[rjain-utils-cvs] CVS formulate/src

rjain rjain at common-lisp.net
Wed Nov 4 21:41:35 UTC 2009

Update of /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv29200/src

Modified Files:
	formulate.lisp metaobjects.lisp package.lisp variables.lisp 
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Refactor a bit and get everything working for the basic lazy evaluation
and unconditional propagation scenario.

--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/formulate.lisp	2007/11/02 20:45:39
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/formulate.lisp	2009/11/04 21:41:35	1.2
@@ -1,48 +1,108 @@
 (in-package :formulate)
+(deftype list-of (elt-type)
+  'list)
 (defvar *formulating* '()
-  "Dynamically rebound each time we start computing a formula with the
-FORMULATOR CONSed to the front of it.")
+  "The FORMULATOR, if any, that is being evaluated.")
 (define-condition set-formulated-location (cell-error)
-(defclass standard-formulator-source ()
-  (reverse-dependencies :initform '() :type list :accessor reverse-dependencies)
-  (value)
-  (eager-propagation :initform t))
+(defgeneric formulator-value (formulator
+                              &optional unbound-condition cell-name))
-(defclass standard-formulator-sink ()
-  ((eager-recomputation :initform nil)))
-(defclass standard-formulator (standard-formulator-source standard-formulator-sink)
-  ((formula :initarg formula :initform (error "need to specify a formula")
-            :accessor formulator-formula)
-   (formula-function :initarg formula-function :initform (error "need to specify a formula-function") :type function
-                     :accessor formulator-formula-function)))
+(defmethod formulator-value :around (formulator
+                                     &optional unbound-condition cell-name)
+  (when *formulating*
+    (note-formula-dependency formulator *formulating*))
+  (if (formulator-value-validp formulator)
+      (call-next-method)
+      (error unbound-condition :name cell-name)))
+(defgeneric formulator-value-changed (sink source new-value old-value))
+(defclass simple-formulator-source ()
+  ((dependents :initform '() 
+               :type (list-of formulator-sink) 
+               :accessor formulator-dependents)
+   (value))
+  (:documentation "FORMULATOR-SOURCE implementation that unconditionally
+  notifies all sinks that depend on it every time its value is changed."))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((formulator simple-formulator-source)
+                                       &key ((formula formula)) ((formula-function formula-function)))
+  (when formula-function
+    (setf (slot-value formulator 'value) (funcall formula-function))))
+(defmethod formulator-value-validp ((source simple-formulator-source))
+  (slot-boundp source 'value))
+(defmethod formulator-invalidate ((source simple-formulator-source))
+  (slot-makunbound source 'value))
+(defmethod formulator-value ((formulator simple-formulator-source) 
+                             &optional cond cell)
+  (slot-value formulator 'value))
+(defmethod (setf formulator-value) (new-value (formulator simple-formulator-source))
+  (let ((old-value (and (formulator-value-validp formulator)
+                        (formulator-value formulator)))
+        (result (setf (slot-value formulator 'value) new-value)))
+    (dolist (dependent (formulator-dependents formulator))
+      (formulator-source-value-changed dependent formulator new-value old-value))
+    result))
-(defun formulate (formulator unbound-condition cell-name)
-  (if (null formulator)
-      (error unbound-condition :name cell-name)
-    (if (slot-boundp formulator 'value)
-        (slot-value formulator 'value)
-      (compute-formula formulator))))
-(defmethod compute-formula ((formulator formulator))
-  (note-formula-dependency formulator)
-  (setf (reverse-dependencies formulator) '())
-  (let ((*formulating* (cons formulator *formulating*)))
-    (setf (slot-value formulator 'value)
-          (funcall (formulator-formula-function formulator))))
-  (when (slot-value formulator 'eager-propagation)
-    (mapcar (lambda (dependent) (note-dependency-value-changed dependent formulator))
-            (slot-value formulator 'reverse-dependencies))))
-(defmethod note-formula-dependency ((formulator standard-formulator))
-  (dolist (surrounding-formulator *formulating*)
-    (pushnew formulator (reverse-dependencies surrounding-formulator))))
-(defmethod note-dependency-value-changed ((dependent standard-formulator) (dependency standard-formulator))
-  (slot-makunbound dependent 'value)
-  (when (slot-value dependent 'eager-recomputation)
-    (compute-formula dependent)))
\ No newline at end of file
+(defclass formula-formulator-sink ()
+  ((formula :initarg formula
+            :accessor formulator-formula)
+   (formula-function :initarg formula-function
+                     :initform (error "need to specify a formula-function")
+                     :type function
+                     :accessor formulator-formula-function))
+  (:documentation "FORMULATOR-SINK implementation that recomputes the
+  formula every time it is asked for a value."))
+(defmethod formulator-value ((formulator formula-formulator-sink)
+                             &optional cond cell)
+  (funcall (formulator-formula-function formulator)))
+(defmethod formulator-value-validp ((formulator formula-formulator-sink))
+  (slot-boundp formulator 'formula))
+(defclass lazy-formula-formulator-sink (formula-formulator-sink)
+  ((source :initarg source
+           :initform (make-instance 'simple-formulator-source)
+           :accessor formulator-source
+           :documentation "FORMULATOR-SOURCE that contains the cached
+           value and propagates changes to sinks that refer to this
+           formulator's parent cell."))
+  (:documentation "FORMULATOR-SINK implementation that lazily recomputes
+  and caches the formula's value."))
+(defmethod formulator-dependents ((formulator lazy-formula-formulator-sink))
+  (formulator-dependents (formulator-source formulator)))
+(defmethod (setf formulator-dependents) (new-value (formulator lazy-formula-formulator-sink))
+  (setf (formulator-dependents (formulator-source formulator)) new-value))
+(defmethod formulator-value ((formulator lazy-formula-formulator-sink)
+                             &optional cond cell)
+  (let ((source (formulator-source formulator)))
+    (if (formulator-value-validpxo source)
+        (let ((*formulating* nil))
+          (formulator-value source cond cell))
+        (let ((*formulating* formulator))
+          ;; TODO: remove dependencies when dependencies change
+          (setf (formulator-value source) (call-next-method))))))
+(defmethod formulator-invalidate ((formulator lazy-formula-formulator-sink))
+  (formulator-invalidate (formulator-source formulator)))
+(defmethod note-formula-dependency (source sink)
+  (pushnew sink (formulator-dependents source)))
+(defmethod formulator-source-value-changed
+    ((sink lazy-formula-formulator-sink) source new-value old-value)
+  (formulator-invalidate sink))
--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/metaobjects.lisp	2007/11/02 20:45:39
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/metaobjects.lisp	2009/11/04 21:41:35	1.2
@@ -7,62 +7,75 @@
 (defclass formulated-slot-definition (standard-slot-definition)
-  ((formulator-class :initform 'standard-formulator :initarg formulator-class :accessor formulator-class)
-   (formulator-options :initform '() :initarg formulator-options :accessor formulator-options)))
+  ((formulator-class :initarg formulator-class
+                     :accessor formulator-class)
+   (formulator-options :initform '()
+                       :initarg formulator-options
+                       :accessor formulator-options)))
 (defclass formulated-direct-slot-definition (formulated-slot-definition standard-direct-slot-definition)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance formulated-direct-slot-definition)
+                                       &key ((formula-p formula-p)))
+  "default formulator-class based on whether this is a formula or not"
+  (unless (slot-boundp instance 'formulator-class)
+    (setf (slot-value instance 'formulator-class)
+          (if formula-p
+              'lazy-formula-formulator-sink
+              'simple-formulator-source))))
 (defmethod slot-definition-initfunction ((slotd formulated-direct-slot-definition))
   (lambda () (apply 'make-instance (formulator-class slotd)
                     'formula (slot-definition-initform slotd)
                     'formula-function (call-next-method)
                     (formulator-options slotd))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance formulated-slot-definition) &key ((formula-p formula-p) t))
-  (declare (ignore formula-p))
-  ;; FORMULA-P is already reflected in the class chosen by DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS
-  )
-(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class formulated-class)
-                                         &key ((formula-p formula-p) nil) &allow-other-keys)
-  (if formula-p
-      'formulated-direct-slot-definition
-    'formulated-source-))
+(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class formulated-class) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  ;; formula-p only indicates whether this is a formula sink as well as
+  ;; a source.
+  'formulated-direct-slot-definition)
 (defclass formulated-effective-slot-definition (formulated-slot-definition standard-effective-slot-definition)
-(defvar *computing-formulated-eslotd* nil)
 (defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class formulated-class) &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (if *computing-formulated-eslotd*
-      'formulated-effective-slot-definition
-    (call-next-method)))
+  ;; formula-p only indicates whether this is a formula sink as well as
+  ;; a source.
+  'formulated-effective-slot-definition)
 (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class formulated-class) slot-name dslotds)
-  (declare (type list dslotds))
-  (let ((*computing-formulated-eslotd*
-         (find-if (lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'formulated-direct-slot-definition)) dslotds)))
-    (call-next-method)))
+  (let ((eslotd (call-next-method))
+        (most-specific-fdslotd
+         (find-if 
+          (lambda (slotd)
+            (typep slotd 'formulated-direct-slot-definition)) 
+          dslotds)))
+    (setf (slot-value eslotd 'formulator-class) 
+          (formulator-class most-specific-fdslotd))
+    eslotd))
 (defvar *me*)
-(defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class formulated-class) object (slotd formulated-effective-slot-definition))
-  (let ((*me* object))
-    (formulate (call-next-method) 'unbound-slot (slot-definition-name slotd))))
+(defvar *get-slot-formulator* nil)
-(define-condition set-formulated-slot (set-formulated-location)
-  ())
-(defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) (new-value
-                                          (class formulated-class) object (slotd formulated-effective-slot-definition))
-  (declare (ignore new-value class))
-  (call-next-method)
-  #+nil                                 ; this doesn't seem to work...
-  (if (typep object 'formulator)
+(defmethod slot-value-using-class :around
+    (class object (slotd formulated-effective-slot-definition))
+  (if *get-slot-formulator*
-    (error 'set-formulated-slot :name (slot-definition-name slotd))))
+      (let ((*me* object))
+        (formulator-value (call-next-method) 'unbound-slot (slot-definition-name slotd)))))
+(defmethod slot-formulator-using-class (class object (slotd formulated-effective-slot-definition))
+  (let ((*get-slot-formulator* t))
+    (slot-value-using-class class object slotd)))
+(defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) :around
+    (new-value
+     class object (slotd formulated-effective-slot-definition))
+  (if (slot-boundp-using-class class object slotd)
+      (setf (formulator-value (slot-formulator-using-class class object slotd)) new-value)
+      (call-next-method)))
 (declaim (inline my))
 (defun my (slot)
--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/package.lisp	2007/11/02 20:45:35
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/package.lisp	2009/11/04 21:41:35	1.2
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 (defpackage :formulate
   (:export #:formulator
-           #:standard-formulator
+           #:simple-formulator-source
+           #:formula-formulator-sink
+           #:lazy-formula-formulator-sink
+           #:formulator-class
+           #:formulator-options
-  (:use :cl :mop))
+  (:use :cl #.(first '(#+sbcl :sb-mop :mop))))
 (defpackage :formulate-user
   (:use :cl :formulate))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/variables.lisp	2007/11/02 20:45:39
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/variables.lisp	2009/11/04 21:41:35	1.2
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
 (in-package :formulate)
 (defmacro define-formulated-variable (name formula
-                                           &key declare
+                                      &key declare
-                                           (formulator-class 'standard-formulator)
+                                           (formulator-class 'lazy-formula-formulator-sink)
      (define-symbol-macro ,name (formulate-variable ',name))
      (setf (documentation ',name 'variable) ,documentation)
-     (setf (get name 'formulator)
+     (setf (symbol-value ',name)
            (make-instance ',formulator-class
                           'formula ',formula
                           'formula-function (lambda () (declare , at declare) ,formula)
-                          , at formulator-options))))
+                          , at formulator-options))
+     ',name))
 (defun formulate-variable (name)
-  (formulate (get name 'formulator) 'unbound-variable name))
-(define-condition set-formuated-variable (set-formulated-location)
-  ())
+  (formulator-value (symbol-value name) 'unbound-variable name))
 (defun (setf formulate-variable) (new-value name)
-  (declare (ignore new-value))
-  (error 'set-formulated-variable :name name))
+  (setf (formulator-value (symbol-value name)) new-value))

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