[regex-coach] hanging

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Fri Jan 5 01:54:20 UTC 2007

On Thu, 04 Jan 2007 11:16:21 -0600, Billy Patton <bpatton at ti.com> wrote:

> Trying to use regex to determine if my regexp are correct.  When I
> use the shortened version it works fine.
> The long version hangs.

> The short version:
> relatedLayers=>\[([^,]+,?)+\],y=>1,z=>2
> relatedLayers=>[MET1,MET2,MET3,MET4,MET5,],

This doesn't match for me (assuming the first line is supposed to be
the regular expression and the second line is supposed to be the
target string).

> The long version
> ^boolean=>[ao][rn]d?,comment=>[^,]+,intraFigure=>[01],layer=>[^,]+,relatedLayers=>\[([^,]+,?)+\],relatedSpace=>\d+,square=>[01],value=>\d+$ 
> boolean=>and,comment=>comment,intraFigure=>1,layer=>MET1,relatedLayers=>[MET2,MET3,MET4,MET4],relatedSpace=>20,square=>0,value=>50 

This does match.  It doesn't hang, though - everything is working

How exactly does it hang for you?  It doesn't accept input anymore?
CPU usage is very high?


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