setf not working

Alessio Stalla alessiostalla at
Thu Oct 3 07:17:15 UTC 2013

This sounds really weird. Are you providing the full (setq) form to those
macros, or the var and value separately? The fact that '(0 0) does not work
but (list 0 0) does smells like there's some compiler macro triggering on
(constantp value).

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Didier Verna <didier at> wrote:

>   Hello,
> yesterday, I fell on something extremely weird, or at least, which I
> currently fail to understand. Basically, after a (defvar *var*), there
> are times when (setq *var* '(0 0)) doesn't work (the previous value of
> *var* remains in effect).
> I cannot currently provide a minimal example because the situation
> involves several levels of nested macro / function calls in code I
> didn't write (*var* is solely mine though).
> At first, I thought I had fallen on a compiler bug, but I get the same
> behavior with at least 3 lisp implementations.
> I ultimately found a workaround, consisting in using (list 0 0) instead
> of '(0 0) in the assignment. I'm hoping this would be a clue to someone
> here to get at least a direction for investigating...
> Thanks.
> --
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> Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

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