Looking for CDR volunteers

Nick Levine ndl at ravenbrook.com
Wed Nov 6 09:19:02 UTC 2013

> From: Antoniotti Marco <antoniotti.marco at disco.unimib.it>
> Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 09:02:11 +0000
> Hi
> I think I can volunteer for the job (alongside whomever else wants
> to pitch in).
> My only reservation is that in the past I have been involved with
> the CLURFI failure and I would like to be sure that there weren’t
> any bad feelings about that before taking up this task.  Let me just
> say that all in all it was, in retrospect, a good experience with
> lot of things learnt in the process.

Looking back on it, CLRFI was much too heavy handed. CDR went the
other way and has been very lightweight, which I think explains why
it's been so much more successful. The important thing about mistakes
is to learn from them, and I'm sure we did.

Good luck with this!

- nick

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