[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User heller heller at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 28 14:32:15 UTC 2008

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv25257

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog swank-openmcl.lisp 
Log Message:
* swank-openmcl.lisp (function-source-location): Use

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/12/27 18:24:28	1.1605
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/12/28 14:32:14	1.1606
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2008-12-28  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	* swank-openmcl.lisp (function-source-location): Use
+	ccl:function-source-note.
 2008-12-27  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
 	* slime.el: Move slime-lisp-package and
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp	2008/10/19 20:03:34	1.144
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp	2008/12/28 14:32:15	1.145
@@ -598,10 +598,69 @@
                       (list (list type symbol) 
                             (canonicalize-location file symbol))))))
+;; CCL commit r11373 | gz | 2008-11-16 16:35:28 +0100 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008)
+;; contains some interesting details:
+;; Source location are recorded in CCL:SOURCE-NOTE's, which are objects
+;; positions are file positions (not character positions).  The text will
+;; be NIL unless text recording was on at read-time.  If the original
+;; file is still available, you can force missing source text to be read
+;; from the file at runtime via CCL:ENSURE-SOURCE-NOTE-TEXT.
+;; Source-note's are associated with definitions (via record-source-file)
+;; and also stored in function objects (including anonymous and nested
+;; functions).  The former can be retrieved via
+;; The recording behavior is controlled by the new variable
+;;   If NIL, don't store source-notes in function objects, and store only
+;;   the filename for definitions (the latter only if
+;;   *record-source-file* is true).
+;;   If T, store source-notes, including a copy of the original source
+;;   text, for function objects and definitions (the latter only if
+;;   *record-source-file* is true).
+;;   If :NO-TEXT, store source-notes, but without saved text, for
+;;   function objects and defintions (the latter only if
+;;   *record-source-file* is true).  This is the default.
+;; PC to source mapping is controlled by the new variable
+;; CCL:*RECORD-PC-MAPPING*.  If true (the default), functions store a
+;; compressed table mapping pc offsets to corresponding source locations.
+;; This can be retrieved by (CCL:FIND-SOURCE-NOTE-AT-PC function pc)
+;; which returns a source-note for the source at offset pc in the
+;; function.
+;; Currently the only thing that makes use of any of this is the
+;; disassembler.  ILISP and current version of Slime still use
+;; backward-compatible functions that deal with filenames only.  The plan
+;; is to make Slime, and our IDE, use this eventually.
+#+#.(cl:if (cl:fboundp 'ccl::function-source-note) '(:or) '(:and))
 (defun function-source-location (function)
   (or (car (source-locations function))
       (list :error (format nil "No source info available for ~A" function))))
+#+#.(cl:if (cl:fboundp 'ccl::function-source-note) '(:and) '(:or))
+  (defun function-source-location (function)
+    (let ((note (ccl:function-source-note function)))
+      (if note
+          (source-note-to-source-location note)
+          (list :error
+                (format nil "No source info available for ~A" function)))))
+  (defun source-note-to-source-location (note)
+    (let ((filename (namestring (truename (ccl:source-note-filename note)))))
+      (make-location
+       (list :file filename)
+       (list :position (ccl:source-note-start-pos note))))))
 ;; source-locations THING => LOCATIONS NAMES
 ;; LOCATIONS ... a list of source-locations.  Most "specific" first.
 ;; NAMES     ... a list of names.

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