[slime-cvs] CVS slime

trittweiler trittweiler at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 10 23:10:45 UTC 2008

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv30696

Modified Files:
	swank.lisp slime.el ChangeLog 
Log Message:

	Reimplement recompilation support. The previous implementation
	involving specials was subtly broken with the :fd-handler
	communcation-style, because of serve-event's polite interplay with
	specials. (Cf. my slime-devel post "Per event bindings" on 2008-08-17.)

	* swank.lisp (with-swank-compilation-unit): Removed.
	(record-note-for-condition): Removed.
	(defstruct swank-compilation-unit): Renamed to
	(swank-compilation-unit-for-emacs): Renamed to
	(swank-compiler): Takes additional argument, the
	swank-compilation-result where caught notes should be accumulated
	(defslimefun compile-file-for-emacs): Adapted accordingly.
	(defslimefun compile-string-for-emacs): Ditto.
	(defslimefun compile-multiple-strings-for-emacs): New RPC call.

	* slime.el (slime-make-compile-expression-for-swank): Removed.
	(slime-compile-string): Don't use above function anymore. Adapted.
	(slime-recompile-locations): Rewritten to use new RPC call above.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2008/09/09 23:26:18	1.584
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2008/09/10 23:10:45	1.585
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@
-           #:quit-lisp
-           #:with-swank-compilation-unit))
+           #:quit-lisp))
 (in-package :swank)
@@ -2384,17 +2383,15 @@
 ;;;; Compilation Commands.
-(defstruct (:swank-compilation-unit
+(defstruct (:swank-compilation-result
              (:type list) :named
-             (:conc-name swank-compilation-unit.)
-             (:constructor make-swank-compilation-unit ()))
+             (:conc-name swank-compilation-result.)
+             (:constructor make-swank-compilation-result ()))
   notes      ; 
-  results    ; a result is of type (MEMBER T NIL :COMPLAINED)
+  results    ; one result is of type (MEMBER T NIL :COMPLAINED)
   durations  ;
-(defvar *swank-compilation-unit* nil)
 (defun measure-time-interval (fn)
   "Call FN and return the first return value and the elapsed time.
 The time is measured in microseconds."
@@ -2405,12 +2402,6 @@
      (* (- (get-internal-real-time) before)
         (/ 1000000 internal-time-units-per-second)))))
-(defun record-note-for-condition (condition)
-  "Record a note for a compiler-condition into the currently active
-  (push (make-compiler-note condition)
-        (swank-compilation-unit.notes *swank-compilation-unit*)))
 (defun make-compiler-note (condition)
   "Make a compiler note data structure from a compiler-condition."
   (declare (type compiler-condition condition))
@@ -2421,67 +2412,80 @@
          (let ((s (short-message condition)))
            (if s (list :short-message s)))))
-(defmacro with-swank-compilation-unit ((&key override) &body body)
-  "Similiar to CL:WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. Within a
-Swank-Compilation-Unit all notes, results etc. produced by
-more than once) will be collected into this unit."
-  (if override
-      `(let ((*swank-compilation-unit* (make-swank-compilation-unit)))
-         , at body)
-      `(let ((*swank-compilation-unit* (or *swank-compilation-unit*
-                                           (make-swank-compilation-unit))))
-         , at body)))
-(defun swank-compilation-unit-for-emacs (unit)
+(defun swank-compilation-result-for-emacs (old)
   "Make a Swank-Compilation-Unit suitable for Emacs."
-  (let ((new (make-swank-compilation-unit)))
-    (with-struct (swank-compilation-unit. notes results durations) unit
-      (setf (swank-compilation-unit.notes new)   (reverse notes))
-      (setf (swank-compilation-unit.results new) (reverse results))
-      (setf (swank-compilation-unit.durations new)
+  (let ((new (make-swank-compilation-result)))
+    (with-struct (swank-compilation-result. notes results durations) old
+      (setf (swank-compilation-result.notes new)   (reverse notes))
+      (setf (swank-compilation-result.results new) (reverse results))
+      (setf (swank-compilation-result.durations new)
             (reverse (mapcar #'(lambda (usecs) (/ usecs 1000000.0)) durations))))
-(defun swank-compiler (function)
-  (let ((notes-p))
+(defun swank-compiler (swank-compilation-result function)
+  (let ((swank-result swank-compilation-result))
     (multiple-value-bind (result usecs)
         (with-simple-restart (abort-compilation "Abort SLIME compilation request.")
-          (handler-bind ((compiler-condition #'(lambda (c)
-                                                 (setf notes-p t)
-                                                 (record-note-for-condition c))))
+          (handler-bind ((compiler-condition
+                          #'(lambda (c)
+                              (push (make-compiler-note c)
+                                    (swank-compilation-result.notes swank-result)))))
             (measure-time-interval function)))
-      (when result        (setf result (if notes-p :complained t)))
-      (when (eql usecs t) (setf usecs 0)) ; compilation aborted.
-      (push result (swank-compilation-unit.results *swank-compilation-unit*))
-      (push usecs  (swank-compilation-unit.durations *swank-compilation-unit*))
-      (swank-compilation-unit-for-emacs *swank-compilation-unit*))))
+      (when (eql usecs t) (setf usecs 0)) ; compilation aborted.      
+      (when result
+        (let ((notes-p (swank-compilation-result.notes swank-result)))
+          (setf result (if notes-p :complained t))))
+      (push result (swank-compilation-result.results swank-result))
+      (push usecs  (swank-compilation-result.durations swank-result))
+      swank-result)))
 (defslimefun compile-file-for-emacs (filename load-p)
   "Compile FILENAME and, when LOAD-P, load the result.
 Record compiler notes signalled as `compiler-condition's."
-  (with-swank-compilation-unit (:override nil)
-    (with-buffer-syntax ()    
-      (let ((*compile-print* nil))
-        (swank-compiler 
-         (lambda ()
-           (let ((pathname (parse-emacs-filename filename)))
-             (swank-compile-file pathname load-p
-                                 (or (guess-external-format pathname)
-                                     :default)))))))))
+  (with-buffer-syntax ()
+    (swank-compilation-result-for-emacs
+     (swank-compiler (make-swank-compilation-result)
+                     (lambda ()
+                       (let ((pathname (parse-emacs-filename filename))
+                             (*compile-print* nil) (*compile-verbose* t))
+                         (swank-compile-file pathname load-p
+                                             (or (guess-external-format pathname)
+                                                 :default))))))))
 (defslimefun compile-string-for-emacs (string buffer position directory debug)
   "Compile STRING (exerpted from BUFFER at POSITION).
 Record compiler notes signalled as `compiler-condition's."
-  (with-swank-compilation-unit (:override nil)
-    (with-buffer-syntax ()
-      (swank-compiler
-       (lambda () 
-         (let ((*compile-print* nil) (*compile-verbose* t))
-           (swank-compile-string string :buffer buffer :position position 
-                                 :directory directory
-                                 :debug debug)))))))
+  (with-buffer-syntax ()
+    (swank-compilation-result-for-emacs
+     (swank-compiler (make-swank-compilation-result)
+                     (lambda () 
+                       (let ((*compile-print* t) (*compile-verbose* nil))
+                         (swank-compile-string string
+                                               :buffer buffer
+                                               :position position 
+                                               :directory directory
+                                               :debug debug)))))))
+(defslimefun compile-multiple-strings-for-emacs
+    (strings buffers packages positions directories debug)
+  "Compile STRING (exerpted from BUFFER at POSITION).
+Record compiler notes signalled as `compiler-condition's."
+  (let ((swank-compilation-result (make-swank-compilation-result)))
+    (loop for string in strings
+          for buffer in buffers
+          for package in packages
+          for position in positions
+          for directory in directories do
+          (swank-compiler swank-compilation-result
+                          (lambda ()
+                            (with-buffer-syntax (package)
+                              (let ((*compile-print* t) (*compile-verbose* nil))
+                                (swank-compile-string string
+                                                      :buffer buffer
+                                                      :position position 
+                                                      :directory directory
+                                                      :debug debug))))))
+    (swank-compilation-result-for-emacs swank-compilation-result)))
 (defun file-newer-p (new-file old-file)
   "Returns true if NEW-FILE is newer than OLD-FILE."
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2008/08/30 15:33:46	1.1008
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2008/09/10 23:10:45	1.1009
@@ -3945,17 +3945,14 @@
 (defun slime-compile-string (string start-offset)
-   (slime-make-compile-expression-for-swank string start-offset)
+   `(swank:compile-string-for-emacs
+     ,string
+     ,(buffer-name)
+     ,start-offset
+     ,(if (buffer-file-name) (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
+     ',slime-compilation-debug-level)
    (slime-make-compilation-finished-continuation (current-buffer))))
-(defun slime-make-compile-expression-for-swank (string start-offset) 
-  `(swank:compile-string-for-emacs
-    ,string
-    ,(buffer-name)
-    ,start-offset
-    ,(if (buffer-file-name) (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
-    ',slime-compilation-debug-level))
 (defun slime-make-compilation-finished-continuation (current-buffer &optional emacs-snapshot)
   (lexical-let ((buffer current-buffer) (snapshot emacs-snapshot))
     (lambda (result)
@@ -4033,32 +4030,26 @@
     (slime-compile-defun debug-level)))
 (defun slime-recompile-locations (locations &optional debug-level)
-  (flet ((make-compile-expr (loc)
-           (save-excursion
-             (slime-pop-to-location loc 'excursion)
-             (multiple-value-bind (start end) (slime-region-for-defun-at-point)
-               ;; FIXME: Kludge. The slime-eval-async may send a buffer-package
-               ;; that is not necessarily the same as the one the LOC points to.
-               `(cl:let ((swank::*buffer-package* (swank::guess-buffer-package 
-                                                   ,(slime-current-package))))
-                  ,(slime-make-compile-expression-for-swank
-                    (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)
-                    start))))))
-    (let ((slime-compilation-debug-level debug-level))
+  (let (strings buffers packages positions directories)
+    (flet ((push-location-data (loc)
+             (save-excursion
+               (slime-pop-to-location loc 'excursion)
+               (multiple-value-bind (start end) (slime-region-for-defun-at-point)
+                 (push (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) strings)
+                 (push (buffer-name) buffers)
+                 (push (slime-current-package) packages)
+                 (push start positions)
+                 (push (if (buffer-file-name)
+                           (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
+                           nil)
+                       directories)))))
+      (mapc #'push-location-data locations)
-       `(swank:with-swank-compilation-unit (:override t) 
-          ;; We have to compile each location separately because of
-          ;; buffer and offset tracking during notes generation.
-          ,@(loop for loc in locations 
-                  collect (make-compile-expr loc)))
+       `(swank:compile-multiple-strings-for-emacs
+         ',(nreverse strings)   ',(nreverse buffers)     ',(nreverse packages)
+         ',(nreverse positions) ',(nreverse directories)  ,debug-level)
        (slime-make-compilation-finished-continuation (current-buffer))))))
-;;; FIXME: implement:
-;; (defun slime-recompile-symbol-at-point (name)
-;;   (interactive (list (slime-read-symbol-name "Name: ")))
-;; )
 ;;;;; Merging together compiler notes in the same location.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/09/09 23:29:44	1.1495
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/09/10 23:10:45	1.1496
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
+2008-09-11  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
+	Reimplement recompilation support. The previous implementation
+	involving specials was subtly broken with the :fd-handler
+	communcation-style, because of serve-event's polite interplay with
+	specials. (Cf. my slime-devel post "Per event bindings" on 2008-08-17.)
+	* swank.lisp (with-swank-compilation-unit): Removed.
+	(record-note-for-condition): Removed.
+	(defstruct swank-compilation-unit): Renamed to
+	`swank-compilation-result'.
+	(swank-compilation-unit-for-emacs): Renamed to
+	`swank-compilation-result-for-emacs'.
+	(swank-compiler): Takes additional argument, the
+	swank-compilation-result where caught notes should be accumulated
+	into.
+	(defslimefun compile-file-for-emacs): Adapted accordingly.
+	(defslimefun compile-string-for-emacs): Ditto.
+	(defslimefun compile-multiple-strings-for-emacs): New RPC call.
+	* slime.el (slime-make-compile-expression-for-swank): Removed.
+	(slime-compile-string): Don't use above function anymore. Adapted.
+	(slime-recompile-locations): Rewritten to use new RPC call above.
 2008-09-10  Tobias C. Rittweiler  <tcr at freebits.de>
 	* swank-backend.lisp (*gray-stream-symbols*): Comment out

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