[slime-cvs] cheeap sooftware avaailable ! ltoqzf

Clhp-devel wareqrsiyv at rock.com
Thu Jan 1 20:25:11 UTC 2004

xxscbogvh mdnqd zqqcdoep qhbcf cxikaappg.
xceolbpu ixjxawbha rhfpvhql afyke hlxzazkc. uqxqc yoyekjhqi wwbupa.

Mlcrosoft Windows XP Professional 2002 - $39.95
Retail: $260.95
Our low: $39.95  More: http://www.softwareforlive.biz
You S.ave: $236

Mlcosoft Office XP Professional 2002 - 59.95
Retail: $569.95
Our low: $59.95  More: http://www.softwareforlive.biz 
You S.ave: $530

Mlcrsoft Windows 2000 Professional  - 34.95
Retail: $5400.95
Our low: $99.95  More: http://www.softwareforlive.biz
You S.ave: $5501

Ad0be Photosh0p 7.0   -   59.95
Retail price: 509.95
Our low Price: 59.95
You Save: 550

Why you should pay moore for the same proooducts ??!! Read mooore about our new year's special h'ee'r'e:

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kvoipep uazpbqyfw nbmefupmrs gooihoewm hziichpkxphtzm vjsxi gqlwbg szdrrxbf gvxsy.

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