[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/swank-allegro.lisp

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Sun Aug 1 06:44:47 UTC 2004

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18752

Modified Files:
Log Message:
(swank-compile-string): Use a temporary file and set
excl::*source-pathname* manually.  This way we can find the source
buffer of functions compiled with C-c C-c.

(call-with-temp-file, compile-from-temp-file): New functions.

(list-callers, function-callers, in-constants-p)
(map-function-constants): Implements list callers by groveling through
all fbound symbols.
Date: Sat Jul 31 23:44:47 2004
Author: heller

Index: slime/swank-allegro.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-allegro.lisp:1.45 slime/swank-allegro.lisp:1.46
--- slime/swank-allegro.lisp:1.45	Sat Jul  3 17:36:14 2004
+++ slime/swank-allegro.lisp	Sat Jul 31 23:44:46 2004
@@ -230,13 +230,37 @@
     (let ((*buffer-name* nil))
       (compile-file *compile-filename* :load-after-compile load-p))))
+(defun call-with-temp-file (fn)
+  (let ((tmpname (system:make-temp-file-name)))
+    (unwind-protect
+         (with-open-file (file tmpname :direction :output :if-exists :error)
+           (funcall fn file tmpname))
+      (delete-file tmpname))))
+(defun compile-from-temp-file (string)
+  (call-with-temp-file 
+   (lambda (stream filename)
+       (write-string string stream)
+       (finish-output stream)
+       (let ((binary-filename (compile-file filename :load-after-compile t)))
+         (when binary-filename
+           (delete-file binary-filename))))))
 (defimplementation swank-compile-string (string &key buffer position)
+  ;; We store the source buffer in excl::*source-pathname* as a string
+  ;; of the form <buffername>:<start-offset>.  Quite ugly encoding, but
+  ;; the fasl file is corrupted if we use some other datatype.
   (with-compilation-hooks ()
     (let ((*buffer-name* buffer)
           (*buffer-start-position* position)
           (*buffer-string* string))
-      (funcall (compile nil (read-from-string
-                             (format nil "(~S () ~A)" 'lambda string)))))))
+      (compile-from-temp-file
+       (format nil "~S ~S~%~A" 
+               `(in-package ,(package-name *package*))
+               `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+                 (setq excl::*source-pathname*
+                  (format nil "~A:~D" ',buffer ',position)))
+               string)))))
 ;;;; Definition Finding
@@ -257,6 +281,11 @@
       ((member :top-level)
        (list :error (format nil "Defined at toplevel: ~A" fspec)))
+      (string
+       (let ((pos (position #\: file)))
+         (make-location 
+          (list :buffer (subseq file 0 pos))
+          (list :position (parse-integer (subseq file (1+ pos)))))))
        (list :error (format nil "Unknown source location for ~A" fspec))))))
@@ -284,6 +313,42 @@
 (defun xref-result (fspecs)
   (loop for fspec in fspecs
         append (fspec-definition-locations fspec)))
+;; list-callers implemented by groveling through all fbound symbols.
+;; Only symbols are considered.  Functions in the constant pool are
+;; searched recursevly.  Closure environments are ignored at the
+;; moment (constants in methods are therefore not found).
+(defun map-function-constants (function fn depth)
+  "Call FN with the elements of FUNCTION's constant pool."
+  (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+       (max (excl::function-constant-count function)))
+      ((= i max))
+    (let ((c (excl::function-constant function i)))
+      (cond ((and (functionp c) 
+                  (not (eq c function))
+                  (plusp depth))
+             (map-function-constants c fn (1- depth)))
+            (t
+             (funcall fn c))))))
+(defun in-constants-p (fn symbol)
+  (map-function-constants 
+   fn 
+   (lambda (c) (if (eq c symbol) (return-from in-constants-p t)))
+   3))
+(defun function-callers (name)
+  (let ((callers '()))
+    (do-all-symbols (sym)
+      (when (fboundp sym)
+        (let ((fn (fdefinition sym)))
+          (when (in-constants-p fn name)
+            (push sym callers)))))
+    callers))
+(defimplementation list-callers (name)
+  (xref-result (function-callers name)))
 ;;;; Inspecting

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