[slime-cvs] CVS slime

mbaringer mbaringer at common-lisp.net
Sun Apr 8 14:02:37 UTC 2007

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv29933

Modified Files:
	swank.lisp swank-clisp.lisp swank-backend.lisp ChangeLog 
Log Message:

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2007/04/08 12:19:31	1.469
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2007/04/08 14:02:37	1.470
@@ -2817,7 +2817,7 @@
 (defun debug-in-emacs (condition)
   (let ((*swank-debugger-condition* condition)
-        (*sldb-restarts* (compute-restarts condition))
+        (*sldb-restarts* (compute-sane-restarts condition))
         (*package* (or (and (boundp '*buffer-package*)
                             (symbol-value '*buffer-package*))
@@ -2826,14 +2826,14 @@
         (*swank-state-stack* (cons :swank-debugger-hook *swank-state-stack*)))
-     (lambda () 
+     (lambda ()
        (with-bindings *sldb-printer-bindings*
          (sldb-loop *sldb-level*))))))
 (defun sldb-loop (level)
        (catch 'sldb-enter-default-debugger
-         (send-to-emacs 
+         (send-to-emacs
           (list* :debug (current-thread) level
                  (debugger-info-for-emacs 0 *sldb-initial-frames*)))
          (loop (catch 'sldb-loop-catcher
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-clisp.lisp	2007/01/12 15:12:23	1.62
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-clisp.lisp	2007/04/08 14:02:37	1.63
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
 ;;;; SWANK support for CLISP.
 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 W. Jenkner, V. Sedach
@@ -47,20 +49,20 @@
     (and (find-package :clos)
          (eql :external
               (nth-value 1 (find-symbol (string ':standard-slot-definition)
-					:clos))))
+                                        :clos))))
     "True in those CLISP images which have a complete MOP implementation."))
 #+#.(cl:if swank-backend::*have-mop* '(cl:and) '(cl:or))
   (import-swank-mop-symbols :clos '(:slot-definition-documentation))
   (defun swank-mop:slot-definition-documentation (slot)
     (clos::slot-definition-documentation slot)))
 #-#.(cl:if swank-backend::*have-mop* '(and) '(or))
 (defclass swank-mop:standard-slot-definition ()
-  (:documentation 
+  (:documentation
    "Dummy class created so that swank.lisp will compile and load."))
 ;; #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-package "LINUX") '(and) '(or))
@@ -68,15 +70,15 @@
 ;;   (defmacro with-blocked-signals ((&rest signals) &body body)
 ;;     (ext:with-gensyms ("SIGPROCMASK" ret mask)
 ;;       `(multiple-value-bind (,ret ,mask)
-;; 	   (linux:sigprocmask-set-n-save
-;; 	    ,linux:SIG_BLOCK
-;; 	    ,(do ((sigset (linux:sigset-empty)
-;; 			  (linux:sigset-add sigset (the fixnum (pop signals)))))
-;; 		 ((null signals) sigset)))
-;; 	 (linux:check-res ,ret 'linux:sigprocmask-set-n-save)
-;; 	 (unwind-protect
-;; 	      (progn , at body)
-;; 	   (linux:sigprocmask-set ,linux:SIG_SETMASK ,mask nil)))))
+;;            (linux:sigprocmask-set-n-save
+;;             ,linux:SIG_BLOCK
+;;             ,(do ((sigset (linux:sigset-empty)
+;;                           (linux:sigset-add sigset (the fixnum (pop signals)))))
+;;                  ((null signals) sigset)))
+;;          (linux:check-res ,ret 'linux:sigprocmask-set-n-save)
+;;          (unwind-protect
+;;               (progn , at body)
+;;            (linux:sigprocmask-set ,linux:SIG_SETMASK ,mask nil)))))
 ;;   (defimplementation call-without-interrupts (fn)
 ;;     (with-blocked-signals (#.linux:SIGINT) (funcall fn))))
@@ -86,11 +88,11 @@
   (funcall fn))
 (let ((getpid (or (find-symbol "PROCESS-ID" :system)
-		  ;; old name prior to 2005-03-01, clisp <= 2.33.2
-		  (find-symbol "PROGRAM-ID" :system)
-		  #+win32 ; integrated into the above since 2005-02-24
-		  (and (find-package :win32) ; optional modules/win32
-		       (find-symbol "GetCurrentProcessId" :win32)))))
+                  ;; old name prior to 2005-03-01, clisp <= 2.33.2
+                  (find-symbol "PROGRAM-ID" :system)
+                  #+win32 ; integrated into the above since 2005-02-24
+                  (and (find-package :win32) ; optional modules/win32
+                       (find-symbol "GetCurrentProcessId" :win32)))))
   (defimplementation getpid () ; a required interface
       (getpid (funcall getpid))
@@ -104,8 +106,7 @@
   (setf (ext:default-directory) directory)
   (namestring (setf *default-pathname-defaults* (ext:default-directory))))
-;;; TCP Server
+;;;; TCP Server
 (defimplementation create-socket (host port)
   (declare (ignore host))
@@ -116,21 +117,21 @@
 (defimplementation close-socket (socket)
   (socket:socket-server-close socket))
 (defimplementation accept-connection (socket
-				      &key external-format buffering timeout)
+                                      &key external-format buffering timeout)
   (declare (ignore buffering timeout))
   (socket:socket-accept socket
-			:buffered nil ;; XXX should be t
-			:element-type 'character
-			:external-format external-format))
+                        :buffered nil ;; XXX should be t
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :external-format external-format))
-;;; Coding systems
+;;;; Coding systems
 (defvar *external-format-to-coding-system*
-  '(((:charset "iso-8859-1" :line-terminator :unix) 
+  '(((:charset "iso-8859-1" :line-terminator :unix)
      "latin-1-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix" "iso-8859-1-unix")
-    ((:charset "iso-8859-1":latin-1) 
+    ((:charset "iso-8859-1":latin-1)
      "latin-1" "iso-latin-1" "iso-8859-1")
     ((:charset "utf-8") "utf-8")
     ((:charset "utf-8" :line-terminator :unix) "utf-8-unix")
@@ -140,22 +141,22 @@
     ((:charset "us-ascii" :line-terminator :unix) "us-ascii-unix")))
 (defimplementation find-external-format (coding-system)
-  (let ((args (car (rassoc-if (lambda (x) 
-				(member coding-system x :test #'equal))
-			      *external-format-to-coding-system*))))
+  (let ((args (car (rassoc-if (lambda (x)
+                                (member coding-system x :test #'equal))
+                              *external-format-to-coding-system*))))
     (and args (apply #'ext:make-encoding args))))
-;;; Swank functions
+;;;; Swank functions
 (defimplementation arglist (fname)
   (block nil
     (or (ignore-errors
-	  (let ((exp (function-lambda-expression fname)))
-	    (and exp (return (second exp)))))
-	(ignore-errors 
-	  (return (ext:arglist fname)))
-	:not-available)))
+          (let ((exp (function-lambda-expression fname)))
+            (and exp (return (second exp)))))
+        (ignore-errors
+          (return (ext:arglist fname)))
+        :not-available)))
 (defimplementation macroexpand-all (form)
   (ext:expand-form form))
@@ -165,43 +166,43 @@
 Return NIL if the symbol is unbound."
   (let ((result ()))
     (flet ((doc (kind)
-	     (or (documentation symbol kind) :not-documented))
-	   (maybe-push (property value)
-	     (when value
-	       (setf result (list* property value result)))))
+             (or (documentation symbol kind) :not-documented))
+           (maybe-push (property value)
+             (when value
+               (setf result (list* property value result)))))
       (maybe-push :variable (when (boundp symbol) (doc 'variable)))
       (when (fboundp symbol)
-	(maybe-push
-	 ;; Report WHEN etc. as macros, even though they may be
-	 ;; implemented as special operators.
-	 (if (macro-function symbol) :macro
-	     (typecase (fdefinition symbol)
-	       (generic-function :generic-function)
-	       (function         :function)
-	       ;; (type-of 'progn) -> ext:special-operator
-	       (t                :special-operator)))
-	 (doc 'function)))
+        (maybe-push
+         ;; Report WHEN etc. as macros, even though they may be
+         ;; implemented as special operators.
+         (if (macro-function symbol) :macro
+             (typecase (fdefinition symbol)
+               (generic-function :generic-function)
+               (function         :function)
+               ;; (type-of 'progn) -> ext:special-operator
+               (t                :special-operator)))
+         (doc 'function)))
       (when (or (get symbol 'system::setf-function) ; e.g. #'(setf elt)
-		(get symbol 'system::setf-expander)); defsetf
-	(maybe-push :setf (doc 'setf)))
+                (get symbol 'system::setf-expander)); defsetf
+        (maybe-push :setf (doc 'setf)))
       (when (or (get symbol 'system::type-symbol); cf. clisp/src/describe.lisp
-		(get symbol 'system::defstruct-description)
-		(get symbol 'system::deftype-expander))
-	(maybe-push :type (doc 'type))) ; even for 'structure
+                (get symbol 'system::defstruct-description)
+                (get symbol 'system::deftype-expander))
+        (maybe-push :type (doc 'type))) ; even for 'structure
       (when (find-class symbol nil)
-	(maybe-push :class (doc 'type)))
+        (maybe-push :class (doc 'type)))
       ;; Let this code work compiled in images without FFI
       (let ((types (load-time-value
-		    (and (find-package "FFI")
-			 (symbol-value 
-			  (find-symbol "*C-TYPE-TABLE*" "FFI"))))))
-	;; Use ffi::*c-type-table* so as not to suffer the overhead of
-	;; (ignore-errors (ffi:parse-c-type symbol)) for 99.9% of symbols
-	;; which are not FFI type names.
-	(when (and types (nth-value 1 (gethash symbol types)))
-	  ;; Maybe use (case (head (ffi:deparse-c-type)))
-	  ;; to distinguish struct and union types?
-	  (maybe-push :alien-type :not-documented)))
+                    (and (find-package "FFI")
+                         (symbol-value
+                          (find-symbol "*C-TYPE-TABLE*" "FFI"))))))
+        ;; Use ffi::*c-type-table* so as not to suffer the overhead of
+        ;; (ignore-errors (ffi:parse-c-type symbol)) for 99.9% of symbols
+        ;; which are not FFI type names.
+        (when (and types (nth-value 1 (gethash symbol types)))
+          ;; Maybe use (case (head (ffi:deparse-c-type)))
+          ;; to distinguish struct and union types?
+          (maybe-push :alien-type :not-documented)))
 (defimplementation describe-definition (symbol namespace)
@@ -213,32 +214,32 @@
 (defun fspec-pathname (symbol)
   (let ((path (documentation symbol 'sys::file))
-	lines)
+        lines)
     (when (consp path)
       (psetq path (car path)
-	     lines (cdr path)))
+             lines (cdr path)))
     (when (and path
-	       (member (pathname-type path)
-		       custom:*compiled-file-types* :test #'equal))
+               (member (pathname-type path)
+                       custom:*compiled-file-types* :test #'equal))
       (setq path
-	    (loop for suffix in custom:*source-file-types*
-	       thereis (probe-file (make-pathname :defaults path
-						  :type suffix)))))
+            (loop for suffix in custom:*source-file-types*
+               thereis (probe-file (make-pathname :defaults path
+                                                  :type suffix)))))
     (values path lines)))
 (defun fspec-location (fspec)
   (multiple-value-bind (file lines)
       (fspec-pathname fspec)
     (cond (file
-	   (multiple-value-bind (truename c) (ignore-errors (truename file))
-	     (cond (truename
-		    (make-location (list :file (namestring truename))
-				   (if (consp lines)
-				       (list* :line lines)
-				       (list :function-name (string fspec)))))
-		   (t (list :error (princ-to-string c))))))
-	  (t (list :error (format nil "No source information available for: ~S"
-				  fspec))))))
+           (multiple-value-bind (truename c) (ignore-errors (truename file))
+             (cond (truename
+                    (make-location (list :file (namestring truename))
+                                   (if (consp lines)
+                                       (list* :line lines)
+                                       (list :function-name (string fspec)))))
+                   (t (list :error (princ-to-string c))))))
+          (t (list :error (format nil "No source information available for: ~S"
+                                  fspec))))))
 (defimplementation find-definitions (name)
   (list (list name (fspec-location name))))
@@ -250,13 +251,13 @@
 (defimplementation call-with-debugging-environment (debugger-loop-fn)
   (let* (;;(sys::*break-count* (1+ sys::*break-count*))
-	 ;;(sys::*driver* debugger-loop-fn)
-	 ;;(sys::*fasoutput-stream* nil)
-	 (*sldb-backtrace* 
-	  (nthcdr 3 (member (sys::the-frame) (sldb-backtrace)))))
+         ;;(sys::*driver* debugger-loop-fn)
+         ;;(sys::*fasoutput-stream* nil)
+         (*sldb-backtrace*
+          (nthcdr 3 (member (sys::the-frame) (sldb-backtrace)))))
     (funcall debugger-loop-fn)))
-(defun nth-frame (index) 
+(defun nth-frame (index)
   (nth index *sldb-backtrace*))
 (defun sldb-backtrace ()
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@
   (member (frame-type frame) '(stack-value bind-var bind-env)))
 (defun frame-to-string (frame)
-  (with-output-to-string (s) 
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
     (sys::describe-frame s frame)))
 (defun frame-type (frame)
@@ -304,47 +305,54 @@
 (defun frame-string-type (string)
   (cadr (assoc-if (lambda (pattern) (is-prefix-p pattern string))
-		  *frame-prefixes*)))
+                  *frame-prefixes*)))
 (defimplementation compute-backtrace (start end)
   (let* ((bt *sldb-backtrace*)
-	 (len (length bt)))
+         (len (length bt)))
     (subseq bt start (min (or end len) len))))
+;;; CLISP's REPL sets up an ABORT restart that kills SWANK.  Here we
+;;; can omit that restart so that users don't select it by mistake.
+(defimplementation compute-sane-restarts (condition)
+  ;; The outermost restart is specified to be the last element of the
+  ;; list, hopefully that's our unwanted ABORT restart.
+  (butlast (compute-restarts condition)))
 (defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
   (let ((str (frame-to-string frame)))
-    ;;(format stream "~a " (frame-string-type str))
-    (write-string (extract-frame-line str) 
-		  stream)))
+    ;; (format stream "~A " (frame-string-type str))
+    (write-string (extract-frame-line str)
+                  stream)))
 (defun extract-frame-line (frame-string)
   (let ((s frame-string))
      (case (frame-string-type s)
        ((eval special-op)
-	(string-match "EVAL frame .*for form \\(.*\\)" s 1))
+        (string-match "EVAL frame .*for form \\(.*\\)" s 1))
-	(string-match "APPLY frame for call \\(.*\\)" s 1))
+        (string-match "APPLY frame for call \\(.*\\)" s 1))
        ((compiled-fun sys-fun fun)
-	(extract-function-name s))
+        (extract-function-name s))
        (t s)))))
 (defun extract-function-name (string)
   (let ((1st (car (split-frame-string string))))
     (or (string-match (format nil "^<1>[ ~%]*#<[-A-Za-z]* \\(.*\\)>")
-		      1st
-		      1)
-	(string-match (format nil "^<1>[ ~%]*\\(.*\\)") 1st 1)
-	1st)))
+                      1st
+                      1)
+        (string-match (format nil "^<1>[ ~%]*\\(.*\\)") 1st 1)
+        1st)))
 (defun split-frame-string (string)
-  (let ((rx (format nil "~%\\(~{~a~^\\|~}\\)"
-		    (mapcar #'car *frame-prefixes*))))
+  (let ((rx (format nil "~%\\(~{~A~^\\|~}\\)"
+                    (mapcar #'car *frame-prefixes*))))
     (loop for pos = 0 then (1+ (regexp:match-start match))
-	  for match = (regexp:match rx string :start pos)
-	  if match collect (subseq string pos (regexp:match-start match))
-	  else collect (subseq string pos)
-	  while match)))
+          for match = (regexp:match rx string :start pos)
+          if match collect (subseq string pos (regexp:match-start match))
+          else collect (subseq string pos)
+          while match)))
 (defun string-match (pattern string n)
   (let* ((match (nth-value n (regexp:match pattern string))))
@@ -356,44 +364,44 @@
 (defimplementation eval-in-frame (form frame-number)
   (sys::eval-at (nth-frame frame-number) form))
-(defimplementation frame-locals (frame-number) 
+(defimplementation frame-locals (frame-number)
   (let ((frame (nth-frame frame-number)))
     (loop for i below (%frame-count-vars frame)
-	  collect (list :name (%frame-var-name frame i)
-			:value (%frame-var-value frame i)
-			:id 0))))
+          collect (list :name (%frame-var-name frame i)
+                        :value (%frame-var-value frame i)
+                        :id 0))))
 (defimplementation frame-var-value (frame var)
   (%frame-var-value (nth-frame frame) var))
-;; Interpreter-Variablen-Environment has the shape
-;; NIL or #(v1 val1 ... vn valn NEXT-ENV).
+;;; Interpreter-Variablen-Environment has the shape
+;;; NIL or #(v1 val1 ... vn valn NEXT-ENV).
 (defun %frame-count-vars (frame)
   (cond ((sys::eval-frame-p frame)
-	 (do ((venv (frame-venv frame) (next-venv venv))
-	      (count 0 (+ count (/ (1- (length venv)) 2))))
-	     ((not venv) count)))
-	((member (frame-type frame) '(compiled-fun sys-fun fun special-op))
-	 (length (%parse-stack-values frame)))

[345 lines skipped]
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-backend.lisp	2007/04/08 11:21:45	1.115
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-backend.lisp	2007/04/08 14:02:37	1.116
@@ -601,6 +601,13 @@
 debugger.  If END is nil, return the frames from START to the end of
 the stack.")
+(definterface compute-sane-restarts (condition)
+  "This is an opportunity for Lisps such as CLISP to remove
+unwanted restarts from the output of CL:COMPUTE-RESTARTS,
+otherwise it should simply call CL:COMPUTE-RESTARTS, which is
+what the default implementation does."
+  (compute-restarts condition))
 (definterface print-frame (frame stream)
   "Print frame to stream.")
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2007/04/08 13:29:13	1.1099
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2007/04/08 14:02:37	1.1100
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2007-03-31  Luís Oliveira <loliveira at common-lisp.net>
+	* swank-backend.lisp (compute-sane-restarts): New interface.
+	* swank-clisp.lisp: Fix tabs and trailing whitespace.
+	(compute-sane-restarts): Implement new interface.
 2007-04-08 Takehiko Abe <keke at gol.com>
 	* swank-openmcl.lisp (xref-locations):

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