[rucksack-devel] How to use Indexing?

Rüdiger Sonderfeld kingruedi at c-plusplus.de
Sat Nov 11 17:26:43 UTC 2006

I need help understanding the Indexing in rucksack.

Here is a small example Code

(with-rucksack (r "/tmp/foosack/")
   (with-transaction ()
     (defclass article ()
       ((title :initarg :title :accessor title
	      :index :case-insensitive-string-index))
       (:metaclass persistent-class)
       (:index t))
     (add-rucksack-root (make-instance 'article :title "demo") r)))

Now I want to search for the object by using the value of title as  
the index. Is this possible with rucksack?

btw. Is there any example code or code of projects already using  
rucksack available?

Rüdiger <ruediger at c-plusplus.de>

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