[slime-cvs] CVS slime

jsnellman jsnellman at common-lisp.net
Tue Dec 5 04:46:07 UTC 2006

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv30892

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog swank-sbcl.lisp 
Log Message:
	Xref support for SBCL (requires SBCL
	* swank-sbcl.lisp (who-calls): New function, fetch xref data from
	(who-binds): Ditto.
	(who-sets): Ditto.
	(who-references): Ditto.
	(who-macroexpands): Ditto.
	(defxref): New macro, create the above functions.
	(source-location-for-xref-data): New, map from sb-introspect xref
	format to the Swank xref format.
	(sanitize-xrefs): Map PCL method names to something more readable.
	(string-path-snippet): New function, finds a more accurate source
	snippet for definition source locations which have both an 
	:emacs-string and a full source path available. Otherwise the xref
	location would point to the toplevel form rather than the exact 
	form for functions compiled with C-c C-c.
	(source-file-position): New function, somewhat like
	source-path-file-position but uses the source-file cache, handles
	missing form-paths more gracefully.
	(make-definition-source-location): use the above two functions
	(sbcl-with-xref-p): new function, detect whether SBCL has xref support
	for backwards compability

--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2006/11/26 18:08:30	1.1009
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/ChangeLog	2006/12/05 04:46:06	1.1010
@@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
+2006-12-05  Juho Snellman  <jsnell at iki.fi>
+	Real xref support for SBCL (requires SBCL
+	* swank-sbcl.lisp (who-calls): New function, fetch xref data from
+	sb-introspect.
+	(who-binds): Ditto.
+	(who-sets): Ditto.
+	(who-references): Ditto.
+	(who-macroexpands): Ditto.
+	(defxref): New macro, create the above functions.
+	(source-location-for-xref-data): New, map from sb-introspect xref
+	format to the Swank xref format.
+	(sanitize-xrefs): Map PCL method names to something more readable.
+	(string-path-snippet): New function, finds a more accurate source
+	snippet for definition source locations which have both an 
+	:emacs-string and a full source path available. Otherwise the xref
+	location would point to the toplevel form rather than the exact 
+	form for functions compiled with C-c C-c.
+	(source-file-position): New function, somewhat like
+	source-path-file-position but uses the source-file cache, handles
+	missing form-paths more gracefully.
+	(make-definition-source-location): Use the above two functions.
+	(sbcl-with-xref-p): New function, detect whether SBCL has xref support
+	for backwards compability.
 2006-11-26  Juho Snellman  <jsnell at iki.fi>
 	* swank-source-file-cache.lisp (buffer-first-change): Check
--- /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-sbcl.lisp	2006/11/19 21:33:03	1.171
+++ /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-sbcl.lisp	2006/12/05 04:46:06	1.172
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
   (defun sbcl-with-weak-hash-tables ()
     (if (find-symbol "HASH-TABLE-WEAKNESS" "SB-EXT")
+        '(or)))
+  ;; And for xref support (1.0.1)
+  (defun sbcl-with-xref-p ()
+    (if (find-symbol "WHO-CALLS" "SB-INTROSPECT")
+        '(and)
 ;;; swank-mop
@@ -485,35 +490,46 @@
-         (let ((pos (if form-path
-                        (with-debootstrapping
-                          (source-path-string-position
-                           form-path emacs-string))
-                        character-offset)))
+         (let* ((pos (if form-path
+                         (with-debootstrapping
+                           (source-path-string-position form-path emacs-string))
+                         character-offset))
+                (snippet (string-path-snippet emacs-string form-path pos)))
            (make-location `(:buffer ,emacs-buffer)
                           `(:position ,(+ pos emacs-position))
-                          `(:snippet ,emacs-string))))
+                          `(:snippet ,snippet))))
         ((not pathname)
          `(:error ,(format nil "Source of ~A ~A not found"
                            (string-downcase type) name)))
          (let* ((namestring (namestring (translate-logical-pathname pathname)))
-                (*readtable* (guess-readtable-for-filename namestring))
-                (pos (1+ (with-debootstrapping
-                           ;; Some internal functions have no source path
-                           ;; or offset available, just the file (why?).
-                           ;; In these cases we can at least try to open
-                           ;; the right file.
-                           (if form-path
-                               (source-path-file-position form-path
-                                                          pathname)
-                               0))))
-                (snippet (source-hint-snippet namestring
-                                              file-write-date pos)))
+                (pos (source-file-position namestring file-write-date form-path
+                                           character-offset))
+                (snippet (source-hint-snippet namestring file-write-date pos)))
            (make-location `(:file ,namestring)
                           `(:position ,pos)
                           `(:snippet ,snippet))))))))
+(defun string-path-snippet (string form-path position)
+  (if form-path
+      ;; If we have a form-path, use it to derive a more accurate
+      ;; snippet, so that we can point to the individual form rather
+      ;; than just the toplevel form.
+      (multiple-value-bind (data end)
+          (let ((*read-suppress* t))
+            (read-from-string string nil nil :start position))
+        (declare (ignore data))
+        (subseq string position end))
+      string))    
+(defun source-file-position (filename write-date form-path character-offset)
+  (let ((source (get-source-code filename write-date))
+        (*readtable* (guess-readtable-for-filename filename)))
+    (1+ (with-debootstrapping
+          (if form-path
+              (source-path-string-position form-path source)
+              (or character-offset 0))))))
 (defun source-hint-snippet (filename write-date position)
   (let ((source (get-source-code filename write-date)))
     (with-input-from-string (s source)
@@ -576,6 +592,30 @@
      (describe (find-class symbol)))
      (describe (sb-kernel:values-specifier-type symbol)))))
+  (defmacro defxref (name)
+    `(defimplementation ,name (what)
+       (sanitize-xrefs   
+        (mapcar #'source-location-for-xref-data
+                (,(find-symbol (symbol-name name) "SB-INTROSPECT")
+                  what)))))
+  (defxref who-calls)
+  (defxref who-binds)
+  (defxref who-sets)
+  (defxref who-references)
+  (defxref who-macroexpands))
+(defun source-location-for-xref-data (xref-data)
+  (let ((name (car xref-data))
+        (source-location (cdr xref-data)))
+    (list name
+          (handler-case (make-definition-source-location source-location
+                                                         'function
+                                                         name)
+            (error (e)
+              (list :error (format nil "Error: ~A" e)))))))
 (defimplementation list-callers (symbol)
   (let ((fn (fdefinition symbol)))
@@ -587,11 +627,20 @@
      (mapcar #'function-dspec (sb-introspect:find-function-callees fn)))))
-(defun sanitize-xrefs (x)
+(defun sanitize-xrefs (xrefs)
    (remove-if (lambda (f)
                 (member f (ignored-xref-function-names)))
-              x
+              (loop for entry in xrefs
+                    for name = (car entry)
+                    collect (if (and (consp name)
+                                     (member (car name)
+                                             '(sb-pcl::fast-method
+                                               sb-pcl::slow-method
+                                               sb-pcl::method)))
+                                (cons (cons 'defmethod (cdr name))
+                                      (cdr entry))
+                                entry))
               :key #'car)
    :test (lambda (a b)
            (and (eq (first a) (first b))

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