[slime-cvs] CVS slime

trittweiler trittweiler at common-lisp.net
Thu Aug 23 16:19:56 UTC 2007

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv5660

Modified Files:
Log Message:

	Added arglist display for declaration specifiers and type


	`(declare (type' will display

	   (declare (type type-specifier &rest vars))

	`(declare (type (float' will display

	   [Typespec] (float &optional lower-limit upper-limit)

	`(declare (optimize' will display

	   (declare (optimize &any (safety 1) (space 1) (speed 1) ...))

	&ANY is a new lambda keyword that is introduced for arglist
	description purpose, and is very similiar to &KEY, but isn't based
	upon plists; they're more based upon *FEATURES* lists. (See the
	comment near the ARGLIST defstruct in `swank.lisp'.)

	* slime.el:
	(slime-to-feature-keyword): Renamed to `slime-keywordify'.
	(slime-eval-feature-conditional): Adapted to use `slime-keywordify'.
	(slime-ensure-list): New utility.
	(slime-sexp-at-point): Now takes an argument that specify how many
	sexps at point should be returned.
	(slime-enclosing-operator-names): Renamed to
	(slime-enclosing-form-specs): Returns a list of ``raw form specs''
	instead of what was called ``extended operator names'' before, see
	`swank::parse-form-spec' for more information. This is a
	simplified superset. Additionally as tertiary return value return
	a list of points to let the caller see where each form spec is
	located. Adapted callers accordingly. Extended docstring.
	(slime-parse-extended-operator-name): Adapted to changes in
	`slime-enclosing-form-specs'. Now gets more context, and is such
	more powerful. This was needed to allow parsing DECLARE forms.
	(slime-make-extended-operator-parser/look-ahead): Because the
	protocol for arglist display was simplified, it was possible to
	replace the plethora of parsing function just by this one.
	(slime-extended-operator-name-parser-alist): Use it. Also add
	parser for DECLARE forms.
	(slime-parse-extended-operator/declare): Responsible for parsing
	DECLARE forms.
	(%slime-in-mid-of-typespec-p): Helper function for
	(slime-incomplete-form-at-point): New. Return the ``raw form
	spec'' near point.
	(slime-complete-form): Use `slime-incomplete-form-at-point'.

	* swank.lisp: New Helper functions.
	(length=, ensure-list, recursively-empty-p): New.
	(maybecall, exactly-one-p): New.

	* swank.lisp (arglist-for-echo-area): Adapted to take ``raw form
	specs'' from Slime.
	(parse-form-spec): New. Takes a ``raw form spec'' and returns a
	``form spec'' for further processing in Swank. Docstring documents
	these two terms.
	(split-form-spec): New. Return relevant information from a form	spec.
	(parse-first-valid-form-spec): Replaces `find-valid-operator-name'.
	(find-valid-operator-name): Removed.
	(operator-designator-to-form): Removed. Obsoleted by `parse-form-spec'.

	(defstruct arglist): Add `any-p' and `any-args' slots to contain
	arguments belonging to the &ANY lambda keyword.
	(print-arglist): Adapted to also print &ANY args.
	(print-decoded-arglist-as-template): Likewise.
	(decode-arglist): Adapted to also decode &ANY args.
	(remove-actual-args): Adapted to also remove &ANY args.
	(remove-&key-args): Split out from `remove-actual-args'.
	(remove-&any-args): New. Removes already provided &ANY args.
	(arglist-from-form-spec): New. Added detailed docstring.
	(arglist-dispatch): Dispatching generic function for
	`arglist-from-form-spec' that does all the work. Renamed from
	prior `form-completion'.
	(arglist-dispatch) Added methods for dealing with declaration and
	(complete-form): Adapted to take ``raw form specs'' from Slime.
	(completions-for-keyword): Likewise.
	(format-arglist-for-echo-area): Removed. Not needed anymore.

	* swank-backend.lisp (declaration-arglist): New generic
	function. Returns the arglist for a given declaration
	identifier. (Backends are supposed to specialize it if they can
	provide additional information.)
	(type-specifier-arglist): New generic function. Returns the
	arglist for a given type-specifier operator. (Backends are
	supposed to specialize it if they can provide additional
	(*type-specifier-arglists*): New variable. Contains the arglists
	for the type specifiers in Common Lisp.

	* swank-sbcl.lisp: Now depends upon sb-cltl2.
	(declaration-arglist 'optimize): Specialize the `optimize'
	declaration identifier to pass it to

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2007/08/23 13:56:22	1.493
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2007/08/23 16:19:56	1.494
@@ -390,6 +390,40 @@
 (defun ascii-char-p (c) 
   (<= (char-code c) 127))
+(defun length= (seq n)
+  "Test for whether SEQ contains N number of elements. I.e. it's equivalent
+ to (= (LENGTH SEQ) N), but besides being more concise, it may also be more
+ efficiently implemented."
+  (etypecase seq 
+    (list (do ((i n (1- i))
+               (list seq (cdr list)))
+              ((or (<= i 0) (null list))
+               (and (zerop i) (null list)))))
+    (sequence (= (length seq) n))))
+(defun ensure-list (thing)
+  (if (listp thing) thing (list thing)))
+(defun recursively-empty-p (list)
+  "Returns whether LIST consists only of arbitrarily nested empty lists."
+  (cond ((not (listp list)) nil)
+	((null list) t)
+	(t (every #'recursively-empty-p list))))
+(defun maybecall (bool fn &rest args)
+  "Call FN with ARGS if BOOL is T. Otherwise return ARGS as multiple values."
+  (if bool (apply fn args) (values-list args)))
+(defun exactly-one-p (&rest values)
+  "If exactly one value in VALUES is non-NIL, this value is returned.
+Otherwise NIL is returned."
+  (let ((found nil))
+    (dolist (v values)
+      (when v (if found
+                  (return-from exactly-one-p nil)
+                  (setq found v))))
+    found))
 (defmacro do-symbols* ((var &optional (package '*package*) result-form) &body body)
   "Just like do-symbols, but makes sure a symbol is visited only once."
   (let ((seen-ht (gensym "SEEN-HT")))
@@ -1513,54 +1547,124 @@
 ;;;; Arglists
-(defun find-valid-operator-name (names)
-  "As a secondary result, returns its index."
-  (let ((index 
-         (position-if (lambda (name)
-                        (or (consp name)
-                            (valid-operator-name-p name)))
-                      names)))
-    (if index
-        (values (elt names index) index)
-        (values nil nil))))
-(defslimefun arglist-for-echo-area (names &key print-right-margin
-                                          print-lines arg-indices)
-  "Return the arglist for the first function, macro, or special-op in NAMES."
-  (handler-case
+(defslimefun arglist-for-echo-area (raw-specs &key arg-indices
+                                                   print-right-margin print-lines)
+  "Return the arglist for the first valid ``form spec'' in
+RAW-SPECS. A ``form spec'' is a superset of functions, macros,
+special-ops, declarations and type specifiers.
+For more information about the format of ``raw form specs'' and
+``form specs'', please see PARSE-FORM-SPEC."
+  (handler-case 
       (with-buffer-syntax ()
-        (multiple-value-bind (name which)
-            (find-valid-operator-name names)
-          (when which
-            (let ((arg-index (and arg-indices (elt arg-indices which))))
-              (multiple-value-bind (form operator-name)
-                  (operator-designator-to-form name)
-                (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin))
-                  (format-arglist-for-echo-area
-                   form operator-name
-                   :print-right-margin print-right-margin
-                   :print-lines print-lines
-                   :highlight (and arg-index
-                                   (not (zerop arg-index))
-                                   ;; don't highlight the operator
-                                   arg-index))))))))
+        (multiple-value-bind (form-spec arg-index)
+            (parse-first-valid-form-spec raw-specs arg-indices)
+          (when form-spec
+            (let ((arglist (arglist-from-form-spec form-spec :remove-args nil)))
+              (unless (eql arglist :not-available)
+                (multiple-value-bind (type operator arguments)
+                    (split-form-spec form-spec)
+                  (declare (ignore arguments))
+                  (multiple-value-bind (stringified-arglist)
+                      (decoded-arglist-to-string
+                       arglist
+                       :operator operator
+                       :print-right-margin print-right-margin
+                       :print-lines print-lines
+                       :highlight (and arg-index
+                                       (not (zerop arg-index))
+                                       ;; don't highlight the operator
+                                       arg-index))
+                    (case type
+                      (:declaration    (format nil "(declare ~A)" stringified-arglist))
+                      (:type-specifier (format nil "[Typespec] ~A" stringified-arglist))
+                      (t stringified-arglist)))))))))
     (error (cond)
-      (format nil "ARGLIST: ~A" cond))))
+      (format nil "ARGLIST (error): ~A" cond))
+    ))
+(defun parse-form-spec (raw-spec)
+  "Takes a raw (i.e. unparsed) form spec from SLIME and returns a
+proper form spec for further processing within SWANK. Returns NIL
+if RAW-SPEC could not be parsed.
+A ``raw form spec'' can be either: 
+  i)   a string representing a Common Lisp symbol,
+  ii)  a string representing a Common Lisp form,
+  iii) a list:
+     a)  (:declaration declspec) 
+           where DECLSPEC is the string representation of a /declaration specifier/,
+     b)  (:type-specifier typespec) 
+           where TYPESPEC is the string representation of a /type specifier/.
+A ``form spec'' is either
+  1) a normal Common Lisp form
+  2) a Common Lisp form with a list as its CAR specifying what namespace
+     the operator is supposed to be interpreted in:
+       a) ((:declaration decl-identifier) declarg1 declarg2 ...)
+       b) ((:type-specifier typespec-op) typespec-arg1 typespec-arg2 ...)
+  \"defmethod\"                       =>  (defmethod)
+  \"cl:defmethod\"                    =>  (cl:defmethod)
+  \"(defmethod print-object)\"        =>  (defmethod print-object)
+  (:declaration \"(optimize)\")       =>  ((:declaration optimize))
+  (:declaration \"(type string)\")    =>  ((:declaration type) string)
+  (:type-specifier \"(float)\")       =>  ((:type-specifier float))
+  (:type-specifier \"(float 0 100)\") =>  ((:type-specifier float) 0 100)
+  (typecase raw-spec
+    (string (ensure-list (read-incomplete-form-from-string raw-spec)))
+    (cons                               ; compound form spec
+     (destructure-case raw-spec
+       ((:declaration raw-declspec)
+        (let ((declspec (from-string raw-declspec)))
+          (unless (recursively-empty-p declspec) ; (:DECLARATION "(())") &c.
+            (destructuring-bind (decl-identifier &rest decl-args) declspec
+              `((:declaration ,decl-identifier) , at decl-args)))))
+       ((:type-specifier raw-typespec)
+        (let ((typespec (from-string raw-typespec)))
+          (unless (recursively-empty-p typespec)
+            (destructuring-bind (typespec-op &rest typespec-args) typespec
+              `((:type-specifier ,typespec-op) , at typespec-args)))))))
+    (otherwise nil)))
+(defun split-form-spec (spec)
+  "Returns all three relevant information a ``form spec''
+contains: the operator type, the operator, and the operands."
+  (destructuring-bind (operator-designator &rest arguments) spec
+    (multiple-value-bind (type operator)
+        (if (listp operator-designator)
+            (values (first operator-designator) (second operator-designator))
+            (values :function operator-designator)) ; functions, macros, special ops
+      (values type operator arguments))))           ;  are all fbound.
+(defun parse-first-valid-form-spec (raw-specs &optional arg-indices)
+  "Returns the first parsed form spec in RAW-SPECS that can
+successfully be parsed. Additionally returns its respective index
+in ARG-INDICES (or NIL.)"
+  (block traversal
+    (mapc #'(lambda (raw-spec index)
+              (let ((spec (parse-form-spec raw-spec)))
+                (when spec (return-from traversal
+                             (values spec index)))))
+          raw-specs
+          (append arg-indices '#1=(nil . #1#)))))
-(defun operator-designator-to-form (name)
-  (etypecase name
-    (cons
-     (destructure-case name
-       ((:make-instance class-name operator-name &rest args)
-        (let ((parsed-operator-name (parse-symbol operator-name)))
-          (values `(,parsed-operator-name , at args ',(parse-symbol class-name))
-                  operator-name)))
-       ((:defmethod generic-name)
-        (values `(defmethod ,(parse-symbol generic-name))
-                'defmethod))))
-    (string
-     (values `(,(parse-symbol name))
-             name))))
 (defun clean-arglist (arglist)
   "Remove &whole, &enviroment, and &aux elements from ARGLIST."
@@ -1571,6 +1675,7 @@
         (t (cons (car arglist) (clean-arglist (cdr arglist))))))
 (defstruct (arglist (:conc-name arglist.) (:predicate arglist-p))
   provided-args         ; list of the provided actual arguments
   required-args         ; list of the required arguments
@@ -1581,9 +1686,43 @@
   body-p                ; whether the rest argument is a &body
   allow-other-keys-p    ; whether &allow-other-keys appeared
   aux-args              ; list of &aux variables
+  any-p                 ; whether &any appeared
+  any-args              ; list of &any arguments  [*]
   known-junk            ; &whole, &environment
   unknown-junk)         ; unparsed stuff
+;;; [*] The &ANY lambda keyword is an extension to ANSI Common Lisp,
+;;;     and is only used to describe certain arglists that cannot be
+;;;     described in another way. 
+;;;     &ANY is very similiar to &KEY but while &KEY is based upon
+;;;     the idea of a plist (key1 value1 key2 value2), &ANY is a
+;;;     cross between &OPTIONAL, &KEY and *FEATURES* lists:
+;;;        a) (&ANY :A :B :C) means that you can provide any (non-null)
+;;;              set consisting of the keywords `:A', `:B', or `:C' in
+;;;              the arglist. E.g. (:A) or (:C :B :A).
+;;;        (This is not restricted to keywords only, but any self-evaluating
+;;;         expression is allowed.)
+;;;        b) (&ANY (key1 v1) (key2 v2) (key3 v3)) means that you can
+;;;              provide any (non-null) set consisting of lists where
+;;;              the CAR of the list is one of `key1', `key2', or `key3'.
+;;;              E.g. ((key1 100) (key3 42)), or ((key3 66) (key2 23))
+;;;     For example, a) let us describe the situations of EVAL-WHEN as
+;;;       (EVAL-WHEN (&ANY :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &BODY body)
+;;;     and b) let us describe the optimization qualifiers that are valid
+;;;     in the declaration specifier `OPTIMIZE':
+;;;       (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE &ANY (compilation-speed 1) (safety 1) ...))
 (defun print-arglist (arglist &key operator highlight)
   (let ((index 0)
         (need-space nil))
@@ -1654,6 +1793,10 @@
                 (arglist.keyword-args arglist)))
         (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist)
           (print-with-space '&allow-other-keys))
+        (when (arglist.any-args arglist)
+          (print-with-space '&any)
+          (mapc #'print-with-space
+                (arglist.any-args arglist)))
         (cond ((not (arglist.rest arglist)))
               ((arglist.body-p arglist)
                (print-with-space '&body)
@@ -1664,9 +1807,9 @@
         (mapc #'print-with-space                 
               (arglist.unknown-junk arglist))))))  
-(defun decoded-arglist-to-string (arglist package 
-                                  &key operator print-right-margin 
-                                  print-lines highlight)
+(defun decoded-arglist-to-string (arglist
+                                  &key operator highlight (package *package*)
+                                  print-right-margin print-lines)
   "Print the decoded ARGLIST for display in the echo area.  The
 argument name are printed without package qualifiers and pretty
 printing of (function foo) as #'foo is suppressed.  If HIGHLIGHT is
@@ -1678,7 +1821,8 @@
             (*print-pretty* t) (*print-circle* nil) (*print-readably* nil)
             (*print-level* 10) (*print-length* 20)
             (*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)
-            (*print-lines* print-lines))
+            (*print-lines* print-lines)
+            (*print-escape* nil))       ; no package qualifies.
         (print-arglist arglist :operator operator :highlight highlight)))))
 (defslimefun variable-desc-for-echo-area (variable-name)
@@ -1813,6 +1957,10 @@
         ((member arg '(&whole &environment))
          (setq mode arg)
          (push arg (arglist.known-junk result)))
+        ((and (symbolp arg)
+              (string= (symbol-name arg) (string '#:&ANY))) ; may be interned
+         (setf (arglist.any-p result) t)                    ;  in any *package*.
+         (setq mode '&any))
         ((member arg lambda-list-keywords)
          (setq mode '&unknown-junk)
          (push arg (arglist.unknown-junk result)))
@@ -1837,13 +1985,18 @@
                   (arglist.required-args result)))
            ((&whole &environment)
             (setf mode nil)
-            (push arg (arglist.known-junk result)))))))
+            (push arg (arglist.known-junk result)))
+           (&any
+            (push arg (arglist.any-args result)))))))
     (nreversef (arglist.required-args result))
     (nreversef (arglist.optional-args result))
     (nreversef (arglist.keyword-args result))
     (nreversef (arglist.aux-args result))
+    (nreversef (arglist.any-args result))
     (nreversef (arglist.known-junk result))
     (nreversef (arglist.unknown-junk result))
+    (assert (or (and (not (arglist.key-p result)) (not (arglist.any-p result)))
+                (exactly-one-p (arglist.key-p result) (arglist.any-p result))))
 (defun encode-arglist (decoded-arglist)
@@ -1856,6 +2009,8 @@
           (mapcar #'encode-keyword-arg (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist))
           (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)
+          (when (arglist.any-args decoded-arglist)
+            `(&any ,@(arglist.any-args decoded-arglist)))
           (cond ((not (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)) 
                 ((arglist.body-p decoded-arglist)
@@ -1946,6 +2101,9 @@
             (format t "~W " 
                     (if (keywordp keyword) keyword `',keyword))
             (print-arg-or-pattern arg-name)))
+        (dolist (any-arg (arglist.any-args decoded-arglist))
+          (space)
+          (print-arg-or-pattern any-arg))
         (when (and (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)
                    (or (not (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist))
                        (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)))
@@ -1955,6 +2113,7 @@
           (format t "~A..." (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)))))
     (pprint-newline :fill)))
 (defgeneric extra-keywords (operator &rest args)
    (:documentation "Return a list of extra keywords of OPERATOR (a
 symbol) when applied to the (unevaluated) ARGS.  
@@ -1962,6 +2121,18 @@
 As a tertiary value, return the initial sublist of ARGS that was needed 
 to determine the extra keywords."))
+(defun keywords-of-operator (operator)
+  "Return a list of KEYWORD-ARGs that OPERATOR accepts.
+This function is useful for writing EXTRA-KEYWORDS methods for
+user-defined functions which are declared &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS and which
+forward keywords to OPERATOR."
+  (let ((arglist (arglist-from-form-spec (ensure-list operator) 
+                                         :remove-args nil)))
+    (unless (eql arglist :not-available)
+      (values 
+       (arglist.keyword-args arglist)
+       (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist)))))
 (defmethod extra-keywords (operator &rest args)
   ;; default method
   (declare (ignore args))
@@ -2164,7 +2335,7 @@
   (let ((function-name-form (car argument-forms)))
     (when (and (listp function-name-form)
-               (= (length function-name-form) 2)
+               (length= function-name-form 2)
                (member (car function-name-form) '(quote function)))
       (let ((function-name (cadr function-name-form)))
         (when (valid-operator-symbol-p function-name)
@@ -2214,6 +2385,10 @@
 (defun remove-actual-args (decoded-arglist actual-arglist)
   "Remove from DECODED-ARGLIST the arguments that have already been
 provided in ACTUAL-ARGLIST."
+  (assert (or (and (not (arglist.key-p decoded-arglist))
+                   (not (arglist.any-p decoded-arglist)))
+              (exactly-one-p (arglist.key-p decoded-arglist)
+                             (arglist.any-p decoded-arglist))))
   (loop while (and actual-arglist
 		   (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))
      do (progn (pop actual-arglist)
@@ -2222,22 +2397,71 @@
 		   (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist))
      do (progn (pop actual-arglist)
 	       (pop (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist))))

[307 lines skipped]

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