[rjain-utils-cvs] CVS formulate/src/clim-ui

rjain rjain at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 25 21:03:22 UTC 2009

Update of /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv31147/src/clim-ui

Modified Files:
	application.lisp formulate.clim-ui.asd objects.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
usability enhancements

separate class definer into a separate application frame and make it work

--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/application.lisp	2009/11/24 10:06:47	1.2
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/application.lisp	2009/12/25 21:03:22	1.3
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
 (in-package :formulate.clim-ui)
+(defvar *document-package-counter* 0)
+(defun make-document-package ()
+  (make-package (format nil "Document ~A" (incf *document-package-counter*))
+                :use '(common-lisp formulate)))
 (define-application-frame formulate ()
-  ((monitored-values :initform (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
+  ((document-package :initform (make-document-package) :initarg :document-package :accessor document-package)
+   (monitored-values :initform (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
                      :accessor monitored-values))
   (:panes (interactor :interactor
-                      :scroll-bars t)
+                      :scroll-bars t
+                      :min-width 400)
           (monitor :application
                    :scroll-bars t
                    :incremental-redisplay t
@@ -16,8 +23,26 @@
+(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((formulate formulate) slots &key)
+  (setf (frame-pretty-name formulate)
+        (format nil "Formulate: ~A" (package-name (document-package formulate)))))
+(defmethod default-frame-top-level ((frame formulate) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (let ((*package* (document-package frame))
+        (*debugger-hook* (if (find-package :clim-debugger)
+                             (find-symbol "DEBUGGER" :clim-debugger)
+                             *debugger-hook*)))
+    (call-next-method)))
+(define-formulate-command com-import-library ((name 'string))
+  (use-package (string-upcase name)))
 (defun display-monitor (*application-frame* *standard-output*)
-  (updating-output (t :unique-id (monitored-values *application-frame*))
+  (updating-output (t)
     (map nil (lambda (item) (display-monitored-value item))
          (monitored-values *application-frame*))))
@@ -28,31 +53,25 @@
 (defun remove-from-monitor (value *application-frame*)
   (delete value (monitored-values *application-frame*)))
-(defvar *error-formulator* nil)
 (defmacro display-formula-value (location)
   `(catch 'formula-value-fail
          ((error #'(lambda (error) 
                      (display-formula-error error formulate::*formulating*)
                      (throw 'formula-value-fail nil))))
-       (let ((error-source-p (eql *error-formulator*
-                                  (let ((formulate::*get-formulator* t))
-                                    ,location)))
-             (value ,location))
-         (when error-source-p
-           (with-text-face (t :bold)
-             (with-drawing-options (t :ink +red+)
-               (write-string ">>>"))))
-         (present value (presentation-type-of value))
-         (when error-source-p
-           (with-text-face (t :bold)
-             (with-drawing-options (t :ink +red+)
-               (write-string "<<<"))))))))
+       (let* ((value ,location)
+              (ptype (if (typep (class-of value) 'formulated-class)
+                         'formulated-object
+                         (presentation-type-of value))))
+         (present value ptype)))))
 (defmethod frame-standard-output ((frame formulate))
   (get-frame-pane frame 'interactor))
 (define-presentation-type formula-error ()
   :inherit-from t)
@@ -65,17 +84,26 @@
   (print-unreadable-object ((formula-error-error error) stream :type t)))
 (defun display-formula-error (error formulator)
-  (with-output-as-presentation (t 
-                                (make-formula-error :error error :formulator formulator)
-                                'formula-error)
+  (with-output-as-presentation (t (make-formula-error :error error :formulator formulator)
+                                  'formula-error)
     (with-text-face (t :italic)
       (with-drawing-options (t :ink +red+)
-        (write-char #\!)
+2        (write-char #\!)
         (prin1 (class-name (class-of error)))
         (write-char #\!)))))
 (define-formulate-command com-describe-error ((err 'formula-error :gesture :select))
-  (setf *error-formulator* (formula-error-formulator err))
   (present (formula-error-error err) t)
   (format t "~&while computing ~A" 
           (formulate::formulator-formula (formula-error-formulator err))))
+(defun run ()
+    (clim-sys:make-process 
+     (lambda () 
+       (clim:run-frame-top-level 
+        (clim:make-application-frame "Formulate"
+                                     :frame-class 'formulate.clim-ui:formulate)))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/formulate.clim-ui.asd	2009/11/19 01:17:18	1.1
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/formulate.clim-ui.asd	2009/12/25 21:03:22	1.2
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
   ((:file "package")
    (:file "application" :depends-on ("package"))
    (:file "variables" :depends-on ("package" "application"))
-   (:file "objects" :depends-on ("package" "application")))
+   (:file "objects" :depends-on ("package" "application"))
+   (:file "classes" :depends-on ("package" "application")))
   :depends-on (:formulate :clim))
--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/objects.lisp	2009/11/24 10:06:47	1.2
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/objects.lisp	2009/12/25 21:03:22	1.3
@@ -1,40 +1,16 @@
 (in-package :formulate.clim-ui)
-(define-formulate-command (com-define-formulated-class :name "Define Class")
-    ((name 'symbol :prompt "Name")
-     (superclasses '(sequence symbol) :default () :prompt "Superclasses")
-     (slots '(sequence slot-specification) :prompt "Slots"))
-  (eval `(defclass ,name ,(coerce superclasses 'list)
-           (,@(coerce slots 'list))
-           (:metaclass formulated-class))))
-(define-presentation-type slot-specification ()
-  :inherit-from 'expression)
-(define-presentation-method accept ((type slot-specification) stream view 
-                                    &key default)
-  (let* ((name (if default
-                   (accept 'symbol :prompt "Name" :default (first default))
-                   (accept 'symbol :prompt "Name")))
-         (formula-p (accept 'boolean
-                            :prompt "Formula?"
-                            :default (getf default 'formula-p t) 
-                            :default-type 'boolean))
-         (initform (accept 'expression :prompt (if formula-p "Formula" "Initial value"))))
-    `(,name formula-p ,formula-p :initform ,initform)))
 (define-formulate-command (com-create-instance :name "Create Instance")
-    ((class '(or class symbol) :prompt "Class"))
-  (vector-push-extend (make-instance class)
+    ((name 'symbol :prompt "Name")
+     (class '(or class symbol) :prompt "Class"))
+  (proclaim `(special ,name))
+  (setf (symbol-value name) (make-instance class))
+  (vector-push-extend name
                       (monitored-values *application-frame*)))
 (define-presentation-type formulated-object ()
   :inherit-from t)
-(defmethod display-monitored-value ((object standard-object))
-  (fresh-line)
-  (present object 'formulated-object))
 (define-presentation-type formulated-slot ()
   ;; 3 element list: (slot-value <object> <slot-name>)
   :inherit-from t)
@@ -54,21 +30,22 @@
 (define-presentation-method present (object (type formulated-object) stream view
-  (with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'formulated-object)
+  (with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'formulated-object :single-box t)
     (with-output-as-presentation (stream (class-of object) 'class)
-      (with-text-face (stream :bold)  
-        (prin1 (class-name (class-of object)) stream)))
+      (with-text-face (stream :bold)
+        (with-drawing-options (t :ink +blue+)
+          (prin1 (class-name (class-of object)) stream))))
     (fresh-line stream)
     (formatting-table (stream)
       (dolist (slot (class-slots (class-of object)))
         (with-output-as-presentation (stream
                                       `(slot-value ,object ',(slot-definition-name slot))
-                                      'formulated-slot)
+                                      'formulated-slot
+                                       :single-box t)
           (display-slot-as-row object slot stream view))))))
 (define-presentation-translator slot-accessor (formulated-slot form formulate)
-  (format t "translating slot to expression")
   (values object 'expression t))
 (define-formulate-command (com-remove-object :name "Remove Object From Monitor")
@@ -77,7 +54,7 @@
 (define-formulate-command (com-set-slot-value :name "Set Slot Value")
     ((expression 'formulated-slot :prompt "Slot" :gesture :select)
-     (new-value 'form :prompt "New value" :default *unsupplied-argument-marker*))
+     (new-value 'form :prompt "New value"))
   (destructuring-bind (s-v object (q slot)) expression
     (declare (ignore s-v q))
     (setf (slot-value object slot) (eval new-value))))
--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/variables.lisp	2009/11/24 10:06:47	1.2
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/variables.lisp	2009/12/25 21:03:22	1.3
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 (define-formulate-command (com-define-formulated-variable :name "Define Variable")
     ((name 'symbol :prompt "Name")
      (formula-p 'boolean :prompt "Formula?")
-     (formula 'expression :prompt (if formula-p "Formula" "Initial value"))
+     (formula 'form :prompt (if formula-p "Formula" "Initial value"))
      (monitor-p 'boolean :default t :prompt "Show in monitor pane?")
-     (declarations 'expression :default '() :prompt "Declarations")
-     (documentation '(or string null) :default nil :prompt "Documentation"))
+     (declarations 'expression :default '((optimize (speed 1))) :prompt "Declarations")
+     (documentation '(or string null) :default "" :prompt "Documentation"))
   (eval `(define-formulated-variable ,name ,formula
            :formula-p ,formula-p
            :declare ,declarations :documentation ,documentation))
@@ -15,15 +15,27 @@
       (vector-push-extend name (monitored-values *application-frame*)))))
 (define-presentation-type formulated-variable ()
-  :inherit-from t)
+  :inherit-from 'symbol)
 (defmethod display-monitored-value ((name symbol))
-  (with-output-as-presentation (t name 'formulated-variable)
-    (with-text-face (t :bold)
-      (present name 'symbol))
-    (write-string " = ")
-    (display-formula-value (eval name))))
+  (with-output-as-presentation (t name (if (formulated-variable-p name) 'formulated-variable 'symbol) :single-box t)
+    (formatting-table ()
+      (formatting-row ()
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (with-text-face (t :bold)
+            (present name 'symbol))
+          (write-string " = "))
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (display-formula-value (eval name)))))
+    (when (documentation name 'variable)
+      (fresh-line)
+      (with-text-face (t :italic)
+        (with-drawing-options (t :ink +dark-green+)
+          (filling-output (t)
+            (write-string (documentation name 'variable)))))))
+  (terpri)
+  (terpri))
 (define-formulate-command (com-remove-variable :name "Remove Variable From Monitor")
     ((name 'formulated-variable :prompt "Variable" :gesture :menu))
@@ -31,7 +43,7 @@
 (define-formulate-command (com-set-variable :name "Set Variable")
     ((name 'formulated-variable :gesture :select)
-     (new-value 'form))
+     (new-value 'expression))
   (eval `(setf ,name ',new-value)))
 (define-formulate-command (com-describe-variable :name "Describe Variable")

--- /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/classes.lisp	2009/12/25 21:03:22	NONE
+++ /project/rjain-utils/cvsroot/formulate/src/clim-ui/classes.lisp	2009/12/25 21:03:22	1.1
(in-package :formulate.clim-ui)

(define-application-frame class-definer ()
  ((formulate-application :initarg :formulate-application :accessor formulate-application)
   (class-name :initarg :class-name :accessor name)
   (direct-superclasses :initarg :direct-superclasses 
                        :initform ()
                        :accessor direct-superclasses)
   (slots :initarg :direct-slots 
          :initform () 
          :accessor direct-slots)
   (options :initarg :options 
            :initform '((:metaclass formulated-class))
            :accessor options))
  (:pointer-documentation t)
  (:top-level (class-definer-top-level))
  (:geometry :width 500 :height 500)
  (:panes (class :application
                 :scroll-bars t
                 :display-function 'display-class-definition
                 :display-time :command-loop)
          (interactor :interactor 
                      :scroll-bars t))
  (:layouts (initial
             (:fill class)
             (horizontally (:x-spacing 10 :max-width 1000)
               (make-pane 'push-button :label "Define Class" :show-as-default t
                          (lambda (gadget)
                            (declare (ignore gadget))
                            (eval-define-class *application-frame*)
                             (formulate-application *application-frame*)
                            (frame-exit *application-frame*)))
               (make-pane 'push-button :label "Cancel"
                          (lambda (gadget)
                            (declare (ignore gadget))
                            (frame-exit *application-frame*)))))
             (2/5 class)
             (3/5 interactor))))

(define-formulate-command (com-define-formulated-class :name "Define Class")
    ((name 'symbol :prompt "Name"))
  (let ((package *package*)
        (formulate-application *application-frame*)
        (dialog-name (format nil "Define Class: ~A" name)))
     (lambda ()
       (let ((*package* package))
          (apply #'make-application-frame dialog-name
                 :frame-class 'class-definer
                 :formulate-application formulate-application
                 :class-name name
                 (when (find-class name nil)
                   (let ((class (find-class name)))
                     (list :direct-superclasses (mapcar #'class-name (class-direct-superclasses class))
                           :direct-slots (mapcar #'make-slot-specification (class-direct-slots class))
                           :options (list (list :metaclass (class-name (class-of class)))))))))))
     :name dialog-name)))

 (defvar *setting-layout* nil)

(defmethod layout-frame ((frame class-definer) &optional width height)
  (if *setting-layout*
      nil #+nil ;; TODO need to figure out how to get relayout to happen without resizing frame
      (allocate-space (frame-top-level-sheet frame)
                      (graft-width (frame-top-level-sheet frame)) (graft-height (frame-top-level-sheet frame)))
      (if (or width height)
          (let* ((sr-initial (compose-space (climi::find-pane-for-layout 'initial frame)))
                 (sr-interacting (compose-space (climi::find-pane-for-layout 'interacting frame)))
                 (combined-sr (space-requirement-combine #'max sr-initial sr-interacting)))
            (call-next-method frame
                              (space-requirement-width combined-sr)
                              (space-requirement-height combined-sr))))))

(defmethod (setf frame-current-layout) :around (name (frame class-definer))
  (let ((*setting-layout* t))

(defun accept-without-interactor (frame type)
  (with-input-context (type)
      (loop (read-gesture :stream (get-frame-pane frame 'class)))
    (t object)))

(defvar *interaction-continuation* nil)

(defun do-interaction ()
  (let* ((interactor (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'interactor))
         (*standard-input* interactor)
         (*standard-output* interactor)
         (*query-io* interactor))
    (window-clear (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'interactor))
         (funcall *interaction-continuation*)
      (setf *interaction-continuation* nil)
      (setf (frame-current-layout *application-frame*) 'initial))))

(defun get-command ()
  (let ((command
         (accept-without-interactor *application-frame*
                                    `(command :command-table ,(frame-command-table *application-frame*)))))
    (execute-frame-command *application-frame* command)))

(defun class-definer-top-level (*application-frame*)
  (redisplay-frame-panes *application-frame* :force-p t)
  ;; limit scope of changes to *INTERACTION-CONTINUATION* to this
  ;; specific invocation
  (let ((*interaction-continuation* nil))
             (redisplay-frame-panes *application-frame*)
             (if (print *interaction-continuation*)
         (abort ()
           :report "Return to application command loop"
            "Command aborted."))))))

(defmacro with-interaction (() &body body)
     (setf *interaction-continuation* (lambda () , at body))
         ;; the following may exit non-locally back to the top-level loop
         (setf (frame-current-layout *application-frame*) 'interacting)
       (climi::frame-layout-changed ()))

(defun eval-define-class (definer)
  (eval `(defclass ,(name definer) ,(direct-superclasses definer)
           ,(mapcar #'slot-specification-form (direct-slots definer))
           ,@(options definer))))

(define-presentation-type slot-specification ()
  :inherit-from 't)

(defstruct (slot-specification
             (:constructor %make-slot-specification
                           (name &key formula-p initform accessor options)))

(defmethod make-slot-specification ((slotd direct-slot-definition) &rest keys)
  (declare (ignore keys))
  (%make-slot-specification (slot-definition-name slotd)
                            :formula-p (subtypep (formulate::formulator-class slotd) 'formulate::formula-formulator-sink)
                            :initform (slot-definition-initform slotd)
                            :accessor (first (slot-definition-readers slotd))
                            :options nil))

(defmethod make-slot-specification ((name symbol) &rest keys)
  (apply #'%make-slot-specification name keys))

(defun slot-specification-form (spec)
  (list* (slot-specification-name spec)
         'formula-p (slot-specification-formula-p spec)
         :initform (slot-specification-initform spec)
         :accessor (slot-specification-accessor spec)
         (slot-specification-options spec)))

(define-presentation-method present ((spec slot-specification) (type slot-specification) *standard-output* view
  (present (slot-specification-name spec))
  (with-text-face (t :italic)
    (prin1 " Formula?: "))
  (present (slot-specification-formula-p spec) 'boolean)
  (with-text-face (t :italic)
    (if (slot-specification-formula-p spec)
        (prin1 " Formula: ")
        (prin1 " Initial Value: ")))
  (present (slot-specification-initform spec) 'form)
  (with-text-face (t :italic)
    (prin1 " Accessor: "))
  (present (slot-specification-accessor spec) 'symbol)
  (with-text-face (t :italic)
    (prin1 " Options: "))
  (present (slot-specification-options spec) 'form))

(define-presentation-translator peer-accessor (slot-specification form class-definer)
  (values `(my ,(slot-specification-name object)) 'expression t))

(define-presentation-translator peer-accessor (formulated-slot form class-definer)
  (values `(my ,(second (third object))) 'expression t))

(define-presentation-method accept ((type slot-specification) *standard-output* view &key default)
  (let (name formula-p initform accessor options)
    (accepting-values ()
      (setf name (apply #'accept 'symbol
                        :prompt "Name"
                        (when default
                          (list :default (slot-specification-name default)))))
      (setf formula-p (accept 'boolean
                              :prompt "Formula?"
                              :default (if default
                                           (slot-specification-formula-p default)
      (setf initform (apply #'accept 'expression
                            :prompt (if formula-p "Formula" "Initial Value")
                            :query-identifier :initform
                            (when default
                              (list :default (slot-specification-initform default)))))
      (setf accessor (apply #'accept 'symbol
                            :prompt "Accessor"
                            (when default
                              (list :default (slot-specification-accessor default)))))
      (setf options (accept 'expression
                            :prompt "Options"
                            :default (if default
                                         (slot-specification-options default)
    (make-slot-specification name :formula-p formula-p :initform initform :accessor accessor :options options)))

(define-modify-macro nconcf (place &rest lists)

(defun add-superclass (gadget)
  (declare (ignore gadget))
  (with-interaction ()
    (let ((class (accept 'symbol)))
      (nconcf (direct-superclasses *application-frame*) 
              (list class)))))

(defun add-slot (gadget)
  (declare (ignore gadget))
  (with-interaction ()
    (let ((slot (accept 'slot-specification)))
      (nconcf (direct-slots *application-frame*) 
              (list slot)))))

(defun add-option (gadget)
  (declare (ignore gadget))
  (with-interaction ()
    (let ((option (accept 'form)))
      (nconcf (options *application-frame*) 
              (list option)))))

(define-presentation-type superclass ()
  :inherit-from 'class)

(define-class-definer-command (com-remove-superclass)
    ((superclass 'superclass :gesture :describe))
  (setf (direct-superclasses *application-frame*)
        (remove superclass (direct-superclasses *application-frame*))))

(define-class-definer-command (com-change-superclass)
    ((superclass 'superclass :gesture :select))
  (with-interaction ()
    (setf (direct-superclasses *application-frame*) 
          (substitute (direct-superclasses *application-frame*)
                      (accept 'symbol :default superclass :prompt "New Superclass")

(define-class-definer-command (com-remove-slot)
    ((slot 'slot-specification :gesture :describe))
  (setf (direct-slots *application-frame*) (remove slot (direct-slots *application-frame*))))

(define-class-definer-command (com-change-slot)
    ((slot 'slot-specification :gesture :select))
  (with-interaction ()
    (setf (direct-slots *application-frame*) 
          (substitute (accept 'slot-specification :default slot)
                      (direct-slots *application-frame*)))))

(define-presentation-type class-option ()
  :inherit-from 'expression)

(define-presentation-method presentation-typep ((object cons) (type class-option))
  (and (symbolp (car object))
       (consp (cdr object))))

(define-class-definer-command (com-remove-option)
    ((option 'class-option :gesture :describe))
  (setf (options *application-frame*) (remove option (options *application-frame*))))

(define-class-definer-command (com-change-option)
    ((option 'class-option :gesture :select))
  (with-interaction ()
    (setf (options *application-frame*) 
          (substitute (accept 'class-option :default option)
                      (options *application-frame*)))))

(defun display-class-definition (*application-frame* *standard-output*)
  (with-look-and-feel-realization (*default-frame-manager* *application-frame*)
    (let ((interacting (eql (frame-current-layout *application-frame*) 'interacting)))
    (macrolet ((labelling ((&key label (newline-p t)) &body body)
                 `(surrounding-output-with-border (t)
                    (with-text-face (t :bold)
                      (princ ,label))
                    (write-char #\:)
                    ,(if newline-p
                        `(write-char #\space))
                    , at body)))
      (labelling (:label "Class Name" :newline-p nil)
        (princ (name *application-frame*)))
      (labelling (:label "Superclasses")
        (filling-output (t)
          (dolist (super (direct-superclasses *application-frame*))
            (with-output-as-presentation (t super 'superclass)
              (princ super))
            (write-char #\Space)))
        (with-output-as-gadget (t)
          (make-pane 'push-button :label "Add" :id 'add-superclass
                     :activate-callback #'add-superclass
                     :active-p (not interacting))))
      (labelling (:label "Slots")
        (dolist (spec (direct-slots *application-frame*))
          (present spec 'slot-specification :single-box t)
        (with-output-as-gadget (t)
          (make-pane 'push-button :label "Add" :id 'add-slot
                     :activate-callback #'add-slot
                     :active-p (not interacting))))
      (labelling (:label "Options")
        (dolist (option (options *application-frame*))
          (present option 'class-option)

[4 lines skipped]

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