[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User heller heller at common-lisp.net
Wed Dec 24 07:56:20 UTC 2008

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv13718

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime.el swank-backend.lisp swank-cmucl.lisp 
Log Message:
Create a repl also for *communication-style* = nil.
Use a custom stream which processes SLIME requests while waiting for

* slime.el (slime-set-connection-info): Don't create a repl
(slime-start-lisp): Bind process-connection-type to nil to avoid
problems witht CLISPs readline code.

* swank.lisp (read-non-blocking, make-repl-input-stream)
(simple-repl): New functions.
(simple-serve-requests): Use it.

* swank-backend.lisp (wait-for-one-stream, wait-for-streams): New
(wait-for-input): Use it to support wainting on multiple streams.

* swank-cmucl.lisp (to-fd-stream): New function.
(wait-for-input): Use it.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/12/23 08:33:11	1.1600
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/12/24 07:56:20	1.1601
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
 2008-12-23  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	* slime.el (slime-set-connection-info): Don't create a repl
+	buffer.
+	(slime-start-lisp): Bind process-connection-type to nil to avoid
+	problems witht CLISPs readline code.
+	* swank.lisp (read-non-blocking, make-repl-input-stream)
+	(simple-repl): New functions.
+	(simple-serve-requests): Use it.
+	* swank-backend.lisp (wait-for-one-stream, wait-for-streams): New
+	functions.
+	(wait-for-input): Use it to support wainting on multiple streams.
+	* swank-cmucl.lisp (to-fd-stream): New function.
+	(wait-for-input): Use it.
+2008-12-23  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
 	* slime.el (slime-run-mode-hooks): Wrapper for Emacs21.
 	(slime-repl-mode): Use it.
 	Reported by Peter Denno.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2008/12/23 08:33:12	1.1077
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2008/12/24 07:56:20	1.1078
@@ -1387,7 +1387,8 @@
     (when directory
       (cd (expand-file-name directory)))
-    (let ((process-environment (append env process-environment)))
+    (let ((process-environment (append env process-environment))
+          (process-connection-type nil))
       (comint-exec (current-buffer) "inferior-lisp" program nil program-args))
     (lisp-mode-variables t)
     (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
@@ -2086,8 +2087,8 @@
         (unless (string= (slime-lisp-implementation-name) name)
           (setf (slime-connection-name)
                 (slime-generate-connection-name (symbol-name name)))))
-      (slime-hide-inferior-lisp-buffer)
-      (slime-init-output-buffer connection)
+      ;;(slime-hide-inferior-lisp-buffer)
+      ;;(slime-init-output-buffer connection)
       (run-hooks 'slime-connected-hook)
       (when-let (fun (plist-get args ':init-function))
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-backend.lisp	2008/11/02 12:05:13	1.163
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-backend.lisp	2008/12/24 07:56:20	1.164
@@ -1065,25 +1065,37 @@
 return nil.
 Return :interrupt if an interrupt occurs while waiting."
-  (assert (= (length streams) 1))
-  (let ((stream (car streams)))
-    (case timeout
-      ((nil)
-       (cond ((check-slime-interrupts) :interrupt)
-             (t (peek-char nil stream nil nil) 
-                streams)))
-      ((t) 
-       (let ((c (read-char-no-hang stream nil nil)))
-         (cond (c 
-                (unread-char c stream) 
-                streams)
-               (t '()))))
-      (t 
-       (loop
-        (if (check-slime-interrupts) (return :interrupt))
-        (when (wait-for-input streams t) (return streams))
-        (sleep 0.1)
-        (when (<= (decf timeout 0.1) 0) (return nil)))))))
+  (assert (member timeout '(nil t)))
+  (cond ((null (cdr streams)) 
+         (wait-for-one-stream (car streams) timeout))
+        (t
+         (wait-for-streams streams timeout))))
+(defun wait-for-streams (streams timeout)
+  (flet ((readyp (s)
+           (let ((c (read-char-no-hang s nil :eof)))
+             (or (eq c :eof)
+                 (and c (progn (unread-char c s) t))
+                 c))))
+    (loop
+     (let ((ready (remove-if-not #'readyp streams)))
+       (when ready (return ready)))
+     (when timeout (return nil))
+     (when (check-slime-interrupts) (return :interrupt))
+     (sleep 0.1))))
+(defun wait-for-one-stream (stream timeout)
+  (ecase timeout
+    ((nil)
+     (cond ((check-slime-interrupts) :interrupt)
+           (t (peek-char nil stream nil nil) 
+              (list stream))))
+    ((t) 
+     (let ((c (read-char-no-hang stream nil nil)))
+       (cond (c 
+              (unread-char c stream) 
+              (list stream))
+             (t '()))))))
 (definterface toggle-trace (spec)
   "Toggle tracing of the function(s) given with SPEC.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-cmucl.lisp	2008/11/02 12:05:13	1.203
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-cmucl.lisp	2008/12/24 07:56:20	1.204
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
    (when timeout (return nil))
    (multiple-value-bind (in out) (make-pipe)
      (let* ((f (constantly t))
-            (handlers (loop for s in (cons in streams)
+            (handlers (loop for s in (cons in (mapcar #'to-fd-stream streams))
                             collect (add-one-shot-handler s f))))
             (handler-bind ((slime-interrupt-queued 
@@ -211,6 +211,15 @@
          (close in)
          (close out))))))
+(defun to-fd-stream (stream)
+  (etypecase stream
+    (sys:fd-stream stream)
+    (synonym-stream 
+     (to-fd-stream 
+      (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream))))
+    (two-way-stream 
+     (to-fd-stream (two-way-stream-input-stream stream)))))
 (defun add-one-shot-handler (stream function)
   (let (handler)
     (setq handler (sys:add-fd-handler (sys:fd-stream-fd stream) :input
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2008/12/23 08:33:03	1.613
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2008/12/24 07:56:20	1.614
@@ -493,12 +493,24 @@
 (defvar *log-output* nil) ; should be nil for image dumpers
 (defun init-log-output ()
-  (labels ((deref (x)
-             (cond ((typep x 'synonym-stream)
-                    (deref (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol x))))
-                   (t x))))
-    (unless *log-output*
-      (setq *log-output* (deref *error-output*)))))
+  (unless *log-output*
+    (setq *log-output* (real-output-stream *error-output*))))
+(defun real-input-stream (stream)
+  (typecase stream
+    (synonym-stream 
+     (real-input-stream (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream))))
+    (two-way-stream
+     (real-input-stream (two-way-stream-input-stream stream)))
+    (t stream)))
+(defun real-output-stream (stream)
+  (typecase stream
+    (synonym-stream 
+     (real-output-stream (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream))))
+    (two-way-stream
+     (real-output-stream (two-way-stream-output-stream stream)))
+    (t stream)))
 (add-hook *after-init-hook* 'init-log-output)
@@ -1261,9 +1273,49 @@
           (invoke-or-queue-interrupt #'dispatch-interrupt-event))
         (lambda ()
           (with-simple-restart (close-connection "Close SLIME connection")
-            (handle-requests connection))))
+            ;;(handle-requests connection)
+            (let* ((stdin (real-input-stream *standard-input*))
+                   (*standard-input* (make-repl-input-stream connection 
+                                                             stdin)))
+              (simple-repl)))))
     (close-connection connection nil (safe-backtrace))))
+(defun simple-repl ()
+  (loop
+   (with-simple-restart (abort "Abort")
+     (format t "~&~a> " (package-string-for-prompt *package*))
+     (force-output)
+     (let ((form (read)))
+       (fresh-line)
+       (let ((- form)
+             (values (multiple-value-list (eval form))))
+         (setq *** **  ** *  * (car values)
+               /// //  // /  / values
+               +++ ++  ++ +  + form)
+         (cond ((null values) (format t "~&; No values"))
+               (t (mapc (lambda (v) (format t "~&~s" v)) values))))))))
+(defun make-repl-input-stream (connection stdin)
+  (make-input-stream
+   (lambda ()
+     (loop
+      (let* ((socket (connection.socket-io connection))
+             (inputs (list socket stdin))
+             (ready (wait-for-input inputs)))
+        (cond ((eq ready :interrupt)
+               (check-slime-interrupts))
+              ((member socket ready)
+               (handle-requests connection t))
+              ((member stdin ready)
+               (return (read-non-blocking stdin)))
+              (t (assert (null ready)))))))))
+(defun read-non-blocking (stream)
+  (with-output-to-string (str)
+    (loop (let ((c (read-char-no-hang stream)))
+            (unless c (return))
+            (write-char c str)))))
 (defun initialize-streams-for-connection (connection)
   (multiple-value-bind (dedicated in out io repl-results) 
       (open-streams connection)

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