[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User heller heller at common-lisp.net
Thu Jul 2 14:14:26 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv8510

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime.el swank.lisp 
Log Message:
* swank.lisp (ed-in-emacs): Handle symbols/function-names better.
* slime.el (slime-ed): Updated accordingly.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2009/07/02 14:14:16	1.1803
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2009/07/02 14:14:26	1.1804
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 2009-07-02  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	* swank.lisp (ed-in-emacs): Handle symbols/function-names better.
+	* slime.el (slime-ed): Updated accordingly.
+2009-07-02  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
 	* swank.lisp (operator-arglist): Don't use pprint-fill
 	for people with wide screens.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2009/07/02 04:13:10	1.1194
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2009/07/02 14:14:26	1.1195
@@ -4055,40 +4055,24 @@
 WHAT can be:
   A filename (string),
-  A list (FILENAME :charpos CHARPOS),
-  A function name (symbol or cons),
+  A list (:filename FILENAME &key LINE COLUMN POSITION),
+  A function name (:function-name STRING)
 This is for use in the implementation of COMMON-LISP:ED."
-  ;; Without `save-excursion' very strange things happen if you call
-  ;; (swank:ed-in-emacs X) from the REPL. -luke (18/Jan/2004)
-  (save-excursion
-    (when slime-ed-use-dedicated-frame
-      (unless (and slime-ed-frame (frame-live-p slime-ed-frame))
-        (setq slime-ed-frame (make-frame)))
-      (select-frame slime-ed-frame))
-    (cond ((stringp what)
-           (find-file (slime-from-lisp-filename what)))
-          ((and (consp what) (stringp (first what)))
-           (find-file (first (slime-from-lisp-filename what)))
-           (cond
-            ((eql (second what) :charpos)
-             (goto-char (third what)))
-            (t
-             (goto-line (second what))
-             ;; Find the correct column, without going past the end of
-             ;; the line.
-             (let ((col (third what)))
-               (while (and col
-                           (< (point) (point-at-eol))
-                           (/= (decf col) -1))
-                 (forward-char 1))))))
-          ((and what (symbolp what))
-           (slime-edit-definition (symbol-name what)))
-          ((consp what)
-           (slime-edit-definition (prin1-to-string what)))
-          (t nil))))                    ; nothing in particular
+  (when slime-ed-use-dedicated-frame
+    (unless (and slime-ed-frame (frame-live-p slime-ed-frame))
+      (setq slime-ed-frame (make-frame)))
+    (select-frame slime-ed-frame))
+  (when what
+    (destructure-case what
+      ((:filename file &key line column position)
+       (find-file (slime-from-lisp-filename file))
+       (when line (goto-line line))
+       (when column (move-to-column column))
+       (when position (goto-char position)))
+      ((:function-name name)
+       (slime-edit-definition name)))))
 (defun slime-y-or-n-p (thread tag question)
   (slime-dispatch-event `(:emacs-return ,thread ,tag ,(y-or-n-p question))))
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2009/07/02 14:14:16	1.653
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2009/07/02 14:14:26	1.654
@@ -2359,29 +2359,25 @@
 WHAT can be:
   A pathname or a string,
   A function name (symbol or cons),
-  NIL.
-Returns true if it actually called emacs, or NIL if not."
-  (flet ((pathname-or-string-p (thing)
-           (or (pathnamep thing) (typep thing 'string)))
-         (canonicalize-filename (filename)
+  NIL. "
+  (flet ((canonicalize-filename (filename)
            (pathname-to-filename (or (probe-file filename) filename))))
-    (let ((target
-           (cond ((and (listp what) (pathname-or-string-p (first what)))
-                  (cons (canonicalize-filename (car what)) (cdr what)))
-                 ((pathname-or-string-p what)
-                  (canonicalize-filename what))
-                 ((symbolp what) what)
-                 ((consp what) what)
-                 (t (return-from ed-in-emacs nil)))))
-      (cond
-        (*emacs-connection* (send-oob-to-emacs `(:ed ,target)))
-        ((default-connection)
-         (with-connection ((default-connection))
-           (send-oob-to-emacs `(:ed ,target))))
-        (t nil)))))
+    (let ((target 
+           (etypecase what
+             (null nil)
+             ((or string pathname) 
+              `(:filename ,(canonicalize-filename what)))
+             ((cons (or string pathname) *)
+              `(:filename ,(canonicalize-filename (car what)) ,@(cdr what)))
+             ((or symbol cons)
+              `(:function-name ,(prin1-to-string-for-emacs what))))))
+      (cond (*emacs-connection* (send-oob-to-emacs `(:ed ,target)))
+            ((default-connection)
+             (with-connection ((default-connection))
+               (send-oob-to-emacs `(:ed ,target))))
+            (t (error "No connection"))))))
 (defslimefun inspect-in-emacs (what &key wait)
   "Inspect WHAT in Emacs. If WAIT is true (default NIL) blocks until the

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