[rucksack-cvs] CVS rucksack

alemmens alemmens at common-lisp.net
Tue Aug 8 13:35:18 UTC 2006

Update of /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv23265

Modified Files:
	garbage-collector.lisp index.lisp objects.lisp p-btrees.lisp 
	package.lisp test.lisp transactions.lisp 
Log Message:

btrees with non-unique keys.

Add stress test for btrees.

Implement the :MIN, :MAX, :INCLUDE-MIN, :INCLUDE-MAX and :ORDER arguments

Add some more CL mirror functions like P-MAPCAR, P-MAPC, P-DELETE-IF, etcetera.

--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/garbage-collector.lisp	2006/08/03 11:39:39	1.14
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/garbage-collector.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.15
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: garbage-collector.lisp,v 1.14 2006/08/03 11:39:39 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: garbage-collector.lisp,v 1.15 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -58,12 +58,13 @@
    (grow-size :initarg :grow-size
               :initform nil
               :accessor grow-size
-              :documentation "Specifies a minimum amount to grow the
-heap when it needs to grow. If 'grow size' is an integer, the expected
-growth rate is additive and the integer is the number of octets to
-add; if it is a float, the expected growth rate for the heap is
-multiplicative and the float is the ratio of the new size to the old
-size.  (The actual size might be rounded up.)")))
+              :documentation
+ "Specifies a minimum amount to grow the heap when it needs to grow.
+If 'grow size' is an integer, the expected growth rate is additive and
+the integer is the number of octets to add; if it is a float, the
+expected growth rate for the heap is multiplicative and the float is
+the ratio of the new size to the old size.  (The actual size might be
+rounded up.)")))
 (defparameter *initial-heap-size* (* 1024 1024)
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/index.lisp	2006/05/16 22:01:27	1.2
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/index.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.3
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: index.lisp,v 1.2 2006/05/16 22:01:27 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: index.lisp,v 1.3 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 ;; An index spec is a symbol or a list starting with a symbol
 ;; and followed by a plist of keywords and values.
-;; Examples: BTREE, (BTREE :KEY< < :KEY= = :VALUE= EQL)
+;; Examples: BTREE, (BTREE :KEY< <  :VALUE= EQL)
 (defun make-index (index-spec)
   (if (symbolp index-spec)
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/objects.lisp	2006/08/04 22:04:43	1.5
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/objects.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.6
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: objects.lisp,v 1.5 2006/08/04 22:04:43 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: objects.lisp,v 1.6 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -161,8 +161,12 @@
 ;; DO: Other array functions
+;; Conses
-;; Cons
+;; Basics
 (defclass persistent-cons (persistent-data)
@@ -195,11 +199,77 @@
     (p-cons (car objects)
             (apply #'p-list (cdr objects)))))
+(defun unwrap-persistent-list (list)
+  "Converts a persistent list to a 'normal' Lisp list."
+  (loop until (p-endp list)
+        collect (p-car list)
+        do (setq list (p-cdr list))))
+;; Other functions from chapter 14 of the spec.
+(defmethod p-endp ((object (eql nil)))
+  t)
+(defmethod p-endp ((object persistent-cons))
+  nil)
+(defmethod p-endp ((object t))
+  (error 'type-error
+         :datum object
+         :expected-type '(or null persistent-cons)))
+(defmethod p-cddr ((cons persistent-cons))
+  (p-cdr (p-cdr cons)))
+(defun p-mapcar (function list)
+  ;; DO: Accept more than one list argument.
+  (let ((result '()))
+    (loop while list do
+          (setq result (p-cons (funcall function (p-car list))
+                               result)
+                list (p-cdr list)))
+    result))
+(defun p-mapc (function list)
+  ;; DO: Accept more than one list argument.
+  (let ((tail list))
+    (loop while tail do
+          (funcall function (p-car tail))
+          (setq tail (p-cdr tail)))
+    list))
+(defun p-maplist (function list)
+  ;; DO: Accept more than one list argument.
+  (let ((result '()))
+    (loop while list do
+          (setq result (p-cons (funcall function list) result)
+                list (p-cdr list)))
+    result))
+(defun p-mapl (function list)
+  ;; DO: Accept more than one list argument.
+  (let ((tail list))
+    (loop while tail do
+          (funcall function tail)
+          (setq tail (p-cdr tail)))
+    list))
+(defun p-member-if (predicate list &key key)
+  (unless key
+    (setq key #'identity))
+  (p-mapl (lambda (tail)
+            (when (funcall predicate (funcall key (p-car tail)))
+              (return-from p-member-if tail)))
+          list)
+  nil)
 ;; Persistent sequence functions
 ;; (Just a start...)
 (defun check-p-vector (persistent-array function-name)
   (unless (= 1 (length (p-array-dimensions persistent-array)))
@@ -211,6 +281,15 @@
   (check-p-vector vector 'p-length)
   (first (p-array-dimensions vector)))
+(defmethod p-length ((list persistent-cons))
+  ;; DO: Check for circular lists.
+  (let ((result 0))
+    (p-mapc (lambda (pair)
+              (declare (ignore pair))
+              (incf result))
+            list)
+    result))
 (defmethod p-find (value (vector persistent-array)
                          &key (key #'identity) (test #'p-eql)
                          (start 0) (end nil))
@@ -226,12 +305,11 @@
                          &key (key #'identity) (test #'p-eql)
                          (start 0) (end nil))
   ;; Move list to start position.
-  (setq list
-        (loop repeat start
-              do (setq list (p-cdr list))))
+  (loop repeat start
+        do (setq list (p-cdr list)))
   ;; The real work.
   (loop for i from start do
-        (if (or (endp list) (and end (= i end)))
+        (if (or (p-endp list) (and end (= i end)))
             (return-from p-find nil)
           (let ((elt (funcall key (p-car list))))
             (if (funcall test value elt)
@@ -269,6 +347,43 @@
   (cache-touch-object vector-1 (cache vector-1))
+(defmethod p-delete-if (test (list persistent-cons)
+                        &key (from-end nil) (start 0) end count key)
+  ;; DO: Implement FROM-END.
+  ;; DO: Write tests.
+  (declare (ignore from-end))
+  (unless key
+    (setq key #'identity))
+  ;; Move list to start position.
+  (let ((tail list)
+        (prev nil))
+    (loop repeat start
+          do (setq prev tail
+                   tail (p-cdr tail)))
+    ;; The real work.
+    (let ((nr-deleted 0))
+      (loop for i from start do
+            (if (or (p-endp tail)
+                    (and end (= i end))
+                    (and count (>= nr-deleted count)))
+                (return-from p-delete-if list)
+              (if (funcall test (funcall key (p-car tail)))
+                  ;; Delete the element.
+                  (progn
+                    (if prev
+                        (setf (p-cdr prev) (p-cdr tail))
+                      (setq list (p-cdr tail)))
+                    ;; Keep count.
+                    (incf nr-deleted))
+                ;; Don't delete anything.
+                (setq prev tail)))
+            ;; Keep moving.
+            (setq tail (p-cdr tail)))))
+  ;; Return the (possibly modified) list.
+  list)
 ;; Full fledged persistent objects
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/p-btrees.lisp	2006/08/04 22:04:43	1.7
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/p-btrees.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.8
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-;; $Id: p-btrees.lisp,v 1.7 2006/08/04 22:04:43 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: p-btrees.lisp,v 1.8 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
+;; DO: We probably need a lock per btree.  Each btree operation should
+;; be wrapped in a WITH-LOCK to make sure that nobody else changes the btree
+;; halfway during a btree operation.
 ;;; Btrees: API
@@ -14,12 +18,14 @@
    #:btree-max-node-size #:btree-unique-keys-p
    #:btree-key-type #:btree-value-type
+   #:btree-nr-keys #:btree-nr-values
    ;; Nodes
    ;; Functions
-   #:btree-search #:btree-insert #:btree-delete #:map-btree
+   #:btree-search #:btree-insert #:btree-delete #:btree-delete-key
+   #:map-btree #:map-btree-keys
    ;; Conditions
    #:btree-error #:btree-search-error #:btree-insertion-error
@@ -27,9 +33,99 @@
    #:btree-error-btree #:btree-error-key #:btree-error-value
+(defgeneric btree-nr-keys (btree)
+  (:documentation "Returns the number of keys in a btree."))
+(defgeneric btree-nr-values (btree)
+  (:documentation "Returns the number of values in a btree."))
+(defgeneric btree-search (btree key &key errorp default-value)
+  (:documentation
+   "Returns the value (or persistent list of values, for btrees that
+don't have unique keys) associated with KEY.  If the btree has
+non-unique keys and no value is found, the empty list is returned.  If
+the btree has unique keys and no value is found, the result depends on
+the ERRORP option: if ERRORP is true, a btree-search-error is
+signalled; otherwise, DEFAULT-VALUE is returned."))
+(defgeneric btree-insert (btree key value &key if-exists)
+  (:documentation
+   "Adds an association from KEY to VALUE to a btree.
+IF-EXISTS can be either :OVERWRITE (default) or :ERROR.
+If the btree has unique keys (see BTREE-UNIQUE-KEYS-P) and KEY is
+already associated with another (according to BTREE-VALUE=) value, the
+result depends on the IF-EXISTS option: if IF-EXISTS is :OVERWRITE,
+the old value is overwriten; if IF-EXISTS is :ERROR, a
+For btrees with non-unique keys, the IF-EXISTS option is ignored and
+VALUE is just added to the list of values associated with KEY (unless
+VALUE is already associated with KEY; in that case nothing
+(defgeneric btree-delete (btree key value &key if-does-not-exist)
+  (:documentation
+   "Removes an association from KEY to VALUE from a btree.
+IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST can be either :IGNORE (default) or :ERROR.
+If there is no association from KEY to VALUE and IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST
+is :ERROR, a BTREE-DELETION-ERROR is signaled."))
-#+nil(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (space 0)))
+(defgeneric btree-delete-key (btree key &key if-does-not-exist)
+  (:documentation
+   "Removes KEY and all associated values from a btree.
+IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST can be either :IGNORE (default) or :ERROR.
+For a btree with unique-keys that contains a value for KEY, this
+operation is identical to
+  (btree-delete btree key (btree-search btree key))
+For a btree with non-unique keys, it's identical to
+  (dolist (value (unwrap-persistent-list (btree-search btree key)))
+    (btree-delete btree key value))"))
+(defgeneric map-btree (btree function
+                             &key min max include-min include-max order)
+  (:documentation
+   "Calls FUNCTION for all key/value associations in the btree where
+key is in the specified interval (this means that FUNCTION can be
+called with the same key more than once for btrees with non-unique
+keys). FUNCTION must be a binary function; the first argument is the
+btree key, the second argument is an associated value.
+MIN, MAX, INCLUDE-MIN and INCLUDE-MAX specify the interval.  The
+interval is left-open if MIN is nil, right-open if MAX is nil.  The
+interval is inclusive on the left if INCLUDE-MIN is true (and
+exclusive on the left otherwise).  The interval is inclusive on the
+right if INCLUDE-MAX is true (and exclusive on the right otherwise).
+ORDER is either :ASCENDING (default) or :DESCENDING."))
+(defgeneric map-btree-keys (btree function
+                                  &key min max include-min include-max order)
+  (:documentation
+   "Calls FUNCTION for all keys in the btree where key is in the
+specified interval. FUNCTION must be a binary function; the first
+argument is the btree key, the second argument is the btree value (or
+persistent list of values, for btrees with non-unique keys).  FUNCTION
+will be called exactly once for each key in the btree.
+MIN, MAX, INCLUDE-MIN and INCLUDE-MAX specify the interval.  The
+interval is left-open if MIN is nil, right-open if MAX is nil.  The
+interval is inclusive on the left if INCLUDE-MIN is true (and
+exclusive on the left otherwise).  The interval is inclusive on the
+right if INCLUDE-MAX is true (and exclusive on the right otherwise).
+ORDER is either :ASCENDING (default) or :DESCENDING."))
 ;;; B-trees
@@ -77,6 +173,15 @@
 (define-condition btree-type-error (btree-error type-error)
+(define-condition btree-deletion-error (btree-error)
+  ((key :initarg :key :reader btree-error-key)
+   (value :initarg :value :reader btree-error-value))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (format stream "Can't delete the association from ~S to ~S
+because it doesn't exist."
+                     (btree-error-key condition)
+                     (btree-error-value condition)))))
 ;;; Classes
@@ -92,12 +197,13 @@
    (max-node-size :initarg :max-node-size
                   :reader btree-max-node-size
                   :initform 100
-                  :documentation "An integer specifying the preferred maximum number
-of keys per btree node.")
+                  :documentation "An integer specifying the preferred
+maximum number of keys per btree node.")
    (unique-keys-p :initarg :unique-keys-p
                   :reader btree-unique-keys-p
                   :initform t
-                  :documentation "If false, one key can correspond to more than one value.")
+                  :documentation
+                  "If false, one key can correspond to more than one value.")
    (key-type :initarg :key-type
              :reader btree-key-type
              :initform t
@@ -139,7 +245,7 @@
 (defmethod btree-key>= ((btree btree))
   (lambda (key1 key2)
-    (funcall (btree-key< btree) key2 key1)))
+    (not (funcall (btree-key< btree) key1 key2))))
 (defmethod btree-key<= ((btree btree))
   (let ((key< (btree-key< btree)))
@@ -175,6 +281,32 @@
   (:metaclass persistent-class))
+;; Info functions
+(defmethod btree-nr-keys ((btree btree))
+  (if (slot-boundp btree 'root)
+      (btree-node-nr-keys (btree-root btree))
+    0))
+(defmethod btree-node-nr-keys ((node btree-node))
+  (if (btree-node-leaf-p node)
+      (btree-node-index-count node)
+    (loop for i below (btree-node-index-count node)
+          sum (btree-node-nr-keys (binding-value (node-binding node i))))))
+(defmethod btree-nr-values ((btree btree))
+  (if (btree-unique-keys-p btree)
+      (btree-nr-keys btree)
+    (let ((result 0))
+      (map-btree-keys btree
+                      (lambda (key p-values)
+                        (declare (ignore key))
+                        (incf result (p-length p-values))))
+      result)))
 ;; Bindings
@@ -220,7 +352,7 @@
 (defmethod print-object ((node btree-node) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
-    (format stream "with ~D pairs" (btree-node-index-count node))))
+    (format stream "with ~D bindings" (btree-node-index-count node))))
 ;; Debugging
@@ -229,30 +361,56 @@
 (defun display-node (node)
   (pprint (node-as-cons node)))
-(defun node-as-cons (node)
+(defun node-as-cons (node &optional (unique-keys t))
   (loop with index = (btree-node-index node)
         with leaf-p = (btree-node-leaf-p node)
         for i below (btree-node-index-count node)
         for binding = (p-aref index i)
         collect (list (binding-key binding)
                       (if leaf-p
-                        (binding-value binding)
+                          (if unique-keys
+                              (binding-value binding)
+                            (unwrap-persistent-list (binding-value binding)))
                         (node-as-cons (binding-value binding))))))
+(defun btree-as-cons (btree)
+  (and (slot-value btree 'root)
+       (node-as-cons (btree-root btree) (btree-unique-keys-p btree))))
+;; Depth and balance
+(defmethod node-max-depth ((node btree-node))
+  (if (btree-node-leaf-p node)
+      0
+    (loop for i below (btree-node-index-count node)
+          for binding = (node-binding node i)
+          maximize (1+ (node-max-depth (binding-value binding))))))
+(defmethod node-min-depth ((node btree-node))
+  (if (btree-node-leaf-p node)
+      0
+    (loop for i below (btree-node-index-count node)
+          for binding = (node-binding node i)
+          minimize (1+ (node-min-depth (binding-value binding))))))
+(defmethod btree-depths ((btree btree))
+  (if (slot-value btree 'root)
+      (values (node-min-depth (btree-root btree))
+              (node-max-depth (btree-root btree)))
+    (values 0 0)))
+(defmethod btree-balanced-p ((btree btree))
+  (multiple-value-bind (min max)
+      (btree-depths btree)
+    (<= (- max min) 1)))
 ;; Search
-(defgeneric btree-search (btree key &key errorp default-value)
-  (:documentation "Returns the value (or list of values, for btrees
-that don't have unique keys) corresponding to KEY.  If the btree has
-non-unique keys and no value is found, the empty list is returned.  If
-the btree has unique keys and no value is found, the result depends on
-ERRORP option: if ERRORP is true, a btree-search-error is signalled;
-otherwise, DEFAULT-VALUE is returned."))
 (defmethod btree-search (btree key &key (errorp t) (default-value nil))
       (if (slot-boundp btree 'root)
@@ -260,7 +418,7 @@
         (not-found btree key errorp default-value))
     (use-value (value)
       :report (lambda (stream)
-                (format stream "Specifiy a value to use this time for key ~S." key))
+                (format stream "Specify a value to use this time for key ~S." key))
       :interactive (lambda ()
                      (format t "Enter a value for key ~S: " key)
                      (multiple-value-list (eval (read))))
@@ -285,28 +443,19 @@
 ;; Node-search
-(defun find-binding-in-node (key node btree)
-  (let ((index-count (btree-node-index-count node)))
-    (and (plusp index-count)
-         (loop with array = (btree-node-index node)
-               with btree-key< = (btree-key< btree)
-               for i from 0 below index-count
-               for candidate = (p-aref array i)
-               for candidate-key = (binding-key candidate)
-               while (funcall btree-key< candidate-key key)
-               finally (when (funcall (btree-key= btree) key candidate-key)
-                         (return candidate))))))
 (defgeneric node-search (btree node key errorp default-value)
   (:method ((btree btree) (node btree-node) key errorp default-value)
+   (let ((binding (node-search-binding btree node key)))
+     (if binding
+         (binding-value binding)
+       (not-found btree key errorp default-value)))))
+(defgeneric node-search-binding (btree node key)
+  (:method ((btree btree) (node btree-node) key)
    (if (btree-node-leaf-p node)
-       (let ((binding (find-binding-in-node key node btree)))
-         (if binding
-             (binding-value binding)
-           (not-found btree key errorp default-value)))
+       (find-binding-in-node key node btree)
      (let ((subnode (find-subnode btree node key)))
-       (node-search btree subnode key errorp default-value)))))
+       (node-search-binding btree subnode key)))))
 (defun find-subnode (btree node key)
   "Returns the subnode that contains more information for the given key."
@@ -323,13 +472,22 @@
         do (return-from find-subnode (binding-value binding)))
   (error "This shouldn't happen."))
+(defun find-binding-in-node (key node btree)
+  (let ((index-count (btree-node-index-count node)))
+    (and (plusp index-count)
+         (loop with array = (btree-node-index node)
+               with btree-key< = (btree-key< btree)
+               for i from 0 below index-count
+               for candidate = (p-aref array i)
+               for candidate-key = (binding-key candidate)
+               while (funcall btree-key< candidate-key key)
+               finally (when (funcall (btree-key= btree) key candidate-key)
+                         (return candidate))))))
 ;;; Insert
-(defgeneric btree-insert (btree key value &key if-exists))
 (defmethod btree-insert ((btree btree) key value &key (if-exists :overwrite))
   ;; Check that key and value are of the right type.
   (unless (typep key (btree-key-type btree))
@@ -361,14 +519,17 @@
 (defun check-btree (btree)
   ;; Check that it is completely sorted.
   (let (prev-key)
-    (map-btree btree
-               (lambda (key value)
-                 (declare (ignore value))
-                 (when prev-key
-                   (unless (funcall (btree-key< btree) prev-key key)
-                     (display-node (btree-root btree))
-                     (error "Btree inconsistency between ~D and ~D" prev-key key)))
-                 (setq prev-key key)))))
+    (map-btree-keys btree
+                    (lambda (key value)
+                      (declare (ignore value))
+                      (when prev-key
+                        (unless (funcall (btree-key< btree) prev-key key)
+                          (pprint (btree-as-cons btree))
+                          (error "Btree inconsistency between ~D and ~D" prev-key key)))
+                      (setq prev-key key))))
+  ;; Check that it is balanced
+  (unless (btree-balanced-p btree)
+    (error "Btree ~S is not balanced." btree)))
 (defun make-root (btree left-key left-subnode right-key right-subnode)
@@ -385,11 +546,13 @@
 (defgeneric btree-node-insert (btree node parent-stack key value if-exists))
-(defmethod btree-node-insert ((btree btree) (node btree-node) parent-stack key value if-exists)
+(defmethod btree-node-insert ((btree btree) (node btree-node)
+                              parent-stack key value if-exists)
   (cond ((btree-node-leaf-p node)
          (leaf-insert btree node parent-stack key value if-exists))
         (t (let ((subnode (find-subnode btree node key)))
-             (btree-node-insert btree subnode (cons node parent-stack) key value if-exists)))))
+             (btree-node-insert btree subnode (cons node parent-stack)
+                                key value if-exists)))))
 (defun smallest-key (node)
   (if (btree-node-leaf-p node)
@@ -397,9 +560,10 @@
     (smallest-key (binding-value (node-binding node 0)))))

[351 lines skipped]
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/package.lisp	2006/08/04 22:04:43	1.4
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/package.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.5
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: package.lisp,v 1.4 2006/08/04 22:04:43 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: package.lisp,v 1.5 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 #-(or allegro lispworks sbcl openmcl)
   (error "Unsupported implementation: ~A" (lisp-implementation-type))
@@ -32,8 +32,11 @@
    #:p-cons #:p-array
    #:p-car #:p-cdr #:p-list
+   #:unwrap-persistent-list
+   #:p-mapcar #:p-mapc #:p-maplist #:p-mapl
+   #:p-member-if 
    #:p-make-array #:p-aref #:p-array-dimensions
-   #:p-length #:p-find #:p-replace #:p-position
+   #:p-length #:p-find #:p-replace #:p-delete-if #:p-position
    ;; Heaps
    #:heap #:free-list-heap #:mark-and-sweep-heap #:simple-free-list-heap
@@ -83,8 +86,10 @@
    #:btree-max-node-size #:btree-unique-keys-p
    #:btree-key-type #:btree-value-type
    #:btree-node-class #:btree-node
+   #:btree-nr-keys #:btree-nr-values
    ;; Functions
-   #:btree-search #:btree-insert #:btree-delete #:map-btree
+   #:btree-search #:btree-insert #:btree-delete #:btree-delete-key
+   #:map-btree #:map-btree-keys
    ;; Conditions
    #:btree-error #:btree-search-error #:btree-insertion-error
    #:btree-key-already-present-error #:btree-type-error
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test.lisp	2006/08/04 22:04:43	1.5
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/test.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.6
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: test.lisp,v 1.5 2006/08/04 22:04:43 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: test.lisp,v 1.6 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :test-rucksack)
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
   (p-test (p-make-array 2 :initial-contents '(a b))
 	  (equal '(a b)
 	       (list (p-aref it 0) (p-aref it 1))))
   ;; Persistent-objects
@@ -92,6 +93,37 @@
+;;; Test objects
+(defun test-objects ()
+  (p-test (p-list 1 2 3 4 5)
+          (equal '(1 3 5)
+                 (unwrap-persistent-list (p-delete-if #'evenp it))))
+  (p-test (p-list 1 2 3 4 5)
+          (equal '(2 4)
+                 (unwrap-persistent-list (p-delete-if #'oddp it))))
+  (p-test (p-list 1 2 4 6)
+          (equal '(1)
+                 (unwrap-persistent-list (p-delete-if #'evenp it ))))
+  (p-test (p-list 1 2 3 4 5)
+          (equal '()
+                 (unwrap-persistent-list (p-delete-if (constantly t) it ))))
+  (p-test (p-list 1 2 3 4 5)
+          (equal '(3 4 5)
+                 (unwrap-persistent-list (p-delete-if (constantly t) it :count 2))))
+  (p-test (p-list 1 2 3 4 5)
+          (equal '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                 (unwrap-persistent-list (p-delete-if (constantly t) it :count 0))))
+  ;; DO: We need a lot more tests here for other functions like
+  ;; P-MEMBER-IF, P-FIND, P-REPLACE, etcetera.
+  :ok)
 ;;; Test basic create, load and update functionality with many objects, so
 ;;; the incremental garbage collector needs to do some work too.
@@ -153,6 +185,10 @@
 ;; Test btrees as just another persistent data structure.
+(defparameter *format-strings* 
+  ;; Different ways of printing integers.
+  '("~R" "~:R" "~@R" "~D"))
 (defun shuffle (array)
   (loop with n = (array-dimension array 0)
         repeat n
@@ -161,19 +197,16 @@
         when (/= i j)
         do (rotatef (aref array i) (aref array j))))
 (defun check-size (btree expected)
   (format t "~&Counting~%")
-  (let ((count 0))
-    (map-btree btree
-               (lambda (key value)
-                 (declare (ignore key value))
-                 (incf count)))
-    (unless (= count expected)
+  (let ((count (btree-nr-values btree)))
+    (unless (=  count expected)
       (error "Wrong btree size - expected ~A, got ~A."
              expected count))))
 (defun check-order (btree)
-  (format t "~&Checking order~%")
+  (format t "~&Checking order and balance~%")
   (rs::check-btree btree))
 (defun check-contents (btree)
@@ -189,7 +222,9 @@
      (prog1 (progn , at body)
        (format t "~&Committing..."))))
-(defun test-btree (&key (n 20000) (node-size 100) (delete (floor n 10)) check-contents)
+(defun test-btree (&key (n 20000) (node-size 100) (delete (floor n 10))
+                        (unique-keys t)
+                        check-contents)
   ;; Create a rucksack with a btree of size N that maps random
   ;; integers to the equivalent strings as a cardinal English number.
   ;; Use node size NODE-SIZE for the btree.
@@ -206,7 +241,11 @@
                 for i from 1
                 when (zerop (mod i 1000))
                 do (format t "~D " i)
-                do (btree-insert btree key (format nil "~R" key)))
+                do (btree-insert btree key
+                                 (format nil (first *format-strings*) key))
+                do (unless unique-keys
+                     (loop for format-string in (rest *format-strings*)
+                           do (btree-insert btree key (format nil format-string key)))))
           (add-rucksack-root btree rucksack))))
     (with-rucksack (rucksack *test-suite*)
       (with-transaction ()
@@ -225,7 +264,7 @@
             (dotimes (i delete)
               (when (zerop (mod (1+ i) 1000))
                 (format t "~D " (1+ i)))
-              (btree-delete btree (aref array i)))
+              (btree-delete-key btree (aref array i)))
             (check-order btree)
             (check-contents btree)))
         (with-transaction* ()
@@ -249,9 +288,107 @@
               (check-contents btree)))))))
+;; Btrees with non-unique keys
+(defun check-non-unique-contents (btree)
+  (format t "~&Checking contents~%")
+  (map-btree btree
+             (lambda (key value)
+               (let ((strings (loop for format-string in *format-strings*
+                                    collect (format nil format-string key))))
+                 (unless (member value strings :test #'string-equal)
+                   (error "Value mismatch: Expected one of ~S for ~S, got ~S."
+                          strings key value))))))
+(defun test-non-unique-btree (&key (n 20000) (node-size 100) (delete (floor n 8))
+                                   check-contents)
+  ;; Create a rucksack with a btree of size N (N must be a multiple of 4) that
+  ;; maps random integers to four different equivalent strings (in Roman and
+  ;; English notation).
+  ;; Use node size NODE-SIZE for the btree.
+  ;; If DELETE is not NIL, it must be a multiple of 4; delete that number of
+  ;; elements as well.
+  (let* ((nr-formats (length *format-strings*))
+         (array-size (floor n nr-formats))
+         (array (make-array array-size
+                            :initial-contents (loop for i from 1 to array-size collect i))))
+    (assert (zerop (mod n nr-formats)))
+    (assert (zerop (mod delete nr-formats)))
+    (shuffle array)
+    (with-rucksack (rucksack *test-suite* :if-exists :supersede)
+      (with-transaction* ()
+        (format t "~&Inserting~%")
+        (let ((btree (make-instance 'btree :value= 'string-equal
+                                    :max-node-size node-size
+                                    :unique-keys-p nil)))
+          (loop for key across array
+                for i from 1
+                when (zerop (mod i 200))
+                do (format t "~D " i)
+                do (loop for format-string in *format-strings*
+                         do (btree-insert btree key (format nil format-string key))))
+          (add-rucksack-root btree rucksack))))
+    (with-rucksack (rucksack *test-suite*)
+      (with-transaction ()
+        (let ((btree (first (rucksack-roots rucksack))))
+          (check-order btree)
+          (check-size btree n)
+          (when check-contents
+            (check-non-unique-contents btree))))
+      (when delete
+        (shuffle array)
+        (setq array (subseq array 0 (floor delete nr-formats)))
+        (shuffle array)
+        (with-transaction* ()
+          (format t "~&Deleting~%")
+          (let ((btree (first (rucksack-roots rucksack))))
+            (loop for i below (floor delete nr-formats)
+                  do (loop for j below nr-formats
+                           do (when (zerop (mod (+ j (* nr-formats i)) 10))
+                                (format t "~D " (+ j (* nr-formats i))))
+                           do (let* ((key (aref array i))
+                                     (from-end (oddp key))
+                                     (index (if from-end
+                                                j
+                                              (- nr-formats (1+ j))))
+                                     (format-string (elt *format-strings* index))
+                                     (value (format nil format-string key)))
+                                (btree-delete btree key value
+                                              :if-does-not-exist :error))))
+            (check-order btree)
+            (check-size btree (- n delete))
+            (check-non-unique-contents btree)))
+        (with-transaction* ()
+          (let ((btree (first (rucksack-roots rucksack))))
+            (check-order btree)
+            (check-size btree (- n delete))
+            (when check-contents
+              (check-contents btree))
+            (format t "~&Reinserting~%")
+            (shuffle array)
+            (dotimes (i (floor delete nr-formats))
+              (when (zerop (mod (1+ i) 10))
+                (format t "~D " (1+ i)))
+              (let ((key (aref array i)))
+                (loop for format-string in *format-strings*
+                      do (btree-insert btree key (format nil format-string key)))))))
+        (with-transaction ()
+          (let ((btree (first (rucksack-roots rucksack))))
+            (check-order btree)
+            (check-size btree n)
+            (when check-contents
+              (check-contents btree)))))))
+  :ok)
+(defun btree-stress-test (&key (n 1000))
+  (loop for i below n
+        do (print i)
+        do (test-non-unique-btree :n 1600 :node-size 12 :delete 1500)))
-(defun test-btree-map (&key (display t))
+(defun test-btree-map (&key (display t) min max include-min include-max
+                            (order :ascending))
   ;; Print out the contents of the btree.
   (with-rucksack (rucksack *test-suite*)
     (with-transaction ()
@@ -259,7 +396,12 @@
         (map-btree btree
                    (lambda (key value)
                      (when display
-                       (format t "~&~D -> ~A~%" key value))))))))
+                       (format t "~&~D -> ~A~%" key value)))
+                   :min min
+                   :include-min include-min
+                   :max max
+                   :include-max include-max
+                   :order order)))))
 ;;; Garbage collector
--- /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/transactions.lisp	2006/08/04 10:37:59	1.7
+++ /project/rucksack/cvsroot/rucksack/transactions.lisp	2006/08/08 13:35:18	1.8
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; $Id: transactions.lisp,v 1.7 2006/08/04 10:37:59 alemmens Exp $
+;; $Id: transactions.lisp,v 1.8 2006/08/08 13:35:18 alemmens Exp $
 (in-package :rucksack)
@@ -70,19 +70,21 @@
 (defgeneric transaction-changed-object (transaction object-id)
-  (:documentation "If the given transaction has modified the object
-with the given object id, this function returns the modified object.
-Otherwise it returns nil."))
+  (:documentation
+   "If the given transaction has modified the object with the given
+object id, this function returns the modified object.  Otherwise it
+returns nil."))
 (defgeneric transaction-older-p (a b)
-  (:documentation "Returns true iff transaction A is older than
-transaction B."))
+  (:documentation
+   "Returns true iff transaction A is older than transaction B."))
 (defgeneric find-conflicting-transaction (object-id cache transaction)
-  (:documentation "Tries to find an open transaction that has modified
-the object with the given object-id and is older than the given
-transaction.  Returns this conflicting transaction, if there is one.
-Otherwise it returns nil."))
+  (:documentation
+   "Tries to find an open transaction that has modified the object
+with the given object-id and is older than the given transaction.
+Returns this conflicting transaction, if there is one.  Otherwise it
+returns nil."))
 (defmethod transaction-nr-dirty-objects ((transaction standard-transaction))
   (hash-table-count (dirty-objects transaction)))

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