[slime-cvs] CVS update: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 14 08:24:21 UTC 2003

Update of /project/slime/cvsroot/slime
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7069

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Mega patch by Alan Ruttenberg.  Implements eval-in-frame and inspector

Date: Sun Dec 14 03:24:21 2003
Author: heller

Index: slime/swank-openmcl.lisp
diff -u slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.34 slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.35
--- slime/swank-openmcl.lisp:1.34	Sun Dec 14 02:55:19 2003
+++ slime/swank-openmcl.lisp	Sun Dec 14 03:24:21 2003
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 ;;; The LLGPL is also available online at
 ;;; http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html
-;;;   $Id: swank-openmcl.lisp,v 1.34 2003/12/14 07:55:19 heller Exp $
+;;;   $Id: swank-openmcl.lisp,v 1.35 2003/12/14 08:24:21 heller Exp $
@@ -434,6 +434,27 @@
 (defslimefun sldb-abort ()
   (invoke-restart (find 'abort *sldb-restarts* :key #'restart-name)))
+(defslimefun eval-in-frame (form index)
+  (map-backtrace
+   (lambda (frame-number p tcr lfun pc)
+     (when (= frame-number index)
+       (multiple-value-bind (count vsp parent-vsp)
+           (ccl::count-values-in-frame p tcr)
+         (let ((bindings nil))
+           (dotimes (i count)
+             (multiple-value-bind (var type name)
+                 (ccl::nth-value-in-frame p i tcr lfun pc vsp parent-vsp)
+               (declare (ignore type))
+               (when name
+                 (push (list name `',var) bindings))
+               ))
+           (return-from eval-in-frame
+             (eval `(let ,bindings
+                     (Declare (ccl::ignore-if-unused 
+                               ,@(mapcar 'car bindings)))
+                     ,form)))
+           ))))))
 ;;; Utilities
 (defslimefun-unimplemented describe-setf-function (symbol-name))
@@ -489,3 +510,155 @@
 ;;; Macroexpansion
 (defslimefun-unimplemented swank-macroexpand-all (string))
+;;;; Inspecting
+;;XXX refactor common code.
+(defvar *inspectee*)
+(defvar *inspectee-parts*)
+(defvar *inspector-stack* '())
+(defvar *inspector-history* (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
+(defvar *inspect-length* 30)
+(defun reset-inspector ()
+  (setq *inspectee* nil)
+  (setq *inspectee-parts* nil)
+  (setq *inspector-stack* nil)
+  (setf (fill-pointer *inspector-history*) 0))
+(defslimefun init-inspector (string)
+  (reset-inspector)
+  (inspect-object (eval (from-string string))))
+(defun print-part-to-string (value)
+  (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+    (let ((string (to-string value))
+	  (pos (position value *inspector-history*)))
+      (if pos
+	  (format nil "#~D=~A" pos string)
+	  string))))
+(defun inspect-object (object)
+  (push (setq *inspectee* object) *inspector-stack*)
+  (unless (find object *inspector-history*)
+    (vector-push-extend object *inspector-history*))
+  (multiple-value-bind (text parts) (inspected-parts object)
+    (setq *inspectee-parts* parts)
+    (list :text text
+          :type (to-string (type-of object))
+          :primitive-type (describe-primitive-type object)
+          :parts (loop for (label . value) in parts
+                       collect (cons label
+                                     (print-part-to-string value))))))
+(defun nth-part (index)
+  (cdr (nth index *inspectee-parts*)))
+(defslimefun inspect-nth-part (index)
+  (inspect-object (nth-part index)))
+(defslimefun inspector-pop ()
+  "Drop the inspector stack and inspect the second element.  Return
+nil if there's no second element."
+  (cond ((cdr *inspector-stack*)
+	 (pop *inspector-stack*)
+	 (inspect-object (pop *inspector-stack*)))
+	(t nil)))
+(defslimefun inspector-next ()
+  "Inspect the next element in the *inspector-history*."
+  (let ((position (position *inspectee* *inspector-history*)))
+    (cond ((= (1+ position) (length *inspector-history*))
+	   nil)
+	  (t (inspect-object (aref *inspector-history* (1+ position)))))))
+(defslimefun quit-inspector ()
+  (reset-inspector)
+  nil)
+(defslimefun describe-inspectee ()
+  "Describe the currently inspected object."
+  (print-description-to-string *inspectee*))
+(defgeneric inspected-parts (object)
+  (:documentation
+   "Return a short description and a list of (label . value) pairs."))
+;; specific to openmcl
+(defvar *value2tag* (make-hash-table))
+(do-symbols (s (find-package 'arch))
+  (if (and (> (length (symbol-name s)) 7)
+	   (string= (symbol-name s) "SUBTAG-" :end1 7)
+	   (boundp s)
+	   (numberp (symbol-value s))
+	   (< (symbol-value s) 255))
+      (setf (gethash (symbol-value s) *value2tag*) s)))
+(defun describe-primitive-type (thing)
+  (let ((typecode (ccl::typecode thing)))
+    (if (gethash typecode *value2tag*)
+	(string (gethash typecode *value2tag*))
+	(string (nth typecode '(tag-fixnum tag-list tag-misc tag-imm))))))
+(defmethod inspected-parts (o)
+  (let* ((i (inspector::make-inspector o))
+	 (count (inspector::compute-line-count i))
+	 (lines 
+          (loop for l below count
+                for (value label) = (multiple-value-list 
+                                     (inspector::line-n i l))
+                collect (cons (string-right-trim 
+                               " :" (string-capitalize 
+                                     (format nil "~a" label)))
+                              value))))
+    (values (string-left-trim
+	     (string #\newline)
+	     (with-output-to-string (s)
+	       (let ((*print-lines* 1)
+		     (*print-right-margin* 80))
+		 (pprint o s))))
+	    (cddr lines))))
+(defslimefun inspect-in-frame (string index)
+  (reset-inspector)
+  (inspect-object (eval-in-frame (from-string string) index)))
+(defmethod inspected-parts ((object cons))
+  (if (consp (cdr object))
+      (inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list object)
+      (inspected-parts-of-simple-cons object)))
+(defun inspected-parts-of-simple-cons (object)
+  (values "The object is a CONS."
+	  (list (cons (string 'car) (car object))
+		(cons (string 'cdr) (cdr object)))))
+(defun inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list (object)
+  (let ((length 0)
+	(in-list object)
+	(reversed-elements nil))
+    (flet ((done (description-format)
+	     (return-from inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list
+	       (values (format nil description-format length)
+		       (nreverse reversed-elements)))))
+      (loop
+       (cond ((null in-list)
+	      (done "The object is a proper list of length ~S.~%"))
+	     ((>= length *inspect-length*)
+	      (push (cons  (string 'rest) in-list) reversed-elements)
+	      (done "The object is a long list (more than ~S elements).~%"))
+	     ((consp in-list)
+	      (push (cons (format nil "~D" length) (pop in-list))
+		    reversed-elements)
+	      (incf length))
+	     (t
+	      (push (cons (string 'rest) in-list) reversed-elements)
+	      (done "The object is an improper list of length ~S.~%")))))))

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