[rdnzl-devel] boxing floats

Andrew K. Wolven awolven at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 21 00:51:57 UTC 2005

RDNZL always boxes single-floats as System.Double instead of System.Single 
(in ACL at least).  In the case of constructors or other methods that take 
System.Single instead of System.Double you have to cast them after you box 
them or the method won't work, which is a pain in the butt.  I would fix it 
myself (I think it's in RDNZL.dll) but I have an older version of MSVC++.

CL-USER(875): (box 1.0d0)
#<RDNZL::CONTAINER System.Double #x1f46548>
CL-USER(876): (box 1.0)
#<RDNZL::CONTAINER System.Double #x1f465c8>
CL-USER(877): (box 1.0f0)
#<RDNZL::CONTAINER System.Double #x1f465f8>

Thanks for all your work.  Every time I think RDNZL doesn't do that, I 
[usually] experiment enough and find out I'm wrong.  Maybe that's the case 
here. :)


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