Wild pathnames

Antoniotti Marco antoniotti.marco at disco.unimib.it
Tue Mar 18 16:01:38 UTC 2014

On Mar 18, 2014, at 03:55 , Faré <fahree at gmail.com<mailto:fahree at gmail.com>> wrote:

Is there a mailing-list where to report such issues, and where to
contact vendors so they fix their bugs?

Each vendor has his/her own mailing list or other contact point where to submit bug reports and other requests.  It looks like most vendors are here though.

mkdir -p /tmp/x ; touch "/tmp/x/" ; for i in sbcl ccl clisp cmucl ecl
abcl scl allegro lispworks gcl xcl ; do echo $i ; cl -l $i -iw '(let
((x (directory "/tmp/x/"))) (list "'$i'" x (pathname-name (first
x))))' ; done #cl

Escape properly:
("sbcl" (#P"/tmp/x/\\") "")
("cmucl" (#P"/tmp/x/\\") "")
("ccl" (#P"/tmp/x/\\") "\\")
("lispworks" (#P"/tmp/x/\\") "\\")
("scl" (#P"file://localhost/tmp/x/") "")

Read badly:
("clisp" (#P"/tmp/x/*") :WILD)
("ecl" (#P"/tmp/x/*") :WILD)
("allegro" (#P"/tmp/x/*") :WILD)
("xcl" (#P"/tmp/x/*") :WILD)

Error out:
Fatal condition:
Bad place for a wild pathname.

Fatal condition:
Condition in LET [or a callee]: INTERNAL-SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR: File error
on "/tmp/x/": File "/tmp/x/" is wild

Some of the results are obviously erroneous, but I don’t quite understand some of the others… (my POSIX-fu being very rusty).

The script you posted is (reformatted)

mkdir -p /tmp/x # Creates directory /tmp/x/
touch "/tmp/x/“ # What is the intended effect here?
for i in sbcl ccl clisp cmucl ecl abcl scl allegro lispworks gcl xcl
    echo $i
    cl -l $i -iw '(let ((x (directory "/tmp/x/"))) (list "'$i'" x (pathname-name (first x))))'
done #cl

If you execute the first two commands on a Mac the result is a just to create the /tmp/x/ directory.

The call to DIRECTORY in CCL then returns:

Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.8-store-r15418  (DarwinX8664)!
? (directory "/tmp/x/")
(#P"/private/tmp/x/“) ; Which may be correct by interpreting the CLHS.

The call to DIRECTORY in LW returns

CL-USER 1 > (directory "/tmp/x/")
NIL ; Which may be not be appropriate...

In SBCL you get

This is SBCL 1.0.49, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>.

SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses.  See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.

* (directory "/tmp/x/")
(#P"/private/tmp/x/“) ; Which may be correct; ditto.

In SBCL and CCL the PATHNAME-NAME returned is NIL.  I would have expected no escaping and NIL as pathname names.


Marco Antoniotti

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