[slime-cvs] CVS slime

heller heller at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 10 23:50:49 UTC 2007

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27288

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Some cleanups for the debugger code: add some outline
sections and docstrings.

(sldb-setup): Always display the beginning of the condition
text. Previously, we always showed the beginning of the backtrace.

(sldb-prune-initial-frames): Do what the docstring says. Reverted
to Luke's version.

(sldb-dispatch-extras): Fix typo.

(sldb-insert-restarts, sldb-insert-frames)
(sldb-insert-frame, sldb-fetch-more-frames)
(sldb-toggle-details, sldb-show-frame-details)
(sldb-insert-locals): Simplified.
(sldb-frame-details): New.

(slime-save-coordinates, slime-coordinates)
(slime-restore-coordinate, slime-count-lines): New macro and its
(sldb-recenter-region): Renamed from slime-maybe-recenter-region.

(sldb-enable-styled-backtrace, sldb-show-catch-tags)
(sldb-highlight): Deleted. Seem to be obsolete.
(sldb-add-face): Removed, because it is now the same as

(sldb-help-summary): Deleted. The docstring for sldb-mode is
already pretty terse.
(define-sldb-face): Renamed from def-sldb-face.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2007/01/10 09:42:47	1.737
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2007/01/10 23:50:49	1.738
@@ -382,35 +382,23 @@
   :prefix "sldb-"
   :group 'slime)
-(defcustom sldb-enable-styled-backtrace t "Enable faces in slime backtrace" 
-  :type '(choice 
-	  (const :tag "Enable" t)
-	  (const :tag "Disable" nil))
-  :group 'slime-debugger)
-(defcustom sldb-show-catch-tags t "Show catch tags in frames" 
-  :type '(choice 
-	  (const :tag "Show" t)
-	  (const :tag "Don't show" nil))
-  :group 'slime-debugger)
-(defmacro def-sldb-faces (&rest faces)
+(defmacro define-sldb-faces (&rest faces)
   "Define the set of SLDB faces.
 Each face specifiation is (NAME DESCRIPTION &optional PROPERTIES).
 NAME is a symbol; the face will be called sldb-NAME-face.
 DESCRIPTION is a one-liner for the customization buffer.
 PROPERTIES specifies any default face properties."
   `(progn ,@(loop for face in faces
-                  collect `(def-sldb-face , at face))))
+                  collect `(define-sldb-face , at face))))
-(defmacro def-sldb-face (name description &optional default)
+(defmacro define-sldb-face (name description &optional default)
   (let ((facename (intern (format "sldb-%s-face" (symbol-name name)))))
     `(defface ,facename
        (list (list t ,default))
       ,(format "Face for %s." description)
       :group 'slime-debugger)))
   (topline        "the top line describing the error")
   (condition      "the condition class")
   (section        "the labels of major sections in the debugger buffer")
@@ -996,7 +984,6 @@
       [ "Next Frame" sldb-down t ]
       [ "Previous Frame" sldb-up t ]
       [ "Toggle Frame Details" sldb-toggle-details t ]
-      [ "List Locals" sldb-list-locals ,C ]
       [ "Next Frame (Details)" sldb-details-down t ]
       [ "Previous Frame (Details)" sldb-details-up t ]
@@ -8034,46 +8021,46 @@
 (defvar sldb-hook nil
   "Hook run on entry to the debugger.")
-(defun slime-add-face (face string)
-  (add-text-properties 0 (length string) (list 'face face) string)
-  string)
-(defmacro in-sldb-face (name string)
-  "Return STRING propertised with face sldb-NAME-face.
-If `sldb-enable-styled-backtrace' is nil, just return STRING."
-  (let ((facename (intern (format "sldb-%s-face" (symbol-name name))))
-	(var (gensym "string")))
-    `(let ((,var ,string))
-      (sldb-add-face ',facename ,var)
-      ,var)))
 ;;;;; Local variables in the debugger buffer
  (defvar sldb-condition nil
-   "List of (DESCRIPTION TYPE) strings describing the condition being debugged."))
+   "A list (DESCRIPTION TYPE) describing the condition being debugged.")
  (defvar sldb-saved-window-configuration nil
-   "Window configuration before the debugger was initially entered."))
+   "Window configuration before the debugger was initially entered.")
  (defvar sldb-restarts nil
-   "List of (NAME DESCRIPTION) for each available restart."))
+   "List of (NAME DESCRIPTION) for each available restart.")
  (defvar sldb-level nil
-   "Current debug level (recursion depth) displayed in buffer."))
+   "Current debug level (recursion depth) displayed in buffer.")
  (defvar sldb-backtrace-start-marker nil
-   "Marker placed at the beginning of the backtrace text."))
+   "Marker placed at the beginning of the backtrace text.")
  (defvar sldb-continuations nil
    "List of ids for pending continuation."))
+;;;;; SLDB macros
+;; some macros that we need to define before the first use
+(defmacro in-sldb-face (name string)
+  "Return STRING propertised with face sldb-NAME-face."
+  (let ((facename (intern (format "sldb-%s-face" (symbol-name name))))
+	(var (gensym "string")))
+    `(let ((,var ,string))
+      (slime-add-face ',facename ,var)
+      ,var)))
+(put 'in-sldb-face 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(defun slime-add-face (face string)
+  (add-text-properties 0 (length string) (list 'face face) string)
+  string)
 ;;;;; sldb-mode
@@ -8090,7 +8077,7 @@
   "Syntax table for SLDB mode.")
-(define-derived-mode sldb-mode fundamental-mode "sldb" 
+(define-derived-mode sldb-mode fundamental-mode "sldb"
   "Superior lisp debugger mode. In addition to ordinary SLIME commands,
 the following are available:\\<sldb-mode-map>
@@ -8101,7 +8088,6 @@
    \\[sldb-pprint-eval-in-frame]   - eval in frame, pretty-print result
    \\[sldb-disassemble]   - disassemble
    \\[sldb-inspect-in-frame]   - inspect
-   \\[sldb-list-locals]   - list locals
 Commands to invoke restarts:
    \\[sldb-quit]   - quit
@@ -8128,37 +8114,13 @@
   (set-syntax-table sldb-mode-syntax-table)
-  (when slime-use-autodoc-mode 
+  (when slime-use-autodoc-mode
     (slime-autodoc-mode 1))
   ;; Make original slime-connection "sticky" for SLDB commands in this buffer
   (setq slime-buffer-connection (slime-connection))
   (add-local-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'sldb-delete-overlays))
-(defun sldb-help-summary ()
-  "Show summary of important sldb commands"
-  (interactive)
-  (message
-   (mapconcat
-    #'(lambda (list)
-        (destructuring-bind (cmd letter name name-with-letter) list
-          (let ((where-is (where-is-internal cmd sldb-mode-map)))
-            (if (or (member (vector (intern letter)) where-is)
-                    (member (vector (string-to-char letter)) where-is))
-                name-with-letter
-              (substitute-command-keys
-               (format "\\<sldb-mode-map>\\[%s] %s" cmd name))))))
-    '((sldb-down           "n" "next"           "n-ext")
-      (sldb-up             "p" "prev"           "p-rev")
-      (sldb-toggle-details "t" "toggle details" "t-oggle details")
-      (sldb-eval-in-frame  "e" "eval"           "e-val")
-      (sldb-continue       "c" "continue"       "c-ontinue")
-      (sldb-abort          "a" "abort"          "a-bort")
-      (sldb-show-source    "v" "view source"    "v-iew source")
-      (describe-mode       "h" "help"           "h-elp"))
-    ", ")))
-(slime-define-keys sldb-mode-map 
-  ("?"    'sldb-help-summary)
+(slime-define-keys sldb-mode-map
   ("h"    'describe-mode)
   ("v"    'sldb-show-source)
   ((kbd "RET") 'sldb-default-action)
@@ -8212,7 +8174,7 @@
 (defmacro define-sldb-invoke-restart-keys (from to)
      ,@(loop for n from from to to
-	     collect `(define-sldb-invoke-restart-key ,n 
+	     collect `(define-sldb-invoke-restart-key ,n
 			,(number-to-string n)))))
 (define-sldb-invoke-restart-keys 0 9)
@@ -8220,9 +8182,6 @@
 ;;;;; SLDB buffer creation & update
-(defvar sldb-overlays '()
-  "List of overlays created in source code buffers to highlight expressions.")
 (defun sldb-buffers ()
   "Return a list of all sldb buffers."
   (slime-filter-buffers (lambda () (eq major-mode 'sldb-mode))))
@@ -8236,7 +8195,7 @@
 (defun sldb-get-default-buffer ()
-  "Get a sldb buffer.  
+  "Get a sldb buffer.
 The buffer is chosen more or less randomly."
   (car (sldb-buffers)))
@@ -8246,7 +8205,7 @@
     (or (sldb-find-buffer thread connection)
         (let ((name (format "*sldb %s/%s*" (slime-connection-name) thread)))
           (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer name)
-            (setq slime-buffer-connection connection 
+            (setq slime-buffer-connection connection
                   slime-current-thread thread)
@@ -8281,11 +8240,13 @@
       (sldb-insert-condition condition)
       (insert "\n\n" (in-sldb-face section "Restarts:") "\n")
       (sldb-insert-restarts restarts)
-      (insert "\n\n" (in-sldb-face section "Backtrace:") "\n")
+      (insert "\n" (in-sldb-face section "Backtrace:") "\n")
       (setq sldb-backtrace-start-marker (point-marker))
-      (sldb-insert-frames (sldb-prune-initial-frames frames) nil)
+      (save-excursion
+        (sldb-insert-frames (sldb-prune-initial-frames frames) t))
       (run-hooks 'sldb-hook)
       (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+      (sldb-recenter-region (point-min) (point))
       (setq buffer-read-only t)
       (when (and slime-stack-eval-tags
                  ;; (y-or-n-p "Enter recursive edit? ")
@@ -8294,6 +8255,8 @@
 (defun sldb-activate (thread level)
+  "Display the debugger buffer for THREAD.
+If LEVEL isn't the same as in the buffer, reinitialize the buffer."
   (unless (let ((b (sldb-find-buffer thread)))
             (and b (with-current-buffer b (equal sldb-level level))))
     (slime-rex (thread level)
@@ -8303,6 +8266,7 @@
        (apply #'sldb-setup thread level result)))))
 (defun sldb-exit (thread level &optional stepping)
+  "Exit from the debug level LEVEL."
   (when-let (sldb (sldb-find-buffer thread))
     (with-current-buffer sldb
       (unless stepping
@@ -8314,13 +8278,17 @@
       (kill-buffer sldb))))
 (defun sldb-insert-condition (condition)
+  "Insert the text for CONDITION.
+REFERENCES a references to additional documentation.
+EXTRAS is currently used for the stepper."
   (destructuring-bind (message type references extras) condition
     (when (> (length message) 70)
       (add-text-properties 0 (length message) (list 'help-echo message)
     (slime-insert-propertized '(sldb-default-action sldb-inspect-condition)
                               (in-sldb-face topline message)
-                              "\n" 
+                              "\n"
                               (in-sldb-face condition type))
     (when references
       (insert "See also:\n")
@@ -8329,188 +8297,90 @@
       (insert "\n"))
     (sldb-dispatch-extras extras)))
-(defun sldb-insert-references (references)
-  "Insert documentation references from a condition.
-  (loop for ref in references do
-        (destructuring-bind (where type what) ref
-          (insert (sldb-format-reference-source where) ", ")
-          (slime-insert-propertized (sldb-reference-properties ref)
-                                    (sldb-format-reference-node what))
-          (insert (format " [%s]" (slime-cl-symbol-name type)) "\n"))))
-(defun sldb-reference-properties (reference)
-  "Return the properties for a reference.
-Only add clickability to properties we actually know how to lookup."
-  (destructuring-bind (where type what) reference
-    (if (or (and (eq where :sbcl) (eq type :node))
-            (and (eq where :ansi-cl)
-                 (symbolp type)
-                 (member (slime-cl-symbol-name type)
-                         '("function" "special-operator" "macro" 
-                           "section" "glossary" "issue"))))
-        `(sldb-default-action 
-          sldb-lookup-reference
-          ;; FIXME: this is a hack!  slime-compiler-notes and sldb are a
-          ;; little too intimately entwined.
-          slime-compiler-notes-default-action sldb-lookup-reference
-          sldb-reference ,reference
-          face sldb-reference-face
-          mouse-face highlight))))
-(defun sldb-format-reference-source (where)
-  (case where
-    (:amop    "The Art of the Metaobject Protocol")
-    (:ansi-cl "Common Lisp Hyperspec")
-    (:sbcl    "SBCL Manual")
-    (t        (format "%S" where))))
-(defun sldb-format-reference-node (what)
-  (if (symbolp what)
-      (upcase (slime-cl-symbol-name what))
-    (if (listp what)
-        (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%S" x)) what ".")
-      what)))
-(defun sldb-lookup-reference ()
-  "Browse the documentation reference at point."
-  (destructuring-bind (where type what)
-      (get-text-property (point) 'sldb-reference)
-    (case where
-      (:ansi-cl
-       (case type
-         (:section
-          (browse-url (funcall common-lisp-hyperspec-section-fun what)))
-         (:glossary
-          (browse-url (funcall common-lisp-glossary-fun what)))
-         (:issue
-          (browse-url (funcall 'common-lisp-issuex what)))
-         (t
-          (hyperspec-lookup (if (symbolp what)
-                                (slime-cl-symbol-name what)
-                              what)))))
-      (t
-       (let ((url (format "%s%s.html" slime-sbcl-manual-root 
-                          (subst-char-in-string ?\  ?\- what))))
-         (browse-url url))))))
 (defun sldb-dispatch-extras (extras)
+  ;; this is (mis-)used for the stepper
   (dolist (extra extras)
     (destructure-case extra
-      ((:short-frame-source n)
+      ((:show-frame-source n)
        (sldb-show-frame-source n)))))
 (defun sldb-insert-restarts (restarts)
+  "Insert RESTARTS and add the needed text props
+RESTARTS should be alist ((NAME DESCRIPTION) ...)."
   (loop for (name string) in restarts
-        for number from 0
-        for first-time-p = t then nil
-        do (progn
-             (unless first-time-p
-               (newline))
-             (slime-insert-propertized
-              `(restart-number ,number
-                sldb-default-action sldb-invoke-restart
-                mouse-face highlight)
-              "  "
-              (in-sldb-face restart-number (number-to-string number))
-              ": ["  (in-sldb-face restart-type name) "] "
-              (in-sldb-face restart string)))))
-(defun sldb-add-face (face string)
-  (if sldb-enable-styled-backtrace
-      (add-text-properties 0 (length string) (list 'face face) string)
-      string))
+        for number from 0 do
+        (insert " ")
+        (slime-insert-propertized
+         `(, at nil restart-number ,number
+                 sldb-default-action sldb-invoke-restart
+                 mouse-face highlight)
+         (in-sldb-face restart-number (number-to-string number))
+         ": ["  (in-sldb-face restart-type name) "] "
+         (in-sldb-face restart string))
+        (insert "\n")))
 (defun sldb-prune-initial-frames (frames)
   "Return the prefix of FRAMES to initially present to the user.
 Regexp heuristics are used to avoid showing SWANK-internal frames."
-  (or (loop with winner = -1
-            for frame in frames
-            for idx from 0
-            for (number string) = frame
-            while (string-match "^\\((\\|LAMBDA \\|lambda \\)*\\(SWANK\\|swank\\)\\>" string)
-              do (setf winner idx)
-            finally (return (subseq frames (1+ winner))))
-      frames))
+  (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+         (rx "^\\([() ]\\|lambda\\)*swank\\>"))
+    (or (loop for frame in frames
+              for (_ string) = frame
+              until (string-match rx string)
+              collect frame)
+        frames)))
-(defun sldb-insert-frame (frame &optional detailedp)
+(defun sldb-insert-frames (frames more)

[779 lines skipped]

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