[rucksack-cvs] CVS rucksack

alemmens alemmens at common-lisp.net
Thu Aug 31 15:47:59 UTC 2006

Update of /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9153

Modified Files:
	example-1.lisp index.lisp objects.lisp rucksack.lisp 
Added Files:
	test-schema-update-1a.lisp test-schema-update-1b.lisp 
Log Message:

Add test cases for schema updates and user defined methods of

Indexing: compare the specified slot/class indexes to the indexes that
exist in the rucksack, *not* to the indexes specified in the previous
version of the class definition.  Otherwise we get inconsistencies when
we recompile class definitions from scratch with a rucksack that already

--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/example-1.lisp	2006/08/30 14:05:40	1.5
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/example-1.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:58	1.6
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: example-1.lisp,v 1.5 2006/08/30 14:05:40 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: example-1.lisp,v 1.6 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack-test)
@@ -83,8 +83,9 @@
 (defun show-indexes ()
   (with-rucksack (r *hacker-rucksack*)
-    (print (rs::rucksack-list-class-indexes r))
-    (print (rs::rucksack-list-slot-indexes r))
+    (with-transaction ()
+      (print (rs::rucksack-list-class-indexes r))
+      (print (rs::rucksack-list-slot-indexes r)))
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/index.lisp	2006/08/26 12:55:34	1.6
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/index.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:58	1.7
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: index.lisp,v 1.6 2006/08/26 12:55:34 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: index.lisp,v 1.7 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -39,16 +39,62 @@
 ;; index-spec-equal (index-spec-1 index-spec-2) [Function]
-;;; Indexing
+;;; Index class
-(defmethod map-index ((index btree) function
+(defclass index ()
+  ((spec :initarg :spec :reader index-spec)
+   (unique-keys-p :initarg :unique-keys-p :reader index-unique-keys-p)
+   (data :initarg :data :reader index-data
+         :documentation "The actual index data structure (e.g. a btree)."))
+  (:metaclass persistent-class)
+  (:index nil))
+(defmethod print-object ((index index) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (index stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "~S with ~:[non-unique~;unique~] keys"
+            (index-spec index)
+            (index-unique-keys-p index))))
+(defmethod index-similar-p ((index-1 index) (index-2 index))
+  (and (index-spec-equal (index-spec index-1) (index-spec index-2))
+       (equal (index-unique-keys-p index-1) (index-unique-keys-p index-2))))
+;; Trampolines
+(defmethod map-index ((index index) function
                       &rest args
                       &key min max include-min include-max
-                      (equal nil equal-supplied)
+                      (equal nil)
                       (order :ascending))
+  (declare (ignorable min max include-min include-max equal order))
+  (apply #'map-index-data (index-data index) function args))
+(defmethod index-insert ((index index) key value &key (if-exists :overwrite))
+  (index-data-insert (index-data index) key value
+                     :if-exists if-exists))
+(defmethod index-delete ((index index) key value
+                         &key (if-does-not-exist :ignore))
+  (index-data-delete (index-data index) key value
+                     :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist))
+;;; Indexing
+;; NOTE: If you define your own indexing data structures, you need to supply
+;; methods for the three generic functions below: MAP-INDEX-DATA,
+(defmethod map-index-data ((index btree) function
+                           &rest args
+                           &key min max include-min include-max
+                           (equal nil equal-supplied)
+                           (order :ascending))
   (declare (ignorable min max include-min include-max))
   (if equal-supplied
       (let ((value (btree-search index equal :errorp nil :default-value index)))
@@ -57,30 +103,35 @@
     (apply #'map-btree index function :order order args)))
-(defmethod index-insert ((index btree) key value &key (if-exists :overwrite))
+(defmethod index-data-insert ((index btree) key value
+                              &key (if-exists :overwrite))
   (btree-insert index key value :if-exists if-exists))
-(defmethod index-delete ((index btree) key value
-                         &key (if-does-not-exist :ignore))
+(defmethod index-data-delete ((index btree) key value
+                              &key (if-does-not-exist :ignore))
   (btree-delete index key value :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist))
 ;; Index specs
 ;; An index spec is a symbol or a list starting with a symbol
 ;; and followed by a plist of keywords and values.
 ;; Examples: BTREE, (BTREE :KEY< <  :VALUE= P-EQL)
+(defun make-index (index-spec unique-keys-p &key (class 'index))
+  ;; NOTE: All index data classes must accept the :UNIQUE-KEYS-P initarg.
+  (let ((data (if (symbolp index-spec)
+                  (make-instance index-spec :unique-keys-p unique-keys-p)
+                (apply #'make-instance
+                       (first index-spec)
+                       :unique-keys-p unique-keys-p
+                       (rest index-spec)))))
+    (make-instance class
+                   :spec index-spec
+                   :unique-keys-p unique-keys-p
+                   :data data)))
-(defun make-index (index-spec unique-keys-p)
-  ;; NOTE: All index classes must accept the :UNIQUE-KEYS-P initarg.
-  (if (symbolp index-spec)
-      (make-instance index-spec :unique-keys-p unique-keys-p)
-    (apply #'make-instance
-           (first index-spec)
-           :unique-keys-p unique-keys-p
-           (rest index-spec))))
 (defun index-spec-equal (index-spec-1 index-spec-2)
   "Returns T iff two index specs are equal."
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/objects.lisp	2006/08/30 14:05:40	1.13
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/objects.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:58	1.14
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: objects.lisp,v 1.13 2006/08/30 14:05:40 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: objects.lisp,v 1.14 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -784,6 +784,5 @@
                                    (slot-definition-initfunction slot))
            when initfunction
            ;; DO: Handle initargs!
-           do (setf (slot-value instance slot-name)
-                    (funcall initfunction))))))
+           do (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) (funcall initfunction))))))
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/rucksack.lisp	2006/08/30 14:05:40	1.14
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/rucksack.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:58	1.15
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: rucksack.lisp,v 1.14 2006/08/30 14:05:40 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: rucksack.lisp,v 1.15 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -555,10 +555,10 @@
 (defmethod rucksack-update-slot-indexes ((rucksack standard-rucksack)
                                          (class persistent-class)
-  (let ((direct-slots (class-direct-slots class)))
-    ;; Remove indexes for old slots that don't exist anymore.
-    (loop for slot in old-slots
-          for slot-name = (slot-definition-name slot)
+  (let ((direct-slots (class-direct-slots class))
+        (indexed-slot-names (rucksack-indexed-slots-for-class rucksack class)))
+    ;; Remove indexes for slots that don't exist anymore.
+    (loop for slot-name in indexed-slot-names
           unless (find slot-name direct-slots :key #'slot-definition-name)
           do (rucksack-remove-slot-index rucksack class slot-name :errorp nil))
     ;; Update indexes for the current set of direct slots.
@@ -568,8 +568,11 @@
                                  (slot-index slot))))
             (unique-p (slot-unique slot))
             (slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)))
-        (multiple-value-bind (current-index-spec current-unique-p)
-            (find-old-index-spec slot-name old-slots)
+        (let* ((current-index (rucksack-slot-index rucksack class slot-name
+                                                   :errorp nil
+                                                   :include-superclasses nil))
+               (current-index-spec (and current-index (index-spec current-index)))
+               (current-unique-p (and current-index (index-unique-keys-p current-index))))
           (cond ((and (index-spec-equal index-spec current-index-spec)
                       (eql unique-p current-unique-p))
                  ;; We keep the same index: no change needed.
@@ -919,27 +922,39 @@
                          do (map-slot class))))))
       (map-slot (if (symbolp class) (find-class class) class)))))
+(defun rucksack-indexed-slots-for-class (rucksack class)
+  "Returns a list with the names of the indexed direct slots of CLASS."
+  (unless (symbolp class)
+    (setq class (class-name class)))
+  (let ((result '()))
+    (rucksack-map-slot-indexes rucksack
+                               (lambda (class-name slot-name slot-index)
+                                 (declare (ignore slot-index))
+                                 (when (eql class-name class)
+                                   (push slot-name result))))
+    result))
 ;; Debugging
 (defun rucksack-list-slot-indexes (rucksack)
   (let ((result '()))
-    (with-transaction ()
-      (rucksack-map-slot-indexes rucksack
-                                 (lambda (class-name slot-name slot-index)
-                                   (declare (ignore slot-index))
-                                   (push (cons class-name slot-name)
-                                         result))))
+    (rucksack-map-slot-indexes rucksack
+                               (lambda (class-name slot-name slot-index)
+                                 (declare (ignore slot-index))
+                                 (push (cons class-name slot-name)
+                                       result)))
 (defun rucksack-list-class-indexes (rucksack)
   (let ((result '()))
-    (with-transaction ()
-      (rucksack-map-class-indexes rucksack
-                                 (lambda (class-name index)
-                                   (declare (ignore index))
-                                   (push class-name result))))
+    (rucksack-map-class-indexes rucksack
+                                (lambda (class-name index)
+                                  (declare (ignore index))
+                                  (push class-name result)))

--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test-schema-update-1a.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:59	NONE
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test-schema-update-1a.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:59	1.1
;; $Id: test-schema-update-1a.lisp,v 1.1 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $

(in-package :rucksack-test-schema-update)

;;; Schema updates and UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS, part 1 of 3
;;; After compiling and loading this file, compile and load
;;; test-schema-update-1b.lisp.

(defparameter *names* '(john dick mary jane peter ronald))

;; Initial class definition of PERSON

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)

  (defparameter *dir* #P"/tmp/rucksack/schema-update/")
  (with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir* :if-exists :supersede)
    (with-transaction ()
      (defclass person ()
        ((name :initarg :name
               :initform (elt *names* (random (length *names*)))
               :reader name)
         (age :initarg :age
              :initform (random 100)
              :reader age))
        (:metaclass persistent-class)
        (:index t)))))

(defmethod print-object ((person person) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (person stream :type t)
    (format stream "#~D ~A with age ~D"
            (object-id person)
            (name person)
            (age person))))

;; Create some persons.
(with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
  (with-transaction ()
    (loop repeat 10
          do (make-instance 'person))))

;; Show them.
(with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
  (with-transaction ()
    (rucksack-map-class *rucksack* 'person #'print)))

;;; Sample output


#<PERSON #12 JOHN with age 77> 
#<PERSON #22 DICK with age 39> 
#<PERSON #24 JOHN with age 95> 
#<PERSON #26 PETER with age 41> 
#<PERSON #28 JANE with age 17> 
#<PERSON #30 JOHN with age 75> 
#<PERSON #32 PETER with age 88> 
#<PERSON #34 DICK with age 11> 
#<PERSON #36 MARY with age 49> 
#<PERSON #38 RONALD with age 72> 

--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test-schema-update-1b.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:59	NONE
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test-schema-update-1b.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:59	1.1
;; $Id: test-schema-update-1b.lisp,v 1.1 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $

(in-package :rucksack-test-schema-update)

;;; Schema updates and UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS, part 2 of 3
;;; Compile and load this file after compiling and loading
;;; test-schema-update-1a.lisp.  Study the output, and then compile
;;; and load test-schema-update-1c.lisp.

;; Redefine the PERSON class

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
    (with-transaction ()
      (defclass person ()
        ((name :initarg :name
               :initform (elt *names* (random (length *names*)))
               :reader name)
         (year-of-birth :initform (random-year)
                        :accessor year-of-birth))
        (:metaclass persistent-class)
        (:index t)))))

(defconstant +this-year+ 2006)

(defun random-year ()
  (+ 1900 (random 100)))

(defmethod update-persistent-instance-for-redefined-class
           ((person person) added-slots discarded-slots plist
            &key &allow-other-keys)
  ;; Make sure that existing PERSONS get the YEAR-OF-BIRTH value
  ;; corresponding to their (obsolete) AGE slot.
  (let ((age (getf plist 'age)))
    (setf (year-of-birth person) (- +this-year+ age))
    (format *trace-output*
            "~&Setting year of birth for ~D to ~D."
            (year-of-birth person))))

(defmethod age ((person person))
  ;; Make sure that the AGE method still works.
  (- +this-year+ (year-of-birth person)))

;; Create some persons with the new class definition.
(with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
  (with-transaction ()
    (loop repeat 10
          do (make-instance 'person))))

;; Show some PERSON instances and some old PERSON instances.
;; (We don't show all PERSON instances, because showing them may
;; update them and we want to keep a few old instances for the next
;; part of the test).

(with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
  (with-transaction ()
    (let ((cache (rucksack-cache *rucksack*))
          (count 0))
      (rucksack-map-class *rucksack* 'person
                          (lambda (id)
                            (when (evenp count)
                              (print (cache-get-object id cache)))
                            (incf count))
                          :id-only t))))

;;; Sample output


;; Some old PERSON instances (updated after being loaded).
Setting year of birth for 77 to 1929.
#<PERSON #12 JOHN with age 77> 
Setting year of birth for 39 to 1967.
#<PERSON #24 JOHN with age 95> 
Setting year of birth for 41 to 1965.
#<PERSON #28 JANE with age 17> 
Setting year of birth for 75 to 1931.
#<PERSON #32 PETER with age 88> 
Setting year of birth for 11 to 1995.
#<PERSON #36 MARY with age 49> 
Setting year of birth for 72 to 1934.

;; Some new PERSON instances.
#<PERSON #38 RONALD with age 72> 
#<PERSON #42 JOHN with age 50> 
#<PERSON #46 DICK with age 57> 
#<PERSON #50 DICK with age 22> 
#<PERSON #54 MARY with age 82> 
#<PERSON #58 JANE with age 84>


--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test-schema-update-1c.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:59	NONE
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test-schema-update-1c.lisp	2006/08/31 15:47:59	1.1
;; $Id: test-schema-update-1c.lisp,v 1.1 2006/08/31 15:47:58 alemmens Exp $

(in-package :rucksack-test-schema-update)

;;; Schema updates and UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS, part 3 of 3
;;; Compile and load this file after compiling and loading
;;; test-schema-update-1c.lisp

;; Redefine the PERSON class once more.

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
    (with-transaction ()
      (defclass person ()
        ((name :initarg :name
               :initform (elt *names* (random (length *names*)))
               :reader name)
         (date-of-birth :accessor date-of-birth
                        :initform (random-date)))
        (:metaclass persistent-class)
        (:index t)))))

(defun random-date ()
  (make-date (random-year)
             (+ 1 (random 12))
             (+ 1 (random 28))))

(defun make-date (year &optional (month 1) (day 1))
  (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 day month year))

(defun date-string (universal-time)
  (multiple-value-bind (sec min hr day month year)
      (decode-universal-time universal-time)
    (declare (ignore sec min hr))
    (format nil "~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D"
            year month day)))

(defmethod update-persistent-instance-for-redefined-class
           ((person person) added-slots discarded-slots plist
            &key &allow-other-keys)
  ;; Now we need to deal with version 0 persons (with an obsolete
  ;; AGE slot) and with version 1 persons (with an obsolete
  ;; YEAR-OF-BIRTH slot).
  (cond ((member 'age discarded-slots)
         ;; Version 0
         (let* ((age (getf plist 'age))
                (year (- +this-year+ age)))
           (setf (date-of-birth person) (make-date year 1 1))
           (format *trace-output*
                   "~&Setting date of birth from age ~D to ~A."
                   (date-string (date-of-birth person)))))
        ((member 'year-of-birth discarded-slots)
         ;; Version 1
         (let ((year (getf plist 'year-of-birth)))
           (setf (date-of-birth person) (make-date year 1 1))
           (format *trace-output*
                   "~&Setting date of birth from year ~D to ~A."
                   (date-string (date-of-birth person)))))))

(defmethod year-of-birth ((person person))
  ;; Make sure that the YEAR-OF-BIRTH method still works.
  (nth-value 5 (decode-universal-time (date-of-birth person))))

;; Create some persons with the second version of the class definition.
(with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
  (with-transaction ()
    (loop repeat 10
          do (make-instance 'person))))

;; Show all persons (for three versions of the class definition).
(with-rucksack (*rucksack* *dir*)
  (with-transaction ()
    (rucksack-map-class *rucksack* 'person #'print)))

;;; Sample output

;;; Note that we see three different kinds of output, corresponding to the
;;; three class versions.
;;; Output like:
;;;   Setting date of birth from age 6 to 2000-01-01.
;;;   #<PERSON #26 MARY with age 6> 
;;; is for version 0 instances that are updated to version 2.
;;; Output like:
;;;   Setting date of birth from year 2001 to 2001-01-01.
;;;   #<PERSON #12 PETER with age 5> 
;;; is for version 1 PERSON instances that are updated to version 2.
;;; And output like:
;;;   #<PERSON #60 JANE with age 26> 
;;; is for version 2 instances (that don't need to be updated).

;;; Note also that you'll get this kind of output only once.  If you load
;;; the file again, all old version instances have been updated already
;;; so you won't see any "Setting date of birth..." messages anymore.

Setting date of birth from year 2001 to 2001-01-01.
#<PERSON #12 PETER with age 5> 
Setting date of birth from age 46 to 1960-01-01.
#<PERSON #22 MARY with age 46> 
Setting date of birth from year 1955 to 1955-01-01.
#<PERSON #24 PETER with age 51> 
Setting date of birth from age 6 to 2000-01-01.
#<PERSON #26 MARY with age 6> 
Setting date of birth from year 1920 to 1920-01-01.
#<PERSON #28 PETER with age 86> 
Setting date of birth from age 33 to 1973-01-01.
#<PERSON #30 MARY with age 33> 
Setting date of birth from year 1917 to 1917-01-01.
#<PERSON #32 JANE with age 89> 
Setting date of birth from age 15 to 1991-01-01.
#<PERSON #34 JOHN with age 15> 
Setting date of birth from year 1922 to 1922-01-01.
#<PERSON #36 DICK with age 84> 
Setting date of birth from age 26 to 1980-01-01.
#<PERSON #38 DICK with age 26> 

[32 lines skipped]

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