[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/swank.lisp

Luke Gorrie lgorrie at common-lisp.net
Mon Jun 21 06:12:04 UTC 2004

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv8992

Modified Files:
Log Message:
(add-hook, run-hook): Moved the hook mechanism and all hooks here
(from swank-backend.lisp). There is no compelling use for backends
yet, I want to pass swank.lisp-internal data structures in the
existing hooks.

(notify-backend-of-connection): Call `emacs-connected' with the
socket-io stream for its argument. Should fix previous breakage where
the connection structure was passed instead.

(*globally-redirect-io*): New configurable: when true the standard
streams are globally redirected to Emacs. That way even
e.g. SERVE-EVENT handlers will print to Emacs. Currently does not
handle standard input -- that is trickier since the Lisp's native REPL
can be trying to read from that.

Date: Sun Jun 20 23:12:04 2004
Author: lgorrie

Index: slime/swank.lisp
diff -u slime/swank.lisp:1.196 slime/swank.lisp:1.197
--- slime/swank.lisp:1.196	Sun Jun 20 14:33:05 2004
+++ slime/swank.lisp	Sun Jun 20 23:12:04 2004
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+           #:*globally-redirect-io*
            ;; These are re-exported directly from the backend:
@@ -85,7 +86,34 @@
 include some arbitrary initial value like NIL."
   (error "A required &KEY or &OPTIONAL argument was not supplied."))
+;;;; Hooks
+;;; We use Emacs-like `add-hook' and `run-hook' utilities to support
+;;; simple indirection. The interface is more CLish than the Emacs
+;;; Lisp one.
+(defmacro add-hook (place function)
+  "Add FUNCTION to the list of values on HOOK-VARIABLE."
+  `(pushnew ,function ,place))
+(defun run-hook (functions &rest arguments)
+  "Call each of FUNCTIONS with ARGUMENTS."
+  (dolist (function functions)
+    (apply function arguments)))
+(defvar *new-connection-hook* '()
+  "This hook is run each time a connection is established.
+The connection structure is given as the argument.
+Backend code should treat the connection structure as opaque.")
+(defvar *connection-closed-hook* '()
+  "This hook is run when a connection is closed.
+The connection as passed as an argument.
+Backend code should treat the connection structure as opaque.")
+(defvar *pre-reply-hook* '()
+  "Hook run (without arguments) immediately before replying to an RPC.")
 ;;;; Connections
 ;;; Connection structures represent the network connections between
@@ -164,6 +192,10 @@
   (:report (lambda (condition stream)
              (format stream "~A" (slime-read-error.condition condition)))))
+(add-hook *new-connection-hook* 'notify-backend-of-connection)
+(defun notify-backend-of-connection (connection)
+  (emacs-connected (connection.socket-io connection)))
 ;;;; Helper macros
 (defmacro with-io-redirection ((connection) &body body)
@@ -359,7 +391,8 @@
   (close (connection.socket-io c))
   (when (connection.dedicated-output c)
     (close (connection.dedicated-output c)))
-  (setf *connections* (remove c *connections*)))
+  (setf *connections* (remove c *connections*))
+  (run-hook *connection-closed-hook* c))
 (defmacro with-reader-error-handler ((connection) &body body)
   `(handler-case (progn , at body)
@@ -615,10 +648,148 @@
 ;;;; IO to Emacs
-;;; The lower layer is a socket connection. Emacs sends us forms to
-;;; evaluate, and we accept these by calling READ-FROM-EMACS. These
-;;; evaluations can send messages back to Emacs as a side-effect by
-;;; calling SEND-TO-EMACS.
+;;; This code handles redirection of the standard I/O streams
+;;; (`*standard-output*', etc) into Emacs. The `connection' structure
+;;; contains the appropriate streams, so all we have to do is make the
+;;; right bindings.
+;;;;; Global I/O redirection framework
+;;; Optionally, the top-level global bindings of the standard streams
+;;; can be assigned to be redirected to Emacs. When Emacs connects we
+;;; redirect the streams into the connection, and they keep going into
+;;; that connection even if more are established. If the connection
+;;; handling the streams closes then another is chosen, or if there
+;;; are no connections then we revert to the original (real) streams.
+;;; It is slightly tricky to assign the global values of standard
+;;; streams because they are often shadowed by dynamic bindings. We
+;;; solve this problem by introducing an extra indirection via synonym
+;;; streams, so that *STANDARD-INPUT* is a synonym stream to
+;;; *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT*, etc. We never shadow the "current"
+;;; variables, so they can always be assigned to affect a global
+;;; change.
+(defvar *globally-redirect-io* nil
+  "When non-nil globally redirect all standard streams to Emacs.")
+(defmacro setup-stream-indirection (stream-var)
+  "Setup redirection scaffolding for a global stream variable.
+Supposing (for example) STREAM-VAR is *STANDARD-INPUT*, this macro:
+1. Saves the value of *STANDARD-INPUT* in a variable called
+2. Creates *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT*, initially with the same value as
+3. Assigns *STANDARD-INPUT* to a synonym stream pointing to
+This has the effect of making *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT* contain the
+effective global value for *STANDARD-INPUT*. Thus input can be
+redirected via that variable, even if *STANDARD-INPUT* itself is
+shadowed by a dynamic binding."
+  (let ((real-stream-var (prefixed-var "REAL" stream-var))
+        (current-stream-var (prefixed-var "CURRENT" stream-var)))
+    `(progn
+      ;; Save the real stream value for the future.
+      (defvar ,real-stream-var ,stream-var)
+      ;; Define a new variable for the effective stream.
+      ;; This can be reassigned.
+      (defvar ,current-stream-var ,stream-var)
+      ;; Assign the real binding as a synonym for the current one.
+      (setq ,stream-var (make-synonym-stream ',current-stream-var)))))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defun prefixed-var (prefix variable-symbol)
+    "(PREFIXED-VAR '*FOO* \"BAR\") => *FOO-BAR*"
+    (let ((basename (subseq (symbol-name variable-symbol) 1)))
+      (intern (format nil "*~A-~A" prefix basename)
+              (symbol-package variable-symbol)))))
+;;;;; Global redirection setup
+(setup-stream-indirection *standard-output*)
+(setup-stream-indirection *error-output*)
+(setup-stream-indirection *trace-output*)
+(setup-stream-indirection *standard-input*)
+(setup-stream-indirection *debug-io*)
+(setup-stream-indirection *query-io*)
+(setup-stream-indirection *terminal-io*)
+(defparameter *standard-output-streams*
+  '(*standard-output* *error-output* *trace-output*)
+  "The symbols naming standard output streams.")
+(defparameter *standard-input-streams*
+  '(*standard-input*)
+  "The symbols naming standard input streams.")
+(defparameter *standard-io-streams*
+  '(*debug-io* *query-io* *terminal-io*)
+  "The symbols naming standard io streams.")
+(defun globally-redirect-io-to-connection (connection)
+  "Set the standard I/O streams to redirect to CONNECTION.
+Assigns *CURRENT-<STREAM>* for all standard streams."
+  (dolist (o *standard-output-streams*)
+    (set (prefixed-var "CURRENT" o)
+         (connection.user-output connection)))
+  ;; FIXME: If we redirect standard input to Emacs then we get the
+  ;; regular Lisp top-level trying to read from our REPL.
+  ;;
+  ;; Perhaps the ideal would be for the real top-level to run in a
+  ;; thread with local bindings for all the standard streams. Failing
+  ;; that we probably would like to inhibit it from reading while
+  ;; Emacs is connected.
+  ;;
+  ;; Meanwhile we just leave *standard-input* alone.
+  #+NIL
+  (dolist (i *standard-input-streams*)
+    (set (prefixed-var "CURRENT" i)
+         (connection.user-input connection)))
+  (dolist (io *standard-io-streams*)
+    (set (prefixed-var "CURRENT" io)
+         (connection.user-io connection))))
+(defun revert-global-io-redirection ()
+  "Set *CURRENT-<STREAM>* to *REAL-<STREAM>* for all standard streams."
+  (dolist (stream-var (append *standard-output-streams*
+                              *standard-input-streams*
+                              *standard-io-streams*))
+    (set (prefixed-var "CURRENT" stream-var)
+         (symbol-value (prefixed-var "REAL" stream-var)))))
+;;;;; Global redirection hooks
+(defvar *global-stdio-connection* nil
+  "The connection to which standard I/O streams are globally redirected.
+NIL if streams are not globally redirected.")
+(defun maybe-redirect-global-io (connection)
+  "Consider globally redirecting to a newly-established CONNECTION."
+  (when (and *globally-redirect-io* (null *global-stdio-connection*))
+    (setq *global-stdio-connection* connection)
+    (globally-redirect-io-to-connection connection)))
+(defun update-redirection-after-close (closed-connection)
+  "Update redirection after a connection closes."
+  (when (eq *global-stdio-connection* closed-connection)
+    (if (and (default-connection) *globally-redirect-io*)
+        ;; Redirect to another connection.
+        (globally-redirect-io-to-connection (default-connection))
+        ;; No more connections, revert to the real streams.
+        (progn (revert-global-io-redirection)
+               (setq *global-stdio-connection* nil)))))
+(add-hook *new-connection-hook*    'maybe-redirect-global-io)
+(add-hook *connection-closed-hook* 'update-redirection-after-close)
+;;;;; Redirection during requests
+;;; We always redirect the standard streams to Emacs while evaluating
+;;; an RPC. This is done with simple dynamic bindings.
 (defun call-with-redirected-io (connection function)
   "Call FUNCTION with I/O streams redirected via CONNECTION."

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