[rucksack-cvs] CVS rucksack

alemmens alemmens at common-lisp.net
Tue Aug 29 13:50:19 UTC 2006

Update of /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv6896

Modified Files:
	example-1.lisp objects.lisp package.lisp schema-table.lisp 
Log Message:

and friends.

--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/example-1.lisp	2006/08/29 11:41:40	1.3
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/example-1.lisp	2006/08/29 13:50:18	1.4
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: example-1.lisp,v 1.3 2006/08/29 11:41:40 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: example-1.lisp,v 1.4 2006/08/29 13:50:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :test-rucksack)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 ;;; To run this example:
 ;;; - compile and load this file
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/objects.lisp	2006/08/29 11:41:40	1.11
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/objects.lisp	2006/08/29 13:50:18	1.12
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: objects.lisp,v 1.11 2006/08/29 11:41:40 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: objects.lisp,v 1.12 2006/08/29 13:50:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -663,31 +663,53 @@
                                      (transaction-id transaction)
                                      (heap cache))
     (declare (ignore id))
-    (let* ((schema (find-schema-for-id (schema-table cache) schema-id))
+    (let* ((table (schema-table cache))
+           (schema (find-schema-for-id table schema-id))
            (object (allocate-instance (find-class (schema-class-name schema)))))
       (unless (= nr-slots (nr-persistent-slots schema))
          "Schema inconsistency (expected ~D slots, got ~D slots)."
          (nr-persistent-slots schema)
-      ;; Load and set slot values.
-      ;; DO: We should probably initialize the transient slots to their
-      ;; initforms here.  And we should also deal with changed classes
-      ;; at this point.
-      ;; NOTE: The MOP doesn't intercept the (setf slot-value) here,
-      ;; because the rucksack and object-id slots are still unbound.
-      (loop for slot-name in (persistent-slot-names schema)
-            do (let ((marker (read-next-marker buffer)))
-                 (if (eql marker +unbound-slot+)
-                     (slot-makunbound object slot-name)
-                   (setf (slot-value object slot-name)
-                         (deserialize-contents marker buffer)))))
-      ;; Set CACHE, OBJECT-ID and TRANSACTION-ID slots if it's a persistent
-      ;; object. This needs to be done before persistent slots are initialized.
-      (when (typep object '(or persistent-object persistent-data))
-        (setf (slot-value object 'rucksack) (current-rucksack)
-              (slot-value object 'object-id) object-id
-              (slot-value object 'transaction-id) (transaction-id transaction)))
+      (let ((added-slots '())
+            (discarded-slots '())
+            ;; DISCARDED-SLOT-VALUES is a list of discarded slot names and
+            ;; their (obsolete) values.
+            (discarded-slot-values '()))
+        (when (schema-obsolete-p schema)
+          (setf added-slots (schema-added-slot-names schema)
+                discarded-slots (schema-discarded-slot-names schema)))
+        ;; Load and set slot values.
+        ;; DO: We should probably initialize the transient slots to their
+        ;; initforms here.
+        ;; NOTE: The MOP doesn't intercept the (setf slot-value) here,
+        ;; because the rucksack and object-id slots are still unbound.
+        (loop for slot-name in (persistent-slot-names schema)
+              do (let ((marker (read-next-marker buffer))
+                       (old-slot-p (member slot-name discarded-slots)))
+                   (if (eql marker +unbound-slot+)
+                       (unless old-slot-p
+                         (slot-makunbound object slot-name))
+                     ;; Deserialize the value
+                     (let ((value (deserialize-contents marker buffer)))
+                       (if old-slot-p
+                           (progn 
+                             (push value discarded-slot-values)
+                             (push slot-name discarded-slot-values))
+                         (setf (slot-value object slot-name) value))))))
+        ;; Set CACHE, OBJECT-ID and TRANSACTION-ID slots if it's a persistent
+        ;; object.
+        (when (typep object '(or persistent-object persistent-data))
+          (setf (slot-value object 'rucksack) (current-rucksack)
+                (slot-value object 'object-id) object-id
+                (slot-value object 'transaction-id) (transaction-id transaction)))
+        (when (schema-obsolete-p schema)
+          (update-persistent-instance-for-redefined-class
+           object
+           added-slots
+           discarded-slots
+           discarded-slot-values)))
       (values object most-recent-p))))
@@ -753,8 +775,15 @@
               &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
   (:method ((instance persistent-object) added-slots discarded-slots property-list
             &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
-   ;; The default method for this function ignores the deleted slots,
-   ;; initializes added slots according to their initargs or initforms and
-   ;; initializes shared slots (that did not change) with the values that
-   ;; were saved on disk.
+   ;; Default method: ignore the discarded slots and initialize added slots
+   ;; according to their initargs or initforms.
+   (let ((slots (class-slots (class-of instance))))
+     (loop for slot-name in added-slots
+           for slot = (find slot-name slots :key #'slot-definition-name)
+           for initfunction = (and slot
+                                   (slot-definition-initfunction slot))
+           when initfunction
+           ;; DO: Handle initargs!
+           do (setf (slot-value instance slot-name)
+                    (funcall initfunction))))))
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/package.lisp	2006/08/24 15:21:25	1.8
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/package.lisp	2006/08/29 13:50:18	1.9
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: package.lisp,v 1.8 2006/08/24 15:21:25 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: package.lisp,v 1.9 2006/08/29 13:50:18 alemmens Exp $
 #-(or allegro lispworks sbcl openmcl)
   (error "Unsupported implementation: ~A" (lisp-implementation-type))
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
    ;; MOP related
+   #:update-persistent-instance-for-redefined-class
    ;; Objects
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@
    ;; Conditions
    #:rucksack-error #:simple-rucksack-error #:transaction-conflict
+   #:internal-rucksack-error
+   #:duplicate-slot-value #:slot-error 
    ;; Indexes
    #:map-index #:index-insert #:index-delete #:make-index
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/schema-table.lisp	2006/08/29 11:41:40	1.4
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/schema-table.lisp	2006/08/29 13:50:18	1.5
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: schema-table.lisp,v 1.4 2006/08/29 11:41:40 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: schema-table.lisp,v 1.5 2006/08/29 13:50:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)          
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
    (version :initarg :version :initform 0 :reader schema-version
             :documentation "The combination of class-name and version number
 also uniquely identifies a schema.")
-   ;; Slot info
-   ;; DO: Keep track of all slots: their names, their initforms and their
-   ;; persistence related slot options.
+   (obsolete-p :initform nil :accessor schema-obsolete-p)
+   ;; Slot info (computed during FINALIZE-INHERITANCE).
+   (added-slot-names :initform '() :accessor schema-added-slot-names)
+   (discarded-slot-names :initform '()  :accessor schema-discarded-slot-names)
    (persistent-slot-names :initarg :persistent-slot-names
                           :accessor persistent-slot-names
                           :documentation "A list with the names of all
 persistent effective slots.")
-   ;; Class info
+   ;; Class info (computed at schema creation time).
    (class-index :initarg :class-index :reader class-index)))
 (defmethod nr-persistent-slots ((schema schema))
@@ -102,11 +102,6 @@
   ;; (or NIL if there is no schema for the class).
   (first (gethash (class-name class) (schema-table-by-name table))))
-(defmethod schema-obsolete-p ((table schema-table) schema)
-  (let ((most-recent-schema (find-schema-for-class table
-                                                   (schema-class-name schema))))
-    (not (= (schema-version most-recent-schema)
-            (schema-version schema)))))
 (defmethod find-or-create-schema-for-object ((table schema-table) object)
   ;; NOTE: This assumes that the class hasn't changed without the
@@ -211,4 +206,9 @@
         (when (or added-slots discarded-slots changed-slots
                   (not (equal (class-index class) (class-index old-schema))))
           ;; Add a new schema for this class.
-          (create-schema table class (1+ (schema-version old-schema))))))))
+          (create-schema table class (1+ (schema-version old-schema)))
+          ;; Mark all older versions as obsolete.
+          (let ((old-schemas (rest (gethash (class-name class)
+                                            (schema-table-by-name table)))))
+            (loop for schema in old-schemas
+                  do (setf (schema-obsolete-p schema) t))))))))

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