[slime-cvs] CVS slime

alendvai alendvai at common-lisp.net
Tue Dec 19 10:29:44 UTC 2006

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv15780

Modified Files:
	slime.el swank.lisp 
Log Message:
Added dwim-mode to slime-inspect that tries to be smart unless prefixed

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2006/12/19 10:26:53	1.713
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el	2006/12/19 10:29:42	1.714
@@ -9070,20 +9070,24 @@
 (defvar slime-saved-window-config)
 (defun* slime-inspect (form &key no-reset (eval (not current-prefix-arg)) thread)
-  "Eval an expression and inspect the result.
+  "Take an expression and inspect it trying to be smart about what was the intention.
-If called with a prefix argument the value will not be evaluated."
-  (interactive (list (slime-read-object (if current-prefix-arg
-                                            "Inspect value: "
-                                            "Inspect value (evaluated): "))))
+If called with a prefix argument the value will be evaluated and inspected
+without any magic in behind the stage."
+  (interactive
+   (list (slime-read-object (if current-prefix-arg
+                                "Inspect value (evaluated): "
+                                "Inspect value (dwim mode): ")
+                            :return-names-unconfirmed (not current-prefix-arg))))
   (slime-eval-async `(swank:init-inspector ,form
                                            :reset ,(not no-reset)
-                                           :eval ,eval)
+                                           :eval ,(not (null current-prefix-arg))
+                                           :dwim-mode ,(not current-prefix-arg))
                     (with-lexical-bindings (thread)
                       (lambda (thing)
                         (slime-open-inspector thing :thread thread)))))
-(defun slime-read-object (prompt)
+(defun* slime-read-object (prompt &key return-names-unconfirmed)
   "Read a Common Lisp expression from the minibuffer, providing
 defaults from the s-expression at point.  If point is within a
 presentation, don't prompt, just return the presentation."
@@ -9091,8 +9095,14 @@
       (slime-presentation-around-point (point))
     (if presentation
         (slime-presentation-expression presentation)
-      (slime-read-from-minibuffer prompt
-                                  (slime-sexp-at-point)))))
+        (let ((sexp (slime-sexp-at-point)))
+          (if (and sexp
+                   return-names-unconfirmed
+                   ;; an string with alphanumeric chars and hyphens only?
+                   (and (string-match "\\([\-|0-9|a-z|A-Z]*\\)" sexp)
+                        (= (match-end 0) (length sexp))))
+              sexp
+              (slime-read-from-minibuffer prompt sexp))))))
 (define-derived-mode slime-inspector-mode fundamental-mode "Slime-Inspector"
   (set-syntax-table lisp-mode-syntax-table)
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2006/12/19 10:21:32	1.429
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp	2006/12/19 10:29:44	1.430
@@ -4775,14 +4775,30 @@
         *inspectee-actions* (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)
         *inspector-history* (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
-(defslimefun init-inspector (string &key (reset t) (eval t))
+(defslimefun init-inspector (string &key (reset t) (eval t) (dwim-mode nil))
   (with-buffer-syntax ()
     (when reset
     (let* ((form (read-from-string string))
-           (value (if eval
-                      (eval form)
-                      form)))
+           (value (cond (dwim-mode
+                         (typecase form
+                           (symbol (or (and (fboundp form)
+                                            (fdefinition form))
+                                       (and (boundp form)
+                                            (symbol-value form))
+                                       (find-class form nil)
+                                       form))
+                           (atom form)
+                           (t (if (fboundp (first form))
+                                  (eval form)
+                                  form))))
+                        (eval (eval form))
+                        (t form))))
+      (when (and dwim-mode
+                 form)
+        ;; push the form to the inspector stack, so you can go back to it
+        ;; with slime-inspector-pop if dwim missed the intention
+        (push form *inspector-stack*))
       (inspect-object value))))
 (defun print-part-to-string (value)

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