[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

CVS User trittweiler trittweiler at common-lisp.net
Tue Dec 29 19:29:31 UTC 2009

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv5176/contrib

Modified Files:
	swank-arglists.lisp slime-autodoc.el ChangeLog 
Log Message:
	More cleanup.

	The RP swank:arglist-for-echo-area is now called swank:autodoc.

	* swank-arglists.lisp (autodoc): Renamed from
	(variable-desc-for-echo-area): Deleted. Above function subsumes
	this functionality now.
	(print-variable-to-string): Extracted from

	* slime-autodoc.el (slime-retrieve-arglist): Change RPC.
	(slime-make-autodoc-rpc-form): Ditto.
	(slime-autodoc-cache-type): Deleted.
	(slime-autodoc-cache): Deleted.
	(slime-autodoc-last-buffer-form): Replacement.
	(slime-autodoc-last-autodoc): Replacement.
	(slime-get-cached-autodoc): Adapted accordingly.
	(slime-store-into-autodoc-cache): Adapted accordingly.
	(slime-compute-autodoc): Simplified slightly.
	(autodoc.1 [test]): Extended.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp	2009/12/29 19:01:37	1.51
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp	2009/12/29 19:29:30	1.52
@@ -1060,21 +1060,7 @@
        (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) (list type-specifier))
 ;;; Slimefuns
-(defslimefun variable-desc-for-echo-area (variable-name)
-  "Return a short description of VARIABLE-NAME, or NIL."
-  (with-buffer-syntax ()
-    (let ((sym (parse-symbol variable-name)))
-      (if (and sym (boundp sym))
-          (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-level* 4)
-                (*print-length* 10) (*print-lines* 1)
-		(*print-readably* nil))
-	    (call/truncated-output-to-string
-	     75 (lambda (s)
-		  (format s "~A => ~S" sym (symbol-value sym)))))
-          :not-available))))
 ;;; We work on a RAW-FORM, or BUFFER-FORM, which represent the form at
 ;;; user's point in Emacs. A RAW-FORM looks like
@@ -1097,7 +1083,7 @@
 ;;; %CURSOR-MARKER%)). Only the forms up to point should be
 ;;; considered.
-(defslimefun arglist-for-echo-area (raw-form &key print-right-margin print-lines)
+(defslimefun autodoc (raw-form &key print-right-margin print-lines)
   "Return a string representing the arglist for the deepest subform in
 RAW-FORM that does have an arglist. The highlighted parameter is
 wrapped in ===> X <===."
@@ -1106,19 +1092,35 @@
                       (unless (debug-on-swank-error)
                         (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)
                               (*print-lines* print-lines))
-                          (return-from arglist-for-echo-area
+                          (return-from autodoc
                             (format nil "Arglist Error: \"~A\"" c)))))))
       (with-buffer-syntax ()
         (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj-at-cursor form-path)
             (find-subform-with-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form))
-          (declare (ignore obj-at-cursor))
-          (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist
-            (decoded-arglist-to-string
-             arglist
-             :print-right-margin print-right-margin
-             :print-lines print-lines
-             :operator (car form)
-             :highlight (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist)))))))
+          (cond ((and obj-at-cursor
+                      (symbolp obj-at-cursor)
+                      (boundp obj-at-cursor))
+                 (print-variable-to-string obj-at-cursor))
+                (t
+                 (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist
+                   (decoded-arglist-to-string
+                    arglist
+                    :print-right-margin print-right-margin
+                    :print-lines print-lines
+                    :operator (car form)
+                    :highlight (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path
+                                                          form
+                                                          arglist)))))))))
+(defun print-variable-to-string (symbol)
+  "Return a short description of VARIABLE-NAME, or NIL."
+  (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-level* 4)
+        (*print-length* 10) (*print-lines* 1)
+        (*print-readably* nil))
+    (call/truncated-output-to-string
+     75 (lambda (s)
+          (format s "~A => ~S" symbol (symbol-value symbol))))))
 (defslimefun complete-form (raw-form)
   "Read FORM-STRING in the current buffer package, then complete it
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-autodoc.el	2009/12/23 08:34:17	1.26
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-autodoc.el	2009/12/29 19:29:31	1.27
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 	  "slime-autodoc doesn't work with XEmacs"))
 (require 'slime-parse)
-(require 'slime-enclosing-context)
 (defcustom slime-use-autodoc-mode t
   "When non-nil always enable slime-autodoc-mode in slime-mode.")
@@ -54,25 +53,21 @@
   (let ((name (etypecase name
                  (string name)
                  (symbol (symbol-name name)))))
-    (slime-eval `(swank:arglist-for-echo-area '(,name ,slime-cursor-marker)))))
+    (slime-eval `(swank:autodoc '(,name ,slime-cursor-marker)))))
 ;;;; Autodocs (automatic context-sensitive help)
 (defun slime-make-autodoc-rpc-form ()
   "Return a cache key and a swank form."
-  (let ((global (slime-autodoc-global-at-point)))
-    (if global
-        (values (slime-qualify-cl-symbol-name global)
-                `(swank:variable-desc-for-echo-area ,global))
-        (let* ((levels slime-autodoc-accuracy-depth)
-               (buffer-form (slime-parse-form-upto-point levels)))
-          (values buffer-form
-                  (multiple-value-bind (width height)
-                      (slime-autodoc-message-dimensions)
-                    `(swank:arglist-for-echo-area ',buffer-form
-                                                  :print-right-margin ,width
-                                                  :print-lines ,height)))))))
+  (let* ((levels slime-autodoc-accuracy-depth)
+         (buffer-form (slime-parse-form-upto-point levels)))
+    (values buffer-form
+            (multiple-value-bind (width height)
+                (slime-autodoc-message-dimensions)
+              `(swank:autodoc ',buffer-form
+                              :print-right-margin ,width
+                              :print-lines ,height)))))
 (defun slime-autodoc-global-at-point ()
   "Return the global variable name at point, if any."
@@ -112,41 +107,19 @@
 ;;;; Autodoc cache
-(defvar slime-autodoc-cache-type 'last
-  "*Cache policy for automatically fetched documentation.
-Possible values are:
- nil  - none.
- last - cache only the most recently-looked-at symbol's documentation.
-        The values are stored in the variable `slime-autodoc-cache'.
-More caching means fewer calls to the Lisp process, but at the risk of
-using outdated information.")
-(defvar slime-autodoc-cache nil
-  "Cache variable for when `slime-autodoc-cache-type' is 'last'.
-(defun slime-get-cached-autodoc (symbol-name)
-  "Return the cached autodoc documentation for SYMBOL-NAME, or nil."
-  (ecase slime-autodoc-cache-type
-    ((nil) nil)
-    ((last)
-     (when (equal (car slime-autodoc-cache) symbol-name)
-       (cdr slime-autodoc-cache)))
-    ((all)
-     (when-let (symbol (intern-soft symbol-name))
-       (get symbol 'slime-autodoc-cache)))))
+(defvar slime-autodoc-last-buffer-form nil)
+(defvar slime-autodoc-last-autodoc nil)
-(defun slime-store-into-autodoc-cache (symbol-name documentation)
+(defun slime-get-cached-autodoc (buffer-form)
+  "Return the cached autodoc documentation for `buffer-form', or nil."
+  (when (equal buffer-form slime-autodoc-last-buffer-form)
+    slime-autodoc-last-autodoc))
+(defun slime-store-into-autodoc-cache (buffer-form autodoc)
   "Update the autodoc cache for SYMBOL with DOCUMENTATION.
-  (ecase slime-autodoc-cache-type
-    ((nil) nil)
-    ((last)
-     (setq slime-autodoc-cache (cons symbol-name documentation)))
-    ((all)
-     (put (intern symbol-name) 'slime-autodoc-cache documentation)))
-  documentation)
+  (setq slime-autodoc-last-buffer-form buffer-form)
+  (setq slime-autodoc-last-autodoc autodoc))
 ;;;; Formatting autodoc
@@ -190,23 +163,22 @@
     ;; data.
       (unless (slime-inside-string-or-comment-p)
-        (multiple-value-bind (cache-key retrieve-form) (slime-make-autodoc-rpc-form)
+        (multiple-value-bind (cache-key retrieve-form) 
+            (slime-make-autodoc-rpc-form)
           (let ((cached (slime-get-cached-autodoc cache-key)))
             (if cached
                 ;; If nothing is in the cache, we first decline, and fetch
                 ;; the arglist information asynchronously.
-                (prog1 nil
-                  (slime-eval-async retrieve-form
-                    (lexical-let ((cache-key cache-key)) 
-                      (lambda (doc)
-                        (let ((doc (if (eq doc :not-available)
-                                       ""
-                                       (slime-format-autodoc doc))))
-                          ;; Now that we've got our information, get it to
-                          ;; the user ASAP.
-                          (eldoc-message doc)
-                          (slime-store-into-autodoc-cache cache-key doc)))))))))))))
+                (slime-eval-async retrieve-form
+                  (lexical-let ((cache-key cache-key))
+                    (lambda (doc)
+                      (unless (eq doc :not-available) 
+                        (setq doc (slime-format-autodoc doc))
+                        ;; Now that we've got our information,
+                        ;; get it to the user ASAP.
+                        (eldoc-message doc)
+                        (slime-store-into-autodoc-cache cache-key doc))))))))))))
 (make-variable-buffer-local (defvar slime-autodoc-mode nil))
@@ -269,13 +241,21 @@
 (def-slime-test autodoc.1
-    (buffer-sexpr wished-arglist)
+    (buffer-sexpr wished-arglist &optional skip-trailing-test-p)
     '(("(swank::emacs-connected*HERE*"    "(emacs-connected)")
       ("(swank::create-socket*HERE*"      "(create-socket host port)")
       ("(swank::create-socket *HERE*"     "(create-socket ===> host <=== port)")
       ("(swank::create-socket foo *HERE*" "(create-socket host ===> port <===)")
+      ("#'(lambda () (swank::create-socket*HERE*" "(create-socket host port)")
+      ("`(lambda () ,(swank::create-socket*HERE*" "(create-socket host port)")
+      ("(remove-if #'(lambda () (swank::create-socket*HERE*"
+       "(create-socket host port)")
+      ("`(remove-if #'(lambda () ,@(swank::create-socket*HERE*"
+       "(create-socket host port)")
       ("(swank::symbol-status foo *HERE*" 
        "(symbol-status symbol &optional ===> (package (symbol-package symbol)) <===)")
@@ -291,7 +271,16 @@
        "(apply 'eval-for-emacs &optional form ===> buffer-package <=== id &rest args)")
       ("(apply #'swank::eval-for-emacs foo *HERE*"
-       "(apply #'eval-for-emacs &optional form ===> buffer-package <=== id &rest args)"))
+       "(apply #'eval-for-emacs &optional form ===> buffer-package <=== id &rest args)")
+      ("(swank::with-retry-restart (:msg *HERE*"
+       "(with-retry-restart (&key ===> (msg \"Retry.\") <===) &body body)")
+      ("(swank::start-server \"/tmp/foo\" :coding-system *HERE*"
+       "(start-server port-file &key (style swank:*communication-style*) (dont-close swank:*dont-close*) ===> (coding-system swank::*coding-system*) <===)")
+      ("(swank::with-struct *HERE*(foo. x y) *struct* body1)"
+       "(with-struct (conc-name &rest names) obj &body body)"
+       t))
     (setq slime-buffer-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")
@@ -300,8 +289,9 @@
     (search-backward "*HERE*")
     (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
     (slime-check-autodoc-at-point wished-arglist)
-    (insert ")") (backward-char)
-    (slime-check-autodoc-at-point wished-arglist)
+    (unless skip-trailing-test-p
+      (insert ")") (backward-char)
+      (slime-check-autodoc-at-point wished-arglist))
 (provide 'slime-autodoc)
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/12/29 19:01:37	1.321
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2009/12/29 19:29:31	1.322
@@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
 2009-12-29  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
+	More cleanup.
+	The RP swank:arglist-for-echo-area is now called swank:autodoc.
+	* swank-arglists.lisp (autodoc): Renamed from
+	arglist-for-echo-area.
+	(variable-desc-for-echo-area): Deleted. Above function subsumes
+	this functionality now.
+	(print-variable-to-string): Extracted from
+	variable-desc-for-echo-area.
+	* slime-autodoc.el (slime-retrieve-arglist): Change RPC.
+	(slime-make-autodoc-rpc-form): Ditto.
+	(slime-autodoc-cache-type): Deleted.
+	(slime-autodoc-cache): Deleted.
+	(slime-autodoc-last-buffer-form): Replacement.
+	(slime-autodoc-last-autodoc): Replacement.
+	(slime-get-cached-autodoc): Adapted accordingly.
+	(slime-store-into-autodoc-cache): Adapted accordingly.
+	(slime-compute-autodoc): Simplified slightly.
+	(autodoc.1 [test]): Extended.
+2009-12-29  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
 	Some cleanup of arglist code.
 	* swank-arglists.lisp (remove-from-tree-if): Deleted.

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