[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp slime/ChangeLog

Alan Ruttenberg aruttenberg at common-lisp.net
Thu May 13 04:47:51 UTC 2004

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20267/slime

Modified Files:
	swank-openmcl.lisp ChangeLog 
Log Message:
2004-05-12  Alan Ruttenberg  <alanr-l at mumble.net>
	* swank-openmcl.lisp: Fixes to support openmcl 0.14.2 changes in
	backtrace protocol, from Gary Byers.
	- Replace string "tcr" to "context".
	- Change the call to %current-tcr in map-backtrace to get-backtrace-context, 
	defined so as to be back compatible with 0.14.1.
	- Change the call to %catch-top to explicitly use %current-tcr
	instead of the passed in tcr-which-is-now-called-context.

	Users of map-backtrace (outside of slime code) note: The tcr position in the
	function call is now occupied by the backtrace "context" which is always nil.
	If you really need the tcr then you need to call %current-tcr yourself now.
	Gary comments: The part that's a little hard to document about
	the new "context" stuff - used to walk the stacks of thread A from
	thread B - is that thread B has to be aware of when a context
	becomes invalid (a context describing part of thread A's stack is
	valid while thread A's sitting in a break loop and becomes invalid
	as soon as it exits that break loop.)  A thread sort of announces
	when a context becomes valid and when it becomes invalid; whether
	and how SWANK could hook into that isn't yet clear.

	* swank-openmcl.lisp: Minor changes to backtrace display: Anonymous 
	functions names in function position surrounded by #<>. Use prin1 instead of 
	princ to print function arguments (so strings have "s around them). 
	prefix symbol and list arguments by "'" to make them more look like a 
	valid function call. Let me know if you don't like this...

Date: Thu May 13 00:47:51 2004
Author: aruttenberg

Index: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.74 slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.75
--- slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.74	Thu May  6 03:38:41 2004
+++ slime/swank-openmcl.lisp	Thu May 13 00:47:51 2004
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
                 (previous-f nil))
             (block find-frame
-               #'(lambda(frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
-                   (declare (ignore frame-number tcr pc))
+               #'(lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
+                   (declare (ignore frame-number context pc))
                    (when (eq  previous-f 'ccl::%pascal-functions%) 
                      (setq *swank-debugger-stack-frame* p)
                      (return-from find-frame))
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
           (previous-f2 nil))
       (block find-frame
-         #'(lambda(frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
-             (declare (ignore frame-number tcr pc))
+         #'(lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
+             (declare (ignore frame-number context pc))
              (when (eq  previous-f2 'break-in-sldb) 
                (setq *swank-debugger-stack-frame* p)
                (return-from find-frame))
@@ -224,54 +224,72 @@
          (ccl::*signal-printing-errors* nil)) ; don't let error while printing error take us down
     (funcall debugger-loop-fn)))
+(defun backtrace-context ()
+  (if (and (= ccl::*openmcl-major-version* 0)
+           (<= ccl::*openmcl-minor-version* 14)
+           (< ccl::*openmcl-revision* 2))
+      (ccl::%current-tcr)
+      nil))
 (defun map-backtrace (function &optional
                       (start-frame-number 0)
                       (end-frame-number most-positive-fixnum))
   "Call FUNCTION passing information about each stack frame
-  (let ((tcr (ccl::%current-tcr))
+  (let ((context (backtrace-context))
         (frame-number 0)
         (top-stack-frame (or *swank-debugger-stack-frame* 
-    (do* ((p top-stack-frame (ccl::parent-frame p tcr))
-          (q (ccl::last-frame-ptr tcr)))
-         ((or (null p) (eq p q) (ccl::%stack< q p tcr))
+    (do* ((p top-stack-frame (ccl::parent-frame p context))
+          (q (ccl::last-frame-ptr context)))
+         ((or (null p) (eq p q) (ccl::%stack< q p context))
       (multiple-value-bind (lfun pc) (ccl::cfp-lfun p)
         (when lfun
           (if (and (>= frame-number start-frame-number)
                    (< frame-number end-frame-number))
-              (funcall function frame-number p tcr lfun pc))
+              (funcall function frame-number p context lfun pc))
           (incf frame-number))))))
-(defun frame-arguments (p tcr lfun pc)
+;; May 13, 2004 alanr: use prin1 instead of princ so I see " around strings. Write ' in front of symbol names and lists.
+(defun frame-arguments (p context lfun pc)
   "Returns a string representing the arguments of a frame."
   (multiple-value-bind (count vsp parent-vsp)
-      (ccl::count-values-in-frame p tcr)
+      (ccl::count-values-in-frame p nil)
     (let (result)
         (dotimes (i count)
           (multiple-value-bind (var type name)
-              (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i tcr lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
+              (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i context lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
             (when name
+	      (when (or (symbolp var) (listp var)) (setq var (list 'quote var)))
               (cond ((equal type "required")
-                     (push (princ-to-string var) result))
+                     (push (prin1-to-string var) result))
                     ((equal type "optional")
-                     (push (princ-to-string var) result))
+                     (push (prin1-to-string var) result))
                     ((equal type "keyword")
                      (push (format nil "~S ~A" 
                                    (intern (symbol-name name) "KEYWORD")
-                                   (princ-to-string var))
+                                   (prin1-to-string var))
         (format nil "~{ ~A~}" (nreverse result)))))
 ;; XXX should return something less stringy
+;; alanr May 13, 2004: put #<> around anonymous functions in the backtrace.
 (defimplementation compute-backtrace (start-frame-number end-frame-number)
   (let (result)
-    (map-backtrace (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
+    (map-backtrace (lambda (frame-number p  context lfun pc)
+		     (declare (ignore  frame-number))
                      (push (with-output-to-string (s)
                              (format s "(~A~A)"
-                                     (ccl::%lfun-name-string lfun)
-                                     (frame-arguments p tcr lfun pc)))
+                                     (if (ccl::function-name lfun)
+					 (ccl::%lfun-name-string lfun)
+					 lfun)
+                                     (frame-arguments p context lfun pc)))
                    start-frame-number end-frame-number)
     (nreverse result)))
@@ -281,14 +299,14 @@
 (defimplementation frame-locals (index)
-   (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
+   (lambda (frame-number p context lfun pc)
      (when (= frame-number index)
        (multiple-value-bind (count vsp parent-vsp)
-           (ccl::count-values-in-frame p tcr)
+           (ccl::count-values-in-frame p context)
          (let (result)
            (dotimes (i count)
              (multiple-value-bind (var type name)
-                 (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i tcr lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
+                 (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i context lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
                (declare (ignore type))
                (when name
                  (push (list 
@@ -300,19 +318,19 @@
 (defimplementation frame-catch-tags (index &aux my-frame)
-   (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
+   (lambda (frame-number p context lfun pc)
       (declare (ignore pc lfun))
       (if (= frame-number index) 
           (setq my-frame p)
           (when my-frame
             (return-from frame-catch-tags
-              (loop for catch = (ccl::%catch-top tcr) then (ccl::next-catch catch)
+              (loop for catch = (ccl::%catch-top (ccl::%current-tcr)) then (ccl::next-catch catch)
                     while catch
                     for csp = (ccl::uvref catch 3) ; ppc32::catch-frame.csp-cell) defined in arch.lisp
                     for tag = (ccl::uvref catch 0) ; ppc32::catch-frame.catch-tag-cell)
-                    until (ccl::%stack< p csp tcr)
+                    until (ccl::%stack< p csp context)
                     do (print "-") (print catch) (terpri) (describe tag)
-                    when (ccl::%stack< my-frame csp tcr)
+                    when (ccl::%stack< my-frame csp context)
                     collect (cond 
                               ((symbolp tag)
@@ -324,8 +342,8 @@
   (let ((function-to-disassemble nil))
     (block find-frame
-       (lambda(frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
-         (declare (ignore p tcr pc))
+       (lambda(frame-number p context lfun pc)
+         (declare (ignore p context pc))
          (when (= frame-number the-frame-number)
            (setq function-to-disassemble lfun)
            (return-from find-frame)))))
@@ -360,47 +378,46 @@
 find the precise position of the frame, but we do attempt to give
 at least the filename containing it."
-   (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
-     (declare (ignore p tcr pc))
+   (lambda (frame-number p context lfun pc)
+     (declare (ignore p context pc))
      (when (and (= frame-number index) lfun)
        (return-from frame-source-location-for-emacs
          (function-source-location lfun))))))
 (defimplementation eval-in-frame (form index)
-   (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
+   (lambda (frame-number p context lfun pc)
      (when (= frame-number index)
        (multiple-value-bind (count vsp parent-vsp)
-           (ccl::count-values-in-frame p tcr)
+           (ccl::count-values-in-frame p context)
          (let ((bindings nil))
            (dotimes (i count)
              (multiple-value-bind (var type name)
-                 (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i tcr lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
+                 (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i context lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
                (declare (ignore type))
                (when name
                  (push (list name `',var) bindings))
            (return-from eval-in-frame
              (eval `(let ,bindings
-                     (Declare (ccl::ignore-if-unused 
-                               ,@(mapcar 'car bindings)))
+                     (declare (ignorable ,@(mapcar 'car bindings)))
 (defimplementation return-from-frame (index form)
   (let ((values (multiple-value-list (eval-in-frame form index))))
-     (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
-       (declare (ignore tcr lfun pc))
+     (lambda (frame-number p context lfun pc)
+       (declare (ignore context lfun pc))
        (when (= frame-number index)
          (ccl::apply-in-frame p #'values values))))))
 (defimplementation restart-frame (index)
-   (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
+   (lambda (frame-number p context lfun pc)
      (when (= frame-number index)
        (ccl::apply-in-frame p lfun 
-                            (ccl::frame-supplied-args p lfun pc nil tcr))))))
+                            (ccl::frame-supplied-args p lfun pc nil context))))))
 ;;; Utilities
@@ -441,7 +458,7 @@
   (loop for caller in (ccl::callers symbol)
         append (multiple-value-bind (info name type specializers modifiers)
                    (ccl::edit-definition-p caller)
-                 (loop for (dspec . file) in info
+                 (loop for (nil . file) in info
                        collect (list (if (eq t type)
                                          `(,type ,name ,specializers

Index: slime/ChangeLog
diff -u slime/ChangeLog:1.374 slime/ChangeLog:1.375
--- slime/ChangeLog:1.374	Wed May 12 12:23:31 2004
+++ slime/ChangeLog	Thu May 13 00:47:51 2004
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+2004-05-12  Alan Ruttenberg  <alanr-l at mumble.net>
+	* swank-openmcl.lisp: Fixes to support openmcl 0.14.2 changes in
+	backtrace protocol, from Gary Byers.
+	- Replace string "tcr" to "context".
+	- Change the call to %current-tcr in map-backtrace to get-backtrace-context, 
+	defined so as to be back compatible with 0.14.1.
+	- Change the call to %catch-top to explicitly use %current-tcr
+	instead of the passed in tcr-which-is-now-called-context.
+	Users of map-backtrace (outside of slime code) note: The tcr position in the
+	function call is now occupied by the backtrace "context" which is always nil.
+	If you really need the tcr then you need to call %current-tcr yourself now.
+	Gary comments: The part that's a little hard to document about
+	the new "context" stuff - used to walk the stacks of thread A from
+	thread B - is that thread B has to be aware of when a context
+	becomes invalid (a context describing part of thread A's stack is
+	valid while thread A's sitting in a break loop and becomes invalid
+	as soon as it exits that break loop.)  A thread sort of announces
+	when a context becomes valid and when it becomes invalid; whether
+	and how SWANK could hook into that isn't yet clear.
+	* swank-openmcl.lisp: Minor changes to backtrace display: Anonymous 
+	functions names in function position surrounded by #<>. Use prin1 instead of 
+	princ to print function arguments (so strings have "s around them). 
+	prefix symbol and list arguments by "'" to make them more look like a 
+	valid function call. Let me know if you don't like this...
 2004-05-12  Luke Gorrie  <luke at bluetail.com>
 	* slime.el: Fixes for outline-mode in *slime-events* from Edi
@@ -1670,7 +1698,7 @@
 	* slime.el, swank-backend.lisp, swank-cmucl.lisp, swank-sbcl.lisp,
 	swank.lisp: Profiler support.
-2004-01-23  Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2004-01-23  Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* swank-openmcl.lisp: Bind ccl::*signal-printing-errors* to nil
 	inside debugger so that error while printing error take us down.
@@ -1789,7 +1817,7 @@
 	"Eval Region", "Scratch Buffer", "Apropos Package..."
 	Added some bold to default SLDB faces.
-2004-01-19  Alan Ruttenberg  <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2004-01-19  Alan Ruttenberg  <alanr-l at mumble.net>
         *swank-openmcl.lisp in frame-catch-tags, ppc32::catch-frame.catch-tag-cell -> 0,
 	ppc32::catch-frame.csp-cell -> 3. FIXME when this code is more stable in openMCL.
@@ -1859,7 +1887,7 @@
 	a buffer local variable.  Reported by Janis Dzerins.
 	(slime-batch-test): Wait until the connection is ready.
-2004-01-18 Alan Ruttenberg  <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2004-01-18 Alan Ruttenberg  <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* swank-openmcl: Implement frame-catch-tags. Added debugger functions 
 	sldb-restart-frame, sldb-return-from-frame. Should probably be added to backend.lisp
@@ -2395,11 +2423,11 @@
 	(slime-open-inspector): Minor indentation fixes.
 	(slime-net-output-funcall): Removed.  Was unused.
-2003-12-19 Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-19 Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* slime.el 1.157
 	fix bug in sldb-princ-locals I introduced when adding fonts to sldb
-2003-12-19 Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-19 Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* swank-openmcl.lisp 1.42
 	in request-loop register output stream to be periodically slushed per Gary Byer's email.
 	* slime.el 1.156
@@ -2411,12 +2439,12 @@
 	* null-swank-impl.lisp: Deleted this old file. See
 	swank-backend.lisp instead.
-2003-12-18 Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-18 Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* swank-openmcl.lisp 1.41
 	in openmcl (break) now goes into slime debugger. 
 	(setq swank:*break-in-sldb* nil) to disable that.
-2003-12-17 Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-17 Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
         * slime.el 1.155
         Allow font choices for backtrack. Add group for customizing them: sldb.
 	Whole thing is enabled with sldb-enable-styled-backtrace which is off by default, for now.
@@ -2431,7 +2459,7 @@
 	 '(sldb-selected-frame-line-face ((t (:foreground "brown" :weight bold :height 1.2))))
 	 '(sldb-topline-face ((t (:foreground "brown" :weight bold :height 1.2))))
-2003-12-17 Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-17 Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
         * slime.el 1.154
 	Allow some face choices in the inspector. Try
 	 '(slime-inspector-label-face ((t (:weight bold))))
@@ -2439,7 +2467,7 @@
 	 '(slime-inspector-type-face ((t (:foreground "DarkRed" :weight bold))))
 	You can also set slime-inspector-value-face
-2003-12-17 Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-17 Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* swank-openmcl.lisp 1.40
 	Fix an error with frame-source-location-for-emacs when the
@@ -2555,7 +2583,7 @@
 	(slime-popup-thread-control-panel): When true, automatically
 	popup the thread-control buffer when a new thread suspends.
-2003-12-14  Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr at comcast.net>
+2003-12-14  Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l at mumble.net>
 	* swank-openmcl.lisp (eval-in-frame, inspect-object and friends):
 	Most of this is copied from swank-cmucl. The parts between &&&&&

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