[slime-cvs] CVS slime

CVS User heller heller at common-lisp.net
Tue Dec 23 08:32:54 UTC 2008

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv8771

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime.el 
Log Message:
* slime.el (sldb-insert-restarts): Make the space before each
restart also propertized, consistent with how each line in the
backtrace is fully sensitive.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/12/09 07:48:20	1.1597
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2008/12/23 08:32:51	1.1598
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2008-12-23  Willem Broekema <metawilm at gmail.com>
+	* slime.el (sldb-insert-restarts): Make the space before each
+	restart also propertized, consistent with how each line in the
+	backtrace is fully sensitive.
 2008-12-09  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
 	Reset the stream column to 0 after eval requests.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2008/12/09 07:48:20	1.1075
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2008/12/23 08:32:53	1.1076
@@ -6927,15 +6927,14 @@
 (defun sldb-insert-restarts (restarts)
   "Insert RESTARTS and add the needed text props
-RESTARTS should be alist ((NAME DESCRIPTION) ...)."
+RESTARTS should be a list ((NAME DESCRIPTION) ...)."
   (loop for (name string) in restarts
         for number from 0 do
-        (insert " ")
          `(, at nil restart-number ,number
                  sldb-default-action sldb-invoke-restart
                  mouse-face highlight)
-         (in-sldb-face restart-number (number-to-string number))
+         " " (in-sldb-face restart-number (number-to-string number))
          ": ["  (in-sldb-face restart-type name) "] "
          (in-sldb-face restart string))
         (insert "\n")))

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