[rdnzl-devel] Re: RDNZL

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Fri Dec 24 01:05:17 UTC 2004


Please use the mailing list for bug reports and questions. Thanks.

On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 16:06:22 -0600, "Francisco Rivera" <jfrivera56 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I have 2 problems:
> 1) with
> (defun message-box (text &optional (caption "Message"))
>   [Equals [MessageBox.Show text caption  [$MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel]]
>           [$DialogResult.OK]])
> the following problems appears when I use Spanish characters:
> (message-box "botón")
> Error: External format FLI:ASCII-WCHAR got error writing #<Pointer to type
> FLI::WCHAR-T = #x008B0258> at position 2: Non-ASCII character #\ó.

That was an oversight of mine, sorry.  I forgot to specify an external
format in port-lw.lisp.  Please try the 0.4.4 release which should fix

> 2) How I can create a push button event (Click)?
> The following is not working:
> (use-package :rdnzl)
> (enable-rdnzl-syntax)
> (import-types "System.Windows.Forms"
>               "Application" "DockStyle" "Form" 
>               "KeyPressEventHandler" 
>               "MessageBox" "MessageBoxButtons" "DialogResult" 
>               "TextBox" "Button" "Label")
> (import-types "System.Drawing" "Point")
> (use-namespace "System.Windows.Forms")
> (use-namespace "System.Drawing")
> (let ()
>   (defun clicked ()
>     (message-box "Boton presionado")))
> (defun make-control (tipo &optional (x 0) (y 0) (texto ""))
>   (let ((ctl (new tipo))
>         (pto (new "Point")))
>     (setf (property pto "X") x
>           (property pto "Y") y
>           (property ctl "Location") pto
>           (property ctl "Text") texto)
>     ctl))
> (defun calculator ()
>   (let ((forma (new "Form"))
>         (tb1 (make-control "TextBox" 0 0))
>         (tb2 (make-control "TextBox" 100 0))
>         (etiq (make-control "Label" 0 75))
>         (boton (make-control "Button" 0 25 "ADD")))
>     (setf (property forma "Text") "Lisp.Net Calculator")
>     (invoke (property forma "Controls") "Add" boton)
>     (invoke (property forma "Controls") "Add" tb1)
>     (invoke (property forma "Controls") "Add" tb2)
>     (invoke (property forma "Controls") "Add" etiq)
>     [+Click boton (new "EventHandler" #'clicked)]
>     [Application.Run forma]
>     forma))
>> (calculator)
> Error: Trying to call function RDNZL::%INVOKE-CONSTRUCTOR with NULL object

At least two things need to be fixed in the code above:

1. You forgot to import the type "System.EventHandler" which you need.
   That's actually the cause for the error message - you should have
   checked the backtrace.  Add these two lines:

     (import-type "System.EventHandler") 
     (use-namespace "System")

2. CLICKED has the wrong signature.  It'll get two arguments like any
   event handler and you have to specify them:

     (defun CLICKED (object event)

   Of course, you can IGNORE them if you want.

I hope that'll bring you on the right track.  Let me know if you still
have problems.


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