[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/swank-clisp.lisp

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 28 22:12:23 UTC 2004

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20102

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Undo previous change.
Date: Fri Oct 29 00:12:23 2004
Author: heller

Index: slime/swank-clisp.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-clisp.lisp:1.40 slime/swank-clisp.lisp:1.41
--- slime/swank-clisp.lisp:1.40	Thu Oct 28 23:39:36 2004
+++ slime/swank-clisp.lisp	Fri Oct 29 00:12:22 2004
@@ -492,238 +492,6 @@
 				    (invoke-debugger condition)))))
-(in-package :system)
-#.(setf (ext:package-lock :system) nil)
-(ext:without-package-lock () 
-;; Patch buggy format parser.  ~:,D was not parsed correcly.
-(defun format-parse-cs (control-string startindex csdl stop-at)
-  (declare (fixnum startindex))
-  (macrolet ((errorstring ()
-               (TEXT "The control string terminates within a format directive.")))
-    (prog* ((index startindex)  ; cs-index of the next character
-            ch                  ; current character
-            intparam            ; Integer-Parameter
-            newcsd              ; current CSD
-            (last-separator-csd (car csdl)))
-      (declare (type simple-string control-string) (type fixnum index))
-      (loop                     ; new directive altogether
-        (tagbody
-          (when (>= index (length control-string))
-            (go string-ended))
-          (setq ch (schar control-string index))
-          (unless (eql ch #\~)
-            ;; possibly transform part of string into a separate directive,
-            (setq csdl (setf (cdr csdl) (list (setq newcsd (make-csd)))))
-            (setf (csd-type     newcsd) 1)
-            (setf (csd-cs-index newcsd) index)
-            (setq index (position #\~ control-string :start index))
-            (unless index
-              (setf (csd-data newcsd) (setq index (length control-string)))
-              (go string-ended))
-            (setf (csd-data newcsd) index))
-          (setq csdl (setf (cdr csdl) (list (setq newcsd (make-csd)))))
-          (setf (csd-type         newcsd) 2)
-          (setf (csd-cs-index     newcsd) index)
-          (setf (csd-parm-list    newcsd) nil)
-          (setf (csd-v-or-#-p     newcsd) nil)
-          (setf (csd-colon-p      newcsd) nil)
-          (setf (csd-atsign-p     newcsd) nil)
-          (setf (csd-data         newcsd) nil)
-          (setf (csd-clause-chain newcsd) nil)
-          param                 ; parameter of a directive may begin
-          (incf index)
-          (when (>= index (length control-string))
-            (format-error control-string index (errorstring))
-            (go string-ended))
-          (setq ch (schar control-string index))
-          (when (digit-char-p ch) (go num-param))
-          (case ch
-            ((#\+ #\-) (go num-param))
-            (#\' (go quote-param))
-            ((#\V #\v #\#)
-             (push (if (eql ch #\#) ':ARG-COUNT ':NEXT-ARG)
-                   (csd-parm-list newcsd))
-             (setf (csd-v-or-#-p newcsd) T)
-             (go param-ok-1))
-            (#\, (push nil (csd-parm-list newcsd)) (go param))
-            (#\: (go colon-modifier))
-            (#\@ (go atsign-modifier))
-            (T (go directive)))
-          num-param             ; numerical parameter
-          (multiple-value-setq (intparam index)
-            (parse-integer control-string :start index :junk-allowed t))
-          (unless intparam
-            (format-error control-string index
-                          (TEXT "~A must introduce a number.")
-                          ch))
-          (push intparam (csd-parm-list newcsd))
-          (go param-ok-2)
-          quote-param           ; Quote-Parameter-Treatment
-          (incf index)
-          (when (>= index (length control-string))
-            (format-error control-string index
-              (TEXT "The control string terminates in the middle of a parameter."))
-            (go string-ended))
-          (setq ch (schar control-string index))
-          (push ch (csd-parm-list newcsd))
-          param-ok-1            ; Parameter OK
-          (incf index)
-          param-ok-2            ; Parameter OK
-          (when (>= index (length control-string))
-            (format-error control-string index (errorstring))
-            (go string-ended))
-          (setq ch (schar control-string index))
-          (case ch
-            (#\, (go param))
-            (#\: (go colon-modifier))
-            (#\@ (go atsign-modifier))
-            (T (go directive)))
-          colon-modifier        ; after :
-	  (when (csd-colon-p newcsd)
-	     (format-error control-string index
-			   (TEXT "Too many colon modifiers supplied")))
-          (setf (csd-colon-p newcsd) T)
-          (go param)
-          atsign-modifier       ; after @
-	  (when (csd-colon-p newcsd)
-	     (format-error control-string index
-			   (TEXT "Too many at modifiers supplied")))
-          (setf (csd-atsign-p newcsd) T)
-          (go param)
-          directive             ; directive (its Name) reached
-          (setf (csd-parm-list newcsd) (nreverse (csd-parm-list newcsd)))
-          (let ((directive-name
-                  (cdr (assoc (char-upcase ch)
-                           ; with function-definition     ; without function-definition
-                         '((#\A . FORMAT-ASCII)
-                           (#\S . FORMAT-S-EXPRESSION)
-                           (#\W . FORMAT-WRITE)
-                           (#\D . FORMAT-DECIMAL)
-                           (#\B . FORMAT-BINARY)
-                           (#\O . FORMAT-OCTAL)
-                           (#\X . FORMAT-HEXADECIMAL)
-                           (#\R . FORMAT-RADIX)
-                           (#\P . FORMAT-PLURAL)
-                           (#\C . FORMAT-CHARACTER)
-                           (#\F . FORMAT-FIXED-FLOAT)
-                           (#\E . FORMAT-EXPONENTIAL-FLOAT)
-                           (#\G . FORMAT-GENERAL-FLOAT)
-                           (#\$ . FORMAT-DOLLARS-FLOAT)
-                           (#\% . FORMAT-TERPRI)
-                           (#\_ . FORMAT-PPRINT-NEWLINE)
-                           (#\I . FORMAT-PPRINT-INDENT)
-                           (#\& . FORMAT-FRESH-LINE)      (#\Newline . #\Newline)
-                           (#\| . FORMAT-PAGE)
-                           (#\~ . FORMAT-TILDE)
-                           (#\T . FORMAT-TABULATE)
-                           (#\* . FORMAT-GOTO)
-                           (#\? . FORMAT-INDIRECTION)
-                           (#\/ . FORMAT-CALL-USER-FUNCTION)
-                           (#\( . FORMAT-CASE-CONVERSION) (#\) . FORMAT-CASE-CONVERSION-END)
-                           (#\[ . FORMAT-CONDITIONAL)     (#\] . FORMAT-CONDITIONAL-END)
-                           (#\{ . FORMAT-ITERATION)       (#\} . FORMAT-ITERATION-END)
-                           (#\< . FORMAT-JUSTIFICATION)   (#\> . FORMAT-JUSTIFICATION-END)
-                           (#\^ . FORMAT-UP-AND-OUT)      (#\; . FORMAT-SEPARATOR)
-                           (#\! . FORMAT-CALL))))))
-            (if directive-name
-              (setf (csd-data newcsd) directive-name)
-              (format-error control-string index
-                (TEXT "Non-existent format directive"))))
-          (incf index)
-          (case ch
-            (#\/
-             (let* ((start index)
-                    (end (or (position #\/ control-string :start start)
-                             (format-error control-string index
-                               (TEXT "Closing '/' is missing"))))
-                    (pos (position #\: control-string :start start :end end))
-                    (name (string-upcase
-                            (subseq control-string
-                                    (if pos
-                                      (if (char= #\: (char control-string (1+ pos))) (+ 2 pos) (1+ pos))
-                                      start)
-                                    end)))
-                    (pack (if pos
-                            (let ((packname
-                                    (string-upcase
-                                      (subseq control-string start pos))))
-                              (or (find-package packname)
-                                  (format-error control-string index
-                                    (TEXT "There is no package with name ~S")
-                                    packname)))
-                            *common-lisp-user-package*)))
-               (push (list (intern name pack)) (csd-parm-list newcsd))
-               (setq index (1+ end))))
-            (( #\( #\[ #\{)
-             (multiple-value-setq (index csdl)
-               (format-parse-cs control-string index csdl
-                 (case ch (#\( #\)) (#\[ #\]) (#\{ #\}) ))))
-            (#\<
-             (multiple-value-setq (index csdl)
-               (format-parse-cs control-string index csdl #\>))
-             ;; (assert (eq (csd-data (car csdl)) 'FORMAT-JUSTIFICATION-END))
-             (when (csd-colon-p (car csdl))
-               (setf (csd-data newcsd) 'FORMAT-LOGICAL-BLOCK)))
-            (( #\) #\] #\} #\> )
-             (unless stop-at
-               (format-error control-string index
-                 (TEXT "The closing format directive '~A' does not have a corresponding opening one.")
-                 ch))
-             (unless (eql ch stop-at)
-               (format-error control-string index
-                 (TEXT "The closing format directive '~A' does not match the corresponding opening one. It should read '~A'.")
-                 ch stop-at))
-             (setf (csd-clause-chain last-separator-csd) csdl)
-             (go end))
-            (#\;
-             (unless (or (eql stop-at #\]) (eql stop-at #\>))
-               (format-error control-string index
-                 (TEXT "The ~~; format directive is not allowed at this point.")))
-             (setf (csd-clause-chain last-separator-csd) csdl)
-             (setq last-separator-csd newcsd))
-            (#\Newline
-             (setf (csd-type newcsd) 0)
-             (if (csd-colon-p newcsd)
-               (if (csd-atsign-p newcsd)
-                 (format-error control-string index
-                   (TEXT "The ~~newline format directive cannot take both modifiers."))
-                 nil) ; ~:<newline> -> ignore Newline, retain Whitespace
-               (progn
-                 (when (csd-atsign-p newcsd)
-                   ;; ~@<newline> -> part of String with Newline for output
-                   (setf (csd-type newcsd) 1)
-                   (setf (csd-cs-index newcsd) (1- index))
-                   (setf (csd-data newcsd) index))
-                 (setq index
-                   (or (position-if-not #'whitespacep control-string :start index)
-                       (length control-string)))))))
-        ) ; tagbody finished
-      )   ; loop finished
-      string-ended
-      (when stop-at
-        (format-error control-string index
-          (TEXT "An opening format directive is never closed; expecting '~A'.")
-          stop-at))
-      end
-      (return (values index csdl)))))
-#.(setf (ext:package-lock :system) t)
-(in-package :swank-backend)
 ;;; Inspecting

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