[slime-cvs] CVS slime/contrib

heller heller at common-lisp.net
Thu Aug 23 12:58:52 UTC 2007

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv31985/contrib

Added Files:
	ChangeLog README slime-fuzzy.el swank-fuzzy.lisp 
Log Message:
Merge contrib branch.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2007/08/19 11:19:32	1.1
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/ChangeLog	2007/08/23 12:58:52	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+2007-08-19  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>
+	Moved fuzzy completion code to contrib directory.
+	* slime-fuzzy.el: New file.
+	(slime-fuzzy-init): New function.  Load CL code on startup.
+	* swank-fuzzy.lisp: New file. Common Lisp code for fuzzy
+	completion.
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/README	2007/08/19 11:19:32	1.1
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/README	2007/08/23 12:58:52	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+This directory contains source code which may be useful to some Slime
+users.  *.el files are Emacs Lisp source and *.lisp files contain
+Common Lisp source code.  If not otherwise stated in the file itself,
+the files are placed in the Public Domain.
+The components in this directory are more or less detached from the
+rest of Slime.  They are essentially "add-ons".  But Slime can also be
+used without them.  The code is maintained by the respective authors.
+To use the packages here, you should add this directory to your Emacs
+load-path.  E.g. for fuzzy completion add this to your .emacs:
+  (add-to-list 'load-path "<this-directory>")
+  (add-hook 'slime-load-hook (lambda () (require 'slime-fuzzy)))
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-fuzzy.el	2007/08/19 11:19:32	1.1
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/slime-fuzzy.el	2007/08/23 12:58:52	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+;;; slime-fuzzy.el --- fuzzy symbol completion
+;; Author: Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos.net> and others
+;; License: GNU GPL (same license as Emacs)
+;;; Installation
+;; Add this to your .emacs: 
+;;   (add-to-list 'load-path "<directory-of-this-file>")
+;;   (add-hook 'slime-load-hook (lambda () (require 'slime-fuzzy)))
+;;; Code
+(defcustom slime-fuzzy-completion-in-place t
+  "When non-NIL the fuzzy symbol completion is done in place as
+opposed to moving the point to the completion buffer."
+  :group 'slime-mode
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom slime-fuzzy-completion-limit 300
+  "Only return and present this many symbols from swank."
+  :group 'slime-mode
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom slime-fuzzy-completion-time-limit-in-msec 1500
+  "Limit the time spent (given in msec) in swank while gathering comletitions.
+\(NOTE: currently it's rounded up the nearest second)"
+  :group 'slime-mode
+  :type 'integer)
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-target-buffer nil
+  "The buffer that is the target of the completion activities.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-saved-window-configuration nil
+  "The saved window configuration before the fuzzy completion
+buffer popped up.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-start nil
+  "The beginning of the completion slot in the target buffer.
+This is a non-advancing marker.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-end nil
+  "The end of the completion slot in the target buffer.
+This is an advancing marker.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-original-text nil
+  "The original text that was in the completion slot in the
+target buffer.  This is what is put back if completion is
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-text nil
+  "The text that is currently in the completion slot in the
+target buffer.  If this ever doesn't match, the target buffer has
+been modified and we abort without touching it.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-first nil
+  "The position of the first completion in the completions buffer.
+The descriptive text and headers are above this.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-last nil
+    "The position of the last completion in the completions buffer.
+If the time limit has exhausted during generation possible completion
+choices inside SWANK, an indication is printed below this.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-current-completion nil
+  "The current completion object.  If this is the same before and
+after point moves in the completions buffer, the text is not
+replaced in the target for efficiency.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-current-completion-overlay nil
+  "The overlay representing the current completion in the completion
+buffer. This is used to hightlight the text.")
+;;;;;;; slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-mode
+;; NOTE: this mode has to be able to override key mappings in slime-mode
+;; FIXME: clean this up
+(defun mimic-key-bindings (from-keymap to-keymap bindings-or-operation operation)
+  "Iterate on BINDINGS-OR-OPERATION. If an element is a symbol then
+try to look it up (as an operation) in FROM-KEYMAP. Non symbols are taken
+as default key bindings when none to be mimiced was found in FROM-KEYMAP.
+Set the resulting list of keys in TO-KEYMAP to OPERATION."
+  (let ((mimic-keys nil)
+        (direct-keys nil))
+    (dolist (key-or-operation bindings-or-operation)
+      (if (symbolp key-or-operation)
+          (setf mimic-keys (append mimic-keys (where-is-internal key-or-operation from-keymap nil t)))
+          (push key-or-operation direct-keys)))
+    (dolist (key (or mimic-keys direct-keys))
+      (define-key to-keymap key operation))))
+(defvar slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-map
+  (let* ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (flet ((remap (keys to)
+             (mimic-key-bindings global-map map keys to)))
+      (remap (list 'keyboard-quit (kbd "C-g")) 'slime-fuzzy-abort)
+      (remap (list 'slime-fuzzy-indent-and-complete-symbol
+                   'slime-indent-and-complete-symbol
+                   (kbd "<tab>"))
+             'slime-fuzzy-select-or-update-completions)
+      (remap (list 'previous-line (kbd "<up>")) 'slime-fuzzy-prev)
+      (remap (list 'next-line (kbd "<down>")) 'slime-fuzzy-next)
+      (remap (list 'isearch-forward (kbd "C-s"))
+             (lambda ()
+               (interactive)
+               (select-window (get-buffer-window (slime-get-fuzzy-buffer)))
+               (call-interactively 'isearch-forward)))
+      ;; some unconditional direct bindings
+      (dolist (key (list (kbd "<return>") (kbd "RET") (kbd "<SPC>") "(" ")" "[" "]"))
+        (define-key map key 'slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer)))
+    map
+    )
+  "Keymap for slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-mode. This will override the key
+bindings in the target buffer temporarily during completion.")
+;; Make sure slime-fuzzy-target-buffer-completions-mode's map is
+;; before everything else.
+(setf minor-mode-map-alist
+      (stable-sort minor-mode-map-alist
+                   (lambda (a b)
+                     (eq a 'slime-fuzzy-target-buffer-completions-mode))
+                   :key #'car))
+(define-minor-mode slime-fuzzy-target-buffer-completions-mode
+  "This minor mode is intented to override key bindings during fuzzy
+completions in the target buffer. Most of the bindings will do an implicit select
+in the completion window and let the keypress be processed in the target buffer."
+  nil
+  nil
+  slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-map)
+(add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist
+             '(slime-fuzzy-target-buffer-completions-mode
+               " Fuzzy Target Buffer Completions"))
+(define-derived-mode slime-fuzzy-completions-mode 
+  fundamental-mode "Fuzzy Completions"
+  "Major mode for presenting fuzzy completion results.
+When you run `slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol', the symbol token at
+point is completed using the Fuzzy Completion algorithm; this
+means that the token is taken as a sequence of characters and all
+the various possibilities that this sequence could meaningfully
+represent are offered as selectable choices, sorted by how well
+they deem to be a match for the token. (For instance, the first
+choice of completing on \"mvb\" would be \"multiple-value-bind\".)
+Therefore, a new buffer (*Fuzzy Completions*) will pop up that
+contains the different completion choices. Simultaneously, a
+special minor-mode will be temporarily enabled in the original
+buffer where you initiated fuzzy completion (also called the
+``target buffer'') in order to navigate through the *Fuzzy
+Completions* buffer without leaving.
+With focus in *Fuzzy Completions*:
+  Type `n' and `p' (`UP', `DOWN') to navigate between completions.
+  Type `RET' or `TAB' to select the completion near point. 
+  Type `q' to abort.
+With focus in the target buffer:
+  Type `UP' and `DOWN' to navigate between completions.
+  Type a character that does not constitute a symbol name
+  to insert the current choice and then that character (`(', `)',
+  `SPACE', `RET'.) Use `TAB' to simply insert the current choice.
+  Use C-g to abort.
+Alternatively, you can click <mouse-2> on a completion to select it.
+Complete listing of keybindings within the target buffer:
+Complete listing of keybindings with *Fuzzy Completions*:
+  (use-local-map slime-fuzzy-completions-map))
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-completions-map  
+  (let* ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (flet ((remap (keys to)
+             (mimic-key-bindings global-map map keys to)))
+      (remap (list 'keyboard-quit (kbd "C-g")) 'slime-fuzzy-abort)
+      (define-key map "q" 'slime-fuzzy-abort)
+      (remap (list 'previous-line (kbd "<up>")) 'slime-fuzzy-prev)
+      (remap (list 'next-line (kbd "<down>")) 'slime-fuzzy-next)
+      (define-key map "n" 'slime-fuzzy-next)
+      (define-key map "\M-n" 'slime-fuzzy-next)
+      (define-key map "p" 'slime-fuzzy-prev)
+      (define-key map "\M-p" 'slime-fuzzy-prev)
+      (define-key map "\d" 'scroll-down)
+      (remap (list 'slime-fuzzy-indent-and-complete-symbol
+                   'slime-indent-and-complete-symbol
+                   (kbd "<tab>"))
+             'slime-fuzzy-select)
+      (define-key map (kbd "<mouse-2>") 'slime-fuzzy-select/mouse))
+      (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'slime-fuzzy-select)
+      (define-key map (kbd "<SPC>") 'slime-fuzzy-select)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for slime-fuzzy-completions-mode when in the completion buffer.")
+(defun slime-fuzzy-completions (prefix &optional default-package)
+  "Get the list of sorted completion objects from completing
+`prefix' in `package' from the connected Lisp."
+  (let ((prefix (etypecase prefix
+		  (symbol (symbol-name prefix))
+		  (string prefix))))
+    (slime-eval `(swank:fuzzy-completions ,prefix 
+                                          ,(or default-package
+                                               (slime-find-buffer-package)
+                                               (slime-current-package))
+                  :limit ,slime-fuzzy-completion-limit
+                  :time-limit-in-msec ,slime-fuzzy-completion-time-limit-in-msec))))
+(defun slime-fuzzy-selected (prefix completion)
+  "Tell the connected Lisp that the user selected completion
+`completion' as the completion for `prefix'."
+  (let ((no-properties (copy-sequence prefix)))
+    (set-text-properties 0 (length no-properties) nil no-properties)
+    (slime-eval `(swank:fuzzy-completion-selected ,no-properties 
+                                                  ',completion))))
+(defun slime-fuzzy-indent-and-complete-symbol ()
+  "Indent the current line and perform fuzzy symbol completion.  First
+indent the line. If indenting doesn't move point, complete the
+symbol. If there's no symbol at the point, show the arglist for the
+most recently enclosed macro or function."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (point)))
+    (unless (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) 'slime-repl-prompt)
+      (lisp-indent-line))
+    (when (= pos (point))
+      (cond ((save-excursion (re-search-backward "[^() \n\t\r]+\\=" nil t))
+             (slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol))
+            ((memq (char-before) '(?\t ?\ ))
+             (slime-echo-arglist))))))
+(defun* slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol ()
+  "Fuzzily completes the abbreviation at point into a symbol."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\"[^ \t\n]+\\=" nil t))
+    (return-from slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol 
+      (if slime-when-complete-filename-expand
+          (comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
+        (comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename))))
+  (let* ((end (move-marker (make-marker) (slime-symbol-end-pos)))
+         (beg (move-marker (make-marker) (slime-symbol-start-pos)))
+         (prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
+    (destructuring-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
+        (slime-fuzzy-completions prefix)
+      (if (null completion-set)
+          (progn (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message
+                  "Can't find completion for \"%s\"" prefix)
+                 (ding)
+                 (slime-fuzzy-done))
+          (goto-char end)
+          (cond ((slime-length= completion-set 1)
+                 (insert-and-inherit (caar completion-set)) ; insert completed string
+                 (delete-region beg end)
+                 (goto-char (+ beg (length (caar completion-set))))
+                 (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message "Sole completion")
+                 (slime-fuzzy-done))
+                ;; Incomplete
+                (t
+                 (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message "Complete but not unique")
+                 (slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer completion-set interrupted-p beg end)))))))
+(defun slime-get-fuzzy-buffer ()
+  (get-buffer-create "*Fuzzy Completions*"))
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-explanation
+  "For help on how the use this buffer, see `slime-fuzzy-completions-mode'.
+Flags: boundp fboundp generic-function class macro special-operator package
+  "The explanation that gets inserted at the beginning of the
+*Fuzzy Completions* buffer.")
+(defun slime-fuzzy-insert-completion-choice (completion max-length)
+  "Inserts the completion object `completion' as a formatted
+completion choice into the current buffer, and mark it with the
+proper text properties."
+  (let ((start (point))
+        (symbol-name (first completion))
+        (score (second completion))
+        (chunks (third completion))
+        (flags (fourth completion)))
+    (insert symbol-name)
+    (let ((end (point)))
+      (dolist (chunk chunks)
+        (put-text-property (+ start (first chunk)) 
+                           (+ start (first chunk) 
+                              (length (second chunk)))
+                           'face 'bold))
+      (put-text-property start (point) 'mouse-face 'highlight)
+      (dotimes (i (- max-length (- end start)))
+        (insert " "))
+      (insert (format " %s%s%s%s%s%s%s %8.2f"
+                      (if (member :boundp flags) "b" "-")
+                      (if (member :fboundp flags) "f" "-")
+                      (if (member :generic-function flags) "g" "-")
+                      (if (member :class flags) "c" "-")
+                      (if (member :macro flags) "m" "-")
+                      (if (member :special-operator flags) "s" "-")
+                      (if (member :package flags) "p" "-")
+                      score))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (put-text-property start (point) 'completion completion))))
+(defun slime-fuzzy-insert (text)
+  "Inserts `text' into the target buffer in the completion slot.
+If the buffer has been modified in the meantime, abort the
+completion process.  Otherwise, update all completion variables
+so that the new text is present."
+  (with-current-buffer slime-fuzzy-target-buffer
+    (cond 
+     ((not (string-equal slime-fuzzy-text 
+                         (buffer-substring slime-fuzzy-start
+                                           slime-fuzzy-end)))
+      (slime-fuzzy-done)
+      (beep)
+      (message "Target buffer has been modified!"))
+     (t
+      (goto-char slime-fuzzy-start)
+      (delete-region slime-fuzzy-start slime-fuzzy-end)
+      (insert-and-inherit text)
+      (setq slime-fuzzy-text text)
+      (goto-char slime-fuzzy-end)))))
+(defun slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer (completions interrupted-p start end)
+  "Creates (if neccessary), populates, and pops up the *Fuzzy
+Completions* buffer with the completions from `completions' and
+the completion slot in the current buffer bounded by `start' and
+`end'.  This saves the window configuration before popping the
+buffer so that it can possibly be restored when the user is
+  (let ((new-completion-buffer (not slime-fuzzy-target-buffer)))
+    (when new-completion-buffer
+      (slime-fuzzy-save-window-configuration))
+    (slime-fuzzy-enable-target-buffer-completions-mode)
+    (setq slime-fuzzy-target-buffer (current-buffer))
+    (setq slime-fuzzy-start (move-marker (make-marker) start))
+    (setq slime-fuzzy-end (move-marker (make-marker) end))
+    (set-marker-insertion-type slime-fuzzy-end t)
+    (setq slime-fuzzy-original-text (buffer-substring start end))
+    (setq slime-fuzzy-text slime-fuzzy-original-text)
+    (slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer completions interrupted-p)
+    (pop-to-buffer (slime-get-fuzzy-buffer))
+    (when new-completion-buffer
+      (add-local-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'slime-fuzzy-abort)
+      (setq buffer-quit-function 'slime-fuzzy-abort)) ; M-Esc Esc
+    (when slime-fuzzy-completion-in-place
+      ;; switch back to the original buffer
+      (switch-to-buffer-other-window slime-fuzzy-target-buffer))))
+(defun slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer (completions interrupted-p)
+  "Erases and fills the completion buffer with the given completions."
+  (with-current-buffer (slime-get-fuzzy-buffer)
+    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (slime-fuzzy-completions-mode)
+    (insert slime-fuzzy-explanation)
+    (let ((max-length 12))
+      (dolist (completion completions)
+        (setf max-length (max max-length (length (first completion)))))
+      (insert "Completion:")
+      (dotimes (i (- max-length 10)) (insert " "))
+      ;;     Flags:  Score:
+      ;; ... ------- --------
+      ;;     bfgcmsp 
+      (insert "Flags:  Score:\n")
+      (dotimes (i max-length) (insert "-"))
+      (insert " ------- --------\n")
+      (setq slime-fuzzy-first (point))
+      (dolist (completion completions)
+        (setq slime-fuzzy-last (point)) ; will eventually become the last entry
+        (slime-fuzzy-insert-completion-choice completion max-length))
+      (when interrupted-p
+        (insert "...\n")
+        (insert "[Interrupted: time limit exhausted]"))
+      (setq buffer-read-only t))
+    (setq slime-fuzzy-current-completion
+          (caar completions))

[212 lines skipped]
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-fuzzy.lisp	2007/08/19 11:19:32	1.1
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/contrib/swank-fuzzy.lisp	2007/08/23 12:58:52	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+;;; swank-fuzzy.lisp --- fuzzy symbol completion
+;; Author: Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos.net> and others
+;; License: Public Domain
+(in-package :swank)
+;;; For nomenclature of the fuzzy completion section, please read
+;;; through the following docstring.
+(defslimefun fuzzy-completions (string default-package-name &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
+"Returns a list of two values:
+  An (optionally limited to LIMIT best results) list of fuzzy
+  completions for a symbol designator STRING. The list will be
+  sorted by score, most likely match first.
+  A flag that indicates whether or not TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC has
+  been exhausted during computation. If that parameter's value is
+  NIL or 0, no time limit is assumed.
+The main result is a list of completion objects, where a completion
+object is:
+where a CHUNK is a description of a matched substring:
+and FLAGS is a list of keywords describing properties of the 
+symbol (see CLASSIFY-SYMBOL).
+E.g., completing \"mvb\" in a package that uses COMMON-LISP would
+return something like:
+    ((\"multiple-value-bind\" 26.588236 ((0 \"m\") (9 \"v\") (15 \"b\"))
+     (:FBOUNDP :MACRO))
+     ...)
+If STRING is package qualified the result list will also be
+qualified.  If string is non-qualified the result strings are
+also not qualified and are considered relative to
+Which symbols are candidates for matching depends on the symbol
+designator's format. The cases are as follows:
+  FOO      - Symbols accessible in the buffer package.
+  PKG:FOO  - Symbols external in package PKG.
+  PKG::FOO - Symbols accessible in package PKG."
+  ;; For Emacs we allow both NIL and 0 as value of TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC
+  ;; to denote an infinite time limit. Internally, we only use NIL for
+  ;; that purpose, to be able to distinguish between "no time limit
+  ;; alltogether" and "current time limit already exhausted." So we've
+  ;; got to canonicalize its value at first:
+  (let* ((no-time-limit-p (or (not time-limit-in-msec) (zerop time-limit-in-msec)))
+         (time-limit (if no-time-limit-p nil time-limit-in-msec)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
+        (fuzzy-completion-set string default-package-name :limit limit
+                              :time-limit-in-msec time-limit)
+      ;; We may send this as elisp [] arrays to spare a coerce here,
+      ;; but then the network serialization were slower by handling arrays.
+      ;; Instead we limit the number of completions that is transferred
+      ;; (the limit is set from Emacs.)
+      (list (coerce completion-set 'list) interrupted-p))))
+;;; A Fuzzy Matching -- Not to be confused with a fuzzy completion
+;;; object that will be sent back to Emacs, as described above.
+(defstruct (fuzzy-matching (:conc-name   fuzzy-matching.)
+			   (:predicate   fuzzy-matching-p)
+			   (:constructor %make-fuzzy-matching))
+  symbol	    ; The symbol that has been found to match. 
+  score	            ; The higher the better symbol is a match.
+  package-chunks    ; Chunks pertaining to the package identifier of the symbol.
+  symbol-chunks)    ; Chunks pertaining to the symbol's name.
+(defun make-fuzzy-matching (symbol score package-chunks symbol-chunks)
+  (declare (inline %make-fuzzy-matching))
+  (%make-fuzzy-matching :symbol symbol :score score
+			:package-chunks package-chunks
+			:symbol-chunks symbol-chunks))
+(defun fuzzy-convert-matching-for-emacs (fuzzy-matching converter
+					 internal-p package-name)
+  "Converts a result from the fuzzy completion core into
+something that emacs is expecting.  Converts symbols to strings,
+fixes case issues, and adds information describing if the symbol
+is :bound, :fbound, a :class, a :macro, a :generic-function,
+a :special-operator, or a :package."
+  (with-struct (fuzzy-matching. symbol score package-chunks symbol-chunks) fuzzy-matching
+    (multiple-value-bind (name added-length)
+        (format-completion-result
+          (funcall (or converter #'identity) (symbol-name symbol))
+          internal-p package-name)
+      (list name
+            score
+            (append package-chunks
+		    (mapcar #'(lambda (chunk)
+				;; Fix up chunk positions to account for possible
+				;; added package identifier.
+				(let ((offset (first chunk)) (string (second chunk)))
+				  (list (+ added-length offset) string))) 
+			    symbol-chunks))
+            (classify-symbol symbol)))))
+(defun classify-symbol (symbol)
+  "Returns a list of classifiers that classify SYMBOL according
+to its underneath objects (e.g. :BOUNDP if SYMBOL constitutes a
+special variable.) The list may contain the following classification
+  (check-type symbol symbol)
+  (let (result)
+    (when (boundp symbol)             (push :boundp result))
+    (when (fboundp symbol)            (push :fboundp result))
+    (when (find-class symbol nil)     (push :class result))
+    (when (macro-function symbol)     (push :macro result))
+    (when (special-operator-p symbol) (push :special-operator result))
+    (when (find-package symbol)       (push :package result))
+    (when (typep (ignore-errors (fdefinition symbol))
+                 'generic-function)
+      (push :generic-function result))
+    result))
+(defun symbol-classification->string (flags)
+  (format nil "~A~A~A~A~A~A~A"
+          (if (member :boundp flags) "b" "-")
+          (if (member :fboundp flags) "f" "-")
+          (if (member :generic-function flags) "g" "-")
+          (if (member :class flags) "c" "-")
+          (if (member :macro flags) "m" "-")
+          (if (member :special-operator flags) "s" "-")
+          (if (member :package flags) "p" "-")))
+(defun fuzzy-completion-set (string default-package-name &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
+  "Returns two values: an array of completion objects, sorted by
+their score, that is how well they are a match for STRING
+according to the fuzzy completion algorithm.  If LIMIT is set,
+only the top LIMIT results will be returned. Additionally, a flag
+is returned that indicates whether or not TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC was
+  (check-type limit (or null (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
+  (check-type time-limit-in-msec (or null (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
+  (multiple-value-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
+      (fuzzy-create-completion-set string default-package-name
+                                   time-limit-in-msec)
+    (when (and limit
+               (> limit 0)
+               (< limit (length completion-set)))
+      (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p completion-set)
+          (setf (fill-pointer completion-set) limit)
+          (setf completion-set (make-array limit :displaced-to completion-set))))
+    (values completion-set interrupted-p)))
+(defun fuzzy-create-completion-set (string default-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
+  "Does all the hard work for FUZZY-COMPLETION-SET. If
+TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC is NIL, an infinite time limit is assumed."
+  (multiple-value-bind (parsed-name parsed-package-name package internal-p)
+      (parse-completion-arguments string default-package-name)
+    (flet ((convert (matchings package-name &optional converter)
+	     ;; Converts MATCHINGS to completion objects for Emacs.
+	     ;; PACKAGE-NAME is the package identifier that's used as prefix
+	     ;; during formatting. If NIL, the identifier is omitted.
+	     (map-into matchings
+		       #'(lambda (m)
+			   (fuzzy-convert-matching-for-emacs m converter
+							     internal-p
+							     package-name))
+		       matchings))
+	   (fix-up (matchings parent-package-matching)
+	     ;; The components of each matching in MATCHINGS have been computed
+	     ;; relatively to PARENT-PACKAGE-MATCHING. Make them absolute.
+	     (let* ((p parent-package-matching)
+		    (p.score  (fuzzy-matching.score p))
+		    (p.chunks (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks p)))
+	       (map-into matchings
+			 #'(lambda (m)
+			     (let ((m.score (fuzzy-matching.score m)))
+			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks m) p.chunks)
+			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.score m)
+				     (if (string= parsed-name "")
+					 ;; (Make package matchings be sorted before all the
+                                         ;; relative symbol matchings while preserving over
+					 ;; all orderness.)
+					 (/ p.score 100)        
+					 (+ p.score m.score)))
+			       m))
+			 matchings)))
+	   (find-symbols (designator package time-limit)
+	     (fuzzy-find-matching-symbols designator package
+					  :time-limit-in-msec time-limit
+					  :external-only (not internal-p)))
+           (find-packages (designator time-limit)
+             (fuzzy-find-matching-packages designator :time-limit-in-msec time-limit)))
+      (let ((symbol-normalizer  (completion-output-symbol-converter string))
+	    (package-normalizer #'(lambda (package-name)
+				    (let ((converter (completion-output-package-converter string)))
+				      ;; Present packages with a trailing colon for maximum convenience!
+				      (concatenate 'string (funcall converter package-name) ":"))))
+            (time-limit time-limit-in-msec) (symbols) (packages) (results))
+	(cond ((not parsed-package-name)        ; E.g. STRING = "asd"
+	       ;; We don't know if user is searching for a package or a symbol
+	       ;; within his current package. So we try to find either.
+	       (setf (values packages time-limit) (find-packages parsed-name time-limit))
+               (setf (values symbols  time-limit) (find-symbols parsed-name package time-limit))
+               (setf symbols  (convert symbols nil symbol-normalizer))
+               (setf packages (convert packages nil package-normalizer)))
+	      ((string= parsed-package-name "") ; E.g. STRING = ":" or ":foo"
+	       (setf (values symbols time-limit) (find-symbols parsed-name package time-limit))
+               (setf symbols (convert symbols "" symbol-normalizer)))
+	      (t	                        ; E.g. STRING = "asd:" or "asd:foo"
+	       ;; Find fuzzy matchings of the denoted package identifier part.
+	       ;; After that, find matchings for the denoted symbol identifier
+	       ;; relative to all the packages found.
+               (multiple-value-bind (found-packages rest-time-limit)
+                   (find-packages parsed-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
+                 (loop
+                    for package-matching across found-packages
+                    for package-sym  = (fuzzy-matching.symbol package-matching)
+                    for package-name = (funcall symbol-normalizer (symbol-name package-sym))
+                    for package      = (find-package package-sym)
+                    while (or (not time-limit) (> rest-time-limit 0)) do
+                      (multiple-value-bind (matchings remaining-time)
+                          (find-symbols parsed-name package rest-time-limit)
+                        (setf matchings (fix-up matchings package-matching))
+                        (setf matchings (convert matchings package-name symbol-normalizer))
+                        (setf symbols   (concatenate 'vector symbols matchings))
+                        (setf rest-time-limit remaining-time))
+                    finally ; CONVERT is destructive. So we have to do this at last.
+                      (setf time-limit rest-time-limit)
+                      (setf packages (when (string= parsed-name "")
+                                       (convert found-packages nil package-normalizer)))))))
+	;; Sort alphabetically before sorting by score. (Especially useful when
+	;; PARSED-NAME is empty, and all possible completions are to be returned.)
+	(setf results (concatenate 'vector symbols packages))
+	(setf results (sort results #'string< :key #'first))  ; SORT + #'STRING-LESSP
+	(setf results (stable-sort results #'> :key #'second));  conses on at least SBCL 0.9.18.
+	(values results (and time-limit (<= time-limit 0)))))))
+(defun get-real-time-in-msecs ()
+  (let ((units-per-msec (max 1 (floor internal-time-units-per-second 1000))))
+    (values (floor (get-internal-real-time) units-per-msec)))) ; return just one value!
+(defun fuzzy-find-matching-symbols (string package &key external-only time-limit-in-msec)
+  "Returns two values: a vector of fuzzy matchings for matching
+symbols in PACKAGE, using the fuzzy completion algorithm; the
+remaining time limit. 
+If EXTERNAL-ONLY is true, only external symbols are considered. A
+TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC of NIL is considered no limit; if it's zero or
+negative, perform a NOP."
+  (let ((time-limit-p (and time-limit-in-msec t))
+        (time-limit (or time-limit-in-msec 0))
+        (rtime-at-start (get-real-time-in-msecs))
+        (count 0))
+    (declare (type boolean time-limit-p))
+    (declare (type integer time-limit rtime-at-start))
+    (declare (type (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum)) count))
+    (flet ((recompute-remaining-time (old-remaining-time)
+             (cond ((not time-limit-p)
+                    (values nil nil)) ; propagate NIL back as infinite time limit.
+                   ((> count 0)       ; ease up on getting internal time like crazy.
+                    (setf count (mod (1+ count) 128))
+                    (values nil old-remaining-time))
+                   (t (let* ((elapsed-time (- (get-real-time-in-msecs) rtime-at-start))
+                             (remaining (- time-limit elapsed-time)))
+                        (values (<= remaining 0) remaining)))))
+           (perform-fuzzy-match (string symbol-name)
+             (let* ((converter (completion-output-symbol-converter string))
+                    (converted-symbol-name (funcall converter symbol-name)))
+               (compute-highest-scoring-completion string converted-symbol-name))))
+      (let ((completions (make-array 256 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
+            (rest-time-limit time-limit))
+        (block loop
+          (do-symbols* (symbol package)
+            (multiple-value-bind (exhausted? remaining-time)
+                (recompute-remaining-time rest-time-limit)
+              (setf rest-time-limit remaining-time)
+              (cond (exhausted? (return-from loop))
+                    ((or (not external-only) (symbol-external-p symbol package))
+                     (if (string= "" string) ; "" matchs always
+                         (vector-push-extend (make-fuzzy-matching symbol 0.0 '() '())
+                                             completions)
+                         (multiple-value-bind (match-result score)
+                             (perform-fuzzy-match string (symbol-name symbol))
+                           (when match-result
+                             (vector-push-extend
+                              (make-fuzzy-matching symbol score '() match-result)
+                              completions)))))))))
+        (values completions rest-time-limit)))))
+(defun fuzzy-find-matching-packages (name &key time-limit-in-msec)
+  "Returns a vector of fuzzy matchings for each package that is
+similiar to NAME, and the remaining time limit. 
+  (let ((time-limit-p (and time-limit-in-msec t))
+        (time-limit (or time-limit-in-msec 0))
+        (rtime-at-start (get-real-time-in-msecs))
+        (converter (completion-output-package-converter name))
+        (completions (make-array 32 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
+    (declare (type boolean time-limit-p))
+    (declare (type integer time-limit rtime-at-start))
+    (declare (type function converter))
+    (if (and time-limit-p (<= time-limit 0))
+        (values #() time-limit)
+        (loop for package-name in (mapcan #'package-names (list-all-packages))
+              for converted-name = (funcall converter package-name)
+              for package-symbol = (or (find-symbol package-name)
+                                        (make-symbol package-name)) ; no INTERN
+              do (multiple-value-bind (result score)
+                     (compute-highest-scoring-completion name converted-name)
+                   (when result
+                     (vector-push-extend (make-fuzzy-matching package-symbol score result '())
+                                         completions)))
+              finally
+                (return
+                  (values completions
+                          (and time-limit-p
+                               (let ((elapsed-time (- (get-real-time-in-msecs) rtime-at-start)))
+                                 (- time-limit elapsed-time)))))))))
+(defslimefun fuzzy-completion-selected (original-string completion)
+  "This function is called by Slime when a fuzzy completion is
+selected by the user.  It is for future expansion to make
+testing, say, a machine learning algorithm for completion scoring
+ORIGINAL-STRING is the string the user completed from, and
+COMPLETION is the completion object (see docstring for
+SWANK:FUZZY-COMPLETIONS) corresponding to the completion that the
+user selected."
+  (declare (ignore original-string completion))
+  nil)
+;;;;; Fuzzy completion core
+(defparameter *fuzzy-recursion-soft-limit* 30
+  "This is a soft limit for recursion in
+completing a string such as \"ZZZZZZ\" with a symbol named
+\"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ\" will result in explosive recursion to
+find all the ways it can match.
+Most natural language searches and symbols do not have this
+problem -- this is only here as a safeguard.")
+(declaim (fixnum *fuzzy-recursion-soft-limit*))
+(defun compute-highest-scoring-completion (short full)
+  "Finds the highest scoring way to complete the abbreviation
+SHORT onto the string FULL, using CHAR= as a equality function for
+letters.  Returns two values:  The first being the completion
+chunks of the highest scorer, and the second being the score."
+  (let* ((scored-results
+          (mapcar #'(lambda (result)
+                      (cons (score-completion result short full) result))
+                  (compute-most-completions short full)))
+         (winner (first (sort scored-results #'> :key #'first))))
+    (values (rest winner) (first winner))))
+(defun compute-most-completions (short full)
+  "Finds most possible ways to complete FULL with the letters in SHORT.
+a list of (&rest CHUNKS), where each CHUNKS is a description of
+how a completion matches."
+  (let ((*all-chunks* nil))
+    (declare (special *all-chunks*))
+    (recursively-compute-most-completions short full 0 0 nil nil nil t)
+    *all-chunks*))
+(defun recursively-compute-most-completions 
+    (short full 
+     short-index initial-full-index 
+     chunks current-chunk current-chunk-pos 
+     recurse-p)
+  "Recursively (if RECURSE-P is true) find /most/ possible ways
+to fuzzily map the letters in SHORT onto FULL, using CHAR= to
+determine if two letters match.
+A chunk is a list of elements that have matched consecutively.
+When consecutive matches stop, it is coerced into a string,
+paired with the starting position of the chunk, and pushed onto
+Whenever a letter matches, if RECURSE-P is true,

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