[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

heller heller at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 27 12:36:11 UTC 2007

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8431/contrib

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Move presentations to contrib.  Part I.

* slime.el (slime-event-hooks, slime-dispatch-event): New hook.
(slime-write-string-function, slime-write-string): New hook.
(slime-repl-return-hooks, slime-repl-return): New hook.
(slime-repl-current-input-hooks, slime-repl-current-input): New hook.
(slime-open-stream-hooks, slime-open-stream-to-lisp): New hook.
(sldb-insert-locals, slime-inspector-insert-ispec): Don't use

* contrib/slime-presentations.el: New file

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2007/08/25 01:10:36	1.9
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2007/08/27 12:36:11	1.10
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2007-08-27  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	Move presentations to contrib. (ELisp part)
+	* slime-presentations.el: New file.
 2007-08-24  Matthias Koeppe  <mkoeppe at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
 	Some fixes to the presentation-streams contrib.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-presentations.el	2007/08/27 12:36:11	NONE
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-presentations.el	2007/08/27 12:36:11	1.1
;;; swank-presentations.el --- imitat LispM' presentations
;;; Authors: Alan Ruttenberg  <alanr-l at mumble.net>
;;;          Matthias Koeppe  <mkoeppe at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
;;; License: GNU GPL (same license as Emacs)
;;; Installation
;; Add this to your .emacs: 
;;   (add-to-list 'load-path "<directory-of-this-file>")
;;   (add-hook 'slime-load-hook (lambda () (require 'slime-presentations)))

(defface slime-repl-output-mouseover-face
  (if (featurep 'xemacs)
      '((t (:bold t)))
    (if (slime-face-inheritance-possible-p)
            (:line-width 1 :color "black" :style released-button)
      '((t (:box (:line-width 1 :color "black"))))))
  "Face for Lisp output in the SLIME REPL, when the mouse hovers over it"
  :group 'slime-repl)

(defface slime-repl-inputed-output-face
  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Red"))
    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Red"))
    (t (:slant italic)))
  "Face for the result of an evaluation in the SLIME REPL."
  :group 'slime-repl)

;; FIXME: This conditional is not right - just used because the code
;; here does not work in XEmacs.
(when (boundp 'text-property-default-nonsticky)
  (pushnew '(slime-repl-presentation . t) text-property-default-nonsticky
	   :test 'equal)
  (pushnew '(slime-repl-result-face . t) text-property-default-nonsticky
	   :test 'equal))

 (defvar slime-presentation-start-to-point (make-hash-table)))

(defun slime-mark-presentation-start (id &optional target)
  "Mark the beginning of a presentation with the given ID.
TARGET can be nil (regular process output) or :repl-result."
  (setf (gethash id slime-presentation-start-to-point) 
        ;; We use markers because text can also be inserted before this presentation.
        ;; (Output arrives while we are writing presentations within REPL results.)
        (copy-marker (slime-output-target-marker target) nil)))

(defun slime-mark-presentation-start-handler (process string)
  (if (and string (string-match "<\\([-0-9]+\\)" string))
      (let* ((match (substring string (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
             (id (car (read-from-string match))))
        (slime-mark-presentation-start id))))

(defun slime-mark-presentation-end (id &optional target)
  "Mark the end of a presentation with the given ID.
TARGET can be nil (regular process output) or :repl-result."
  (let ((start (gethash id slime-presentation-start-to-point)))
    (remhash id slime-presentation-start-to-point)
    (when start
      (let* ((marker (slime-output-target-marker target))
             (buffer (and marker (marker-buffer marker))))
        (with-current-buffer buffer
          (let ((end (marker-position marker)))
            (slime-add-presentation-properties start end
                                               id nil)))))))

(defun slime-mark-presentation-end-handler (process string)
  (if (and string (string-match ">\\([-0-9]+\\)" string))
      (let* ((match (substring string (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
             (id (car (read-from-string match))))
        (slime-mark-presentation-end id))))

(defstruct slime-presentation text id)

(defvar slime-presentation-syntax-table
  (let ((table (copy-syntax-table lisp-mode-syntax-table)))
    ;; We give < and > parenthesis syntax, so that #< ... > is treated
    ;; as a balanced expression.  This allows to use C-M-k, C-M-SPC,
    ;; etc. to deal with a whole presentation.  (For Lisp mode, this
    ;; is not desirable, since we do not wish to get a mismatched
    ;; paren highlighted everytime we type < or >.)
    (modify-syntax-entry ?< "(>" table)
    (modify-syntax-entry ?> ")<" table)
  "Syntax table for presentations.")

(defun slime-add-presentation-properties (start end id result-p)
  "Make the text between START and END a presentation with ID.
RESULT-P decides whether a face for a return value or output text is used."
  (let* ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
         (presentation (make-slime-presentation :text text :id id)))
    (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t))
      (add-text-properties start end
                           `(modification-hooks (slime-after-change-function)
                             insert-in-front-hooks (slime-after-change-function)
                             insert-behind-hooks (slime-after-change-function)
                             syntax-table ,slime-presentation-syntax-table
                             rear-nonsticky t))
      ;; Use the presentation as the key of a text property
      (case (- end start)
         (add-text-properties start end
                              `(slime-repl-presentation ,presentation
                                ,presentation :start-and-end)))
         (add-text-properties start (1+ start) 
                              `(slime-repl-presentation ,presentation
                                ,presentation :start))
         (when (> (- end start) 2)
           (add-text-properties (1+ start) (1- end)
                                `(,presentation :interior)))
         (add-text-properties (1- end) end
                              `(slime-repl-presentation ,presentation
                                ,presentation :end))))
      ;; Also put an overlay for the face and the mouse-face.  This enables
      ;; highlighting of nested presentations.  However, overlays get lost
      ;; when we copy a presentation; their removal is also not undoable.
      ;; In these cases the mouse-face text properties need to take over ---
      ;; but they do not give nested highlighting.
      (slime-ensure-presentation-overlay start end presentation))))

(defun slime-ensure-presentation-overlay (start end presentation)
  (unless (find presentation (overlays-at start)
                :key (lambda (overlay) 
                       (overlay-get overlay 'slime-repl-presentation)))
    (let ((overlay (make-overlay start end (current-buffer) t nil)))
      (overlay-put overlay 'slime-repl-presentation presentation)
      (overlay-put overlay 'mouse-face 'slime-repl-output-mouseover-face)
      (overlay-put overlay 'help-echo 
                   (if (eq major-mode 'slime-repl-mode)
                       "mouse-2: copy to input; mouse-3: menu"
                     "mouse-2: inspect; mouse-3: menu"))
      (overlay-put overlay 'face 'slime-repl-inputed-output-face)
      (overlay-put overlay 'keymap slime-presentation-map))))
(defun slime-remove-presentation-properties (from to presentation)
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) 
    (remove-text-properties from to
                            `(,presentation t syntax-table t rear-nonsticky t))
    (when (eq (get-text-property from 'slime-repl-presentation) presentation)
      (remove-text-properties from (1+ from) `(slime-repl-presentation t)))
    (when (eq (get-text-property (1- to) 'slime-repl-presentation) presentation)
      (remove-text-properties (1- to) to `(slime-repl-presentation t)))
    (dolist (overlay (overlays-at from))
      (when (eq (overlay-get overlay 'slime-repl-presentation) presentation)
        (delete-overlay overlay)))))

(defun slime-insert-presentation (string output-id &optional rectangle)
  "Insert STRING in current buffer and mark it as a presentation 
corresponding to OUTPUT-ID.  If RECTANGLE is true, indent multi-line
strings to line up below the current point."
  (flet ((insert-it ()
                    (if rectangle 
                        (slime-insert-possibly-as-rectangle string)
                      (insert string))))
    (let ((start (point)))
      (slime-add-presentation-properties start (point) output-id t))))

(defvar slime-last-output-target-id 0
  "The last integer we used as a TARGET id.")

(defvar slime-output-target-to-marker
  "Map from TARGET ids to Emacs markers that indicate where
output should be inserted.")
;; Note:  We would like the entries to disappear when the buffers are
;; killed.  We cannot just make the hash-table ":weakness 'value" --
;; there is no reference from the buffers to the markers in the
;; buffer, so entries would disappear even though the buffers are
;; alive.  Best solution might be to make buffer-local variables that
;; keep the markers. --mkoeppe

(defun slime-output-target-marker (target)
  "Return a marker that indicates where output for TARGET should
be inserted."
  (case target
     (with-current-buffer (slime-output-buffer)
     (with-current-buffer (slime-output-buffer)
     (gethash target slime-output-target-to-marker))))

(defun slime-redirect-trace-output ()
  "Redirect the trace output to a separate Emacs buffer."
  (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*SLIME Trace Output*")))
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (let ((marker (copy-marker (buffer-size)))
            (target (incf slime-last-output-target-id)))
        (puthash target marker slime-output-target-to-marker)
        (slime-eval `(swank:redirect-trace-output ,target))))
    (pop-to-buffer buffer)))

(defun slime-presentation-whole-p (presentation start end &optional object)
  (let ((object (or object (current-buffer))))
    (string= (etypecase object
               (buffer (with-current-buffer object
                         (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
               (string (substring-no-properties object start end)))
             (slime-presentation-text presentation))))

(defun slime-presentations-around-point (point &optional object)
  (let ((object (or object (current-buffer))))
    (loop for (key value . rest) on (text-properties-at point object) by 'cddr
          when (slime-presentation-p key)
          collect key)))

(defun slime-presentation-start-p (tag)
  (memq tag '(:start :start-and-end)))

(defun slime-presentation-stop-p (tag)
  (memq tag '(:end :start-and-end)))

(defun* slime-presentation-start (point presentation
                                        &optional (object (current-buffer)))
  "Find start of `presentation' at `point' in `object'.
Return buffer index and whether a start-tag was found."
  (let* ((this-presentation (get-text-property point presentation object)))
    (while (not (slime-presentation-start-p this-presentation))
      (let ((change-point (previous-single-property-change 
                           point presentation object)))
        (unless change-point
          (return-from slime-presentation-start
            (values (etypecase object
                      (buffer (with-current-buffer object 1))
                      (string 0))
        (setq this-presentation (get-text-property change-point 
                                                   presentation object))
        (unless this-presentation
          (return-from slime-presentation-start 
            (values point nil)))
        (setq point change-point)))
    (values point t)))

(defun* slime-presentation-end (point presentation
                                      &optional (object (current-buffer)))
  "Find end of presentation at `point' in `object'.  Return buffer
index (after last character of the presentation) and whether an
end-tag was found."
  (let* ((this-presentation (get-text-property point presentation object)))
    (while (not (slime-presentation-stop-p this-presentation))
      (let ((change-point (next-single-property-change 
                           point presentation object)))
        (unless change-point
          (return-from slime-presentation-end
            (values (etypecase object
                      (buffer (with-current-buffer object (point-max)))
                      (string (length object))) 
        (setq point change-point)
        (setq this-presentation (get-text-property point 
                                                   presentation object))))
    (if this-presentation 
        (let ((after-end (next-single-property-change point
                                                      presentation object)))
          (if (not after-end)
              (values (etypecase object
                        (buffer (with-current-buffer object (point-max)))
                        (string (length object))) 
              (values after-end t)))
        (values point nil))))

(defun* slime-presentation-bounds (point presentation 
                                         &optional (object (current-buffer)))
  "Return start index and end index of `presentation' around `point'
in `object', and whether the presentation is complete."
  (multiple-value-bind (start good-start)
      (slime-presentation-start point presentation object)
    (multiple-value-bind (end good-end)
        (slime-presentation-end point presentation object)
      (values start end 
              (and good-start good-end
                   (slime-presentation-whole-p presentation 
                                               start end object))))))

(defun slime-presentation-around-point (point &optional object)
  "Return presentation, start index, end index, and whether the
presentation is complete."
  (let ((object (or object (current-buffer)))
        (innermost-presentation nil)
        (innermost-start 0)
        (innermost-end most-positive-fixnum))
    (dolist (presentation (slime-presentations-around-point point object))
      (multiple-value-bind (start end whole-p)
          (slime-presentation-bounds point presentation object)
        (when whole-p 
          (when (< (- end start) (- innermost-end innermost-start))
            (setq innermost-start start
                  innermost-end end
                  innermost-presentation presentation)))))
    (values innermost-presentation
            innermost-start innermost-end)))

(defun slime-presentation-around-or-before-point (point &optional object)
  (let ((object (or object (current-buffer))))
    (multiple-value-bind (presentation start end whole-p)
        (slime-presentation-around-point point object)
      (if presentation
          (values presentation start end whole-p)
        (slime-presentation-around-point (1- point) object)))))

(defun* slime-for-each-presentation-in-region (from to function &optional (object (current-buffer)))
  "Call `function' with arguments `presentation', `start', `end',
`whole-p' for every presentation in the region `from'--`to' in the
string or buffer `object'."
  (flet ((handle-presentation (presentation point)
                              (multiple-value-bind (start end whole-p)
                                  (slime-presentation-bounds point presentation object)
                                (funcall function presentation start end whole-p))))
    ;; Handle presentations active at `from'.
    (dolist (presentation (slime-presentations-around-point from object))
      (handle-presentation presentation from))
    ;; Use the `slime-repl-presentation' property to search for new presentations.
    (let ((point from))
      (while (< point to)
        (setq point (next-single-property-change point 'slime-repl-presentation object to))
        (let* ((presentation (get-text-property point 'slime-repl-presentation object))
               (status (get-text-property point presentation object)))
          (when (slime-presentation-start-p status)
            (handle-presentation presentation point)))))))

;; XEmacs compatibility hack, from message by Stephen J. Turnbull on
;; xemacs-beta at xemacs.org of 18 Mar 2002
(unless (boundp 'undo-in-progress)
  (defvar undo-in-progress nil
   "Placeholder defvar for XEmacs compatibility from SLIME.")
  (defadvice undo-more (around slime activate)
     (let ((undo-in-progress t)) ad-do-it)))

(defun slime-after-change-function (start end &rest ignore)
  "Check all presentations within and adjacent to the change.
When a presentation has been altered, change it to plain text."
  (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t))
    (let ((real-start (max 1 (1- start)))
          (real-end   (min (1+ (buffer-size)) (1+ end)))
          (any-change nil))
      ;; positions around the change
       real-start real-end
       (lambda (presentation from to whole-p)
           (slime-ensure-presentation-overlay from to presentation))
          ((not undo-in-progress)
           (slime-remove-presentation-properties from to 
           (setq any-change t)))))
      (when any-change

(defun slime-presentation-around-click (event)
  "Return the presentation around the position of the mouse-click EVENT.
If there is no presentation, signal an error.
Also return the start position, end position, and buffer of the presentation."
  (when (and (featurep 'xemacs) (not (button-press-event-p event)))
    (error "Command must be bound to a button-press-event"))
  (let ((point (if (featurep 'xemacs) (event-point event) (posn-point (event-end event))))
        (window (if (featurep 'xemacs) (event-window event) (caadr event))))
    (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
      (multiple-value-bind (presentation start end)
          (slime-presentation-around-point point)
        (unless presentation
          (error "No presentation at click"))
        (values presentation start end (current-buffer))))))
(defun slime-copy-or-inspect-presentation-at-mouse (event)
  (interactive "e") ; no "@" -- we don't want to select the clicked-at window
  (multiple-value-bind (presentation start end buffer)
      (slime-presentation-around-click event)
    (if (with-current-buffer buffer
          (eq major-mode 'slime-repl-mode))
        (slime-copy-presentation-at-mouse event)
      (slime-inspect-presentation-at-mouse event))))

[294 lines skipped]

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