[slime-cvs] CVS slime

mbaringer mbaringer at common-lisp.net
Sun Apr 8 12:15:26 UTC 2007

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv12414

Modified Files:
	swank.lisp slime.el ChangeLog 
Log Message:

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2007/04/08 11:23:17	1.467
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2007/04/08 12:15:25	1.468
@@ -3498,11 +3498,17 @@
 ;;; through the following docstring.
 (defslimefun fuzzy-completions (string default-package-name &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
-  "Return an (optionally limited to LIMIT best results) list of
-fuzzy completions for a symbol designator STRING.  The list will
-be sorted by score, most likely match first.
+"Returns a list of two values:
-The result is a list of completion objects, where a completion
+  An (optionally limited to LIMIT best results) list of fuzzy
+  completions for a symbol designator STRING. The list will be
+  sorted by score, most likely match first.
+  A flag that indicates whether or not TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC has
+  been exhausted during computation. If that parameter's value is
+  NIL or 0, no time limit is assumed.
+The main result is a list of completion objects, where a completion
 object is:
@@ -3531,13 +3537,21 @@
   FOO      - Symbols accessible in the buffer package.
   PKG:FOO  - Symbols external in package PKG.
   PKG::FOO - Symbols accessible in package PKG."
-  ;; We may send this as elisp [] arrays to spare a coerce here,
-  ;; but then the network serialization were slower by handling arrays.
-  ;; Instead we limit the number of completions that is transferred
-  ;; (the limit is set from emacs).
-  (coerce (fuzzy-completion-set string default-package-name :limit limit
-                                :time-limit-in-msec time-limit-in-msec)
-          'list))
+  ;; For Emacs we allow both NIL and 0 as value of TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC
+  ;; to denote an infinite time limit. Internally, we only use NIL for
+  ;; that purpose, to be able to distinguish between "no time limit
+  ;; alltogether" and "current time limit already exhausted." So we've
+  ;; got to canonicalize its value at first:
+  (let* ((no-time-limit-p (or (not time-limit-in-msec) (zerop time-limit-in-msec)))
+         (time-limit (if no-time-limit-p nil time-limit-in-msec)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
+        (fuzzy-completion-set string default-package-name :limit limit
+                              :time-limit-in-msec time-limit)
+      ;; We may send this as elisp [] arrays to spare a coerce here,
+      ;; but then the network serialization were slower by handling arrays.
+      ;; Instead we limit the number of completions that is transferred
+      ;; (the limit is set from Emacs.)
+      (list (coerce completion-set 'list) interrupted-p))))
 ;;; A Fuzzy Matching -- Not to be confused with a fuzzy completion
@@ -3547,11 +3561,12 @@
 			   (:predicate   fuzzy-matching-p)
 			   (:constructor %make-fuzzy-matching))
   symbol	    ; The symbol that has been found to match. 
-  score	            ; the higher the better symbol is a match.
+  score	            ; The higher the better symbol is a match.
   package-chunks    ; Chunks pertaining to the package identifier of the symbol.
   symbol-chunks)    ; Chunks pertaining to the symbol's name.
 (defun make-fuzzy-matching (symbol score package-chunks symbol-chunks)
+  (declare (inline %make-fuzzy-matching))
   (%make-fuzzy-matching :symbol symbol :score score
 			:package-chunks package-chunks
 			:symbol-chunks symbol-chunks))
@@ -3573,7 +3588,7 @@
             (append package-chunks
 		    (mapcar #'(lambda (chunk)
-				;; fix up chunk positions to account for possible
+				;; Fix up chunk positions to account for possible
 				;; added package identifier.
 				(let ((offset (first chunk)) (string (second chunk)))
 				  (list (+ added-length offset) string))) 
@@ -3601,24 +3616,29 @@
 (defun fuzzy-completion-set (string default-package-name &key limit time-limit-in-msec)
-  "Prepares list of completion objects, sorted by SCORE, of fuzzy
-completions of STRING in DEFAULT-PACKAGE-NAME.  If LIMIT is set,
-only the top LIMIT results will be returned."
+  "Returns two values: an array of completion objects, sorted by
+their score, that is how well they are a match for STRING
+according to the fuzzy completion algorithm.  If LIMIT is set,
+only the top LIMIT results will be returned. Additionally, a flag
+is returned that indicates whether or not TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC was
   (check-type (values limit time-limit-in-msec) 
               (or null (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
-  (let* ((completion-set (fuzzy-create-completion-set string default-package-name
-						      time-limit-in-msec)))
-        (when (and limit
-                   (> limit 0)
-                   (< limit (length completion-set)))
-          (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p completion-set)
-              (setf (fill-pointer completion-set) limit)
-              (setf completion-set (make-array limit :displaced-to completion-set))))
-    completion-set))
+  (multiple-value-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
+      (fuzzy-create-completion-set string default-package-name
+                                   time-limit-in-msec)
+    (when (and limit
+               (> limit 0)
+               (< limit (length completion-set)))
+      (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p completion-set)
+          (setf (fill-pointer completion-set) limit)
+          (setf completion-set (make-array limit :displaced-to completion-set))))
+    (values completion-set interrupted-p)))
 (defun fuzzy-create-completion-set (string default-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
-  "Does all the hard work for FUZZY-COMPLETION-SET."
+  "Does all the hard work for FUZZY-COMPLETION-SET. If
+TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC is NIL, an infinite time limit is assumed."
   (multiple-value-bind (parsed-name parsed-package-name package internal-p)
       (parse-completion-arguments string default-package-name)
     (flet ((convert (matchings package-name &optional converter)
@@ -3633,7 +3653,7 @@
 	   (fix-up (matchings parent-package-matching)
 	     ;; The components of each matching in MATCHINGS have been computed
-	     ;; relative to PARENT-PACKAGE-MATCHING. Make them absolute.
+	     ;; relatively to PARENT-PACKAGE-MATCHING. Make them absolute.
 	     (let* ((p parent-package-matching)
 		    (p.score  (fuzzy-matching.score p))
 		    (p.chunks (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks p)))
@@ -3643,114 +3663,151 @@
 			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.package-chunks m) p.chunks)
 			       (setf (fuzzy-matching.score m)
 				     (if (string= parsed-name "")
-					 ;; (make packages be sorted before their symbol
-					 ;; matchings while preserving over all orderness
-					 ;; among different symbols in different packages)
+					 ;; (Make package matchings be sorted before all the
+                                         ;; relative symbol matchings while preserving over
+					 ;; all orderness.)
 					 (/ p.score 100)        
 					 (+ p.score m.score)))
-	   (find-matchings (designator package)
+	   (find-symbols (designator package time-limit)
 	     (fuzzy-find-matching-symbols designator package
-					  :time-limit-in-msec time-limit-in-msec
-					  :external-only (not internal-p))))
+					  :time-limit-in-msec time-limit
+					  :external-only (not internal-p)))
+           (find-packages (designator time-limit)
+             (fuzzy-find-matching-packages designator :time-limit-in-msec time-limit)))
       (let ((symbol-normalizer  (completion-output-symbol-converter string))
 	    (package-normalizer #'(lambda (package-name)
 				    (let ((converter (completion-output-package-converter string)))
 				      ;; Present packages with a trailing colon for maximum convenience!
 				      (concatenate 'string (funcall converter package-name) ":"))))
-	    (symbols) (packages) (results))
-	(cond ((not parsed-package-name)        ; STRING = "asd"
+            (time-limit time-limit-in-msec) (symbols) (packages) (results))
+	(cond ((not parsed-package-name)        ; E.g. STRING = "asd"
 	       ;; We don't know if user is searching for a package or a symbol
 	       ;; within his current package. So we try to find either.
-	       (setf symbols  (find-matchings parsed-name package)
-		     symbols  (convert symbols nil symbol-normalizer)
-		     packages (fuzzy-find-matching-packages parsed-name)
-		     packages (convert packages nil package-normalizer)))
-	      ((string= parsed-package-name "") ; STRING = ":" or ":foo"
-	       (setf symbols (find-matchings parsed-name package)
-		     symbols (convert symbols "" symbol-normalizer)))
-	      (t	                        ; STRING= "asdf:" or "asdf:foo"
+	       (setf (values packages time-limit) (find-packages parsed-name time-limit))
+               (setf (values symbols  time-limit) (find-symbols parsed-name package time-limit))
+               (setf symbols  (convert symbols nil symbol-normalizer))
+               (setf packages (convert packages nil package-normalizer)))
+	      ((string= parsed-package-name "") ; E.g. STRING = ":" or ":foo"
+	       (setf (values symbols time-limit) (find-symbols parsed-name package time-limit))
+               (setf symbols (convert symbols "" symbol-normalizer)))
+	      (t	                        ; E.g. STRING = "asdf:" or "asdf:foo"
 	       ;; Find fuzzy matchings of the denoted package identifier part.
-	       ;; After that find matchings for the denoted symbol identifier
-	       ;; relative to all those packages found.
-	       (loop
-		  with found-packages = (fuzzy-find-matching-packages parsed-package-name)
-		  for package-matching across found-packages
-		  do
-		  (let* ((pkgsym       (fuzzy-matching.symbol package-matching))
-			 (package-name (symbol-name pkgsym))
-			 (package-name (funcall symbol-normalizer package-name))
-			 (matchings (find-matchings parsed-name (find-package pkgsym))))
-		    (setf matchings (fix-up matchings package-matching))
-		    (setf matchings (convert matchings package-name symbol-normalizer))
-		    (setf symbols   (concatenate 'vector symbols matchings)))
-		  finally ; CONVERT is destructive. So we have to do this at last.
-		  (when (string= parsed-name "")
-		    (setf packages (convert found-packages nil package-normalizer))))))
+	       ;; After that, find matchings for the denoted symbol identifier
+	       ;; relative to all the packages found.
+               (multiple-value-bind (found-packages rest-time-limit)
+                   (find-packages parsed-package-name time-limit-in-msec)
+                 (loop
+                    for package-matching across found-packages
+                    for package-sym  = (fuzzy-matching.symbol package-matching)
+                    for package-name = (funcall symbol-normalizer (symbol-name package-sym))
+                    for package      = (find-package package-sym)
+                    while (or (not time-limit) (> rest-time-limit 0)) do
+                      (multiple-value-bind (matchings remaining-time)
+                          (find-symbols parsed-name package rest-time-limit)
+                        (setf matchings (fix-up matchings package-matching))
+                        (setf matchings (convert matchings package-name symbol-normalizer))
+                        (setf symbols   (concatenate 'vector symbols matchings))
+                        (setf rest-time-limit remaining-time))
+                    finally ; CONVERT is destructive. So we have to do this at last.
+                      (setf time-limit rest-time-limit)
+                      (setf packages (when (string= parsed-name "")
+                                       (convert found-packages nil package-normalizer)))))))
 	;; Sort alphabetically before sorting by score. (Especially useful when
 	;; PARSED-NAME is empty, and all possible completions are to be returned.)
 	(setf results (concatenate 'vector symbols packages))
-	(setf results (sort results #'string-lessp :key #'first))
-	(setf results (stable-sort results #'> :key #'second))
-	results))))
+	(setf results (sort results #'string< :key #'first))  ; SORT + #'STRING-LESSP
+	(setf results (stable-sort results #'> :key #'second));  conses on at least SBCL.
+	(values results (and time-limit (<= time-limit 0)))))))
+(defun get-real-time-in-msecs ()
+  (let ((units-per-msec (max 1 (floor internal-time-units-per-second 1000))))
+    (values (floor (get-internal-real-time) units-per-msec)))) ; return just one value!
 (defun fuzzy-find-matching-symbols (string package &key external-only time-limit-in-msec)
-  "Returns a vector of fuzzy matchings for matching symbols in PACKAGE, 
-using the fuzzy completion algorithm. If EXTERNAL-ONLY is true, only 
-external symbols are considered."
-  (let ((completions (make-array 256 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
-        (converter (completion-output-symbol-converter string))
-        (time-limit (if time-limit-in-msec
-                        (ceiling (/ time-limit-in-msec 1000))
-                        0))
-        (utime-at-start (get-universal-time))
+  "Returns two values: a vector of fuzzy matchings for matching
+symbols in PACKAGE, using the fuzzy completion algorithm; the
+remaining time limit. 
+If EXTERNAL-ONLY is true, only external symbols are considered. A
+TIME-LIMIT-IN-MSEC of NIL is considered no limit; if it's zero or
+negative, perform a NOP."
+  (let ((time-limit-p (and time-limit-in-msec t))
+        (time-limit (or time-limit-in-msec 0))
+        (rtime-at-start (get-real-time-in-msecs))
         (count 0))
-    (declare (type (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum)) count time-limit))
-    (declare (type function converter))
-    (flet ((time-exhausted-p ()
-             (and (not (zerop time-limit))
-                  (zerop (mod count 256)) ; ease up on calling get-universal-time like crazy
-                  (incf count)
-                  (>= (- (get-universal-time) utime-at-start) time-limit)))
+    (declare (type boolean time-limit-p))
+    (declare (type integer time-limit rtime-at-start))
+    (declare (type (integer 0 #.(1- most-positive-fixnum)) count))
+    (flet ((recompute-remaining-time (old-remaining-time)
+             (cond ((not time-limit-p)
+                    (values nil nil)) ; propagate NIL back as infinite time limit.
+                   ((> count 0)       ; ease up on getting internal time like crazy.
+                    (setf count (mod (1+ count) 128))
+                    (values nil old-remaining-time))
+                   (t (let* ((elapsed-time (- (get-real-time-in-msecs) rtime-at-start))
+                             (remaining (- time-limit elapsed-time)))
+                        (values (<= remaining 0) remaining)))))
            (perform-fuzzy-match (string symbol-name)
-             (let ((converted-symbol-name (funcall converter symbol-name)))
+             (let* ((converter (completion-output-symbol-converter string))
+                    (converted-symbol-name (funcall converter symbol-name)))
                (compute-highest-scoring-completion string converted-symbol-name))))
-      (prog1 completions
+      (let ((completions (make-array 256 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
+            (rest-time-limit time-limit))
         (block loop
           (do-symbols* (symbol package)
-            (when (time-exhausted-p) (return-from loop))
-            (when (or (not external-only) (symbol-external-p symbol package))
-	      (if (string= "" string)
-                  (vector-push-extend (make-fuzzy-matching symbol 0.0 '() '())
-				      completions) ; create vanilla matching.
-                  (multiple-value-bind (match-result score)
-                      (perform-fuzzy-match string (symbol-name symbol))
-                    (when match-result
-                      (vector-push-extend (make-fuzzy-matching symbol score '() match-result)
-					  completions)))))))))))
-(defun fuzzy-find-matching-packages (name)
-  "Returns a vector of fuzzy matchings for each package that
-is similiar to NAME."
-  (let ((converter (completion-output-package-converter name))
+            (multiple-value-bind (exhausted? remaining-time)
+                (recompute-remaining-time rest-time-limit)
+              (setf rest-time-limit remaining-time)
+              (cond (exhausted? (return-from loop))
+                    ((or (not external-only) (symbol-external-p symbol package))
+                     (if (string= "" string) ; "" matchs always
+                         (vector-push-extend (make-fuzzy-matching symbol 0.0 '() '())
+                                             completions)
+                         (multiple-value-bind (match-result score)
+                             (perform-fuzzy-match string (symbol-name symbol))
+                           (when match-result
+                             (vector-push-extend
+                              (make-fuzzy-matching symbol score '() match-result)
+                              completions)))))))))
+        (values completions rest-time-limit)))))
+(defun fuzzy-find-matching-packages (name &key time-limit-in-msec)
+  "Returns a vector of fuzzy matchings for each package that is
+similiar to NAME, and the remaining time limit. 
+  (let ((time-limit-p (and time-limit-in-msec t))
+        (time-limit (or time-limit-in-msec 0))
+        (rtime-at-start (get-real-time-in-msecs))
+        (converter (completion-output-package-converter name))
         (completions (make-array 32 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
-    (declare ;;(optimize (speed 3))
-             (type function converter))  
-    (loop for package in (list-all-packages)
-          for package-name   = (package-name package)
-          for converted-name = (funcall converter package-name)
-          for package-symbol = (or (find-symbol package-name)
-                                   (make-symbol package-name)) ; INTERN'd be
-          for (result score) = (multiple-value-list            ;  too invasive.
-                                   (compute-highest-scoring-completion
-                                    name converted-name))
-          when result do (vector-push-extend
-			   (make-fuzzy-matching package-symbol score result '())
-			   completions))
-    completions))
+    (declare (type boolean time-limit-p))
+    (declare (type integer time-limit rtime-at-start))
+    (declare (type function converter))
+    (if (and time-limit (<= time-limit 0))
+        (values #() time-limit)
+        (loop for package in (list-all-packages)
+              for package-name   = (package-name package)
+              for converted-name = (funcall converter package-name)
+              for package-symbol = (or (find-symbol package-name)
+                                       (make-symbol package-name)) ; INTERN'd be
+              for (result score) = (multiple-value-list            ;  too invasive.
+                                     (compute-highest-scoring-completion
+                                       name converted-name))
+              when result do (vector-push-extend
+                               (make-fuzzy-matching package-symbol score result '())
+                               completions)
+              finally
+                (return
+                  (values completions
+                          (and time-limit-p
+                               (let ((elapsed-time (- (get-real-time-in-msecs) rtime-at-start)))
+                                 (- time-limit elapsed-time)))))))))
 (defslimefun fuzzy-completion-selected (original-string completion)
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2007/04/08 11:17:13	1.777
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2007/04/08 12:15:25	1.778
@@ -6306,6 +6306,10 @@
 (defvar slime-fuzzy-first nil
   "The position of the first completion in the completions buffer.
 The descriptive text and headers are above this.")
+(defvar slime-fuzzy-last nil
+    "The position of the last completion in the completions buffer.
+If the time limit has exhausted during generation possible completion
+choices inside SWANK, an indication is printed below this.")
 (defvar slime-fuzzy-current-completion nil
   "The current completion object.  If this is the same before and
 after point moves in the completions buffer, the text is not
@@ -6466,24 +6470,25 @@
   (let* ((end (move-marker (make-marker) (slime-symbol-end-pos)))
          (beg (move-marker (make-marker) (slime-symbol-start-pos)))
-         (prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
-         (completion-set (slime-fuzzy-completions prefix)))
-    (if (null completion-set)
-        (progn (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message
-                "Can't find completion for \"%s\"" prefix)
-               (ding)
-               (slime-fuzzy-done))
-      (goto-char end)
-      (cond ((= (length completion-set) 1)
-             (insert-and-inherit (caar completion-set)) ; insert completed string
-             (delete-region beg end)
-             (goto-char (+ beg (length (caar completion-set))))
-             (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message "Sole completion")
-             (slime-fuzzy-done))
-            ;; Incomplete
-            (t
-             (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message "Complete but not unique")
-             (slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer completion-set beg end))))))
+         (prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
+    (destructuring-bind (completion-set interrupted-p)
+        (slime-fuzzy-completions prefix)
+      (if (null completion-set)
+          (progn (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message
+                  "Can't find completion for \"%s\"" prefix)
+                 (ding)
+                 (slime-fuzzy-done))
+          (goto-char end)
+          (cond ((null (cdr completion-set)) ; (= (length completion-set) 1)
+                 (insert-and-inherit (caar completion-set)) ; insert completed string
+                 (delete-region beg end)
+                 (goto-char (+ beg (length (caar completion-set))))
+                 (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message "Sole completion")
+                 (slime-fuzzy-done))
+                ;; Incomplete
+                (t
+                 (slime-minibuffer-respecting-message "Complete but not unique")
+                 (slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer completion-set interrupted-p beg end)))))))
 (defun slime-get-fuzzy-buffer ()
@@ -6549,7 +6554,7 @@
       (setq slime-fuzzy-text text)
       (goto-char slime-fuzzy-end)))))
-(defun slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer (completions start end)
+(defun slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer (completions interrupted-p start end)
   "Creates (if neccessary), populates, and pops up the *Fuzzy
 Completions* buffer with the completions from `completions' and
 the completion slot in the current buffer bounded by `start' and
@@ -6566,7 +6571,7 @@
     (set-marker-insertion-type slime-fuzzy-end t)
     (setq slime-fuzzy-original-text (buffer-substring start end))
     (setq slime-fuzzy-text slime-fuzzy-original-text)
-    (slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer completions)
+    (slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer completions interrupted-p)
     (pop-to-buffer (slime-get-fuzzy-buffer))
     (when new-completion-buffer
       (add-local-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'slime-fuzzy-abort))
@@ -6574,7 +6579,7 @@
       ;; switch back to the original buffer
       (switch-to-buffer-other-window slime-fuzzy-target-buffer))))
-(defun slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer (completions)
+(defun slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer (completions interrupted-p)
   "Erases and fills the completion buffer with the given completions."
   (with-current-buffer (slime-get-fuzzy-buffer)
     (setq buffer-read-only nil)
@@ -6584,6 +6589,7 @@
     (let ((max-length 12))
       (dolist (completion completions)
         (setf max-length (max max-length (length (first completion)))))
       (insert "Completion:")
       (dotimes (i (- max-length 10)) (insert " "))
       ;;     Flags:  Score:
@@ -6593,8 +6599,15 @@
       (dotimes (i max-length) (insert "-"))
       (insert " ------- --------\n")
       (setq slime-fuzzy-first (point))
       (dolist (completion completions)
+        (setq slime-fuzzy-last (point)) ; will eventually become the last entry
         (slime-fuzzy-insert-completion-choice completion max-length))
+      (when interrupted-p
+        (insert "...\n")
+        (insert "[Interrupted: time limit exhausted]"))
       (setq buffer-read-only t))
     (setq slime-fuzzy-current-completion
           (caar completions))
@@ -6645,9 +6658,7 @@
   (with-current-buffer (slime-get-fuzzy-buffer)
-    (let ((point (next-single-char-property-change (point) 'completion)))
-      (when (= point (point-max))
-        (setf point (previous-single-char-property-change (point-max) 'completion nil slime-fuzzy-first)))
+    (let ((point (next-single-char-property-change (point) 'completion nil slime-fuzzy-last)))
       (set-window-point (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)) point)
       (goto-char point))
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2007/04/08 11:23:17	1.1095
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2007/04/08 12:15:25	1.1096
@@ -1,5 +1,39 @@
 2007-04-06  Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
+	* swank.lisp: Making fuzzy completion regard the time limit
+	correctly. Also make it properly use microseconds as time
+	granularity and inform the Emacs side if the time limit has
+	exhausted. Additionally, over all minor and cosmetic changes:
+	(fuzzy-completions, fuzzy-completion-set): Returns now
+	additionally a flag indicating whether the time limit has
+	exhausted under the hood. Accomodated docstring accordingly.
+	(fuzzy-create-completion-set): Changed to correctly catch and
+	propagate the remaining time limit to the actual match functions,
+	and return once time limit has exhausted. Some aesthetical code 
+	reorganization.
+	(get-real-time-in-msecs): New function. 
+	(fuzzy-find-matching-symbols, fuzzy-find-matching-packages):
+	Correctly regard the time limit. Use new function
+	GET-REAL-TIME-IN-MSECS for that purpose. Return the remaining
+	time limit as second value.
+	* slime.el (slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol): Accomodated to deal with
+	the additionally returned flag of SWANK:FUZZY-COMPLETIONS. Pass
+	the flag by.
+	(slime-fuzzy-choices-buffer): Pass interruption flag by.
+	(slime-fuzzy-fill-completions-buffer): If time limit has exhausted
+	during completion retrieval, show an informational indication as
+	last entry in *Fuzzy Completion*.
+	(slime-fuzzy-last): New variable. To hold the last real completion
+	choice previous to the (possible) Time Limit Exhausted information.
+	(slime-fuzzy-next): Accomodated to not go beneath SLIME-FUZZY-LAST.
+2007-04-06  Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
 	* swank.lisp (tokenize-symbol, tokenize-symbol-thoroughly):
 	Previously these functions said a string representing a symbol is
 	internal exactly if it contained "::" as substring. Now they say

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