[rdnzl-devel] Re: rdnzl, multiprocessing, Allegro, windows, locking

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Wed Dec 27 21:56:09 UTC 2006

[Please use the mailing list.]

On Mon, 25 Dec 2006 13:17:28 -0800, "Richard Fateman" <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> We're using Allegro CL, and microsoft's ink routines, which
> ultimately return to us "strokes" which we can decompose as arrays
> of points, each containing an X and a Y.
> This decomposition, as we have written it, crosses the lisp - .net
> boundary too often.  Presumably with the right magic, we can just
> access the arrays once.  Suggestions?  (I'd rather do this
> extraction in Lisp....)
> ;;; Here's our way convert a stroke to a list of (x . y) points.
> (defun decode-one-stroke (as) ;a stroke
>   (let ((netarray
> 	 [GetPoints as])
> 	(list-of-points nil))
>     (do-rdnzl-array (v netarray (nreverse list-of-points))
>       (push (cons [%X v ][%Y v]) list-of-points)
>       )))

Have you tried "direct calls"?


This might yield a noticeable performance gain, but the main problem
of crossing the boundary too often will still be there.

Right now, there's no way to overcome this.  You'd have to write low
level C++ code using something like (the equivalent of) LispWork's
WITH-DYNAMIC-LISP-ARRAY-POINTER on the Lisp side to get a .NET array
into the Lisp world in one fell swoop.  But this would solve only half
of it, as you'd still have to get at the x/y coordinates of each
point, crossing the boundary once again.  ATM I have no idea how a
general solution could look like.


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