[slime-cvs] CVS slime

mkoeppe mkoeppe at common-lisp.net
Mon Jul 24 14:01:15 UTC 2006

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26329

Modified Files:
Log Message:
(find-valid-operator-name): New, factored out from
(arglist-for-echo-area): Use it here.
(print-arglist): New, factored out from decoded-arglist-to-string.
Handle recursive arglist structures that arise in destructuring
macro arglists.
(decode-required-arg, encode-required-arg): New, handle
destructuring patterns.
(decode-keyword-arg, encode-keyword-arg, decode-optional-arg) 
(encode-optional-arg, decode-arglist, encode-arglist): Use them
here to handle destructuring patterns.
(print-decoded-arglist-as-template): Change interface, handle
destructuring patterns.
(decoded-arglist-to-template-string): Use it here.
(enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords): New, factored out from
(enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords): Use it here.
(compute-enriched-decoded-arglist): New generic function, factored
out from arglist-for-insertion, form-completion.  Add specialized
method for with-open-file.
(arglist-for-insertion, form-completion): Use it here.
(arglist-ref): New.
(completions-for-keyword): Change interface, handle destructuring
macro arglists.

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2006/07/13 20:09:09	1.386
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2006/07/24 14:01:15	1.387
@@ -1378,18 +1378,26 @@
 ;;;; Arglists
+(defun find-valid-operator-name (names)
+  "As a secondary result, returns its index."
+  (let ((index 
+         (position-if (lambda (name)
+                        (or (consp name)
+                            (valid-operator-name-p name)))
+                      names)))
+    (if index
+        (values (elt names index) index)
+        (values nil nil))))
 (defslimefun arglist-for-echo-area (names &key print-right-margin
                                           print-lines arg-indices)
   "Return the arglist for the first function, macro, or special-op in NAMES."
       (with-buffer-syntax ()
-        (let ((which (position-if (lambda (name)
-                                    (or (consp name)
-                                        (valid-operator-name-p name)))
-                                  names)))
+        (multiple-value-bind (name which)
+            (find-valid-operator-name names)
           (when which
-            (let ((name (elt names which))
-                  (arg-index (and arg-indices (elt arg-indices which))))
+            (let ((arg-index (and arg-indices (elt arg-indices which))))
               (multiple-value-bind (form operator-name)
                   (operator-designator-to-form name)
                 (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin))
@@ -1428,6 +1436,99 @@
         (t (cons (car arglist) (clean-arglist (cdr arglist))))))
+(defstruct (arglist (:conc-name arglist.) (:predicate arglist-p))
+  provided-args         ; list of the provided actual arguments
+  required-args         ; list of the required arguments
+  optional-args         ; list of the optional arguments
+  key-p                 ; whether &key appeared
+  keyword-args          ; list of the keywords
+  rest                  ; name of the &rest or &body argument (if any)
+  body-p                ; whether the rest argument is a &body
+  allow-other-keys-p    ; whether &allow-other-keys appeared
+  aux-args              ; list of &aux variables
+  known-junk            ; &whole, &environment
+  unknown-junk)         ; unparsed stuff
+(defun print-arglist (arglist &key operator highlight)
+  (let ((index 0)
+        (need-space nil))
+    (labels ((print-arg (arg)
+               (etypecase arg
+                 (arglist               ; destructuring pattern
+                  (print-arglist arg))
+                 (optional-arg 
+                  (princ (encode-optional-arg arg)))
+                 (keyword-arg
+                  (let ((enc-arg (encode-keyword-arg arg)))
+                    (etypecase enc-arg
+                      (symbol (princ enc-arg))
+                      ((cons symbol) 
+                       (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+                         (princ (car enc-arg))
+                         (write-char #\space)
+                         (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr enc-arg) nil)))
+                      ((cons cons)
+                       (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+                         (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+                           (prin1 (caar enc-arg))
+                           (write-char #\space)
+                           (print-arg (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)))
+                         (unless (null (cdr enc-arg))
+                           (write-char #\space))
+                         (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr enc-arg) nil))))))
+                 (t           ; required formal or provided actual arg
+                  (princ arg))))
+             (print-space ()
+               (ecase need-space
+                 ((nil))
+                 ((:miser)
+                  (write-char #\space)
+                  (pprint-newline :miser))
+                 ((t)
+                  (write-char #\space)
+                  (pprint-newline :fill)))
+               (setq need-space t))
+             (print-with-space (obj)
+               (print-space)
+               (print-arg obj))
+             (print-with-highlight (arg &optional (index-ok-p #'=))
+               (print-space)
+               (cond 
+                 ((and highlight (funcall index-ok-p index highlight))
+                  (princ "===> ")
+                  (print-arg arg)
+                  (princ " <==="))
+                 (t
+                  (print-arg arg)))
+               (incf index)))
+      (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (when operator
+          (print-with-highlight operator)
+          (setq need-space :miser))
+	(mapc #'print-with-highlight
+	      (arglist.provided-args arglist))
+        (mapc #'print-with-highlight
+              (arglist.required-args arglist))
+        (when (arglist.optional-args arglist)
+          (print-with-space '&optional)
+          (mapc #'print-with-highlight 
+                (arglist.optional-args arglist)))
+        (when (arglist.key-p arglist)
+          (print-with-space '&key)
+          (mapc #'print-with-space
+                (arglist.keyword-args arglist)))
+        (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist)
+          (print-with-space '&allow-other-keys))
+        (cond ((not (arglist.rest arglist)))
+              ((arglist.body-p arglist)
+               (print-with-space '&body)
+               (print-with-highlight (arglist.rest arglist) #'<=))
+              (t
+               (print-with-space '&rest)
+               (print-with-highlight (arglist.rest arglist) #'<=)))
+        (mapc #'print-with-space                 
+              (arglist.unknown-junk arglist))))))  
 (defun decoded-arglist-to-string (arglist package 
                                   &key operator print-right-margin 
                                   print-lines highlight)
@@ -1443,83 +1544,7 @@
             (*print-level* 10) (*print-length* 20)
             (*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)
             (*print-lines* print-lines))
-        (let ((index 0)
-              (first-arg t))
-          (labels ((print-arg (arg)
-                     (etypecase arg
-                       (symbol (princ arg))
-                       (string (princ arg))
-                       (cons (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-                               (princ (car arg))
-                               (unless (null (cdr arg))
-                                 (write-char #\space))
-                               (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr arg) nil)))))
-                   (print-space ()
-                     (unless first-arg
-                       (write-char #\space)
-                       (pprint-newline :fill))
-                     (setf first-arg nil))
-                   (print-with-space (obj)
-                     (print-space)
-                     (print-arg obj))
-                   (print-keyword-arg-with-space (arg)
-                     (print-space)
-                     (etypecase arg
-                       (symbol (princ arg))
-                       ((cons symbol) 
-                        (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-                          (princ (car arg))
-                          (write-char #\space)
-                          (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr arg) nil)))
-                       ((cons cons)
-                        (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-                          (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-                            (prin1 (caar arg))
-                            (write-char #\space)
-                            (princ (cadar arg)))
-                          (unless (null (cdr arg))
-                            (write-char #\space))
-                          (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr arg) nil)))))
-                   (print-with-highlight (arg &optional (index-ok-p #'=)
-                                              (print-fun #'print-arg))
-                     (print-space)
-                     (cond 
-                       ((and highlight (funcall index-ok-p index highlight))
-                        (princ "===> ")
-                        (funcall print-fun arg)
-                        (princ " <==="))
-                       (t
-                        (funcall print-fun arg)))
-                     (incf index)))
-            (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-              (when operator
-                (print-with-highlight operator))
-              (mapc (lambda (arg)
-                      (print-with-highlight arg #'= #'princ))
-                    (arglist.provided-args arglist))
-              (mapc #'print-with-highlight
-                    (arglist.required-args arglist))
-              (when (arglist.optional-args arglist)
-                (print-with-space '&optional)
-                (mapc #'print-with-highlight 
-                      (mapcar #'encode-optional-arg
-                              (arglist.optional-args arglist))))
-              (when (arglist.key-p arglist)
-                (print-with-space '&key)
-                (mapc #'print-keyword-arg-with-space
-                      (mapcar #'encode-keyword-arg 
-                              (arglist.keyword-args arglist))))
-              (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist)
-                (print-with-space '&allow-other-keys))
-              (cond ((not (arglist.rest arglist)))
-                    ((arglist.body-p arglist)
-                     (print-with-space '&body)
-                     (print-with-highlight (arglist.rest arglist) #'<=))
-                    (t
-                     (print-with-space '&rest)
-                     (print-with-highlight (arglist.rest arglist) #'<=)))
-              (mapc #'print-with-space                 
-                    (arglist.unknown-junk arglist)))))))))
+        (print-arglist arglist :operator operator :highlight highlight)))))
 (defslimefun variable-desc-for-echo-area (variable-name)
   "Return a short description of VARIABLE-NAME, or NIL."
@@ -1530,6 +1555,17 @@
                 (*print-length* 10) (*print-circle* t))
              (format nil "~A => ~A" sym (symbol-value sym)))))))
+(defun decode-required-arg (arg)
+  "ARG can be a symbol or a destructuring pattern."
+  (etypecase arg
+    (symbol arg)
+    (list   (decode-arglist arg))))
+(defun encode-required-arg (arg)
+  (etypecase arg
+    (symbol arg)
+    (arglist (encode-arglist arg))))
 (defstruct (keyword-arg 
             (:conc-name keyword-arg.)
             (:constructor make-keyword-arg (keyword arg-name default-arg)))
@@ -1547,7 +1583,7 @@
         ((and (consp arg)
               (consp (car arg)))
          (make-keyword-arg (caar arg)
-                           (cadar arg)
+                           (decode-required-arg (cadar arg))
                            (cadr arg)))
         ((consp arg)
          (make-keyword-arg (intern (symbol-name (car arg)) keyword-package)
@@ -1557,19 +1593,30 @@
          (error "Bad keyword item of formal argument list"))))
 (defun encode-keyword-arg (arg)
-  (if (eql (intern (symbol-name (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)) 
-                   keyword-package)
-           (keyword-arg.keyword arg))
-      (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)
-          (list (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)
-                (keyword-arg.default-arg arg))
-          (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))
-      (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg)
-                                (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))))
-        (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)
-            (list keyword/name
-                  (keyword-arg.default-arg arg))
-            (list keyword/name)))))
+  (cond
+    ((arglist-p (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))
+     ;; Destructuring pattern
+     (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg)
+                               (encode-required-arg
+                                (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)))))
+       (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)
+           (list keyword/name
+                 (keyword-arg.default-arg arg))
+           (list keyword/name))))
+    ((eql (intern (symbol-name (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)) 
+                  keyword-package)
+          (keyword-arg.keyword arg))
+     (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)
+         (list (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)
+               (keyword-arg.default-arg arg))
+         (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)))
+    (t
+     (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg)
+                               (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))))
+       (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)
+           (list keyword/name
+                 (keyword-arg.default-arg arg))
+           (list keyword/name))))))
   (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg 'x) 
@@ -1592,11 +1639,14 @@
 Return an OPTIONAL-ARG structure."
   (etypecase arg
     (symbol (make-optional-arg arg nil))
-    (list   (make-optional-arg (car arg) (cadr arg)))))
+    (list   (make-optional-arg (decode-required-arg (car arg)) 
+                               (cadr arg)))))
 (defun encode-optional-arg (optional-arg)
-  (if (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg)
-      (list (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg)
+  (if (or (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg)
+          (arglist-p (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg)))
+      (list (encode-required-arg
+             (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg))
             (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg))
       (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg)))
@@ -1606,19 +1656,6 @@
   (assert (equalp (decode-optional-arg '(x t))
                   (make-optional-arg 'x t))))
-(defstruct (arglist (:conc-name arglist.))
-  provided-args         ; list of the provided actual arguments
-  required-args         ; list of the required arguments
-  optional-args         ; list of the optional arguments
-  key-p                 ; whether &key appeared
-  keyword-args          ; list of the keywords
-  rest                  ; name of the &rest or &body argument (if any)
-  body-p                ; whether the rest argument is a &body
-  allow-other-keys-p    ; whether &allow-other-keys appeared
-  aux-args              ; list of &aux variables
-  known-junk            ; &whole, &environment
-  unknown-junk)         ; unparsed stuff
 (define-modify-macro nreversef () nreverse "Reverse the list in PLACE.")
 (defun decode-arglist (arglist)
@@ -1661,7 +1698,8 @@
             (push (decode-optional-arg arg)
                   (arglist.aux-args result)))
-	    (push arg (arglist.required-args result)))
+	    (push (decode-required-arg arg)
+                  (arglist.required-args result)))
            ((&whole &environment)
             (setf mode nil)
             (push arg (arglist.known-junk result)))))))
@@ -1674,7 +1712,7 @@
 (defun encode-arglist (decoded-arglist)
-  (append (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist)
+  (append (mapcar #'encode-required-arg (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))
           (when (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist)
           (mapcar #'encode-optional-arg (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist))
@@ -1739,37 +1777,48 @@
       (let ((*package* package) (*print-case* :downcase)
             (*print-pretty* t) (*print-circle* nil) (*print-readably* nil)
             (*print-level* 10) (*print-length* 20))
-        (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix prefix :suffix suffix)  
-          (print-decoded-arglist-as-template decoded-arglist))))))
-(defun print-decoded-arglist-as-template (decoded-arglist)
-  (let ((first-p t))
-    (flet ((space ()
-             (unless first-p
-               (write-char #\space)
-               (pprint-newline :fill))
-             (setq first-p nil)))
-      (dolist (arg (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))
-        (space)
-        (princ arg))
-      (dolist (arg (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist))
-        (space)
-        (format t "[~A]" (optional-arg.arg-name arg)))
-      (dolist (keyword-arg (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist))
-        (space)
-        (let ((arg-name (keyword-arg.arg-name keyword-arg))
-              (keyword (keyword-arg.keyword keyword-arg)))
-          (format t "~W ~A" 
-                  (if (keywordp keyword) keyword `',keyword)
-                  arg-name)))
-      (when (and (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)
-                 (or (not (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist))
-                     (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)))
-        (if (arglist.body-p decoded-arglist)
-            (pprint-newline :mandatory)
-            (space))
-        (format t "~A..." (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)))))
-  (pprint-newline :fill))
+        (print-decoded-arglist-as-template decoded-arglist 
+                                           :prefix prefix 
+                                           :suffix suffix)))))
+(defun print-decoded-arglist-as-template (decoded-arglist &key
+                                          (prefix "(") (suffix ")"))
+  (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix prefix :suffix suffix)  
+    (let ((first-p t))
+      (flet ((space ()
+               (unless first-p
+                 (write-char #\space)
+                 (pprint-newline :fill))
+               (setq first-p nil))
+             (print-arg-or-pattern (arg)
+               (etypecase arg
+                 (symbol (princ arg))
+                 (string (princ arg))

[256 lines skipped]

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