[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/ChangeLog slime/slime.el slime/swank.lisp slime/swank-openmcl.lisp

Alan Ruttenberg aruttenberg at common-lisp.net
Tue Sep 13 05:37:23 UTC 2005

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv13328/slime

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog slime.el swank.lisp swank-openmcl.lisp 
Log Message:

Date: Tue Sep 13 07:37:22 2005
Author: aruttenberg

Index: slime/ChangeLog
diff -u slime/ChangeLog:1.776 slime/ChangeLog:1.777
--- slime/ChangeLog:1.776	Tue Sep 13 06:14:53 2005
+++ slime/ChangeLog	Tue Sep 13 07:37:16 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
 2005-09-13  Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* slime.el (defcustom slime-ed-use-dedicated-frame ... vs defvar
-	* swank.lisp (run-repl-eval-hooks .. finally (return  vs no return
+	(defcustom slime-when-complete-filename-expand: Use
+	comint-replace-by-expanded-filename instead of
+	comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename to complete file names
+	* swank.lisp (run-repl-eval-hooks .. finally (return vs no return
+	inspector-call-nth-action Allow second value :replace for inspector actions
+	(defvar *slime-inspect-contents-limit* default nil. How many elements of
+        a hash table or array to show by default. If table has more than
+        this then offer actions to view more. Set to nil for no limit. Probably should
+	set default to reasonable value - I like 200. 
+	(inspect-for-emacs ((ht hash-table) inspector)) - banner line is hash table object. 
+	Respect *slime-inspect-contents-limit*
+	(defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((array array) inspector) 
+	Respect *slime-inspect-contents-limit*
+	* swank-openmcl.lisp inspector for closures shows closed-over
+	values. To be fixed: inspector-princ needs to be loaded earlier
+	since swank package not available when compiling
 2005-09-13  Helmut Eller  <heller at common-lisp.net>

Index: slime/slime.el
diff -u slime/slime.el:1.543 slime/slime.el:1.544
--- slime/slime.el:1.543	Tue Sep 13 06:14:53 2005
+++ slime/slime.el	Tue Sep 13 07:37:16 2005
@@ -205,6 +205,11 @@
                  (const :tag "Compound" slime-complete-symbol*)
                  (const :tag "Fuzzy" slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)))
+(defcustom slime-when-complete-filename-expand nil
+  "Use comint-replace-by-expanded-filename instead of comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename to complete file names"
+  :group 'slime-mode
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom slime-complete-symbol*-fancy nil
   "Use information from argument lists for DWIM'ish symbol completion."
   :group 'slime-mode
@@ -5337,7 +5342,9 @@
 Return nil iff if point is not at filename."
   (if (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\"[^ \t\n]+\\=" nil t))
       (let ((comint-completion-addsuffix '("/" . "\"")))
-        (comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename)
+        (if slime-when-complete-filename-expand
+            (comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
+          (comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename))
@@ -5471,7 +5478,9 @@
   (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\"[^ \t\n]+\\=" nil t))
     (return-from slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol 
-      (comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename)))
+      (if slime-when-complete-filename-expand
+          (comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
+        (comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename))))
   (let* ((end (move-marker (make-marker) (slime-symbol-end-pos)))
          (beg (move-marker (make-marker) (slime-symbol-start-pos)))
          (prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
@@ -5884,7 +5893,7 @@
 (defcustom slime-ed-use-dedicated-frame t
   "*When non-nil, `slime-ed' will create and reuse a dedicated frame."
   :type 'boolean
-  :group 'slime)
+  :group 'slime-mode)
 (defun slime-ed (what)
   "Edit WHAT.

Index: slime/swank.lisp
diff -u slime/swank.lisp:1.333 slime/swank.lisp:1.334
--- slime/swank.lisp:1.333	Tue Sep 13 06:14:53 2005
+++ slime/swank.lisp	Tue Sep 13 07:37:16 2005
@@ -1830,7 +1830,6 @@
 	      (if *slime-repl-eval-hooks* 
                   (setq values (run-repl-eval-hooks form))
                   (setq values (multiple-value-list (eval form))))
-              (ccl::print-db values)
     (when (and package-update-p (not (eq *package* *buffer-package*)))
@@ -3313,9 +3312,13 @@
           ((and (eq fast slow) (> n 0)) (return nil))
           ((not (consp (cdr fast))) (return (values (1+ n) (cdr fast)))))))
+(defvar *slime-inspect-contents-limit* nil "How many elements of
+ a hash table or array to show by default. If table has more than
+ this then offer actions to view more. Set to nil for no limit." )
 (defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((ht hash-table) inspector)
   (declare (ignore inspector))
-  (values "A hash table."
+  (values (prin1-to-string ht)
             ("Count" (hash-table-count ht))
@@ -3324,9 +3327,48 @@
             ("Rehash size" (hash-table-rehash-size ht))
             ("Rehash threshold" (hash-table-rehash-threshold ht)))
            '("Contents: " (:newline))
+	   (if (and *slime-inspect-contents-limit*
+		    (>= (hash-table-count ht) *slime-inspect-contents-limit*))
+	       (inspect-bigger-piece-actions ht (hash-table-count ht))
+	       nil)
            (loop for key being the hash-keys of ht
-                 for value being the hash-values of ht
-                 append `((:value ,key) " = " (:value ,value) (:newline))))))
+	      for value being the hash-values of ht
+	      repeat (or *slime-inspect-contents-limit* most-positive-fixnum)
+	      append `((:value ,key) " = " (:value ,value) (:newline))
+	      )
+	   )))
+(defmethod inspect-bigger-piece-actions (thing size)
+  (append 
+   (if (> size *slime-inspect-contents-limit*)
+       (list (inspect-factor-more-action thing)
+	     '(:newline))
+       nil)
+   (list (inspect-whole-thing-action thing  size)
+	 '(:newline))))
+(defmethod inspect-whole-thing-action (thing size)
+  `(:action ,(format nil "Inspect all ~a elements." 
+		      size)
+	    ,(lambda() 
+	       (let ((*slime-inspect-contents-limit* nil))
+		 (values
+		  (swank::inspect-object thing)
+		  :replace)
+		 ))))
+(defmethod inspect-factor-more-action (thing)
+  `(:action ,(format nil "~a elements shown. Prompt for how many to inspect..." 
+		     *slime-inspect-contents-limit* )
+	    ,(lambda() 
+	       (let ((*slime-inspect-contents-limit* 
+		      (read)))
+		 (values
+		  (swank::inspect-object thing)
+		  :replace)
+		 ))
+	    ))
 (defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((array array) inspector)
   (declare (ignore inspector))
@@ -3340,7 +3382,11 @@
            (when (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
              (label-value-line "Fill pointer" (fill-pointer array)))
            '("Contents:" (:newline))
-           (loop for i below (array-total-size array)
+           (if (and *slime-inspect-contents-limit*
+		    (>= (array-total-size array) *slime-inspect-contents-limit*))
+	       (inspect-bigger-piece-actions array  (length array))
+	       nil)
+           (loop for i below (or *slime-inspect-contents-limit* (array-total-size array))
                  append (label-value-line i (row-major-aref array i))))))
 (defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((char character) inspector)
@@ -3893,9 +3939,11 @@
   (with-buffer-syntax ()
     (inspect-object (inspector-nth-part index))))
-(defslimefun inspector-call-nth-action (index)
-  (funcall (aref *inspectee-actions* index))
-  (inspect-object (pop *inspector-stack*)))
+(defslimefun inspector-call-nth-action (index &rest args)
+  (multiple-value-bind (value replace) (apply (aref *inspectee-actions* index) args)
+      (if (eq replace :replace)
+	  value
+	  (inspect-object (pop *inspector-stack*)))))
 (defslimefun inspector-pop ()
   "Drop the inspector stack and inspect the second element.  Return

Index: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.99 slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.100
--- slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.99	Fri Sep  9 04:01:10 2005
+++ slime/swank-openmcl.lisp	Tue Sep 13 07:37:16 2005
@@ -735,6 +735,38 @@
                collect `(:value ,(ccl::uvref object index))
                collect `(:newline)))))
+(defun closure-closed-over-values (closure)
+  (let ((howmany (nth-value 8 (ccl::function-args (ccl::closure-function closure)))))
+    (loop for n below howmany
+	 collect
+	 (let* ((value (ccl::%svref closure (+ 1 (- howmany n))))
+		(map (car (ccl::function-symbol-map (ccl::closure-function closure))))
+		(label (or (and map (svref map n)) n))
+		(cellp (ccl::closed-over-value-p value)))
+	   (list label (if cellp (ccl::closed-over-value value) value))))))
+(defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((c ccl::compiled-lexical-closure) (inspector t))
+  (declare (ignore inspector))
+  (values
+   (format nil "A closure: ~a" c)
+   `(,@(if (arglist c)
+	   (list "Its argument list is: " 
+		 (funcall (intern "INSPECTOR-PRINC" 'swank) (arglist c))) 
+           ;; FIXME inspector-princ should load earlier
+	   (list "A function of no arguments"))
+     (:newline)
+     ,@(when (documentation c t)
+	 `("Documentation:" (:newline) ,(documentation c t) (:newline)))
+     ,(format nil "Closed over ~a values"  (length (closure-closed-over-values c)))
+     (:newline)
+     ,@(loop for (name value) in (closure-closed-over-values c)
+	    for count from 1
+	  append
+	  (label-value-line* ((format nil "~2,' d) ~a" count (string name)) value))))))
 ;;; Multiprocessing
 (defvar *known-processes* '()         ; FIXME: leakage. -luke

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