[LispSea] How do you debug lisp?

Chris Bogart t-chribo at microsoft.com
Fri Jul 18 21:26:28 UTC 2008


I see this list has been quiet for a while, but maybe people are still subscribed...
I was wondering if there's anyone in the Seattle area who's using Lisp (or any other functional language) either professionally or on some medium- to large-sized project, that would let me come watch you work for a couple hours.
I'm a computer science grad student from Oregon State, here in Seattle for the summer on a Microsoft internship, doing a human factors kind of study about how functional programmers go about debugging.  There's been a lot of research into how imperative programmers do their thing, but hardly any real-world study of FP programmers, so I think the results could provide interesting data for future developers of debugging tools.
Anyway, if you're interested, there's a blog post about it at http://blogs.msdn.com/dsyme/archive/2008/07/18/help-with-study-of-functional-programmers.aspx (Don Syme's blog; he's the inventor of F#, MS's version of OCaml).  If you think you might fit the profile I'm looking for please let me know; I'd really appreciate your help.

Chris Bogart
t-chribo at microsoft.com<mailto:t-chribo at microsoft.com>

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