[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp

Alan Ruttenberg aruttenberg at common-lisp.net
Mon Sep 13 05:39:06 UTC 2004

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12903/slime

Modified Files:
Log Message:
        * slime.el slime-goto-location-position: New location specifiers:
	(:method name specializers . qualifiers) all are strings. Looks
	for defxxx name then the qualifiers as words, in order then the
	specializers as words, in order (except for "T", which is
	optional). Pass the symbols names for specializers and qualifiers 
	(no packages). Used by openmcl but might be useful for others
	(:text-anchored <position fixnum> <string> <delta fixnum>) 
	Got to position, then search for string, then move delta. To
	support upcoming source recording for openmcl debugging.

	* swank-openmcl multiple changes: - fix support for *sldb-top*
	 (formerly *swank-debugger-stack-frame*) Was not thread safe. Now
	 (application-error), and (interrupt-thread) records the error
	 pointer in a table associated with thread and map-backtrace picks
	 up the appropriate pointer. *process-to-stack-top*,
	(grab-stack-top), (record-stack-top).

  	 - Other adjustments for changes to multiprocessing: remove
	(force-break-in-listener) no longer necessary since we use
	process-interrupt instead of ccl::*interactive-abort-process*
	Adjust break-in-sldb to do so for swank repl connections
	(abstraction breaking reference to swank::*connections*, but
	nicely via intern)

	 - changes to (find-definitions) (function-source-location),
	 addition of (maybe-method-location) (remove-filename-quoting).  To support
	editing definitions of methods. To fix bug with pathnames with
	quoted characters (like "\\.swank.lisp"). To remove bogus source
	recording of l1-boot-3 in functions that didn't have a source file

	 - Implementation of xref functions: (xref-locations) uses xref
	implementation added to openmcl recently. Note that you have to
	(ccl::start-xref) for it to work for other than who-calls, and
	that xref information is not currently persisted in fasl files (I
	will release a patch for this soon) Backend functions (who-binds)
	(who-macroexpands) (who-references) (who-sets)
	(who-calls) (list-callees) (who-specializes)
  	 - Lifted profile backend functions from swank-clisp which use

	 - (openmcl-set-debug-switches) turns on the various variables I.
	know about that have the lisp record extra debugging
	information(including starting xref). I suggest you call
	it. Should it be called by default?

	- (frame-arguments) use builtin ccl::frame-supplied-args since the
	current version was sometimes missing the first argument to the
	function. (I think this was when it was passed by register. If you
	don't want to lose it in the frame locals in backtrace, call
	(openmcl-set-debug-switches) specifically, set
	ccl::*ppc2-compiler-register-save-label* to t

Date: Mon Sep 13 07:39:06 2004
Author: aruttenberg

Index: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.80 slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.81
--- slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.80	Mon Sep 13 01:56:39 2004
+++ slime/swank-openmcl.lisp	Mon Sep 13 07:39:06 2004
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@
+(require 'xref)
 ;;; swank-mop
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
@@ -124,8 +126,6 @@
 ;;; TCP Server
-(defvar *swank-debugger-stack-frame* nil)
 (defimplementation preferred-communication-style ()
@@ -157,34 +157,14 @@
 (defimplementation lisp-implementation-type-name ()
-(let ((ccl::*warn-if-redefine-kernel* nil))
-  (defun ccl::force-break-in-listener (p)
-    (ccl::process-interrupt
-     p
-     #'(lambda ()
-         (ccl::ignoring-without-interrupts 
-          (let ((*swank-debugger-stack-frame* nil)
-                (previous-f nil))
-            (block find-frame
-              (map-backtrace  
-               #'(lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
-                   (declare (ignore frame-number context pc))
-                   (when (eq  previous-f 'ccl::%pascal-functions%) 
-                     (setq *swank-debugger-stack-frame* p)
-                     (return-from find-frame))
-                   (setq previous-f (ccl::lfun-name lfun)))))
-      (restart-case (invoke-debugger
-                     (make-condition 'simple-condition :format-control ""))
-        (continue () :report (lambda (stream) (write-string "Resume interrupted evaluation" stream)) t))
-      ))))))
 (defvar *break-in-sldb* t)
 (let ((ccl::*warn-if-redefine-kernel* nil))
    (if (and *break-in-sldb* 
-            (eq ccl::*current-process* ccl::*interactive-abort-process*))
+            (find ccl::*current-process* (symbol-value (intern "*CONNECTIONS*" 'swank))
+                  :key (intern "CONNECTION.REPL-THREAD" 'swank)))
        (apply 'break-in-sldb ccl::arglist)
        (:do-it)) :when :around :name sldb-break))
@@ -192,15 +172,14 @@
   (let ((c (make-condition 'simple-condition
                            :format-control (or string "Break")
                            :format-arguments args)))
-    (let ((*swank-debugger-stack-frame* nil)
-          (previous-f nil)
+    (let ((previous-f nil)
           (previous-f2 nil))
       (block find-frame
          #'(lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
              (declare (ignore frame-number context pc))
              (when (eq  previous-f2 'break-in-sldb) 
-               (setq *swank-debugger-stack-frame* p)
+               (record-stack-top p)
                (return-from find-frame))
              (setq previous-f2 previous-f)
              (setq previous-f (ccl::lfun-name lfun)))))
@@ -208,11 +187,29 @@
         (continue () :report (lambda (stream) (write-string "Resume interrupted evaluation" stream)) t))
-;;; Evaluation
+; In previous version the code that recorded the function that had an
+; error or which was interrupted was not thread safe. This code repairs that by
+; associating the frame pointer with a process via the *process-to-stack-top* hash.
+(defvar *process-to-stack-top* (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
+(defun record-stack-top (frame)
+  (setf (gethash (ccl::process-serial-number ccl::*current-process*) *process-to-stack-top* )
+        frame))
+(defun grab-stack-top ()
+  (let ((psn (ccl::process-serial-number ccl::*current-process*)))
+    (ccl::without-interrupts
+      (prog1
+          (gethash  psn *process-to-stack-top*)
+        (setf (gethash psn *process-to-stack-top*) nil)))))
 (defmethod ccl::application-error :before (application condition error-pointer)
   (declare (ignore application condition))
-  (setq *swank-debugger-stack-frame* error-pointer))
+  (record-stack-top error-pointer)
+  nil)
+;;; Evaluation
 (defimplementation arglist ((fname symbol))
   (ccl:arglist fname))
@@ -266,6 +263,67 @@
           (*buffer-offset* nil))
       (compile-file filename :load load-p))))
+(defimplementation frame-var-value (frame var)
+  (map-backtrace  
+   #'(lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
+       (when (= frame frame-number)
+         (return-from frame-var-value 
+           (multiple-value-bind (count vsp parent-vsp)
+               (ccl::count-values-in-frame p context)
+             (declare (ignore count))
+             (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p var context lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)))))))
+(defun xref-locations (relation name &optional (inverse nil))
+  (loop for xref in (if inverse 
+                        (ccl::get-relation  relation name :wild :exhaustive t)
+                        (ccl::get-relation  relation :wild name :exhaustive t))
+        for function = (ccl::xref-entry-name xref)
+        collect `((function ,function) ,(function-source-location (ccl::xref-entry-name xref)))))
+(defimplementation who-binds (name)
+  (xref-locations :binds name))
+(defimplementation who-macroexpands (name)
+  (xref-locations :macro-calls name t))
+(defimplementation who-references (name)
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (append (xref-locations :references name)
+           (xref-locations :sets name)
+           (xref-locations :binds name)))
+  :test 'equal)
+(defimplementation who-sets (name)
+  (xref-locations :sets name))
+(defimplementation who-calls (name)
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (append
+    (xref-locations :direct-calls name)
+    (xref-locations :indirect-calls name)
+    (xref-locations :macro-calls name t))
+   :test 'equal))
+(defimplementation list-callees (name)
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (append
+   (xref-locations :direct-calls name t)
+   (xref-locations :macro-calls name nil))
+   :test 'equal))
+(defimplementation who-specializes (class)
+  (if (symbolp class) (setq class (find-class class)))
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (append (mapcar (lambda(m)
+                     (let ((location (function-source-location (ccl::method-function m))))
+                       (if (eq (car location) :error)
+                           (setq location nil ))
+                       `((method ,(ccl::method-name m) ,(mapcar 'class-name (ccl::method-specializers m)) ,@(ccl::method-qualifiers m))
+                         ,location)))
+                   (ccl::%class.direct-methods class))
+           (mapcan 'who-specializes (ccl::%class-direct-subclasses class)))
+   :test 'equal))
 (defimplementation swank-compile-string (string &key buffer position directory)
   (declare (ignore directory))
   (with-compilation-hooks ()
@@ -279,13 +337,48 @@
           (delete-file binary-filename)))
       (delete-file filename))))
+;;; Profiling (alanr: lifted from swank-clisp)
+(defimplementation profile (fname)
+  (eval `(mon:monitor ,fname)))		;monitor is a macro
+(defimplementation profiled-functions ()
+  mon:*monitored-functions*)
+(defimplementation unprofile (fname)
+  (eval `(mon:unmonitor ,fname)))	;unmonitor is a macro
+(defimplementation unprofile-all ()
+  (mon:unmonitor))
+(defimplementation profile-report ()
+  (mon:report-monitoring))
+(defimplementation profile-reset ()
+  (mon:reset-all-monitoring))
+(defimplementation profile-package (package callers-p methods)
+  (declare (ignore callers-p methods))
+  (mon:monitor-all package))
 ;;; Debugging
-(defvar *sldb-stack-top*)
+(defun openmcl-set-debug-switches ()
+  (setq ccl::*fasl-save-definitions* nil)
+  (setq ccl::*fasl-save-doc-strings* t)
+  (setq ccl::*fasl-save-local-symbols* t)
+  (setq ccl::*ppc2-compiler-register-save-label* t) 
+  (setq ccl::*save-arglist-info* t)
+  (setq ccl::*save-definitions* nil)
+  (setq ccl::*save-doc-strings* t)
+  (setq ccl::*save-local-symbols* t)
+  (ccl::start-xref))
+(defvar *sldb-stack-top* nil)
 (defimplementation call-with-debugging-environment (debugger-loop-fn)
-  (let* ((*sldb-stack-top* nil)
-         (*debugger-hook* nil)
+  (let* ((*debugger-hook* nil)
+         (*sldb-stack-top* (grab-stack-top))
          (ccl::*signal-printing-errors* nil)) ; don't let error while printing error take us down
     (funcall debugger-loop-fn)))
@@ -303,7 +396,7 @@
   (let ((context (backtrace-context))
         (frame-number 0)
-        (top-stack-frame (or *swank-debugger-stack-frame* 
+        (top-stack-frame (or *sldb-stack-top*
     (do* ((p top-stack-frame (ccl::parent-frame p context))
           (q (ccl::last-frame-ptr context)))
@@ -317,29 +410,26 @@
           (incf frame-number))))))
 ;; May 13, 2004 alanr: use prin1 instead of princ so I see " around strings. Write ' in front of symbol names and lists.
+;; Sept  6, 2004 alanr: use builtin ccl::frame-supplied-args
 (defun frame-arguments (p context lfun pc)
   "Returns a string representing the arguments of a frame."
-  (multiple-value-bind (count vsp parent-vsp)
-      (ccl::count-values-in-frame p nil)
-    (let (result)
-        (dotimes (i count)
-          (multiple-value-bind (var type name)
-              (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i context lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
-            (when name
-	      (when (or (symbolp var) (listp var)) (setq var (list 'quote var)))
-              (cond ((equal type "required")
-                     (push (prin1-to-string var) result))
-                    ((equal type "optional")
-                     (push (prin1-to-string var) result))
-                    ((equal type "keyword")
-                     (push (format nil "~S ~A" 
-                                   (intern (symbol-name name) "KEYWORD")
-                                   (prin1-to-string var))
-                           result))))))
-        (format nil "~{ ~A~}" (nreverse result)))))
+  (multiple-value-bind (args types names count nclosed)
+      (ccl::frame-supplied-args p lfun pc nil context)
+    (declare (ignore count nclosed))
+    (let ((result nil))
+      (loop for var in args 
+          for type in types
+          for name in names
+          do
+          (when (or (symbolp var) (listp var)) (setq var (list 'quote var)))
+          (cond ((equal type "keyword")
+                 (push (format nil "~S ~A" 
+                               (intern (symbol-name name) "KEYWORD")
+                               (prin1-to-string var))
+                       result))
+                (t   (push (prin1-to-string var) result))))
+      (format nil "~{ ~A~}" (nreverse result)))))
 ;; XXX should return something less stringy
@@ -421,20 +511,40 @@
 (defun canonicalize-location (file symbol)
   (etypecase file
     ((or string pathname)
-     (multiple-value-bind (truename c) (ignore-errors (truename file))
+     (multiple-value-bind (truename c) (ignore-errors (namestring (truename file)))
        (cond (c (list :error (princ-to-string c)))
-             (t (make-location (list :file (namestring truename))
-                               (list :function-name (string symbol)))))))))
+             (t (make-location (list :file (remove-filename-quoting truename))
+                               (list :function-name (princ-to-string symbol)))))))))
+(defun remove-filename-quoting (string)
+  (if (search "\\" string)
+      (read-from-string (format nil "\"~a\"" string))
+      string))
+(defun maybe-method-location (type)
+  (when (typep type 'ccl::method)
+    `((method ,(ccl::method-name type) ,(mapcar 'class-name (ccl::method-specializers type)) ,@(ccl::method-qualifiers type))
+      ,(function-source-location (ccl::method-function type)))))
 (defimplementation find-definitions (symbol)
-  (let ((info (ccl::get-source-files-with-types&classes symbol)))
+  (let* ((info (ccl::get-source-files-with-types&classes symbol)))
     (loop for (type . file) in info
-          collect (list (list type symbol) 
-                        (canonicalize-location file symbol)))))
+          when (not (equal "l1-boot-3" (pathname-name file))) ; alanr: This is a bug - there's nothing in there
+          collect (or (maybe-method-location type)
+                      (list (list type symbol) 
+                            (canonicalize-location file symbol))))))
 (defun function-source-location (function)
   (multiple-value-bind (info name) (ccl::edit-definition-p function)
     (cond ((not info) (list :error "No source info available for ~A" function))
+          ((typep (caar info) 'ccl::method)
+           `(:location 
+             (:file ,(remove-filename-quoting (namestring (translate-logical-pathname (cdr (car info))) )))
+             (:method  ,(princ-to-string (ccl::method-name (caar info)))
+               ,(mapcar 'princ-to-string (mapcar 'class-name (ccl::method-specializers (caar info))))
+               ,@(mapcar 'princ-to-string (ccl::method-qualifiers (caar info))))
+             nil))
           (t (canonicalize-location (cdr (first info)) name)))))
 (defimplementation frame-source-location-for-emacs (index)
@@ -612,8 +722,22 @@
 (defimplementation kill-thread (thread)
   (ccl:process-kill thread))
+;; September  5, 2004 alanr. record the frame interrupted
 (defimplementation interrupt-thread (thread fn)
-  (ccl:process-interrupt thread fn))
+  (ccl:process-interrupt 
+   thread 
+   (lambda(&rest args)
+     (let ((previous-f nil))
+       (block find-frame
+         (map-backtrace  
+          #'(lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
+              (declare (ignore frame-number context pc))
+              (when (eq  previous-f 'ccl::%pascal-functions%) 
+                (record-stack-top p)
+                (return-from find-frame))
+              (setq previous-f (ccl::lfun-name lfun)))))
+       (apply fn args)))))
 (defun mailbox (thread)
   (ccl:with-lock-grabbed (*known-processes-lock*)
@@ -623,7 +747,11 @@
                  (setq *known-processes*
                        (acons (ccl::process-serial-number thread) 
                               (list thread mailbox)
-                              *known-processes*))
+                              (remove-if 
+                               (lambda(entry) 
+                                 (string= (ccl::process-whostate (second entry)) "Exhausted")) 
+                               *known-processes*)
+                              ))
 (defimplementation send (thread message)

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