_file_a.htm")
-            ("file-error" "e_file_e.htm")
-            ("file-error-pathname" "f_file_e.htm")
-            ("file-length" "f_file_l.htm")
-            ("file-namestring" "f_namest.htm")
-            ("file-position" "f_file_p.htm")

[1664 lines skipped]

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