[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/slime.el slime/swank.lisp slime/swank-backend.lisp slime/swank-sbcl.lisp slime/swank-cmucl.lisp

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 29 08:37:57 UTC 2004

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16297

Modified Files:
	slime.el swank.lisp swank-backend.lisp swank-sbcl.lisp 
Log Message:
Profiler support.  Patch by Michael Weber.

Date: Thu Jan 29 03:37:57 2004
Author: heller

Index: slime/slime.el
diff -u slime/slime.el:1.197 slime/slime.el:1.198
--- slime/slime.el:1.197	Fri Jan 23 09:17:57 2004
+++ slime/slime.el	Thu Jan 29 03:37:57 2004
@@ -526,6 +526,14 @@
        [ "List Callers..."         slime-list-callers ,C ]
        [ "List Callees..."         slime-list-callees ,C ]
        [ "Next Location"           slime-next-location t ])
+      ("Profiling"
+       [ "Toggle Profiling..."     slime-toggle-profile-fdefinition ,C ]
+       [ "Profile Package"         slime-profile-package ,C]
+       [ "Unprofile All"           slime-unprofile-all ,C ]
+       [ "Show Profiled"           slime-profiled-functions ,C ]
+       "--"
+       [ "Report"                  slime-profile-report ,C ]
+       [ "Reset Counters"          slime-profile-reset ,C ])
        [ "Describe Symbol..."      slime-describe-symbol ,C ]
        [ "Apropos..."              slime-apropos ,C ]
@@ -572,14 +580,6 @@
 (add-hook 'slime-mode-hook 'slime-setup-command-hooks)
 (add-hook 'slime-mode-hook 'slime-buffer-package)
-(add-hook 'inferior-lisp-mode-hook 
-          (lambda ()
-            (add-to-list
-             (make-local-variable 'comint-output-filter-functions)
-             (lambda (string)
-               (unless (get-buffer-window (current-buffer) t)
-                 (display-buffer (current-buffer) t))
-               (comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom string)))))
 ;;; Common utility functions and macros
@@ -3173,7 +3173,7 @@
 (defvar slime-complete-saved-window-configuration nil
   "Window configuration before we show the *Completions* buffer.\n\
 This is buffer local in the buffer where the complition is
 (defun slime-complete-maybe-save-window-configuration ()
   (make-local-variable 'slime-complete-saved-window-configuration)
@@ -3615,6 +3615,53 @@
     (slime-eval-with-transcript `(swank:load-file ,lisp-filename) nil)))
+;;;; Profiling
+(defun slime-toggle-profile-fdefinition (fname-string)
+  "Toggle profiling for FNAME-STRING."
+  (interactive (list (slime-read-from-minibuffer
+		      "(Un)Profile: " (slime-symbol-name-at-point))))
+  (slime-eval-async `(swank:toggle-profile-fdefinition ,fname-string)
+                    (slime-buffer-package t)
+                    (lambda (r) (message "%s" r))))
+(defun slime-unprofile-all ()
+  "Unprofile all functions."
+  (interactive)
+  (slime-eval-async '(swank:unprofile-all) (slime-buffer-package t)
+                    (lambda (r) (message "%s" r))))
+(defun slime-profile-report ()
+  "Print profile report."
+  (interactive)
+  (slime-eval-with-transcript '(swank:profile-report) nil))
+(defun slime-profile-reset ()
+  "Reset profile counters."
+  (interactive)
+  (slime-eval-async (slime-eval `(swank:profile-reset)) nil 
+                    (lambda (r) (message "%s" r))))
+(defun slime-profiled-functions ()
+  "Return list of names of currently profiled functions."
+  (interactive)
+  (slime-eval-async `(swank:profiled-functions) nil
+                    (lambda (r) (message "%s" r))))
+(defun slime-profile-package (package callers methods)
+  "Profile all functions in PACKAGE.  
+If CALLER is non-nil names have counts of the most common calling
+functions recorded. 
+If METHODS is non-nil, profile all methods of all generic function
+having names in the given package."
+  (interactive (list (slime-read-package-name "Package: ")
+                     (y-or-n-p "Record the most common callers? ")
+                     (y-or-n-p "Profile methods? ")))
+  (slime-eval-async `(swank:profile-package ,package ,callers ,methods) nil
+                    (lambda (r) (message "%s" r))))
 ;;; Documentation
 (defun slime-hyperspec-lookup (symbol-name)
@@ -4133,6 +4180,8 @@
   ("\M-p" 'sldb-details-up)
   ("l"    'sldb-list-locals)
   ("t"    'sldb-toggle-details)
+  ("r"    'sldb-restart-frame)
+  ("R"    'sldb-return-from-frame)
   ("c"    'sldb-continue)
   ("s"    'sldb-step)
   ("a"    'sldb-abort)

Index: slime/swank.lisp
diff -u slime/swank.lisp:1.109 slime/swank.lisp:1.110
--- slime/swank.lisp:1.109	Thu Jan 22 19:20:39 2004
+++ slime/swank.lisp	Thu Jan 29 03:37:57 2004
@@ -1136,6 +1136,21 @@
   (throw 'slime-toplevel nil))
+;;;; Profiling
+(defun profiledp (fspec)
+  (member fspec (profiled-functions)))
+(defslimefun toggle-profile-fdefinition (fname-string)
+  (let ((fname (from-string fname-string)))
+    (cond ((profiledp fname)
+	   (unprofile fname)
+	   (format nil "~S is now unprofiled." fname))
+	  (t
+           (profile fname)
+	   (format nil "~S is now profiled." fname)))))  
 ;;;; Source Locations
 (defstruct (:location (:type list) :named

Index: slime/swank-backend.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-backend.lisp:1.22 slime/swank-backend.lisp:1.23
--- slime/swank-backend.lisp:1.22	Wed Jan 21 19:35:17 2004
+++ slime/swank-backend.lisp	Thu Jan 29 03:37:57 2004
@@ -77,6 +77,13 @@
+           #:profile
+           #:unprofile
+           #:unprofile-all
+           #:profiled-functions
+           #:profile-report
+           #:profile-reset
+           #:profile-package
@@ -392,6 +399,43 @@
 as it was called originally.")
+;;;; Profiling
+;;; The following functions define a minimal profiling interface.
+(definterface profile (fname)
+  "Marks symbol FNAME for profiling.")
+(definterface profiled-functions ()
+  "Returns a list of profiled functions.")
+(definterface unprofile (fname)
+  "Marks symbol FNAME as not profiled.")
+(definterface unprofile-all ()
+  "Marks all currently profiled functions as not profiled."
+  (dolist (f (profiled-functions))
+    (unprofile f)))
+(definterface profile-report ()
+  "Prints profile report.")
+(definterface profile-reset ()
+  "Resets profile counters.")
+(definterface profile-package (package callers-p methods)
+  "Wrap profiling code around all functions in PACKAGE.  If a function
+is already profiled, then unprofile and reprofile (useful to notice
+function redefinition.)
+If CALLERS-P is T names have counts of the most common calling
+functions recorded.
+When called with arguments :METHODS T, profile all methods of all
+generic functions having names in the given package.  Generic functions
+themselves, that is, their dispatch functions, are left alone.")
 ;;;; Queries
@@ -489,6 +533,7 @@
 (definterface make-lock (&key name)
    "Make a lock for thread synchronization.
 Only one thread may hold the lock (via CALL-WITH-LOCK-HELD) at a time."
+   (declare (ignore name))
 (definterface call-with-lock-held (lock function)

Index: slime/swank-sbcl.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-sbcl.lisp:1.56 slime/swank-sbcl.lisp:1.57
--- slime/swank-sbcl.lisp:1.56	Fri Jan 23 16:03:11 2004
+++ slime/swank-sbcl.lisp	Thu Jan 29 03:37:57 2004
@@ -536,6 +536,30 @@
     (cond (probe (throw (car probe) (eval-in-frame form index)))
           (t (format nil "Cannot return from frame: ~S" frame)))))
+;;;; Profiling
+(defimplementation profile (fname)
+  (when fname (eval `(sb-profile:profile ,fname))))
+(defimplementation unprofile (fname)
+  (when fname (eval `(sb-profile:unprofile ,fname))))
+(defimplementation unprofile-all ()
+  (sb-profile:unprofile)
+  "All functions unprofiled.")
+(defimplementation profile-report ()
+  (sb-profile:report))
+(defimplementation profile-reset ()
+  (sb-profile:reset)
+  "Reset profiling counters.")
+(defimplementation profiled-functions ()
+  (sb-profile:profile))
 ;;;; Multiprocessing

Index: slime/swank-cmucl.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-cmucl.lisp:1.57 slime/swank-cmucl.lisp:1.58
--- slime/swank-cmucl.lisp:1.57	Wed Jan 21 19:38:48 2004
+++ slime/swank-cmucl.lisp	Thu Jan 29 03:37:57 2004
@@ -819,6 +819,15 @@
   (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
     (c::print-all-blocks (expand-ir1-top-level (from-string form)))))
+(defslimefun print-compilation-trace (form)
+  (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+    (with-input-from-string (s form)
+      (let ((*package* *buffer-package*))
+        (ext:compile-from-stream s 
+                                 :verbose t
+                                 :progress t
+                                 :trace-stream *standard-output*)))))
 (defslimefun set-default-directory (directory)
   (setf (ext:default-directory) (namestring directory))
   ;; Setting *default-pathname-defaults* to an absolute directory
@@ -1036,34 +1045,116 @@
          (error "Cannot continue in from condition: ~A" 
+(defun frame-cfp (frame)
+  "Return the Control-Stack-Frame-Pointer for FRAME."
+  (etypecase frame
+    (di::compiled-frame (di::frame-pointer frame))
+    ((or di::interpreted-frame null) -1)))
+(defun frame-ip (frame)
+  "Return the (absolute) instruction pointer and the relative pc of FRAME."
+  (if (not frame)
+      -1
+      (let ((debug-fun (di::frame-debug-function frame)))
+        (etypecase debug-fun
+          (di::compiled-debug-function 
+           (let* ((code-loc (di:frame-code-location frame))
+                  (component (di::compiled-debug-function-component debug-fun))
+                  (pc (di::compiled-code-location-pc code-loc))
+                  (ip (sys:without-gcing
+                       (sys:sap-int
+                        (sys:sap+ (kernel:code-instructions component) pc)))))
+             (values ip pc)))
+          ((or di::bogus-debug-function di::interpreted-debug-function)
+           -1)))))
+(defun frame-registers (frame)
+  "Return the lisp registers CSP, CFP, IP, OCFP, LRA for FRAME-NUMBER."
+  (let* ((cfp (frame-cfp frame))
+         (csp (frame-cfp (di::frame-up frame)))
+         (ip (frame-ip frame))
+         (ocfp (frame-cfp (di::frame-down frame)))
+         (lra (frame-ip (di::frame-down frame))))
+    (values csp cfp ip ocfp lra)))
+(defun print-frame-registers (frame-number)
+  (let ((frame (di::frame-real-frame (nth-frame frame-number))))
+    (flet ((fixnum (p) (etypecase p
+                         (integer p)
+                         (sys:system-area-pointer (sys:sap-int p)))))
+      (apply #'format t "~
+CSP  =  ~X
+CFP  =  ~X
+IP   =  ~X
+OCFP =  ~X
+LRA  =  ~X~%" (mapcar #'fixnum 
+                      (multiple-value-list (frame-registers frame)))))))
 (defslimefun sldb-disassemble (frame-number)
   "Return a string with the disassembly of frames code."
-  ;; this could need some refactoring.
-  (let* ((frame (nth-frame frame-number))
-         (real-frame (di::frame-real-frame frame))
-         (frame-pointer (di::frame-pointer real-frame))
-         (debug-fun (di:frame-debug-function real-frame)))
     (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-      (format t "Frame: ~S~%~:[Real Frame: ~S~%~;~]Frame Pointer: ~S~%"
-              frame (eq frame real-frame) real-frame frame-pointer)
-      (etypecase debug-fun
-        (di::compiled-debug-function
-         (let* ((code-loc (di:frame-code-location frame))
-                (component (di::compiled-debug-function-component debug-fun))
-                (pc (di::compiled-code-location-pc code-loc))
-                (ip (sys:sap-int
-                     (sys:sap+ (kernel:code-instructions component) pc)))
-                (kind (if (di:code-location-unknown-p code-loc)
-                          :unkown
-                          (di:code-location-kind code-loc)))
-                (fun (di:debug-function-function debug-fun)))
-           (format t "Instruction pointer: #x~X [pc: ~S kind: ~S]~%~%~%" 
-                   ip pc kind)
-           (if fun
-               (disassemble fun)
-               (disassem:disassemble-code-component component))))
-        (di::bogus-debug-function
-         (format t "~%[Disassembling bogus frames not implemented]"))))))
+      (print-frame-registers frame-number)
+      (terpri)
+      (let* ((frame (di::frame-real-frame (nth-frame frame-number)))
+             (debug-fun (di::frame-debug-function frame)))
+        (etypecase debug-fun
+          (di::compiled-debug-function
+           (let* ((component (di::compiled-debug-function-component debug-fun))
+                  (fun (di:debug-function-function debug-fun)))
+             (if fun
+                 (disassemble fun)
+                 (disassem:disassemble-code-component component))))
+          (di::bogus-debug-function
+           (format t "~%[Disassembling bogus frames not implemented]"))))))
+(defun print-binding-stack ()
+  (do ((bsp (kernel:binding-stack-pointer-sap)
+            (sys:sap+ bsp (- (* vm:binding-size vm:word-bytes))))
+       (start (sys:int-sap (lisp::binding-stack-start))))
+      ((sys:sap<= bsp start))
+    (format t "~X:  ~S = ~S~%" 
+            (sys:sap-int bsp)
+            (kernel:make-lisp-obj 
+             (sys:sap-ref-32 bsp (* vm:binding-symbol-slot vm:word-bytes)))
+            (kernel:make-lisp-obj
+             (sys:sap-ref-32 bsp (* vm:binding-value-slot vm:word-bytes))))))
+;; (print-binding-stack)
+(defun print-catch-blocks ()
+  (do ((b (di::descriptor-sap lisp::*current-catch-block*)
+          (sys:sap-ref-sap b (* vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot
+                                vm:word-bytes))))
+      (nil)
+    (let ((int (sys:sap-int b)))
+      (when (zerop int) (return))
+      (flet ((ref (offset) (sys:sap-ref-32 b (* offset vm:word-bytes))))
+        (let ((uwp (ref vm:catch-block-current-uwp-slot))
+              (cfp (ref vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot))
+              (tag (ref vm:catch-block-tag-slot))
+              )
+      (format t "~X:  uwp = ~8X  cfp = ~8X  tag = ~X~%" 
+              int uwp cfp (kernel:make-lisp-obj tag)))))))
+;; (print-catch-blocks)
+(defun print-unwind-blocks ()
+  (do ((b (di::descriptor-sap lisp::*current-unwind-protect-block*)
+          (sys:sap-ref-sap b (* vm:unwind-block-current-uwp-slot
+                                vm:word-bytes))))
+      (nil)
+    (let ((int (sys:sap-int b)))
+      (when (zerop int) (return))
+      (flet ((ref (offset) (sys:sap-ref-32 b (* offset vm:word-bytes))))
+        (let ((cfp (ref vm:unwind-block-current-cont-slot)))
+          (format t "~X:  cfp = ~X~%" int cfp))))))
+;; (print-unwind-blocks)
 ;;;; Inspecting
@@ -1160,6 +1251,33 @@
   (values (format nil "~A~% is a fdefn object." o)
 	  `(("Name" . ,(kernel:fdefn-name o))
 	    ("Function" . ,(kernel:fdefn-function o)))))
+;;;; Profiling
+(defimplementation profile (fname)
+  (eval `(profile:profile ,fname)))
+(defimplementation unprofile (fname)
+  (eval `(profile:unprofile ,fname)))
+(defimplementation unprofile-all ()
+  (profile:unprofile)
+  "All functions unprofiled.")
+(defimplementation profile-report ()
+  (profile:report-time))
+(defimplementation profile-reset ()
+  (profile:reset-time)
+  "Reset profiling counters.")
+(defimplementation profiled-functions ()
+  profile:*timed-functions*)
+(defimplementation profile-package (package callers methods)
+  (profile:profile-all :package package  
+                       :callers-p callers
+                       :methods methods))
 ;;;; Multiprocessing

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